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《天堂与地狱》 第594节






594. 至于一切事物如何在天堂和地狱被如此排列, 以至于那里的每个人都处于自己的平衡, 这从前面关于天堂和地狱的阐述和说明可在某种程度上看出来, 即: 天堂的一切社群皆照良善及其属和种而被精确排列; 地狱的一切社群则照邪恶及其属和种而被精确排列; 每个天堂社群下面都有一个出于对立而与它相对应的地狱社群, 这种对立的对应关系产生一种平衡; 因此, 主始终确保每个天堂社群下面的地狱社群不会获得任何优势, 一旦有这种苗头, 就通过各种方法加以节制, 恢复适当的平衡关系. 这些方法有很多, 我只提几种. 有些方法涉及主强有力的同在; 有些涉及一个或更多社群与其它社群更紧密的联系和结合; 有些涉及将过多的地狱灵投入旷野; 有些涉及将某些灵人从一个地狱转到另一个地狱; 有些涉及将地狱里的人进行重组, 这也以各种方式实现; 有些涉及将某些地狱藏在浓密, 厚重的遮盖物之下, 以及把它们下放到更深的地方. 此外还有其它方法, 其中有些涉及地狱之上的天堂. 我说这一切, 是为了叫人们在某种程度上明白这一事实: 唯独主确保处处都有良善与邪恶, 因而天堂与地狱之间的平衡. 因为天堂里的所有人和地上的所有人都依赖于这种平衡.



594. 根據天國和地獄的安排, 每個人都享有屬於自己的自由。關於這一點, 我們從前面對天國和地獄的描述可推而知之, 其中包括:

(1)天國照善良在總體和具體上的不同而分為無數的社群;(2)地獄照邪惡在總體和具體上的不同而分為無數的社群;(3)每個天國社群都有一個與之對立的地獄社群, 這種對立和對應產生一種平衡;(4)主始終確保每個天國社群之下的地獄社群不致過於強勢, 一旦有此跡象, 就通過各種方式加以節制, 恢復適當的平衡。節制的方法有很多, 我略說一二, 例如:(1)主的臨格;

(2)某個或某些社群與其它社群間更緊密地交流與聯合;(3)將過量的邪惡之靈驅往荒野;(4)惡靈在某些地獄間的轉移;(5)以多種方式迫使某些地獄恢復秩序;(6)將某些地獄更嚴密地遮掩起來;(7)將某些地獄沉入更深之處。此外還有很多方法, 有的涉及地獄之上的天國。

我說這一切, 是希望大家明白, 唯有主能確保善與惡(或說天國與地獄)在各處的平衡, 每位天人, 每個世人, 其得救的保證都取決於這種平衡。

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Heaven and Hell #594 (NCE, 2000)

594. Everything in the heavens and the hells is so arranged that each individual there is in a personal equilibrium. We can to some extent gather this from what has already been presented concerning the heavens and the hells. That is, all the communities of heaven are very precisely differentiated according to the genera and species of their goodness, and all the communities of hell according to the genera and species of their evils. Further, there is a corresponding community of hell underneath every community of heaven, and this opposing correspondence yields an equilibrium. So the Lord is constantly making sure that the hellish community under any heavenly one does not get too strong. To the extent that one begins to get too strong, it is brought under control by various means and returned to its proper balanced relationship. I shall mention only a few of the many means. Some involve a stronger presence of the Lord. Some involve closer communication and union of one or more communities with others. Some involve the exile of extra hellish spirits into desert places, some the transfer from one hell to another, some the reorganization of the people in the hells, which also is accomplished in various ways. Some involve concealing some of the hells under thicker and heavier coverings, some sending them down deeper. Then there are other means, some involving the heavens overhead.

I mention this so that there may be some grasp of the fact that only the Lord provides that there shall be a balance between good and evil everywhere, and therefore between heaven and hell. On this kind of equilibrium depends the salvation of everyone in the heavens and everyone on earth.


