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《天堂与地狱》 第562节





562. 从广义上说, 那些陷入自我之爱的人, 其邪恶就是蔑视他人, 嫉妒, 仇视所有不支持他们的人和随之的敌意; 各种仇恨, 以及报复, 诡诈, 欺骗, 无情和残忍. 在宗教问题上, 他们不仅藐视神性和神性事物, 也就是教会的真理和良善, 还向它们发怒. 当人变成灵时, 这种怒气就转变成仇恨. 那时, 他不仅无法忍受听闻上述真理和良善, 甚至对所有承认并敬拜神性的人充满仇恨. 我曾与一个灵人交谈过, 他在世时大有权势, 却过于爱自己. 仅仅听见有人提及神性, 尤其提及主, 他就怒火中烧, 想要杀人. 当他爱的缰绳被松开时, 他甚至想成为魔鬼本身, 以满足他的爱, 不断攻击天堂. 当许多天主教徒在来世意识到主拥有一切权柄, 自己却毫无权柄时, 他们便感受到这种欲望.



562. 籠統而言, 陷入我欲者通常都對他人懷有蔑視, 妒忌, 敵對, 仇恨, 報復, 詭詐, 欺騙, 冷酷, 殘忍之心。信仰方面, 他們不僅藐視上帝以及上帝之善與理, 更對這些心懷怒火。成為靈以後, 這怒火將轉變為仇恨。他們不僅不願聽到善和理, 更對承認, 崇拜上帝的人心懷憤怒和憎恨。

我曾與一人交談, 在世之時, 他曾大有權勢, 我欲極重。僅僅聽人提到上帝, 特別是主的名, 他就怒火中燒, 意欲殺人。當約束欲望的繩索鬆懈以後, 他甚至想變成魔鬼, 以求滿足欲望, 不斷攻擊天國。在心靈世界, 很多天主教神職人員當意識到自己毫無權柄, 主才擁有一切權柄時, 就感受到這種衝動。

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Heaven and Hell #562 (NCE, 2000)

562. In broad terms, the evils characteristic of people focused on love for themselves are contempt for others; envy; enmity toward anyone who is not on their side, and a consequent hostility; various kinds of hatred; vengefulness; craft; deceit; callousness; and cruelty. In religious matters, this extends not only to a contempt for the Divine and for the divine gifts that are the true and good elements of the church; it extends also to anger at such things, an anger that turns into hatred when we become spirits. Then not only can we not stand hearing about these matters, we blaze with hatred against everyone who acknowledges and worships the Divine.

I talked with one man who had been in power in the world and loved himself far too much. When he simply heard the Divine mentioned - especially when he heard the Lord named - he was so struck by angry hatred that he was consumed with thoughts of murder. When the reins of his love were loosened, he even wanted to be the devil himself in order to satisfy his love by ceaseless attacks on heaven. Many individuals of the papal religion feel this desire in the other life when they realize that the Lord has all power and that they have none.


Heaven and Hell #562 (Harley, 1958)

562. The evils which those have who are in the love of self are, in general, contempt of others, envy, enmity against all who do not favour them, and consequent hostility, hatred of various kinds, revenge, cunning, deceit, unmercifulness, and cruelty; and as to religious matters, there is not merely a contempt for the Divine and for the Divine things that are the truths and goods of the Church, but also anger against them. When man becomes a spirit this hostility is turned into hatred; and then he not only cannot endure to hear these truths and goods mentioned, he even burns with hatred against all who acknowledge and worship the Divine. I talked with a certain spirit who in the world had been a man in authority, and had loved self to an unusual degree; and when he merely heard someone mention the Divine, and especially when he heard him mention the Lord, he was so excited by hatred arising from anger as to burn with desire for his death; and when the reins of his love were loosened he wished to be the devil himself, so that from his love of self he might continually infest heaven. This is the desire also of many of the Pontificial religion when they perceive in the other life that the Lord has all power and they have none.


Heaven and Hell #562 (Ager, 1900)

562. The evils of those who are in the love of self are, in general, contempt of others, envy, enmity against all who do not favor them, and consequent hostility, hatred of various kinds, revenge, cunning, deceit, unmercifulness, and cruelty; and in respect to religious matters there is not merely a contempt for the Divine and for Divine things, which are the truths and goods of the church, but also hostility to them. When man becomes a spirit this hostility is turned into hatred; and then he not only cannot endure to hear these truths and goods mentioned, he even burns with hatred against all who acknowledge and worship the Divine. I once talked with a certain spirit who in the world had been a man in authority, and had loved self to an unusual degree; and when he simply heard some one mention the Divine, and especially when he heard him mention the Lord, he was so excited by hatred arising from anger as to burn with the desire to kill; and when the reins of his love were loosened he wished to be the devil himself, that from his love of self he might continually infest heaven. This is the desire also of some of the Papist religion when they perceive in the other life that the Lord has all power and they have none.


De Coelo et de Inferno #562 (original Latin)

562. Mala quae illis sunt qui in amore sui, sunt in genere, contemptus aliorum, invidia, inimicitia contra. omnes qui sibi non favent, hostilitas inde, odia varii generis, vindictae, astus, doli, immisericordia, ac crudelitas; et quoad religiosa, est non modo contemptus Divini, ac Divinorum quae sunt vera et bona ecclesiae, sed etiam ira contra illa; quae quoque vertitur in odium cum homo fit spiritus; ac tunc non modo non sustinet audire illa, sed etiam flagrat odio contra omnes qui Divinum agnoscunt et colunt. Locutus sum cum quodam qui in mundo potens fuerat, et semet in superiori gradu amaverat; is solum cum audivit nominari Divinum, ac imprimis cum audivit nominari Dominum, tanto percitus est odio ex ira, ut flagraret necem ejus. Is quoque, cum remittebantur frena ejus amori, cupivit ipse Diabolus esse, ut ex amore sui continue posset infestare caelum. Hoc etiam cupiunt plures, qui ex Pontificia religione sunt, quum in altera vita appercipiunt quod Domino omnis potestas sit, ac nulla illis.

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