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《圣爱与圣智》 第15节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #15 (Dole (2003))

15. The reason reality is not reality unless it is manifested is that before that happens it has no form, and if it has no form it has no attributes. Anything that has no attributes is not really anything. Whatever is manifest on the basis of its reality is one with that reality because it stems from that reality. This is the basis of their being united into a single entity, and this is why each belongs to the other reciprocally, with each being wholly present in every detail of the other, as it is in itself.

Divine Love and Wisdom #15 (Rogers (1999))

15. Being is not being unless it has expression, because prior to that it has no form, and if it has no form it has no character, and whatever has no character is not anything.

That which has expression as a result of being is united with the being by virtue of the fact that it is an expression of the being. The consequent effect is a union into one; and so it is that each mutually and reciprocally is the complement of the other, and that each is the all in all things of the other as it is in itself.

Divine Love and Wisdom #15 (Harley and Harley (1969))

15. Esse is not Esse unless it exists because before this it is not in a form, and if it is not in a form it has no quality, and that which has no quality is not anything. That which exists from Esse makes one with it by reason that it is from Esse. From this there is a uniting into one, hence it is that the one is the other's mutually and reciprocally, and the one is the all in all of the other as in itself.

Divine Love and Wisdom #15 (Ager (1890))

15. Esse is not Esse unless it Exists, because until then it is not in a form, and if not in a form it has no quality; and what has no quality is not anything. That which Exists from Esse, for the reason that it is from Esse, makes one with it. From this there is a uniting of the two into one; and from this each is the others mutually and interchangeably, and each is all in all things of the other as in itself.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #15 (original Latin,1763)

15. Quod Esse non sit Esse nisi Existat, est quia non prius est in forma, et si non est in forma non habet quale, et quod non habet quale non est aliquid. Illud quod ex Esse Existit, unum facit cum Esse per id quod sit ex Esse; inde est unitio in unum, et inde est quod unum sit alterius mutuo et vicissim, tum quod unum sit omne in omnibus alterius sicut in se.

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