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《天堂与地狱》 第578节






578. 其中最坏的, 是那些因自我之爱而陷入邪恶, 同时内心深处出于欺骗行事的人. 因为欺骗比其它邪恶更深地渗透到思维和意图中, 用毒素侵染它们, 从而完全摧毁人的属灵生命. 这些灵人大多住在后面的地狱, 被称为恶魔. 他们尤其喜欢不引人注意, 像幽灵一样在别人周围游荡, 暗中将邪恶注入他们, 并四处散播邪恶, 就像毒蛇喷射毒液那样. 这些人所受的折磨比其他人的更可怕, 严酷. 相比之下, 那些不具欺骗性, 没有如此充满恶毒的狡诈, 然而却陷入源于自我之爱的邪恶之人也住在后面的地狱, 只是这些地狱不那么深. 另一方面, 那些陷入源于尘世之爱的邪恶之人住在前面的地狱, 被称为灵人. 这些灵人不是这种邪恶的形式, 也就是仇恨和报复的形式, 与那些陷入源于自我之爱的邪恶之人不同, 因而没有如此的恶毒和诡诈. 所以他们的地狱相对温和一些.



578. 至惡之人, 當屬因我欲而陷入邪惡, 十分具有欺騙性的人。因為欺騙之性已徹底溶入其思想和意志之中, 如同毒素, 摧毀了他們的心靈。他們多數住在靠內的地獄, 被稱為"惡魔"。他們尤其喜歡鬼鬼祟祟, 好像幽靈飄浮在人周圍, 不知不覺中給人以傷害, 好像毒蛇四處噴射毒液。因此, 他們受到的折磨也最嚴酷。

因我欲而陷入罪惡, 但不具此般欺騙和詭詐的人, 也住在稍內的地獄, 但沒有那麼深入。因物欲而陷入罪惡的人則住在稍前的地獄, 被稱為"惡靈"。他們所行的罪惡, 所懷的仇恨和報復, 與陷入我欲者不同, 因為他們不具那般惡毒和詭詐。所以, 相對而言, 他們的地獄要溫和一些。

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Heaven and Hell #578 (NCE, 2000)

578. The worst people of all are the ones who have been absorbed in evil pursuits because of their love for themselves and whose inward behavior has been deceitful throughout. This is because the deceit wholly permeates their thoughts and intentions and infects them with venom, destroying all their spiritual life. Most of them are in the hells toward the rear and are called demons. They take particular delight in making themselves unnoticeable and floating around others like ghosts, doing their harm covertly, spraying it around like the venom of snakes. They are tortured more severely than others.

In contrast, if people have not been guileful but have been taken in by the craft of the malicious and still are engaged in evils because of their self-love, they find themselves toward the rear as well, but not so deep down. People engaged in evils because of their love of the world are in the hells toward the front, though, and are called spirits. They do not have the same kinds of evil, the same kinds of hatred and vengefulness, as people involved in love for themselves, so they do not have the same kind of malice and craft. As a result, their hells are milder.


Heaven and Hell #578 (Harley, 1958)

578. The worst of all are those who have been in evils from love of self and at the same time inwardly in themselves have acted from deceit; for deceit penetrates more deeply into the thoughts and intentions and infects them with poison and thus wholly destroys a man's spiritual life. Most of these are in the hells behind the back, and are called genii; and there they delight to make themselves invisible, and to flutter about others like phantoms, secretly infusing into them evil, which they spread around like the poison of a viper. These are more direfully tormented than others. But those who are not deceitful, and who have not been so filled with malignant craftiness, and yet are in the evils derived from the love of self; are also in the hells behind, but in those less deep. On the other hand, those who have been in evils from the love of the world are in the hells in front, and are called spirits. These spirits are not such forms of evil, that is, of hatred and revenge, as are those who are in evils from the love of self; they therefore do not have such malice and cunning; and in consequence their hells are milder.


Heaven and Hell #578 (Ager, 1900)

578. Those are the worst of all who have been in evils from love of self and at the same time inwardly in themselves have acted from deceit; for deceit penetrates more deeply into the thoughts and intentions than other evils, and infects them with poison and thus wholly destroys the spiritual life of man. Most of these spirits are in the hells behind the back, and are called genii; and there they delight to make themselves invisible, and to flutter about others like phantoms secretly infusing evil into them, which they spread around like the poison of a viper. These are more direfully tormented than others. But those who are not deceitful, and who have not been so filled with malignant craftiness, and yet are in the evils derived from the love of self, are also in the hells behind, but in those less deep. On the other hand, those that have been in evils from the love of the world are in the hells in front, and are called spirits. These spirits are not such forms of evil, that is, of hatred and revenge, as those are who are in evils from the love of self; and therefore do not have such malice and cunning; and in consequence their hells are milder.


De Coelo et de Inferno #578 (original Latin)

578. Omnium pessimi sunt, qui in malis ex amore sui fuerunt, et qui simul intus in se ex dolo egerunt, quoniam dolus intrat penitius cogitationes et intentiones, ac inficit illas veneno, et sic destruit omnem vitam hominis spiritualem. Plerique illorum sunt in infernis a tergo, et vocantur genii ac ibi eorum jucundum est se inconspicuos reddere, ac circum alios sicut larvae volitare, ac inferre mala in abscondito, quae circumspargunt sicut viperae venena: illi prae ceteris dire cruciantur. At qui non dolosi, et astutiis malignis inescati fuerunt, et tamen in malis ex amore sui, etiam in infernis a tergo sunt, sed non in tam profundis. illi autem qui in malis ex amore mundi fuerunt, sunt in infernis antrorsum, et vocantur spiritus: hi non talia mala sunt, hoc est, non talia odia et vindictae, sicut qui in malis ex amore sui, proinde nec illis talis malitia et astutia quare etiam eorum inferna sunt mitiora.

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