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《真实的基督教》 第136节


  诗篇的这一整章都在论述主与诸地狱的争战,并征服它们。由于‘神的右手’表示全能,故主说:祂要坐在权能的右手边(马太福音26:6364) ;人子要坐在神权能的右手边(路加福音22:69)。”

真实的基督教 #136 (火能翻译,2015)

136. 第三個經歷:

在遠處, 我看見五座禮堂, 每一所都有天上的光圍繞。紫光, 就像地上太陽初升時照在雲中的顏色, 繞著第一座。黃光, 如同太陽升起後東方的顏色, 繞著第二座。白光, 就像世間日中時那樣, 繞著第三座。弱光, 就像白天的光與傍晚的光的混合, 繞著第四座。第五座就站立在傍晚的陰影中。

在靈界的這些禮堂, 用作有識之士們在此彙集, 討論一些深奧的學問, 為他們的知識,智力和智慧而服務。

看到這些, 我有強烈的欲望去其中一座看看, 於是進到被弱光環繞的那一座。他們正在討論主被提上天並坐在上帝右手邊(馬可福音16:19)所含的意義。

大多數人說, 這些內容的意思就如同文字所說——子坐在父的旁邊。當問到為何祂要這樣做時, 有一些說, 子被父安排在祂的右邊坐下是因為子完成了救贖。其它人說, 子坐在那裡是因為祂愛父。有人還說, 因為祂是父的謀士, 天人們尊崇祂。還有人說, 祂坐在那, 是因為父已許祂替自己掌權, 因為聖言說, 天地所有的權柄已賜給祂了。然而, 有一大幫人說, 祂坐在那裡, 以便祂能聽到右邊那些祂所代求之人。因為現今的教會都接近父上帝, 並祈求祂因祂兒子的緣故而施憐憫。這使父自己轉向子, 這樣祂可收到子的代求。甚至有人說, 僅僅是永恆之子上帝坐在父的右邊, 這樣祂可以傳遞祂的神性給在世所生的人子。

[3]聽完他們發表的意見, 我大為震驚, 這可是一幫有學問的人啊!況且他們已在心靈世界生活了一段時間, 居然對屬天的事情如此無知。不過我後來明白了緣由:因為他們對自己智力的自信, 不肯聽從智者的教導。

為了不讓他們對子坐在父右邊的認識繼續停留在無知的層面, 我舉手示意, 請他們暫且聽我說說這方面的事情。他們同意了, 於是我說:"你們讀聖言, 不知道父與子為一, 父在子裡面,子在父裡面嗎?主在『約翰福音』第十章三十節, 以及第十四章十節和十一節, 明明這樣說的。倘或你們不相信這些, 你們就將上帝一分為二了。如果你這樣做, 就無法控制自己用屬世的,受感官限制的,甚至物質主義的方式去思想上帝。這種類型的思考, 從尼西亞會議就開始發生了, 這個會議引進了從永遠(創世之前)就有三個神性位格的觀念。隨著這個觀念, 這個會議便將教會轉變成一個舞臺, 演員們輪番登場, 表演各樣的新戲。

"誰不知道並承認上帝只有一位?如果你們在內心和靈裡承認如此, 你們剛才所說的就會煙消雲散, 或者如同廢話從智者的耳朵被彈到空中。"

[4]他們之中許多人聽完後被激怒了, 他們很想沖上來扭我耳朵, 讓我住嘴。並且, 這聚會的帶領義憤填膺地說:"這次的討論並非涉及上帝的一位和三位, 這個我們都相信。而是討論子坐在父上帝的右手邊有何含義, 如果你知道什麼, 說吧。"

"我會的, "我回答:"不過請先別吵。'坐在右手邊'並非文字意思的坐在右手邊, 而是表示上帝藉祂在世所取之人的全能。通過這個人身顯現, 祂既在最低層,又在最高層(是首先的, 又是末後的)。並通過這個人身, 祂進到地獄, 並征服地獄。還通過這個人身, 祂重建天國。正是通過這個人身, 祂得以救贖人和天人, 並將永遠救贖。

