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《天堂与地狱》 第44节





44. 可以说, 同类自动吸引他们的同类; 因为他们与自己的同类在一起, 如同在家里与他们自己在一起; 但与其他人在一起, 则如同在外面与陌生人在一起. 他们与自己的同类在一起时, 也在自己的自由, 因而在生命的一切快乐中.



44. 同類之間彼此不由自主地彼此吸引, 彼此之間猶如同自己人在家中。而不同類, 則如同外人在異啟。與同類相處, 活得自由自在, 生活充滿樂趣。

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Heaven and Hell #44 (NCE, 2000)

44. Kindred souls gravitate toward each other spontaneously, as it were, for with each other they feel as though they are with their own family, at home, while with others they feel like foreigners, as though they were abroad. When they are with kindred souls, they enjoy the fullest freedom and find life totally delightful.


Heaven and Hell #44 (Harley, 1958)

44. Like are drawn spontaneously as it were to their like, for with their like they are as if with their own and at home, but with others they are as if with strangers and abroad. When they are with their like, they are also in their freedom and consequently in every delight of life.


Heaven and Hell #44 (Ager, 1900)

44. Like are drawn spontaneously as it were to their like; for with their like they are as if with their own and at home, but with others they are as if with strangers and abroad; also when with their like they are in their freedom, and consequently in every delight of life.


De Coelo et de Inferno #44 (original Latin)

44. Similes quasi ex se feruntur ad similes; nam sunt cum similibus sicut cum suis, et sicut domi cum aliis autem sicut cum peregrinis, et sicut foris: quando apud similes sunt, etiam in suo libero sunt, et inde in omni jucundo vitae.

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