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《真实的基督教》 第731节


  731. 我曾见一位天人在东方天堂下飞翔,手里拿着号筒,向着北、西、南方吹响。他身披斗篷,斗篷随着他飞翔在后面飘动。他束的腰带因镶有红宝石和蓝宝石而光芒四射。他飞下来,轻轻落地,就在我附近。一着陆他就四处走来走去,然后看见我,就向我走来。我在灵里,以这种状态站在南部地区的一个山冈上。他走近后,我向他打招呼说:“发生什么事?我听到你的号声,看见你从空中落下来。”天人回答说:“我被派来召集最着名的学者,他们来自基督教国家、现居于这个世界,都有最敏锐的头脑,因智慧而颇负盛名,聚会的地方就是你现在所站的这个山冈,他们将就天堂喜乐和永恒幸福的主题发表自己的看法,阐明他们在世时的所思、所悟,以及相关智慧。

真实的基督教 #731 (火能翻译,2015)

731. 我曾见一位天人在东方天堂下飞翔, 手里拿着号筒, 向着北, 西, 南方吹响。 他身披斗篷, 斗篷随着他飞翔在后面飘动。 他束的腰带因镶有红宝石和蓝宝石而光芒四射。 他飞下来, 轻轻落地, 就在我附近。 一着陆他就四处走来走去, 然后看见我, 就向我走来。 我在灵里, 以这种状态站在南部地区的一个山冈上。 他走近后, 我向他打招呼说: “发生什么事? 我听到你的号声, 看见你从空中落下来。 ”天人回答说: “我被派来召集最著名的学者, 他们来自基督教国家, 现居于这个世界, 都有最敏锐的头脑, 因智慧而颇负盛名, 聚会的地方就是你现在所站的这个山冈, 他们将就天堂喜乐和永恒幸福的主题发表自己的看法, 阐明他们在世时的所思, 所悟, 以及相关智慧。

我被派来执行这项任务, 因为一些尘世来的新人被准许进入我们东方天堂的社群, 他们报告说, 整个基督教界没有一个人知道什么是天堂喜乐和永恒幸福, 因此也不知道天堂什么样。 听到这个消息, 我的兄弟和同胞都十分震惊, 吩咐我下去, 发出公告, 召集精灵界最有智慧的人 (精灵界是所有人类离世后首先聚集的地方), 以便我们通过多方面的声音确切了解, 对于来生, 基督徒是不是真的处于浓密的黑暗和深深的无知。 ”然后这个天人又说: “稍等片刻, 你将看到成群结队的智慧人来到这里, 主必为他们预备聚会的大厅。 ”

我等候观望, 半小时后, 见有两队人从北方来, 两队从西方来, 两队从南方来。 他们一到, 拿号筒的天人就把他们领进预备好的大厅, 他们占据的位置是依所来的地区指定好的。 共有六组或六队人, 还有来自东方的第七组, 但由于它的光线级别较高, 故不为其他人所见。 集合完毕, 天人解释了召集他们的原因, 并要求各组轮流阐述他们关于天堂喜乐和永恒幸福的智慧。 然后每组围成一圈, 脸朝圈内, 彼此面对面, 以便他们能忆起在世时对它持有的观点, 然后进行讨论, 讨论过后报告它们。

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True Christianity #731 (Rose, 2010)

731. On one occasion I saw an angel flying below the eastern heaven. He had a trumpet in his hand and held it to his mouth, sounding to the north, to the west, and to the south. He had a mantle that was flowing behind him as he flew, and was wearing a belt studded with rubies and sapphires that radiated a flame-colored light. His body was facing the ground as he flew parallel to it. He landed softly on the ground not far from where I was. As he touched the ground, he stood upright on his feet and walked here and there. When he noticed me he walked straight in my direction. I was in the spirit and was standing on top of a hill in the southern region. When he was close enough I greeted him and said, "What is going on just now? I heard the sound of your trumpet and saw you come down through the air. "

"I have been sent," the angel said, "to summon the most famous scholars, the best researchers, and the most distinguished thinkers from the nations of the Christian world that are on this continent to meet on this hill where you are currently standing. They are to express their minds freely on the following question: When they were in the world, what had they thought and understood and what wisdom had they gained concerning heavenly joy and eternal happiness?

[2] "The reason behind this mission of mine is that several people who had recently arrived from the world came to our heavenly community, which is in the east. Once they had been allowed in, they told us that not a single person in the entire Christian world knows what heavenly joy is or what eternal happiness is; therefore people have no idea what heaven is. My companions and colleagues were profoundly shocked to hear this, and said to me, 'Go down, summon and call together the wisest people in the world of spirits, where all mortals are first gathered after they leave the physical world, for the purpose of verifying from many mouths whether it is in fact true that Christians have this deep a darkness or this blind an ignorance about their future lives. '"

"Wait a little while," he added, "and you will see groups of the wise coming here. The Lord is going to prepare a place for them to meet. "

[3] I did wait. About half an hour later I saw two groups of people coming from the north, two groups from the west, and two groups from the south. As they arrived, the angel with the trumpet ushered them into the building that had been prepared for the occasion, and they took up places that had been designated for them according to the regions they came from.

