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《天堂与地狱》 第201节






201. 有必要知道天堂的形式是什么样, 因为它不仅决定了那里的一切联系, 还决定了一切相互交流, 并由此决定了思维和情感的一切延伸, 进而决定了天使的一切聪明和智慧. 由此可知, 那里的每个人处于天堂形式, 因而成为天堂形式的程度就决定了他智慧的程度. 或说“处于天堂的形式”, 或说“处于天堂的秩序”, 意思都一样, 因为任何事物的形式都出自并取决于它的秩序.

注: 天堂的形式是符合神序的形式(天国的奥秘 4040-4043, 6607, 9877节).



201. 我們有必要瞭解天國是何形態, 因為它不僅決定了天人們彼此之間如何交往, 也決定了他們一切的交流如何發生。因為他們一切的交流也是他們思維與情感的延伸, 這就是天人一切的聰明和智慧。因此, 這就是為何我們合乎天國的形態的程度決定了我們智慧如何。或說"合乎天國的形態,"或說"合乎天國的設計,"兩者是一致的, 因為事物的形態來自於它的設計, 並決定於設計。

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Heaven and Hell #201 (NCE, 2000)

201. We need to know what heaven's form is like because it determines not only how angels associate with each other but also how all their communication takes place; and since all their communication is also an outreach of their thoughts and affections, this means all their intelligence and wisdom. This is why the extent to which we are in heaven's form (are forms of heaven) determines how wise we are. It amounts to the same thing whether you say "in heaven's form" or "in heaven's design," since the form of any entity comes from its design and is determined by it. 1


1. Heaven's form is a form that follows from the divine design: 4040-4043, 6607, 9877.


Heaven and Hell #201 (Harley, 1958)

201. It is important to know what the form of heaven is, since not only are all associated in accord with it, but also all communication is in accordance with that form, and in consequence of this communication, all extension of thoughts and affections, thus all the intelligence and wisdom of the angels. From this it follows that so far as anyone is in the form of heaven, that is, so far as he is a form of heaven, to that extent he is wise. It makes no difference whether you say being in the form of heaven or in the order of heaven, since the form of anything is from its order and in accordance with its order. 1


1. The form of heaven is according to Divine order (Arcana Coelestia 4040-4043, 6607, 9877).


Heaven and Hell #201 (Ager, 1900)

201. It is important to know what the form of heaven is, because not only is all affiliation there in accordance with it, but also all mutual communication, and in consequence of this all extension of thoughts and affections, and thus all the intelligence and wisdom of angels. From this it follows that each one there is wise just to the extent that he is in the form of heaven, and is thus a form of heaven. It makes no difference whether you say in the form of heaven, or in the order of heaven, since the form of any thing is from its order and in accordance with its order. 1


1. The form of heaven is a form in accordance with the Divine order (4040-4043, 6607, 9877).


De Coelo et de Inferno #201 (original Latin)

201. Interest scire qualis forma caeli est, quoniam non modo secundum illam omnes consociati sunt, sed etiam secundum illam fit omnis communicatio, et quia omnis communicatio etiam fit omnis extensio cogitationum et affectionum, proinde omnis intelligentia et sapientia angelorum. Inde est, quod quantum aliquis in forma caeli est, ita quantum est forma caeli, tantum sapiens sit. Sive dicas esse in forma caeli, sive in ordine caeli, eodem recidit, quoniam forma cujusvis rei est ex ordine, et secundum illum. 1


1. Quod forma caeli sit forma secundum ordinem Divinum (4040-4043, 6607, 9877).

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