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属天的奥秘 第2603节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2603

2603. There are some Gentiles from those regions where they are black, who bring with them from their life in the world a wish to be treated severely; believing that no one can come into heaven except through punishments and afflictions, and that they will afterwards receive more gladsome things, which they call paradisal. As they have such ideas from their religion they are at first treated severely in the other life by some whom they call devils, and are afterwards taken to the paradises already described (n. 1622). But they are instructed by the angels that their punishments and afflictions are turned by the Lord into what is good for them, as with those who are in temptations; also that paradisal things are not heaven, but that heaven is the affection of the celestial and spiritual things that are in them; and that they have been in a certain way of truth, although in the shade of ignorance. They spoke with me a long time. While in their state of affliction their speech was attended with a kind of collision; thus was distinct from that of others; but after their afflictions were over, and they were taken up to the paradises, they no longer had such a speech, but one that was almost angelic. From their religion they have that they believe, and desire to have interior things. They said that whenever they are treated severely they are black; but that they shortly put off the blackness, and put on whiteness; knowing that their souls are white, but their bodies black.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2603

2603. There are some gentiles from those regions where the people are black who bring with them from life in the world the desire to be treated harshly, for they believe that nobody can enter heaven except through punishment and affliction, and that only after that will they receive more gladsome things which they call paradise-like. Since they have with them such ideas derived from their religion, they are in the next life treated harshly at first by some whom they call devils, and are after that taken to the paradise gardens described in 1622. But they are taught by the angels that those punishments and afflictions are converted by the Lord into that which for those gentiles is good, as He does for those undergoing temptations. They are also told that the paradise gardens are not heaven but the affection for celestial and spiritual things that are within them, and that they have been in a certain way of truth, yet in the shadow cast by ignorance. They talked to me for a long time. While they were going through the state of afflictions their speech involved a sort of click,a and so was a different kind of speech from that used by others. But once the afflictions were over and they had been brought to those paradise gardens, their speech was no longer such but almost angelic. Also derived from their religion, in which they believe, they have the wish to possess interior things. They said that when they are being treated harshly they are black but that afterwards they cast away their blackness and take on a whiteness, for they know that their souls are white even though their bodies are black.


a A feature of certain African languages

Latin(1748-1756) 2603

2603. Sunt quidam gentiles ex illis regionibus ubi nigri sunt, qui secum e vita in {1} mundo trahunt, quod velint duriter tractari, credentes quod nemo in caelum possit venire quam per punitiones et afflictiones; et quod dein laetiora, quae paradisiaca vocant, accipiant: illi quia talia ex religioso secum habent, in altera vita etiam primum duriter tractantur a quibusdam, quos vocant diabolos, ac postea feruntur in paradisiaca, de quibus n. 1622; sed instruuntur ab angelis quod punitiones et afflictiones in bonum illis a Domino versae sint, sicut apud eos qui in tentationibus sunt; tum quod paradisiaca non sint caelum, sed affectio caelestium et spiritualium quae in illis; et quod in quadam via veritatis fuerint, sed in umbra ignorantiae. Diu mecum locuti sunt; quando in statu afflictionum erant, loquela eorum tunc erat quasi cum quodam collisu, ita distincta ab aliorum; sed illis peractis, cum ad paradisiaca sublati, non illis talis loquela amplius, sed paene angelica. Ex religioso etiam suo habent quod credunt, quod interiora habere velint; dicebant, cum duriter tractantur quod tunc nigri sint, at {2} quod postmodum exuant nigredinem, ac induant candorem, scientes quod animae eorum candidae sint sed corpora nigra. @1 e I.$ @2 ac.$

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