There were six groups. There was also a seventh group to the east, but the other groups did not see it because the light was in their eyes.

After all were gathered, the angel revealed the reason for the gathering. He asked that the groups come forward in sequence and express their wisdom concerning heavenly joy and eternal happiness. Upon hearing the topic, each group turned inward and formed a circle face to face in order first to call to mind what ideas they had formed on these subjects in the physical world, where they used to live; then to discuss the ideas with each other; and finally after discussion and consultation, to express the opinion of their group to the others present.

True Christian Religion #731 (Chadwick, 1988)

731. 1 I once saw an angel flying under the eastern heaven holding a trumpet to his mouth with his hand, and sounding a blast towards the north, the west and the south. He was wearing a cloak which trailed behind him as he flew. He wore a sash studded with rubies and sapphires so that it flamed and shone. He flew head first, and alighted gently on the ground near where I was. On landing he walked upright on his feet, going in different directions, and then on seeing me came towards me. I was in the spirit, and in that state was standing on a hill in the southern quarter.

When he was near, I spoke to him and asked: 'What is happening now? I heard the sound of your trumpet, and saw you come down through the air.'

'I have been sent,' the angel replied, 'to summon the most famous for their learning, the most perceptive minds and the names most renowned for wisdom, who come from Christian lands and are in this region, to meet together on this hill, where you are now standing, and to speak their minds, stating what, when in the world, they had thought, understood and regarded as wisdom on the subject of heavenly joy and everlasting happiness.

[2] 'The reason for my mission is that some new arrivals from the world, who have been admitted to our heavenly community in the east, have reported that not a single person in the whole of Christendom knows what heavenly joy and everlasting happiness are, and so what heaven is. My brethren and colleagues were very surprised at this and told me to go down, make proclamation and summon the wisest people in the world of spirits, the place where all mortals are first gathered together on leaving the natural world, so that we can be informed by a number of voices, whether it is true that Christians are in such dense darkness and deep ignorance about the life to come. Wait a little while,' he said, 'and you will see the groups of wise men arriving here; the Lord will prepare a hall for their meeting.'

[3] I waited and after half an hour I saw two parties coming from the north, two from the west, and two from the south. The angel with the trumpet took them into the hall which had been prepared, and there they occupied the places assigned to them in accordance with the quarter they came from. There were six groups or parties; there was a seventh from the east, but the light rendered them invisible to the rest. When they were assembled, the angel revealed the reason they had been summoned, and asked the groups in turn to set forth their wisdom on the subject of heavenly joy and everlasting happiness. Then each group formed a circle with faces turned in towards one another, so that they could recall the ideas they had had about it in the previous world, discuss them, and after discussion could report on them.


1. The passage 731-752 is repeated from Conjugial Love 2-25.

True Christian Religion #731 (Ager, 1970)

731. I once saw an angel flying beneath the eastern heaven, holding a trumpet in his hand and at his lips, and blowing it toward the north, toward the west, and toward the south. He was clad in a robe that floated behind him as he flew, and he was engirdled with a belt that blazed and shone, as it were, with carbuncles and sapphires. He flew downward, and alighted gently on the ground near where I stood. As he touched the ground, he walked hither and thither erect upon his feet, and when he saw me directed his steps toward me. I was in the spirit, and in that state was standing on a hill in the southern quarter.

As he came near I spoke to him, saying, "What now? I heard the sound of your trumpet, and saw you descend through the air."

The angel replied: "I am sent to convoke from among those dwelling in this world who are from the kingdoms of the Christian world, such men as are most celebrated for learning, of the finest genius, and most noted for wisdom, that they may come together on this hill where you are now standing, and freely express their minds as to what they thought and understood and what wisdom they had when in the world, respecting Heavenly Joy and Eternal Happiness.

[2] I have been sent on this mission because some newcomers from the world having been admitted into our heavenly society which is in the east, have told us that not one single person in the whole Christian world knows what heavenly joy and eternal happiness are, and thus what heaven is. At this my brethren and companions were much astonished, and said to me, 'Go down, make proclamation, and call together the wisest men in the world of spirits, where all mortals are first assembled after their departure from the natural world, in order that we may know with certainty from the mouths of many, whether it is true that such darkness or dense ignorance prevails among Christians respecting the future life."

The angel then said, "Wait a little, and you will see troops of the wise ones flocking hither; the Lord will prepare a house for them to meet in."

[3] I waited; and behold, after half an hour saw two companies coming from the north, two from the west, and two from the south; and as they arrived they were led by the angel who had the trumpet to the house prepared for them, and there occupied the places assigned them according to their quarters. There were six companies or troops, and there was a seventh from the east which was not visible to the others because of its superior light. When they had assembled, the angel explained the reason of their convocation, and asked the companies to set forth in succession their wisdom respecting Heavenly Joy and Eternal Happiness. Each company then formed a circle, all turning their faces inward, that they might recall the subject from ideas acquired in the former world and then carefully consider it, and after consideration and consultation express their views.

