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《天堂与地狱》 第547节





547. 由此可以证实, 人出于地狱行恶, 出于主行善. 然而, 由于人相信凡他所行的, 都是出于他自己而行的, 故他所行的邪恶粘附于他, 如同他自己的. 这就是为何人要为自己的邪恶负责, 而非由主负责. 人里面的邪恶就是他里面的地狱, 因为无论你说邪恶, 还是说地狱, 意思都一样. 由于人为自己的邪恶负责, 所以他是被自己, 而非主引入地狱的. 主绝不将人引入地狱, 相反, 只要人不意愿和喜欢沉迷于自己的邪恶, 主就会将人从地狱解救出来. 死后, 人的整个意愿和爱继续与他同在(参看470-484节). 人若在世时意愿并喜爱邪恶, 在来世仍意愿并喜爱这邪恶, 不肯让自己从中被引离出来. 正因如此, 沉迷于邪恶的人都与地狱绑在一起, 实际上就其灵而言, 便在那里; 死后, 他只渴望去往其邪恶所在的地方. 所以死后, 正是人将自己投入地狱, 而不是主.



547. 由此可見, 人因隨從地獄而作惡, 因隨從主而行善。但是, 由於人相信他所作的全都出於自己, 也就將所作之惡歸於自己。這是人當為所作之惡負責, 而非由主負責的原因。人心裡的惡也就是其心裡的地獄, 因為或說"惡,"或說"地獄,"兩者沒有分別。既然人當為所作之惡負責, 而非由主負責, 那麼顯然, 是人自己走入了地獄。主絕不將人引入地獄, 相反, 祂總是救人脫離地獄, 只要人不願意陷入惡中。死後, 人將延續他的意志和欲望。在人間迷戀惡的人, 在靈界也將迷戀惡, 而且不再願意被引離出來。這是陷入罪惡的人與地獄相通, 而且就靈魂而言, 他已落入地獄的原因。死後, 其最大的欲望, 莫過於去往其惡所屬的地方。也就是說, 人死後, 是他自己走入了地獄, 而非主將他投入了地獄。

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Heaven and Hell #547 (NCE, 2000)

547. We can gather from this that we do evil from hell and good from the Lord. However, since we believe that whatever we do comes from ourselves, the evil we do clings to us as though it were our own. This is why we are at fault for our evil, never the Lord. The evil within us is hell within us, for it makes no difference whether you say "evil" or "hell." Since we are at fault for our evil, it is we, not the Lord, who lead ourselves into hell. Far from leading us into hell, the Lord frees us from hell to the extent that we do not intend and love to be absorbed in our evil. Our whole volition and love stays with us after death (see 470-484). People who have intended and loved what is evil in the world intend and love what is evil in the other life, and then they no longer allow themselves to be led away from it. This is why people who are absorbed in evil are connected to hell and actually are there in spirit; and after death they crave above all to be where their evil is. So after death, it is we, not the Lord, who cast ourselves into hell.


Heaven and Hell #547 (Harley, 1958)

547. From these things it can be confirmed that it is from hell that man does evil, and from the Lord that he does good. But because man believes that, whatever he does, he does from himself; in consequence of this the evil that he does sticks to him as his own. Thus it is that man is the cause of his own evil, and in no way the Lord. Evil with man is hell with him, for it is the same thing whether you say evil or hell. Now since man is the cause of his own evil he is led into hell, not by the Lord but by himself. For so far is the Lord from leading man into hell that it is He Who delivers man from hell, and this He does so far as man does not will and love to be in his own evil. All of man's will and love continues with him after death (470-484). He who wills and loves evil in the world wills and loves the same evil in the other life, but he no longer suffers himself to be withdrawn from it. So it is that a man who is in evil is tied to hell, and in respect of his spirit is actually there, and after death desires nothing so much as to be where his evil is. Consequently, it is man who casts himself into hell after death, and not the Lord.


Heaven and Hell #547 (Ager, 1900)

547. From this it is clear that it is from hell that man does evil, and from the Lord that he does good. But man believes that whatever he does he does from himself, and in consequence of this the evil that he does sticks to him as his own; and for this reason man is the cause of his own evil, and in no way the Lord. Evil in man is hell in him, for it is the same thing whether you say evil or hell. And since man is the cause of his own evil he is led into hell, not by the Lord but by himself. For so far is the Lord from leading man into hell that it is He who delivers man from hell, and this He does so far as man does not will and love to be in his own evil. All of man's will and love continues with him after death (470-484). He who wills and loves evil in the world wills and loves the same evil in the other life, but he no longer suffers himself to be withdrawn from it. If, therefore, a man is in evil he is tied to hell, and in respect to his spirit is actually there, and after death desires nothing so much as to be where his evil is; consequently it is man who casts himself into hell after death, and not the Lord.


De Coelo et de Inferno #547 (original Latin)

547. Ex his constare potest, quod homo malum faciat ex inferno, et quod bonum faciat ex Domino: sed quia homo credit quod quicquid facit ex se faciat, quod ideo malum, quod facit, ei adhaereat sicut suum; inde est, quod homo sit in causa sui mali, ac nullatenus Dominus. Malum apud hominem est infernum apud eum; nam sive dicas malum sive infernum, idem est. Nunc quia homo est in causa sui mali, ideo etiam ille semet inducit in infernum, et non Dominus et tantum abest quod Dominus inducat hominem in infernum, ut liberet hominem ab inferno, quantum homo non vult et amat in suo malo esse. Omne voluntatis et amoris hominis manet apud illum post mortem (470-484); qui malum vult et amat in mundo, is idem malum vult et amat in altera vita, ab eo tunc non amplius se abduci patitur: inde est, quod homo qui in malo est, alligatus sit inferno, et quoque actualiter quoad spiritum suum ibi sit, ac post mortem nihil plus cupiat, quam ibi esse ubi suum malum: quapropter homo post mortem semetipsum conjicit in infernum, et non Dominus.

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