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属天的奥秘 第5420节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5420

5420. And bowed down themselves to him with their faces to the earth. That this signifies humiliation, is evident from the signification of "bowing down themselves," as being humiliation (see n. 2153), and of "with their faces to the earth," as being the humiliation of adoration (n. 1999). By humiliation here is not meant humiliation from acknowledgment, thus internal humiliation, but external humiliation, because it was in the presence of the governor of the land in accordance with established custom. That not internal but external humiliation is meant, is because there was not yet correspondence, and through correspondence conjunction. When the natural is in this state it can indeed humble itself, even to the last degree, but only from acquired habit. It is a gesture without the genuine affection that produces it, thus it is of the body without its soul. Such is the humiliation here meant.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5420

5420. 'And bowed down to him, faces to the earth' means an expression of humility. This is clear from the meaning of 'bowing down' as an expression of humility, dealt with in 2153, and of 'faces to the earth' as a reverent expression of humility, 1999. The phrase 'expression of humility' is not used here to mean that which arises out of acknowledgement or recognition and is therefore an inward humility. Rather, an outward humility is meant, because such a bowing down was the accepted way to behave in front of the governor of the land. No inward, only outward humility is meant because as yet no agreement existed, no agreement leading to a joining together. When such is the state of the natural it can indeed humble itself, doing so to the utmost; yet this is no more than an acquired habit. It is a posture devoid of genuine affection as the producer of it, and so is a bodily action lacking its own true soul. This kind of an expression of humility is meant here.

Latin(1748-1756) 5420

5420. `Et incurvarunt se ei facies ad terram': quod significet humiliationem, constat ex significatione `incurvare se' quod sit humiliatio, de qua n. 2153, et `facies ad terram' quod sit {1}humiliatio adorationis, n. 1999; per humiliationem hic non intelligitur humiliatio ex agnitione, et inde humiliatio interna, sed humiliatio externa, quia erat coram dominatore terrae ex more recepto; quod non humiliatio interna sed externa intelligatur, est quia nondum erat correspondentia, et per correspondentiam conjunctio {2}; cum naturale in eo statu est, tunc quidem humiliare se potest, et quoque in summo gradu, sed solum ex assumpto per usum; {3} est gestus absque affectione genuina producente illum, ita est corporeum quid absque sua anima; talis humiliatio hic intelligitur. @1 humiliationis adoratio$ @2 i quoniam absque medio$ @3 i et$

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