"倘若你們處在光照的狀態下, 請查考聖言, 就會認識到這裡所說的'右手"表示全能。正如在『以賽亞書』和『詩篇』中說到:我的手立了地的根基, 我右手鋪張諸天(以賽亞書47:13)。耶和華以右手和祂的大能的膀臂起誓(以賽亞書62:8)。禰的右手扶持我(詩篇18:35)。保護禰右手所栽的; 禰的手扶持禰右邊的人, 就是禰為自己所堅固的人子(詩篇80:15, 17)。

"由這些聖言, 就清楚以下當如何認知:耶和華對我主說:'坐在我的右手邊, 直到我將禰的敵人做腳凳'。耶和華必使禰從錫安伸出能力的杖來; 禰要在禰的仇敵中掌權(詩篇110:1-2)。詩篇 110篇全部講主與地獄之間的戰鬥, 以及祂對地獄的征服。因為"上帝的右手"表示全能, 主說祂將要坐在權能的右手邊(馬太福音26:63-64); 人子坐在上帝權能的右手邊(路加福音22:69)。"

[5]這時, 人群又開始騷動, 於是我說:"現在請注意, 會有只手從天上顯現, 我曾看見過。當它出現時, 因它的能力, 會在你裡面產生難以置信的恐怖。這就給我證據:'上帝的右手'表示全能。"

我一說完, 就有張開的手顯現在我們上空, 非常巨大。當他們看到這手, 心中無比懼怕, 立即成群湧向進口, 有些從視窗跳出去, 有些嚇趴在地, 無法呼吸而昏迷。然而, 我並無懼意。我在他們這後緩緩走出去。

當走出一段距離, 我回頭觀後, 那禮堂被一片烏雲籠罩。天上有話告訴我, 這是因為他們談論三位上帝的觀點, 不過會恢復到之前的光亮, 只要更多理智些的人在那聚集。

上一节  目录  下一节

True Christianity #136 (Rose, 2010)

136. The third memorable occurrence. From far away I saw five halls. Each one was surrounded with light from heaven. The first hall was surrounded with crimson light like the light in the clouds just before sunrise on earth. The second hall was surrounded with a yellow light like the light of the dawn after the sun has come up. The third hall was surrounded with a bright white light like the light in our world at midday. The fourth hall was surrounded with a half light as when daylight begins to mix with evening shadows. The fifth hall stood in the shadow of evening itself.

These halls in the world of spirits are buildings where educated people meet to discuss various deep questions that serve to develop their knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom.

Once I spotted these halls, a strong desire to go to one of them came over me. I went in my spirit to the one that was surrounded with a half light. I entered the hall and saw a group of educated people who had gathered. They were discussing with each other the implications of the statement that since being taken up into heaven the Lord sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19).

[2] Many of the participants said that it should be taken to mean just what it says - the Son sits next to the Father. When they were asked why, some said that the Father placed the Son on his right side because of the redemption that the Son had brought about. Some said that the Son sits there because of love. Some said that he sits there because he is the Father's adviser and the angels honor him. Others said that he sits there because the Father had allowed him to rule in his place - the Word says that he was given all power in heaven and on earth. A large part of the group, however, said he sits there so that he can hear the people on the right for whom he intercedes; all people in the church today go to God the Father and pray that he may have mercy for the sake of his Son; this has the effect that the Father turns to the Son to receive the Son's mediation. Some others said that it is only the Son of God from eternity who sits to the right of the Father. He sits there in order to share his divinity with the Son of Humankind born in the world.

[3] On hearing these statements, I felt utterly astounded that these well-educated people were still so ignorant about heaven, even though they had already spent some time in the spiritual world. I became aware of the reason, though: because of their confidence in their own intelligence, they had not let themselves be taught by the wise.

So that they would no longer remain in ignorance about the Son sitting at the right hand of the Father, I raised my hand and asked that the participants lend their ears to a few things I desired to say on the subject.

Because they agreed, I said, "Don't you know from the Word that the Father and the Son are one, and that the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father? The Lord openly says so in John chapter 10, verse 30, and chapter 14, verses 10 and 11. If you don't believe these statements you divide God into two. Once you have done that, you cannot help thinking about God in a way that is earthly, limited to your senses, and even materialistic. This type of thinking has been occurring in the world ever since the Council of Nicaea, which introduced the idea of three divine persons from eternity. With that idea, the Council turned the church into a stage with painted drop curtains where actors perform new plays.

