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属天的奥秘 第9877节



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Potts(1905-1910) 9877

9877. With the engravings of a signet. That this signifies according to the heavenly form, is evident from the signification of "the engravings of a signet," as being the heavenly form (see n. 9846). As regards the heavenly form, it is according to this form that all the societies in the heavens, and thus all truths from good, have been set in order; for the angels in the heavens are receptions of truths from good. The Divine good that proceeds from the Lord creates this form. According to this form flow all the affections which are of love, and consequently all the thoughts which are of faith; for according to it these diffuse themselves into the angelic societies, and make a communion. From this it is that those who are in the good of love to the Lord, and from this in the truths of faith, are in a very free state of willing and thinking. But those who are not in this good, and consequently not in the truths thence derived, are in a state of slavery; for they will and think from themselves, and not from the Lord, from whom is this heavenly form. But the nature of this form cannot be comprehended in detail, for the reason that it transcends all understanding.

Elliott(1983-1999) 9877

9877. 'With the engravings of a signet' means in accord with the heavenly pattern. This is clear from the meaning of 'the engravings of a signet' as the heavenly pattern, dealt with in 9846. As regards what the heavenly pattern is, it is the one which all the communities in heaven have been arranged in accordance with. Thus it is the pattern in accordance with which all truths springing from good have been arranged into order; for the angels in heaven are recipients of truths springing from good, the Divine Good emanating from the Lord being the creator of that pattern. In accordance with that pattern all the affections belonging to love, and from this all the thoughts belonging to faith flow; indeed in accordance with that pattern they spread out into the angelic communities and place them in communion with one another. So it is that those with whom the good of love to the Lord resides, and springing from this good the truths of faith, are in the greatest state of freedom in willing and thinking. But those with whom that good and consequently truths springing from it do not reside are in a state of bondage; for their will and thought begin in self and not the Lord, the creator of that pattern. But it is not possible to have a detailed knowledge of what that pattern is like, because it lies beyond human understanding.

Latin(1748-1756) 9877

9877. `Sculpturis sigilli': quod significet ad formam caelestem, constat ex significatione `sculpturarum sigilli' quod sint forma caelestis, de qua n. 9846. Quod formam caelestem attinet, est illa secundum quam omnes societates {1} in caelis ordinatae sunt, ita secundum quam omnia vera ex bono; nam angeli in caelis sunt receptiones verorum ex bono; Divinum Bonum procedens a Domino creat illam formam; secundum illam formam fluunt omnes affectiones quae amoris, et inde omnes cogitationes quae fidei, {2}quippe secundum illam se diffundunt in societates angelicas et faciunt communionem; inde est quod qui in bono amoris in Dominum sunt et inde in veris fidei, in liberrimo statu volendi et cogitandi sint; qui autem non in illo bono sunt et consequenter {3}in veris inde, in statu servo sunt, nam a semet et non a Domino, a quo illa forma, volunt et cogitant. Sed qualis illa forma sit, non singillatim comprehendi potest, {4}ex causa quia transcendit omnem intelligentiam. @1 i angelicae$ @2 nam$ @3 non in vero$ @4 i ne quidem ab angelis,$

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