True Christian Religion #731 (Dick, 1950)


I once saw an angel flying beneath the eastern heaven. In his hand was a trumpet which he held to his mouth and blew towards the north, west and south. He was clothed in a mantle which streamed behind him in his flight, and he was girt with a belt set with carbuncles and sapphires, from which flashed gleaming rays of light. He flew downwards, and alighted gently on the ground not far from me. As he touched the earth with his feet, he stood erect and walked to and fro; and then, seeing me, he came towards me. I was in the spirit, and was standing in that state on a hill in the southern quarter. When he came near, I addressed him and asked him the purpose of his mission, adding that I had heard the sound of his trumpet and had observed his descent through the air. "I am sent," he replied, "to call together from among those in this region who come from the kingdoms of the Christian world, such as are most celebrated for their learning, shrewd of intellect and eminent in wisdom. They are to assemble on this hill where you now stand, and declare their real sentiments as to what they had thought, understood and clearly discerned when in the world concerning heavenly joy and eternal happiness.

[2] "The reason I am sent is this: Several who have lately come from the natural world, and who have been admitted into our heavenly society, which is in the east, have informed us that there is not a single person in the whole Christian world who knows what is the nature of heavenly joy and eternal happiness; and consequently, what heaven is. At this my brethren and companions were much astonished; and they said to me: 'Go down and summon by proclamation those who are most eminent in wisdom in the world of spirits, where are first gathered together all men after their departure out of the natural world, in order that we may know with certainty from the testimony of many whether it is true that such thick darkness or dense ignorance concerning the future life prevails among Christians.'" He added, "Wait a little, and you will see companies of the wise men flocking hither. The Lord will prepare a house of meeting for them."

I waited, and in about half an hour I saw two groups coming from the north, two from the west and two from the south. As they arrived they were introduced by the angel with the trumpet into the house prepared for them; and there they occupied the places assigned to them according to the quarter whence they had come. There were present six groups or companies and a seventh from the east, but it was not visible to the others on account of the light. When all were assembled, the angel explained to them the reason why they were summoned; and he asked that the companies in turn should express what in their wisdom they thought concerning heavenly joy and eternal happiness. Each company then formed itself into a circle, the members facing one another, that they might recall the subject from the ideas they had formed while they were in the former world, and might now give it full consideration; and after consulting together, might give it considered expression.

Vera Christiana Religio #731 (original Latin,1770)

731. Quondam mihi visus est Angelus sub Coelo Orientali volans, cui tuba erat in manu et ad os, qui clanxit versus Septentrionem, versus Occidentem, et versus Meridiem: indutus erat chlamyde, quae ex volatu fluebat retrorsum, et cinctus erat fascia ex pyropis et sapphiris sicut flammante et lucente; pronus volabat, et demisit se lente in terram, quae mihi continens erat: ut tetigit terram, erectus super pede vadit huc illuc, et tunc me viso direxit gressum ad me; eram in spiritu, et in hoc stabam super colle in Plaga meridionali; ac cum prope erat, alloquutus illum quaesivi, quid rei nunc; audivi clangorem tubae tuae, et vidi descensum tuum per aerem; Angelus respondit, missus sum ad convocandum celebratissimos eruditione, perspicacissimos ingenio, ac eminentissimos nomine sapientiae, qui e Regnis Christiani Orbis super continente hac terra sunt, ut in hunc Collem, ubi tu commoraris, conveniant, et ex pectore expromant mentes, quid in Mundo cogitaverant, intellexerant, et sapuerant de GAUDIO COELESTI, et de FELICITATE AETERNA.

[2] Causa legationis meae fuit haec, quod aliqui novi advenae e Mundo, in Coelestem nostram Societatem, quae in Oriente est, admissi retulerint, quod ne quidem unus in Universo Christiano Orbe sciat, quid Gaudium Coeleste, et Felicitas aeterna, ita quid Coelum: hoc fratres et consocii mei valde mirati sunt, et mihi dixerunt, descende, conclama et convoca sapientissimos in Mundo spirituum, in quem primum colliguntur omnes Mortales post excessum e Mundo naturali, ob finem, ut ex plurium ore certi reddamur, Numeri veritas sit, quod talis caligo seu tenebrosa ignorantia sit Christianis de futura vita: et dixit, exspecta paulum, et videbis cohortes Sapientum huc alluentes; Dominus praeparabit pro illis Aedem conventus.

[3] Exspectavi, et ecce post semihorium vidi duas Turmas a Septentrione, duas ab Occidente, et duas a Meridie, et sicut venerunt, ab Angelo tubae introducti sunt in Aedem praeparatam, et ibi occupabant loca illis designata secundum plagas. Erant sex Turmae seu Cohortes; septima erat ab Oriente, quae prae luce reliquis non visa est. Post congregationem aperuit Angelus causam convocationis, et rogavit, ut Cohortes in ordine expromerent suam sapientiam, de GAUDIO COELESTI, et de FELICITATE AETERNA: et tunc unaquaevis Cohors se glomeravit in orbem, faciebus ad facies conversis, ut illam rem ex ideis in priori Mundo captis revocarent, et nunc lustrarent, ac lustratam post consultationem expromerent.

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