"Surely everyone knows and acknowledges, however, that there is one God. If you acknowledge this in your heart and your spirit, all the ideas you uttered a moment ago will spontaneously disperse and bounce off you into the air like nonsense off the ear of a wise person. "

[4] Many of them blazed with anger when they heard that. They had a burning desire to twist my ears and demand silence from me. Instead the leader of the gathering said indignantly, "This is not a discussion about unity and plurality in God. We believe in both. This discussion concerns the meaning of the fact that the Son sits at the right hand of his Father. If you know anything about this, say it. "

"I will," I answered, "but please stop all the noise. Sitting at the right hand doesn't mean literally sitting at the right hand! It means the omnipotence God has through the human manifestation he took on in the world. Through that human manifestation God became the same on the lowest level as he is on the highest. Through that human manifestation he entered the hells, dismantled them, and gained control over them. Through that human manifestation he restructured the heavens. It was through that human manifestation, then, that he redeemed both people and angels, a redemption that will last forever.

"If you consult the Word, and you are in a condition that allows for enlightenment, you are going to perceive that the right hand there means omnipotence. For instance in [Isaiah and] David: 'My hand founded the earth, and my right hand hammered out the heavens' (Isaiah 48:13). 'God has sworn by his right hand and by the arm of his strength' (Isaiah 62:8). 'Your right hand sustains me' (Psalms 18:35). 'Pay attention to the Son whom you have strengthened for yourself. Your hand is for the man on your right. You have strengthened yourself for the Son of Humankind' (Psalms 80:15, 17).

"From these passages it is clear how we should understand another passage: 'Jehovah said to my Lord, "Sit at my right hand until I place your enemies as a footstool for your feet. " Jehovah will send the rod of your strength out of Zion to rule in the midst of your enemies' (Psalms 110:1-2). The whole of Psalm 110 is about the Lord's battle with the hells and the process of gaining control over them. Because the right hand of God means omnipotence, the Lord says that he is going to sit at the right hand of power (Matthew 26:63-64), and at the right hand of God's strength (Luke 22:69). "

[5] The group shouted disapproval; but I said, "Be careful now. Perhaps the hand will appear from heaven. When it appears - and I myself have seen it - it strikes unbelievable terror into you because of its power. That hand convinced me that the right hand of God means omnipotence. "

No sooner had I said this than the hand appeared in the sky just above us. It was huge. When they saw it, it struck so much terror into them that they rushed in throngs to the doors. Some ran to the windows to throw themselves out. Some collapsed, fainting because they could not breathe. I was not terrified, though. I walked out slowly behind them.

When I was at a distance I turned around and saw the hall covered in a dark cloud. Word came to me from heaven that the cloud was there now because the participants had been speaking from a belief in three gods; but the light that had been around the hall before would return when saner people were meeting there.

True Christian Religion #136 (Chadwick, 1988)

136. The third experience.

I saw in the distance five colleges, each of which was surrounded by radiance from heaven. The first college was surrounded by a purple light, such as is seen in the clouds on earth before the sun rises in the morning. The second was surrounded by a yellowish light, like that of the dawn after sunrise. The third was surrounded by a brilliant light, like that of mid-day on earth. The fourth was surrounded by a moderate light, like that of the afternoon when the shades of evening begin to fall. The fifth actually stood in the shades of evening-time. Colleges in the world of spirits are meeting places where scholars gather to discuss various mysteries, which are of use in their progress towards knowledge, intelligence and wisdom.

On seeing them I felt a desire to visit one of them, so being in the spirit I went to that which had the moderate light. I went in and saw a gathering of scholars debating the question, what is meant by what is said of the Lord, that He was lifted up into heaven and sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19).

[2] Most of the gathering said that they understood the words perfectly literally, to mean that the Son sat next to the Father. But they disputed why He did so. Some said that the Son has been placed by the Father on His right on account of the redemption which He accomplished. Some said that it was out of love that He was given that seat. Some said it was so that He should be His counsellor, because He is such as to be honoured by the angels. And some said because the Father had given Him power to reign in His stead, for we read that to Him is given all power in heaven and on earth. But a large number asserted it was to hear those on the right for whom He intercedes. For all in the church to-day approach God the Father and pray to Him to have mercy for the sake of the Son; this, they said, makes the Father turn to Him to hear His mediation. But some held that only the Son of God from eternity sits at the Father's right to share His divinity with the Son of Man who was born in the world.

