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《天堂与地狱》 第527节






527. 我能凭大量经历证明, 将天堂的生命植入那些在世时过着与天堂生活相对立的生活之人是不可能的. 有些人以为死后, 当从天使那里听见神性真理时, 他们会很容易地接受并相信它们, 从而过上一种不同的生活, 由此被接入天堂. 然而, 许多人尝试过这一点, 尽管这种尝试仅限于那些持这种信仰的人; 之所以恩准他们, 是为了教导他们, 死后悔改是不可能的. 他们当中有些人的确理解真理, 似乎也接受它们, 可一转回他们自己的爱之生命, 他们就弃绝它们, 甚至出言反对它们. 有些人不愿听见它们, 同时弃绝它们. 有些人想叫他们在世上所获得的爱之生命从他们那里被拿走, 并拥有天使的生命, 或天堂的生命以取代之. 就连这点要求也被允许为他们成就; 但是, 他们的爱之生命一被拿走, 他们就躺在那里像死尸, 无法控制自己. 简单的善人通过这些和其它类似经历被教导: 死后, 人的生命绝无法被更改; 邪恶的生命绝无法被改写为良善的生命, 或地狱的生命绝无法被改写为天使的生命, 因为每个灵人的性质, 从头顶直到脚趾, 都取决于他的爱, 因而取决于他的生命. 把他的生命改写为它的对立面, 就等于彻底毁灭这个灵人. 天使声称, 把一只猫头鹰变成一只鸽子, 或把一只雕鸮变成一只天堂鸟, 也比把一个地狱灵变成一位天堂天使容易. 人死后的性质取决于他在世生活的品质, 这一点从前面的相关章节(天国的奥秘 470-484节)可以看出来. 由此明显可知, 没有人能凭脱离方法的怜悯被接入天堂.



527. 憑大量經歷我能證實, 在人間過罪惡生活的人不可能被灌入天國的生命。有的人相信, 在他們死後, 當他們從天人聽聞神性真理時, 一定會欣然接受, 成為信徒, 改變生活行為, 從而被接入天國。有此想法的人, 主允許他們一試, 好讓他們親自體驗人死後不可能再行悔改的事實。有的確能明白真理, 好似欣然接受, 可是他們一旦回到自己的欲望當中, 便將真理啟棄, 甚至加以駁斥。有的當場表示拒絕, 不願傾聽。有的希望自己在人間所養成的欲望被抽離, 灌入天人的生命(或天國的生命), 取而代之。就連這種願望, 主亦滿足他們, 可是欲望剛被抽離, 他們就橫倒在地, 失去自製。

此類經歷讓心思簡單的善人看出, 人死後不可能再改變他的生命:罪惡的生命不可能改寫為良善的生命, 地獄的生命不可能改寫為天國的生命。因為每個靈的本質, 從頭到腳, 由他的愛或欲望決定。將之改變成對立的一面, 等于將靈魂毀滅。天人說, 將一隻夜鷹變成一隻鴿子, 比將一個地獄之靈變成一個天國的天人還要容易。

從前面的闡述可知(470-484), 人死後的景況取決於他在人間的生活方式。我們由此推斷, 沒有人能單憑上帝的憐憫上天國。

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Heaven and Hell #527 (NCE, 2000)

527. I can testify on the grounds of abundant experience that it is impossible to grant the life of heaven to people who have led lives opposed to it in the world. There have actually been people who believed that they would readily accept divine truths after death when they heard them from angels, that they would become believers and lead different lives, so that they could be accepted into heaven. However, this has been tried with any number of individuals (though only with people who shared this same kind of belief), granted them so that they could learn that there is no repentance after death. Some of them did understand truths and seemed to accept them; but the moment they turned back to the life of their own love they rejected them and even argued against them. Some rejected them on the spot, unwilling even to listen to them. Some wanted the life of the love they had acquired in the world to be taken away from them and an angelic life or the life of heaven poured in to replace it. Permission was given for even this to be done for them; but once the life of their own love was taken away, they lay there like corpses, with no control over themselves.

These and other similar kinds of experience teach simple good people that there is no way to change anyone's life after death, no way to rewrite an evil life into a good one or a hellish life into an angelic one. This is because the nature of every spirit from head to toe is determined by his or her love and consequently by his or her life. To change this into its opposite would mean the total destruction of the spirit. Angels insist that it is easier to change one owl into a dove or another into a bird of paradise than to change a hellish spirit into an angel of heaven.

The reader may see in the appropriate chapter above (470-484) that our nature after death is determined by the quality of our life in the world. We can gather from this that no one can be accepted into heaven on the basis of pure mercy.


