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《天堂与地狱》 第579节






579. 我通过经历被允许获知那些被称为恶魔的人所具有的恶毒是何性质. 恶魔不流入并作用于思维, 而是流入并作用于情感. 他们窥探并嗅出情感, 就像狗嗅出林中的野兽一样. 一发现良善的情感, 他们就利用其它事上的快乐, 以令人惊奇的方式将它们引入歧途, 从而立刻将其转变为邪恶的情感. 他们做起这种事来如此巧妙, 隐秘, 手法又如此恶毒, 以致受害者浑然不觉, 因为他们小心翼翼, 格外防范有什么东西进入思维, 以免他们被人发现. 他们在人里面位于后脑勺下面. 在世时, 他们都是些以欺骗的方式迷惑别人的心智, 利用其情感或欲望的快乐误导并说服他们的人. 然而, 主不允许这类灵人靠近凡有改造希望的人, 因为他们不仅能摧毁良心, 还能激起人里面原本可以隐藏起来的遗传之恶. 所以, 为防止人被引向这些邪恶, 按照主的规定, 这些地狱被完全封闭起来; 当具有这种秉性的人死后进入来世时, 就立刻被投入他们的地狱. 当这些灵人的欺骗和诡诈清晰可见时, 他们看上去就像毒蛇.



579. 通過親身經歷, 我見證了被稱為"惡魔"的人是何等的惡毒。他們並不流入人的思想, 卻流入人的情感, 窺測之, 嗅探之, 正如狗嗅探林中的動物。一發現善良的情感, 就借著某些欲樂, 以令人驚歎的方式, 將之轉變為邪惡的情緒。他們行得如此隱秘, 手法如此詭詐, 以致人渾然不覺。他們小心翼翼地防止它進入思維, 免得被人察覺。對人而言, 他們處在後腦的部位。

在世之時, 此等人懂得利用他人的某些欲樂而對其進行誤導和欺騙, 誘惑他們的心靈。

幸好, 主將這些靈與任何有重生之望的人隔離, 因為他們不僅能敗壞人的良心, 也能激動某些本已深埋的遺傳之惡。所以, 為防止他們誘惑人心, 主設法確保這些地獄處於封閉的狀態。當具有如此秉性的人進入靈界以後, 就立時被投入所屬的地獄之中。當他們的惡毒和詭詐受到審視之時, 看上去就像是蛇。

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Heaven and Hell #579 (NCE, 2000)

579. I have been allowed to find out from experience the nature of the malice of the people referred to as demons. Demons do not flow into people's thoughts but into their affections. They observe them and sniff them out the way dogs sniff out wild animals in the woods. When they notice good affections, they change them instantly into evil ones by using delights in something else to lead them astray in quite amazing fashion. They do this so subtly and with such malign skill that the victim does not notice anything. They take the greatest care to prevent anything from obtruding into thought because this would bring it into the open. In our case, they settle near the back of the head.

These are people who, in the world, enticed the minds of others deceptively, using the delights of their affections or their impulses to mislead and persuade them.

However, the Lord keeps these spirits away from anyone for whom there is any hope of reformation because they are the kind of spirit who can not only destroy conscience but also stir up our inherited evils that would otherwise lie hidden. So to prevent them from leading us into those evils, the Lord makes sure that these hells are completely closed off. When people of this nature arrive in the other life after death, they are instantly thrown into their hell. When they are examined as to their guile and craft, they look like snakes.


Heaven and Hell #579 (Harley, 1958)

579. I have been permitted to learn by experience what kind of malice those possess who are called genii. Genii do not act upon and flow into the thoughts, but into the affections. They perceive and smell out the affections as dogs do wild beasts in the forest. Where they perceive good affections, they instantly turn them into evil ones, leading and bending them in a wonderful manner by means of the other's delights; and this so secretly and with such malignant skill that the other knows nothing of it, for they most carefully guard against anything entering into the thought, as thereby they would be manifested. The seat of these with man is beneath the back part of the head. In the world these were the men who deceitfully captivated the minds of others, leading and persuading them by the delights of their affections or lusts. But these genii are held by the Lord at a distance from every man of whose reformation there is any hope; for they have the ability not only to destroy the conscience, but also to stir up in man his inherited evils, which otherwise lie hidden. Therefore, to prevent man's being led into these evils, these hells, by the Lord's provision, are entirely closed up; and when any man of such a genius comes after death into the other life, he is at once cast into their hell. When the deceit and craftiness of these genii are clearly seen they appear as vipers.


Heaven and Hell #579 (Ager, 1900)

579. I have been permitted to learn by experience what kind of malice those possess who are called genii. Genii act upon and flow into the affections, and not the thoughts. They perceive and smell out the affections as dogs do wild beasts in the forest. Good affections, when they perceive them in another, they turn instantly into evil affections, leading and bending them in a wonderful manner by means of the other's delights; and this so secretly and with such malignant skill that the other knows nothing of it, for they most carefully guard against anything entering into the thought, as thereby they would be manifested. The seat of these in man is beneath the back part of the head. In the world they were such as deceitfully captivated the minds of others, leading and persuading them by the delights of their affections or lusts. But such spirits are not permitted by the Lord to come near to any man of whose reformation there is any hope; for they have the ability not only to destroy the conscience, but also to stir up in man his inherited evils, which otherwise lie hidden. Therefore to prevent man's being led into these evils, these hells, by the Lord's provision, are entirely closed up; and when any man of such a character comes after death into the other life, he is at once cast into their hell. When the deceit and craftiness of these spirits are clearly seen they appear as vipers.


De Coelo et de Inferno #579 (original Latin)

579. Datum est per experientiam nosse quali malitia sunt illi qui genii vocantur. Genii non operantur ac influunt in cogitationes, sed in affectiones: has appercipiunt, et odorant sicut canes in silvis feras affectiones bonas, ubi illas appercipiunt, momento vertunt in malas, ducendo et flectendo illas mirabiliter per jucunda alterius, et hoc tam clandestine, ac tali arte maligna, ut alter nihil de eo resciat cavendo solerter ne aliquid intret cogitationem, quoniam sic manifestantur. Apud hominem assident sub occipitio. Hi in mundo fuerunt illi homines qui dolose captaverunt aliorum animos ducendo illos et persuadendo per jucunda affectionum seu cupiditatum eorum. Sed illi a Domino arcentur ab omni homine de quo aliqua spes reformationis est tales enim sunt ut non modo possint conscientias destruere, sed etiam apud hominem excitare ejus mala hereditaria quae alioqui recondita jacent: quare ne homo in ea inducatur, providetur a Domino ut haec inferna prorsus occlusa sint et cum aliquis homo post mortem, qui talis genius est, in alteram vitam venit, is actutum in eorum infernum conjicitur. illi etiam, cum inspiciuntur quoad dolos et astutias, apparent sicut viperae.

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