[3] On hearing this I was very surprised that learned men, although they had spent some time in the spiritual world, were still so ignorant of heavenly matters. But I could detect the reason, that they had such confidence in their own intelligence that they had not allowed themselves to learn from wise men. But to prevent them remaining any longer in ignorance about the Son's sitting on the right hand of the Father I raised my hand, and asked them to listen to a few words which I wanted to say on the subject. As they agreed to this, I said: 'Do you not know that the Word says that the Father and the Son are one, and that the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father? The Lord says so quite openly (John 10:30; 14:10-11). If you do not believe this, you are dividing God into two; and this will inevitably make you think of God in a natural manner, or in the manner of the bodily senses, or even in material terms. This too has happened in the world since the time of the Council of Nicaea, which introduced the concept of three Divine Persons from eternity, and so turned the church into a theatre hung with curtains to act as scenery, in front of which actors played new scenes. Is there anyone who does not know and acknowledge that God is one? If you acknowledge this in your hearts and spirits, all your debate collapses of its own accord, and rebounds into the air, like nonsense from the wise man's ear.'

[4] This speech made many of them very angry with me, and they wanted to tweak my ears and make me be silent. But the chairman of the meeting said indignantly: 'We are not talking about the oneness and plurality of God, because we believe in both. The question is, what is implied by the Son sitting at His Father's right hand; if you know anything about this subject, speak.'

'I will,' I replied, 'but please put a stop to the uproar. Sitting at the right hand does not here mean sitting on the right, but it means God's omnipotence by means of the Human which He took upon Himself in the world. This allows Him to operate at the last as well as at the first level. This enabled Him to enter, overthrow and conquer the hells, as well as to impose order on the heavens. It was by this that He redeemed men and angels, and He continues to do so for ever. If you consult the Word, and are of such a nature that you can receive illumination, you will see that "the right hand" here means omnipotence, as it does in [Isaiah and], the Psalms of David:

My hand has laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand has measured out the heavens, Isaiah 48:13.

Jehovah 1 has sworn by His right hand, and by the arm of His strength, Isaiah 62:8. Your right hand upholds me, Psalms 18:35.

Pay heed to the Son, whom you have made strong for you, your hand for the man at your right, for the Son of Man whom you made strong for you, Psalms 80:15, 17.

This shows how the following passage should be understood:

The saying of Jehovah to my Lord, Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot-stool for your feet. Jehovah will send from Zion a sceptre to show your strength, rule in the midst of your enemies, Psalms 110:1-2.

The whole of that Psalm describes the Lord's battle with the hells and their conquest. Since "the right hand of God" means omnipotence, therefore the Lord says that He will sit "on the right hand of power" (Matthew 26:63-64); and "on the right hand of the power of God" (Luke 22:69).'

[5] At this point I was interrupted by an uproar in the assembly; but I said: 'Take care! There may perhaps appear from heaven a hand, such as appeared to me. If it does, it strikes unbelievable fear of its power into you. This proved to me that "the right hand of God" means omnipotence.'

Hardly had I said this, when a hand was seen stretched out beneath heaven. Its appearance struck such terror into them that they rushed pell-mell to the doors; some rushed to the windows to throw themselves out, some were unable to breathe and fainted. However, I was not terrified, so I stayed behind, and then walked slowly after them. When I looked back from a distance, I saw that the college was surrounded by a dark cloud; and I was told from heaven that this was because they had spoken from their belief in three Gods, and that its earlier light would return, when more sensible people gathered there.


1. Corrected in the author's copy from 'God' in keeping with the Hebrew.

True Christian Religion #136 (Ager, 1970)

136. Third Memorable Relation:

I saw at a distance five gymnasia, each one surrounded by a light from heaven. A purple light, such as there is in the clouds in the morning before sunrise on earth, surrounded the first; a yellowish light, like that in the east after sunrise, surrounded the second; a bright light, like that of noonday in the world, surrounded the third; and a moderate light, like daylight when it begins to be tempered by the shades of evening, surrounded the fourth. The fifth stood in the actual shade of evening. Gymnasia in the spiritual world are halls where the learned assemble and discuss various arcana that are serviceable to their knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom.