Heaven and Hell #527 (Harley, 1958)

527. I can testify from much experience that it is impossible to implant the life of heaven in those who in the world have lived a life opposite to the life of heaven. For there were some who had believed that they would readily receive Divine truths after death, when they heard them from the angels, and that they would believe them, and consequently live a different life, and could thus be received into heaven. But this was tried with very many, although it was confined to those who held this belief; and was permitted in their case that they might learn that repentance is not possible after death. Some of those with whom the experiment was made understood truths and seemed to receive them; but as soon as they turned to the life of their love they rejected them, and even spoke against them. Others were unwilling to hear them, and at once rejected them. Others wished to have the life of love that they had contracted from the world taken away from them, and to have the angelic life, or the life of heaven, infused in its place. This, too, was permitted to be done; but as soon as the life of their love was taken away they lay as if dead, with their powers gone. By these and other experiments the simple good were instructed that no one's life can by any means be changed after death; and that an evil life can in no way be changed into a good life, or an infernal life into an angelic life, for every spirit from head to heel is such as his love is, and therefore such as his life is; and to change his life into its opposite is to destroy the spirit completely. The angels declare that it would be easier to turn an owl into a dove, or a horned-owl into a bird of paradise, than to turn an infernal spirit into an angel of heaven. That man after death continues to be such as his life had been in the world can be seen above in the appropriate section (470-484). From all this it can be confirmed that no one can be received into heaven as a result of immediate mercy.


Heaven and Hell #527 (Ager, 1900)

527. I can testify from much experience that it is impossible to implant the life of heaven in those who in the world have lived a life opposite to the life of heaven. There were some who had believed that when after death they should hear Divine truths from the angels they would readily accept them and believe them, and consequently live a different life, and could thus be received into heaven. But this was tried with very many, although it was confined to those who held this belief, and was permitted in their case to teach them that repentance is not possible after death. Some of those with whom the experiment was made understood truths and seemed to accept them; but as soon as they turned to the life of their love they rejected them, and even spoke against them. Others were unwilling to hear them, and at once rejected them. Others wished to have the life of love that they had contracted from the world taken away from them, and to have the angelic life, or the life of heaven, infused in its place. This, too, was permitted to be done; but as soon as the life of their love was taken away they lay as if dead, with their powers gone. By these and other experiments the simple good were taught that no one's life can by any means be changed after death; and that an evil life can in no way be converted into a good life, or an infernal life into an angelic life, for every spirit from head to heel is such as his love is, and therefore such as his life is; and to convert his life into its opposite is to destroy the spirit completely. The angels declare that it would be easier to change a night-owl into a dove, or a horned-owl into a bird of paradise, than to change an infernal spirit into an angel of heaven. That man after death continues to be such as his life had been in the world can be seen above in its own chapter (470-484). From all this it is evident that no one can be received into heaven from mercy apart from means.


De Coelo et de Inferno #527 (original Latin)

527. Quod impossibile sit indere vitam caeli eis qui vitam oppositam vitae caeli in mundo egerunt, testari possum ex multa experientia. Fuerunt enim qui crediderunt, quod facile recepturi essent vera Divina post mortem, cum audiunt illa ab angelis, et quod credituri, et inde quod aliter victuri, et sic quod possent in caelum recipi: sed hoc tentatum est cum permultis, verum modo ab illis qui in simili fide fuerunt, quibus id permissum est ob causam ut scirent quod paenitentia post mortem non detur. Quidam ex illis, cum quibus tentatum est, intellexerunt vera, et visi sunt recipere illa; sed illico, ut ad vitam amoris sui conversi sunt, rejecerunt illa, immo contra illa locuti sunt: quidam statim rejecerunt, nolentes audire illa quidam voluerunt, ut vita amoris, quam contraxerunt e mundo, illis auferretur, et loco ejus infunderetur vita angelica, seu vita caeli; hoc quoque cum illis ex permissione factum est, sed cum vita amoris illorum ablata est, jacebant sicut mortui, non amplius compotes sui. Ex his, et aliis experientiae modis, simplices boni instructi sunt quod vita alicujus post mortem nequaquam mutari possit; et quod vita mala in bonam, seu infernalis in angelicam, nullatenus transcribi possit quoniam unusquisque spiritus a capite ad calcem est qualis ejus amor, proinde qualis ejus vita, et quod hanc transmutare in oppositam, sit prorsus spiritum destruere. Angeli fatentur quod facilius sit noctuam in columbam vertere, et bubonem in avem paradisiacam, quam infernalem spiritum in angelum caeli. Quod homo talis maneat post mortem, qualis ejus vita fuerat in mundo, videatur supra in suo articulo (470-484). Ex his nunc constare potest, quod nemo in caelum recipi queat ex immediata misericordia.

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