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《圣爱与圣智》 第0节





1.1 爱是人的生命(1-3节)

1.2 唯独神,因而唯独主是爱本身,因为祂是生命本身,天使和世人是生命的接受者(4-6节)

1.3 神性不在空间中(7-10节)

1.4 神正是一位人(11-13节)

1.5 神-人里面的存在和显现是有区别的一体(14-16节)

1.6 神-人里面的无限事物是有区别的一体(17-22节)

1.7 神-人只有一位,万物皆源于祂(23-27节)

1.8 神性本质本身是爱与智慧(28-33节)

1.9 神性之爱属于神性智慧,神性智慧属于神性之爱(34-39节)

1.10 神性之爱与神性智慧是物质与形式(40-43节)

1.11 神性之爱与神性智慧本身就是物质与形式,因而是绝对的独一无二者(44-46节)

1.12 神性之爱与神性智慧必在它所创造的其它事物中存在并显现(47-51节)

1.13 宇宙万物是由神-人的神性之爱与神性智慧创造的(52-54节)

1.14 受造宇宙中的一切事物都是神-人的神性之爱与神性智慧的接受者(55-60节)

1.15 一切受造物都以某种形像与人有相似之处(61-64节)

1.16 一切受造物的功用都按层级从最低的受造形式上升到人类,再通过人类上升到创造他们的神造物主那里(65-68节)

1.17 神性充满宇宙的一切空间,却无关空间(69-72节)

1.18 神性在一切时间之中,却无关时间(73-76节)

1.19 神性在最大和最小事物上是一样的(77-82节)


2.1 神性之爱与神性智慧在灵界显为一轮太阳(83-88节)

2.2 热与光从神性之爱与神性智慧所产生的太阳发出(89-92节)

2.3 灵界太阳不是神,而是神-人的神性之爱与神性智慧的一种发出;这太阳的热与光也是如此(93-98节)

2.4 属灵的热与光在从显为太阳的主发出时构成一体,正如祂的神性之爱与神性智慧构成一体(99-102节)

2.5 灵界太阳出现在中间高度处,距离天使犹如自然界的太阳距离世人那样遥远(103-107节)

2.6 在灵界,太阳和天使之间的距离只是一种表象,它取决于天使对神性之爱和神性智慧的接受(108-112节)

2.7 天使在主里面,主在天使里面;由于天使只是容器,故唯独主是天堂(113-118节)

2.8 在灵界,东方是主显为一轮太阳之处,由此确定其它方位(119-123节)

2.9 在灵界,方位不是由显为太阳的主创造的,而是由天使照其接受创造的(124-128节)

2.10 天使始终将脸转向显为太阳的主,因而右边是南方,左边是北方,背面是西方(129-134节)

2.11 天使的一切内层,无论心智的还是身体的,都转向显为太阳的主(135-139节)

2.12 每个灵人,无论其品质如何,都以同样的方式转向他的主导爱(140-145节)

2.13 从显为太阳的主发出并产生天堂的热与光的神性之爱与神性智慧就是发出的神性,也就是圣灵(146-150节)

2.14 主通过作为神性之爱与神性智慧的最先发出的太阳创造宇宙及其万物(151-156节)

2.15 自然界的太阳纯粹是火,因而是死的;自然界也是死的,因为它起源于这太阳(157-162节)

2.16 没有一生一死这两个太阳,创造是不可能的(163-166节)

2.17 创造的目的存在于末层,这目的就是使一切事物都能回归造物主,使结合能发生(167-172节)


3.1 灵界有大气、水、陆地,和自然界一样;只不过前者是属灵的,而后者是属世的(173-178节)

3.2 爱与智慧有层级之分,因而热、光、大气也有层级之分(179-183节)

3.3 层级分为两种,即高度层级和广度层级(184-188节)

3.4 高度层级是同质的,一个相继来自另一个,如同目的、原因和结果(189-194节)

3.5 最初层级是随后层级全部中的全部(195-198节)