Seeing these gymnasia I felt a strong desire to visit one of them, and went in spirit to the one that was surrounded by the moderate light; and entering I saw an assembly of the learned; who were discussing with one another what is involved in the statement that the Lord was taken up to heaven and sits at the right hand of God (Mark 16:19).

[2] The greater part of the assembly said that this should be understood in accordance with the very words, that the Son does so sit beside the Father; and it was asked why He did so.

Some said that the Son had been placed by the Father at His right hand on account of the redemption He had accomplished; others said that it was from love that He sat there; others that it was in order that He might be the Father's counselor; and being such, that He might be honored by the angels; others that it was because it had been granted Him by the Father to rule in His stead, for it is written that all power was given to Him in heaven and on earth. But the greater number said that it was in order that He might hear, from the right hand, those for whom He intercedes; for in the church at the present day all approach God the Father, and pray to Him to be merciful for the Son's sake; and this causes the Father Himself to turn to the Son, that He may receive the Son's mediation. Some, however, said that it is only the Son of God from eternity who sits at the right hand of the Father, that He may impart His Divinity to the Son of man born in the world.

[3] Hearing this, I was greatly astonished that learned men, who had already been living for some time in the spiritual world, should be so ignorant of heavenly things; but I perceived why it was so, namely, that from confidence in their own intelligence they had not suffered themselves to be taught by the wise. But that they might no longer remain ignorant of the meaning of the Son's sitting at the Father's right hand I raised my hand, asking them to give ear to a few words that I wished to say on that subject; and as they assented I said, "Do you not know from the Word that the Father and the Son are one, that the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father? This the Lord plainly says (in John 10:30 and John 14:10, 11). If you do not believe this you divide God into two; and when this is done you are unable to think about God otherwise than naturally, sensually, and even materially; and this has been done in the world since the time of the Council of Nice, which introduced the doctrine of three Divine persons from eternity, and thereby turned the church into a theater furnished with painted hangings, wherein the actors were representing new plays. Who does not know and acknowledge that God is one? If you acknowledge this in heart and spirit, all that you have just said is of itself dissipated, or rebounds into the air like nonsense from the ear of a wise man."

[4] At these remarks many were incensed, and burned to pull my ears and order me to be silent. But the president of the congregation said with indignation," This discussion is not about the unity and plurality of God, for we believe in both, but about what is involved in the statement that the Son sits at His Father's right hand; if you know anything about this, speak."

I replied, "I will speak, but I pray you to suppress the noise." And I said, "'To sit at the right hand' does not mean to sit at the right hand, but it means God's omnipotence through the Human that He assumed in the world. By means of this He is in things last as well as in things first; by means of this He entered and overthrew and subjugated the hells; by means of this He restored order in the heavens; and thus by means of this He redeemed both men and angels, and will continue to redeem for ever. If you consult the Word, and are capable of enlightenment, you will perceive that 'right hand' means here omnipotence, as it does in Isaiah:

My hand hath founded the earth, and My right hand hath spanned the heavens (47:13).

Jehovah hath sworn by His right hand and by the arm of His strength (62:8).

Thy right hand doth hold Me up (Psalms 18:35).

Look to the Son that Thou madest strong for Thyself; let Thy hand be for the man of the right hand, for the Son of man whom Thou madest strong for Thyself (Psalms 80:15, 17).

From this it is plain how the following is to be understood:

The saying of Jehovah to my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand until I make Thine enemies a footstool for Thy feet. Jehovah shall send the staff of Thy strength out of Zion; rule Thou in the midst of Thine enemies (Psalms 110:1, 2).

This whole Psalm treats of the Lord's combat against the hells, and His subjugation of them. As 'the right hand of God' signifies omnipotence:

The Lord says that He is to sit at the right of power (Matthew 26:63, 64)

And at the right hand of the power of God" (Luke 22:69).

[5] But at this the assembly became tumultuous, and I said, "Take heed; for a hand may appear from heaven, and when it appears (as it had appeared to me), it strikes the beholder with an incredible terror of its power; and this has been to me a proof that 'the right hand of God' signifies omnipotence."

