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属天的奥秘 第2033节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2033

2033. Thou shalt keep My covenant. That this signifies still closer union, is evident from the signification of a "covenant," as being union and conjunction (treated of before, at verses 2, 4, and 7; also in Part First, n. 665, 666, 1023, 1038). The repeated mention here of "covenant," so frequently mentioned before, denotes a closer union. In the historical sense, which relates to Abraham, nothing else can be said than that he is to keep the covenant; but in the internal sense, in which the Lord is treated of, what is historical vanishes, and the things that can be predicated of Him succeed in its place, which relate to a closer union. The unition of the Lord's Human Essence with His Divine Essence was not effected all at once, but through the whole course of His life, from infancy to the last of His life in the world. Thus He ascended continuously to glorification, that is, to union; according to what is said in John:

Jesus said, Father glorify Thy name; there came a voice from heaven: I have both glorified and will glorify it again (John 12:28). (See what was said above, n. 1690, 1864.)

Elliott(1983-1999) 2033

2033. 'You shall keep My covenant' means an even closer union. This is clear from the meaning of 'a covenant' as union and conjunction, dealt with already at verses 2, 4, 7, and in Volume One, in 665, 666, 1023, 1038. The further reference here to the covenant which has been mentioned so many times already denotes a closer union. In the historical sense which has to do with Abraham, nothing else may be said than that he was to keep the covenant; but in the internal sense, in which the Lord is the subject, the historical aspects disappear and things take their place which have to do with being united more closely. The union of the Lord's Human Essence with His Divine Essence was not accomplished all at once but gradually throughout the whole course of His life from early childhood to the end of His life in the world. Thus He was ascending continuously towards glorification, that is, towards union, which is what is stated in John,

Jesus said, Father, glorify Your name. A voice came from heaven, I have both glorified it and will glorify it again. John 12:28.

See what has appeared already in 1690, 1864.

Latin(1748-1756) 2033

2033. `Tu foedus Meum custodies': quod significet unionem adhuc arctiorem, constat a significatione `foederis' quod sit unio et conjunctio, de qua prius ad vers. 2, 4, 7, et in Parte Prima n. 665, 666, 1023, 1038; repetitio hic foederis de quo toties prius, denotat unionem arctiorem: in sensu historico qui est de Abrahamo, non aliud praedicari potest quam ut custodiat foedus; in sensu autem interno in quo de Domino, evanescit historicum, et succedunt praedicabilia quae sunt uniri arctius. Unitio Humanae Essentiae Domini cum Divina Ipsius non simul facta est, sed per totum vitae Ipsius cursum ab infantia ad {1} ultimum vitae in mundo; ita ascendit continue ad glorificationem, hoc est, unionem, quod est quod apud Johannem dicitur, Jesus dixit, Pater glorifica Tuum nomen; exiit vox e caelo: Et glorificavi, et rursus glorificabo, xii 28;

videantur quae prius n. 1690, 1864. @1 i usque.$

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