3.6 一切完美唯独随着层级并照着层级增加和上升(199-204节)

3.7 在先后秩序中,第一层级构成最高元素,第三层级构成最低元素;而在同步秩序中,第一层级构成最内在的元素,第三层级构成最外在的元素(205-208节)

3.8 最终层级是在先层级的复合物、容器和基础(209-216节)

3.9 高度层级以完全和能力存在于其最终层级中(217-221节)

3.10 这两种层级存在于一切受造物中,无论最大的还是最小的(222-229节)

3.11 主里面的三个高度层级是无限和非受造的,而人里面的这三个层级是有限和受造的(230-235节)

3.12 每个人生来都有这三个高度层级,它们可依次被打开;随着它们被打开,人在主里面,主在人里面(236-241节)

3.13 属灵之光能通过这三个层级流入人内,但属灵之热不能,除非人避恶如罪,并仰望主(242-247节)

3.14 如果更高层级,也就是属灵层没有在人里面被打开,他就会变得属世和感官化(248-255节)

3.15 就本身而言,人类心智的属世层级是连续的,但因着与两个更高层级的对应关系,当被提升时,它看似被分成各个层次(256-259节)

3.16 属世心智因是人类心智更高层级的覆盖物和容器,故是有反作用的;如果更高层级没有被打开,它就会反对它们;但如果它们被打开了,它就会与它们协调一致(260-263节)

3.17 邪恶的根源来自对人类所固有、被称为理性和自由的官能的滥用(264-270节)

3.18 邪恶和虚假与良善和真理完全对立,因为邪恶和虚假是属魔鬼和地狱的,而良善和真理是属神和天堂的(271-276节)

3.19 属于属世心智的三个层级的一切都包含在通过身体动作所完成的行为中(277-281节)


4.1 永恒之主,就是耶和华,从祂自己,而非从无创造了宇宙及其万物(282-284节)

4.2 永恒之主,也就是耶和华,若不是一位人,就无法创造宇宙及其万物(285-289节)

4.3 永恒之主,也就是耶和华,从祂自己产生灵界太阳,又从这太阳创造了宇宙及其万物(290-295节)

4.4 主里面有系主的三种要素,即爱的神性、智慧的神性和功用的神性;这三要素表面上显现在灵界太阳之外,爱的神性显为热,智慧的神性显为光,功用的神性显为大气,也就是包含它们的媒介(296-301节)

4.5 灵界和自然界各有三层大气,这些大气以其最终形式终止于诸如出现在地上的那类物质和材料中(302-304节)

4.6 形成大地的物质和材料没有丝毫神性本身的东西在里面,但它们依然起源于神性本身(305-306节)

4.7 作为创造目的的一切功用皆存在于形式中,它们从诸如出现在地上的那类物质和材料中取得这些形式(307-318节)

4.8 从功用的角度看,受造宇宙的一切事物类似一个人的形像,这证明神是一位人(319-326节)

4.9 主所创造的一切事物皆为功用,就它们与人有关,并通过人与它们所源于的主有关的秩序、层级和方面而言,它们就是功用(327-335节)

4.10 恶用不是主创造的,而是与地狱一起产生的(336-348节)

4.11 受造宇宙中的可见事物证明,无论过去还是现在,自然界都没有产生任何东西,一切事物都是由神性出于自己通过灵界产生的(349-357节)


5.1 主在人里面为自己创造并形成了两个容器和居所,被称为意愿和理解力;意愿是为神性之爱,理解力是为神性智慧(358-361节)

5.2 意愿和理解力,也就是爱和智慧的容器,存在于脑里面,在它的整体和每个部分中,并由此存在于身体里面,在它的整体和每个部分中(362-370节)

5.3 意愿与心存在一种对应关系,理解力与肺存在一种对应关系(371-393节)

5.4 关于意愿和理解力,或爱和智慧,因而关于人类灵魂所能知道的一切事,都可从心与意愿并理解力与肺的对应关系中得知(394-431节)