Scarcely had I spoken when beneath heaven an outstretched hand was seen, at the appearance of which such terror seized them that they rushed in crowds toward the doors, and some to the windows to throw themselves out, and some fell down unable to breathe. But I remained unterrified, and went out calmly after them; and when some distance away I turned and saw the building enveloped in a dense cloud, and was told from heaven that this was done because they had spoken from a belief in three Gods, and that the former light would return when those who were more sane should meet there.

True Christian Religion #136 (Dick, 1950)

136. The third experience. I saw at a distance five colleges, each bathed in light from heaven; the first in a purple light such as suffuses the clouds of the earth before the rising of the sun in the early morning; the second in a golden light like that in the east after sunrise; the third in a bright clear light like that of noonday in the world; the fourth in a twilight, as when the shades of evening begin to fall; and the fifth in the very shades of evening. Colleges in the world of spirits are centres where the learned meet and discuss abstruse matters, in the advancement of their knowledge, intelligence and wisdom. On seeing these I felt a strong desire to go to one of them, so I went in spirit to that one which was in twilight. When I entered I saw a company of learned men who were discussing what was meant by the passage concerning the Lord which says that "He being taken up into heaven, sits on the right hand of God" Mark 16:19.

[2] Most of the company said that those words were to be understood literally, and that the Son does so sit beside the Father. When, however, the question was asked why He did so, some replied that the Son was placed on His right hand by the Father because of the redemption which He effected; some, that He is seated there from love; some, that He might be the Father's Counselor, and as such might be honored by the angels; and some, that He was so exalted because the Father granted Him to rule in His stead, for it is written that "all power is given unto Him in heaven and in earth." Many, however, gave as the reason, that He might hear those on the right hand for whom He intercedes. For all in the Church at this day approach God the Father and pray to Him to have mercy for the sake of the Son; and this causes the Father to turn Himself to the Son for the purpose of receiving His mediation. Some, however, declared that only the Son of God from eternity sits at the right hand of the Father, that He may communicate His Divinity to the Son of Man who was born in the world.

[3] On hearing these things I was much amazed that learned men, who had spent some time in the spiritual world, yet remained so ignorant in regard to heavenly things; but I perceived the reason was that they, through confidence in their own intelligence, did not suffer themselves to be instructed by the truly wise. However, that they might not remain any longer ignorant of what is meant by the Son's sitting at the right hand of the Father, I raised my hand, requesting them to listen to a few things I wished to say on the subject. As they assented, I said: "Do you not know from the Word that the Father and the Son are one, and that the Father is in the Son, and the Son in the Father? This the Lord plainly declares, John 10:30; and John 14:10-11. If you do not believe these words, you divide God into two, and then you cannot but think of God naturally, sensually, indeed materially. This, moreover, has been done in the world since the time of the Council of Nice, which introduced the doctrine of three Divine Persons from eternity, by virtue of which it turned the Church into a theater, furnishing it with a painted curtain before which the fictitious characters performed new roles. Who does not know and acknowledge that God is one? If you acknowledge this in heart and spirit, all that you have said vanishes of itself, rebounding into the air like idle talk from the ear of a wise man."

[4] At these words many were enraged, and wished to pull my ears, and bid me be silent; while the president of the assembly indignantly said: "This discussion is not about the unity and the plurality of God, because we believe in both, but about what is involved in the statement that the Son sits at the right hand of His Father. If you know any thing about this, say on." I replied: "I will speak; but, I pray you, calm the disorder." So I continued: "To sit at the right hand does not mean literally to sit at the right hand, but it signifies the omnipotence of God by means of the Human which He assumed in the world. By this He is in last things as He is in first; and by this He entered into, destroyed and subdued the hells, and also restored the heavens to order. Thus He redeemed both men and angels, and continues to redeem them to eternity. If you consult the Word, and are capable of being enlightened, you will see that by the right hand is there signified omnipotence, as in Isaiah:

My hand also hath laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens 48:13;

The Lord hath sworn by His right hand, and by the arm of His strength 62:8;

Thy right hand hath holden me up. Psalms 18:35;

Look upon the Son whom thou hadst made strong for thyself. Let thy hand be upon the Man of thy right hand, upon the Son of Man whom thou madest strong for thyself, Psalms 80:15, 17.