Heaven and Hell #594 (Harley, 1958)

594. How all things are so arranged in the heavens and in the hells that each and all of those who are there may be in their equilibrium, can be in some measure confirmed from the things said and shown above respecting the heavens and the hells, namely, that all the societies of heaven are most distinctly arranged in accordance with goods and their kinds and varieties, and all the societies of hell in accordance with evils, and their kinds and varieties; and that beneath each society of heaven there is a society of hell corresponding to it from opposition, and from this opposing correspondence equilibrium results; and in consequence of this the Lord unceasingly provides that no infernal society beneath a heavenly society shall gain any preponderance, and as soon as it begins to do so it is restrained by various means, and is reduced to an exact measure of equilibrium. These means are many, only a few of which are to be noted. Some of these means have reference to the stronger presence of the Lord; some to the closer communication and conjunction of one or more societies with others; some to the casting out of superabundant infernal spirits into deserts; some to the transference of certain spirits from one hell to another; some to the reducing of those in the hells to order, and this also is effected in various ways; some to the screening of certain hells under denser and thicker coverings, also letting them down to greater depths; besides other means; and still others that are employed in the heavens above the hells. These things have been said that it may in some measure be perceived that the Lord alone provides that there is an equilibrium everywhere between good and evil, thus between heaven and hell; for on such equilibrium the safety of all in the heavens and of all in the earths rests.


Heaven and Hell #594 (Ager, 1900)

594. How all things are so arranged in the heavens and in the hells that each and all of those who are there may be in their equilibrium, can in some measure be seen from what has been said and shown above respecting the heavens and the hells, namely, that all the societies of heaven are distinctly arranged in accordance with goods and their kinds and varieties, and all the societies of hell in accordance with evils, and their kinds and varieties; and that beneath each society of heaven there is a society of hell corresponding to it from opposition, and from this opposing correspondence equilibrium results; and in consequence of this the Lord unceasingly provides that no infernal society beneath a heavenly society shall gain any preponderance, and as soon as it begins to do so it is restrained by various means, and is reduced to an exact measure of equilibrium. These means are many, only a few of which I will mention. Some of these means have reference to the stronger presence of the Lord; some to the closer communication and conjunction of one or more societies with others; some to the casting out of superabundant infernal spirits into deserts; some to the transference of certain spirits from one hell to another; some to the reducing of those in the hells to order, and this also is effected in various ways; some to the screening of certain hells under denser and thicker coverings, also letting them down to greater depths; besides other means; and still others that are employed in the heavens above the hells. All this has been said that it may in some measure be perceived that the Lord alone provides that there shall be an equilibrium everywhere between good and evil, thus between heaven and hell; for on such equilibrium the safety of all in the heavens and of all on the earth rests.


De Coelo et de Inferno #594 (original Latin)

594. Quomodo omnia ordinata sunt in caelis et in infernis, ut omnes, et singuli, qui ibi, in suo aequilibrio sint, constare aliquatenus potest ex illis quae supra de caelis et de infernis dicta et ostensa sunt; quod nempe omnes societates caeli ordinatissime distinctae sint secundum bona, et illorum genera et species et omnes societates inferni secundum mala, et eorum genera et species; et quod sub unaquavis societate caeli sit societas inferni ex opposito correspondens, ex qua correspondentia opposita resultat aequilibrium quare jugiter a Domino providetur, ne infernalis societas sub societate caelesti praevaleat et quantum incipit praevalere, per varia media compescitur et ad justam rationem aequilibrii redigitur. Haec media sunt plura, ex quibus solum aliqua memoranda sunt. Quaedam media se referunt ad praesentiam fortiorem Domini quaedam ad communicationem et conjunctionem unius societatis aut plurium cum aliis arctiorem; quaedam ad ejectionem spirituum infernalium superfluentium in deserta quaedam ad translationem aliquorum ab uno inferno in aliud; quaedam ad ordinationem eorum qui in infernis sunt, quod etiam fit variis modis; quaedam ad absconsionem quorundam infernorum sub operturis densioribus et crassioribus; tum ad demissionem in profundiora; praeter alia; etiam in caelis qui super illa. Haec dicta sunt, ut aliquo modo percipiatur, quod Dominus solus provideat, ut ubivis aequilibrium inter bonum et malum sit, ita inter caelum et infernum nam super aequilibrio tali fundatur salus omnium in caelis, et omnium in terris.

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