5.5 受孕时人的初始形态或雏形及其性质(432节)


Divine Love and Wisdom (Emanuel Swedenborg, 1763)

Table of Contents

Part 1:

1. Love is our life.(1-3)

2. God alone—the Lord—is love itself, because he is life itself. Both we on earth and angels are life-receivers.(4-6)

3. Divinity is not in space.(7-10)

4. God is the essential person.(11-13)

5. In the Divine-Human One, reality and its manifestation are both distinguishable and united.(14-16)

6. In the Divine-Human One, infinite things are distinguishably one.(17-22)

7. There is one human God who is the source of everything.(23-27)

8. The true divine essence is love and wisdom.(28-33)

9. Divine love is a property of divine wisdom, and divine wisdom is a property of divine love.(34-39)

10. Divine love and wisdom is substance and is form.(40-43)

11. Divine love and wisdom are substance and form in and of themselves, and are therefore wholly “itself” and unique.(44-46)

12. Divine love and wisdom cannot fail to be and to be manifested in others that it has created.(47-51)

13. Everything in the universe was created by the divine love and wisdom of the Divine-Human One.(52-54)

14. Everything in the created universe is a vessel for the divine love and wisdom of the Divine-Human One.(55-60)

15. All the things that have been created reflect the human in some respect.(61-64)

16. The useful functions of everything created tend upward, step by step, from the lowest to us, and through us to God the Creator, their source.(65-68)

17. Divinity fills all space in the universe nonspatially.(69-72)

18. Divinity is in all time, nontemporally.(73-76)

19. Divinity is the same in the largest and smallest things.(77-82)

Part 2:

20. In the spiritual world, divine love and wisdom look like a sun.(83-88)

21. Warmth and light emanates from the sun that arises from divine love and wisdom.(89-92)

22. That sun is not God. Rather, it is an emanation from the divine love and wisdom of the Divine-Human One. The same is true of warmth and light from that sun.(93-98)

23. The spiritual warmth and light that result from the emanation from the Lord as the sun form a single whole just as his divine love and wisdom do.(99-102)

24. The sun of the spiritual world is seen at a middle elevation, as far from angels as our physical world’s sun is from us.(103-107)

25. The distance between the sun and angels in the spiritual world is an apparent distance that depends on their acceptance of divine love and wisdom.(108-112)

26. Angels are in the Lord and the Lord is in them; and since angels are vessels, the Lord alone is heaven.(113-118)

27. The east in the spiritual world is where the Lord is seen as the sun, and the other directions follow from that.(119-123)

28. The regions in the spiritual world are not caused by the Lord as the sun but by the angels, depending on their receptivity.(124-128)

29. Angels always face the Lord as the sun, so south is on their right, north on their left, and west behind them.(129-134)

30. Everything in the deeper reaches of angels’ minds and bodies alike is turned toward the Lord as the sun.(135-139)

31. Every kind of spirit turns toward her or his ruling love in the same way.(140-145)

32. The divine love and wisdom that emanate from the Lord as the sun and constitute heaven’s warmth and light is the emanating Divinity that is the Holy Spirit.(146-150)

33. The Lord created the universe and everything in it by means of that sun that is the first emanation of divine love and wisdom.(151-156)

34. The physical world’s sun is nothing but fire and is therefore dead; and since nature has its origin in that sun, nature is dead.(157-162)

35. There would be no creation if it were not for this pair of suns, one living and one dead.(163-166)

36. The goal of creation—that everything should return to the Creator and that there should be a union— becomes manifest in outermost forms.(167-172)

Part 3:

37. There are atmospheres, liquids, and solids in the spiritual world just as there are in the physical world, but they are spiritual, while ours are physical.(173-178)

38. There are levels of love and wisdom, consequent levels of warmth and light, and also levels of atmosphere.(179-183)

39. There are two kinds of levels, vertical levels and horizontal levels.(184-188)

40. Vertical levels are matched in kind, with one following from another in sequence like a purpose, a means, and a result.(189-194)