From this it is evident how the following is to be understood:

JEHOVAH said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool. JEHOVAH shall send the rod of thy strength out of Zion: rule thou in the midst of thine enemies, Psalms 110:1-2.

The whole of this Psalm treats of the Lord's combat with the hells and their subjugation. Since the right hand of God signifies omnipotence, therefore the Lord says:

He shall sit on the right hand of power. Matthew 26:64;


"On the right hand of the power of God." Luke 22:69.

[5] At this the company raised a noisy clamor; but I said: "Take heed to yourselves: there may perchance appear a hand from heaven; and when it appears, as it has appeared to me, it inspires an incredible terror of its power. It was convincing proof to me that the right hand of God signifies omnipotence." Scarcely had I said this when there appeared under heaven a stretched-out hand, at the sight of which such terror seized them that they rushed in crowds to the doors. Some rushed to throw themselves out of the windows, and some fell down in a faint. I remained unperturbed, and calmly walked out after them. Some distance away I turned and saw the college enveloped in a dark cloud; and I was told from heaven that this happened because they spoke from a belief in three Gods, but that the former light would return when a company with saner views should assemble there.

Vera Christiana Religio #136 (original Latin,1770)


Vidi e longinquo quinque Gymnasia; lux e Coelo circumfudit unumquodvis; Gymnasium primum circumfudit 1 lux purpurea, qualis est in nubibus ante solis ortum tempore matutino in terris; Secundum Gymnasium circumfudit lux flavescens, qualis est aurorae post solis ortum: Tertium Gymnasium circumfudit 2 lux candida, qualis est in Mundo tempore meridiei: Quartum Gymnasium circumfudit lux media, qualis est cum incipit immisceri umbrae vesperae: et Quintum Gymnasium in ipsa umbra vesperae stetit. Gymnasia in Mundo spirituum sunt Curiae, ubi conveniunt Eruditi, et ventilant varia arcana, quae illorum scientiae, intelligentiae et sapientiae inserviunt. Illis visis invasit me desiderium abeundi ad unum ex illis, et abivi in spiritu ad illud, quod luce media circumfusum erat, ac intravi, et visus est Caetus ex Eruditis congregatus, qui inter se ventilabat, quid involvit id, quod de Domino dicitur, quod sublatus in Coelum consedeat a dextris Dei, Marcus 16:19.

[2] Plerique ex congregatis dixerunt, quod illa prorsus secundum verba intelligenda sint, quod Filius ita sedeat juxta Patrem: at quaesitum est cur ita; dixerunt aliqui quod Filius a Patre ad dextram locatus sit propter Redemptionem quam perfecit; aliqui quod ita sedeat ex amore; aliqui quod propterea, ut Consiliarius Ejus sit, et quia talis ut Illi honor ab Angelis; et aliqui quod ideo, quia datum ei a Patre regnare vice Ejus, nam legitur quod Ipsi data sit omnis potestas in Coelo et in Terra; at multa pars, ut audiat a dextris pro quibus intercedit; omnes enim in Ecclesia hodie adeunt Deum Patrem, et orant, ut misereatur propter Filium, et hoc efficit, ut Pater se vertat ad illum, ut mediationem excipiat; at aliqui dixerunt, quod solum Filius Dei ab aeterno ad dextram Patris sedeat, ut communicet Divinitatem suam cum Filio hominis nato in Mundo.

[3] His auditis, miratus sum valde, quod Eruditi, tametsi aliquo tempore in Mundo spirituali commorati sunt, 3 usque tam ignari rerum coelestium essent; sed percepi causam, quod ex fiducia propriae intelligentiae non se passi sint a sapientibus instrui. Verum ne diutius in ignorantia de sessione Filii ad dextram Patris permanerent, sustuli palmam, rogans, ut praebeant aures ad pauca, quae de illa loqui desidero; et quia annuerunt, dixi, nostisne ex Verbo, Quod Pater et Filius unum sint, et quod Pater sit in Filio et Filius in Patre; haec Dominus aperte dicit, Johannes 10:30, et Cap. 14:10-11; si haec non creditis, dividitis Deum in duos, quo facto non potestis aliter quam naturaliter, sensualiter, imo materialiter, de Deo cogitare, quod etiam factum est in Mundo a tempore CONCILII NICAENI, quod introduxit Tres Personas Divinas ab aeterno, et per id Ecclesiam vertit in Theatrum, cui appendit Aulaea picta, intra quae personati novas scenas repraesentabant; quis non scit et agnoscit, quod Deus Unus sit; si hoc corde et spiritu agnoscitis, dissipantur ex se omnia quae loquuti estis, et resiliunt in aerem sicut nugae ab aure sapientis.

[4] Ad haec dicta multi accensi ira ardebant vellicare aures meas, et mandare silentium; sed Praesul congregationis in indignatione dixit, hic non sermo est de unitate et pluralitate Dei, quia utramque credimus, sed de hoc, quid involvit, quod Filius sedeat ad dextram sui Patris, si de hoc aliquid novisti, fare; et respondi, fabor, sed quaeso, inhibe strepitus; et dixi, per sedere ad dextram non intelligitur sedere ad dextram, sed intelligitur Omnipotentia Dei per Humanum quod assumsit in Mundo, per hoc in ultimis est sicut in primis, et per hoc intravit, destruxit et subjugavit Inferna, et per hoc ordinavit Coelos, ita per hoc redemit et homines et angelos, et redimit in aeternum: si consulitis Verbum, et tales 4 estis, ut queatis illustrari, appercepturi estis, quod per Dextram ibi intelligatur Omnipotentia, ut apud [Esajam et] Davidem, MANUS MEA FUNDAVIT Terram, et DEXTRA MEA pugillavit Coelos, Esajas 48:13. 5 Juravit Deus 6 per DEXTRAM SUAM, et per Brachium roboris sui, Esajas 62:8. 7 DEXTRA TUA sustentat me, Psalm 18:36. 8 Respice ad Filium confortaveras Tibi, MANUS TUA pro VIRO DEXTRAE, pro Filio hominis confortasti Tibi, Psalm 80:16, 18. 9 Inde patet quomodo intelligitur hoc, "Dictum Jehovae ad Dominum meum, sede ad DEXTRAM MEAM, usque dum posuero inimicos tuos scabellum pedum tuorum; sceptrum roboris tui mittet Jehovah e Zione, dominare in medio inimicorum tuorum," Psalm 110:1-2, agitur in toto illo Psalmo de pugna Domini cum Infernis, et de illorum subjugatione; quoniam Dextra Dei significat Omnipotentiam, ideo Dominus dicit quod sessurus sit 10 a DEXTRIS POTENTIAE, Matthaeus 26:63-64: et A DEXTRIS VIRTUTIS DEI, Luca 22:69.

[5] Sed ad haec Caetus obstrepuit, at dixi: cavete vobis, forte e Coelo appareat Manus, quae cum apparet, sicut apparuerat mihi, incredibilem terrorem potentiae incutit, quod mihi confirmationi fuit, quod Dextra Dei significet Omnipotentiam; vix hoc dictum est, et visa est extensa Manus sub Coelo, qua visa tantus terror invasit, ut coacervatim ruerent ad portas, et quidam ad fenestras ut se ejicerent, et quidam deficientes anhelitu succumbebant; at ego non territus mansi, et post illos lente abivi; et ad distantiam inde converti me, et vidi Gymnasium illud nube obscura circumtectum; et dictum est mihi e Coelo, quod ita factum sit, quia ex fide trium Deorum loquuti sunt, et quod Lux prior circum illud reditura sit, quando saniores ibi congregabuntur.


1. Prima editio: cireumfudit.
2. Sic Errores Typographici.
3. Prima editio: sunr.
4. Prima editio: talcs.
5. Prima editio: Psalm.
6. Sic prima editio, Arcana Coelestia 8281 et Apocalypsi Explicata 298, sed Biblia Hebraica et alibi: Jehovah.

7. Prima editio: Psalm.
8. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 18:35 apud Biblia Anglica.

9. Sic Schmidt et Biblia Hebraica, sed 80:15, 17 apud Biblia Anglica. Prima editio: 120:16, 17.

10. Prima editio: sessurus a sit.

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