41. The first level is the sum and substance of all the levels.(195-198)

42. All processes of perfection increase and rise by and according to levels.(199-204)

43. In a sequential arrangement, the first level is the highest and the third the lowest, while in a simultaneous arrangement, the first level is the center and the third level is the circumference.(205-208)

44. The final level is the composite, vessel, and foundation of the prior levels.(209-216)

45. The vertical levels find their full realization and power in their final form.(217-221)

46. There are levels of both kinds in everything that has been created, no matter how large or small.(222-229)

47. There are three infinite and uncreated vertical levels in the Lord, and three finite and created levels in us.(230-235)

48. These three vertical levels exist in each of us from birth and can be opened in sequence. As they are opened, we are in the Lord and the Lord is in us.(236-241)

49. Spiritual light f lows in within us through three levels, but not spiritual warmth except to the extent that we abstain from evils as sins and turn to the Lord.(242-247)

50. If that higher level, the spiritual level, is not opened in us, we become focused on the physical world and our sense impressions.(248-255)

51. In its own right, the earthly level of the human mind is a continuum, but because of its responsiveness to the two higher levels, it seems to have distinct levels when it is raised up.(256-259)

52. The earthly mind, being the envelope and vessel of the higher levels of the human mind, is reactive. If the higher levels are not opened, it acts against them; whereas if they are opened, it acts with them.(260-263)

53. The origin of evil is in the abuse of the abilities proper to us called rationality and freedom.(264-270)

54. Evil and false things are absolutely opposed to good and true things because evil and false things are demonic and hellish, while good and true things are divine and heavenly.(271-276)

55. Everything in the three levels of the earthly mind is enclosed in the works that are done by our physical actions.(277-281)

Part 4:

56. The Lord from eternity, who is Jehovah, created the universe and everything in it not from nothing but from himself.(282-284)

57. The Lord from eternity, or Jehovah, could not have created the universe and everything in it except as a person.(285-289)

58. The Lord from eternity, or Jehovah, brought forth the sun of the spiritual world out of himself, and created the universe and all its contents from it.(290-295)

59. There are three things in the Lord that are the Lord—a divine element of love, a divine element of wisdom, and a divine element of service. These three things are made visible outside the sun of the spiritual world—the divine element of love through its warmth, the divine element of wisdom through its light, and the divine element of service through the atmospheres that enclose it.(296-301)

60. The atmospheres—three in number in each world, spiritual and physical—in their final forms terminate in the kinds of material substance characteristic of our earth.(302-304)

61. There is nothing of absolute Divinity in the material substances that make up earth, but they are still derived from absolute Divinity.(305-306)

62. All useful functions, which are the goals of creation, are in forms, and they get these forms from the material substances characteristic of earth.(307-318)

63. From a functional point of view, everything in the created universe is in our image; and this testifies that God is human.(319-326)

64. All of the Lord’s creations are useful functions; and they are useful functions in the sequence, on the level, and in the specific way that they relate to humanity and through humanity to the Lord, their source.(327-335)

65. Evil functions were not created by the Lord. Rather, they came into being along with hell.(336-348)

66. What we can see in the created universe bears witness to the fact that nature has brought forth nothing and contents ix brings forth nothing. Divinity brings forth everything from itself, and does so through the spiritual world.(349-357)

Part 5:

67. The Lord has created and formed within us two vessels and dwellings for himself called volition and discernment. Volition is for his divine love and discernment for his divine wisdom.(358-361)

68. Volition and discernment, the vessels of love and wisdom, are in the whole brain and every part of it and therefore in the whole body and every part of it.(362-370)

69. There is a correspondence between volition and the heart and between discernment and the lungs.(371-393)

70. From the correspondence of the heart with volition and the lungs with discernment, we can learn everything that can be known about volition and discernment or love and wisdom—everything, therefore, that can be known about the human soul.(394-431)

71. The nature of our first stage after conception. (432)
