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《天堂与地狱》 第438节





438. 对此, 我再补充一点: 就其灵而言, 每个人甚至活在肉身时, 就与灵人同在某个社群, 尽管他没有意识到这一点. 他若是善人, 便通过灵人在某个天使社群, 若是恶人, 则在某个地狱社群; 死后他便进入这个社群. 那些死后来到灵人中间的人经常被告知并指示这一点. 事实上, 人活在世上时, 在这个社群并非作为一个灵人显现, 因为那时他的思维是属世的. 不过, 当人的思维从肉体当中抽离出来时, 他有时会在他的社群出现, 因为那时他在灵里. 当被看到时, 他很容易与那里的灵人区分开, 因为他在沉思中行走, 默不作声, 不看别人, 好像没有看见他们; 一旦有灵人和他说话, 他就消失不见了.



438. 我再補充一點:人即使活在肉身時, 就其靈而言, 也處於某個靈界社群當中, 與其它靈同在, 儘管人自己未曾意識到這一點。借著各自的靈, 善者處於天人般的社群中, 惡者處於地獄般的社群中。死後, 各人將進入各自的社群。死後即將進入靈界社群者常被告知和顯明這一點。

人還活在世上時, 人的靈在他的社群中不會顯現出來, 因為人的思維尚停留在物質層面。當人的思想離開肉體時, 有時就顯現在社群當中, 因為彼時在他的靈裡。顯現之時, 很容易將他與生活在那裡的靈分別開來, 因為他獨自邊走邊在思考什麼, 沉默無語, 不理會左右, 顯然也看不見周邊的靈。一旦有靈和他搭腔, 他就立刻消失了。

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Heaven and Hell #438 (NCE, 2000)

438. I may add here that even while we are living in our bodies, each one of us is in a community with spirits as to our own spirits even though we are unaware of it. Good people are in angelic communities by means of [their spirits] and evil people are in hellish communities. Further, we come into those same communities when we die. People who are coming into the company of spirits after death are often told and shown this.

Actually, we are not visible as spirits in our [spiritual] communities while we are living in the world because we are thinking on the natural level. However, if our thinking is withdrawn from the body we are sometimes visible in our communities because we are then in the spirit. When we are visible, it is easy to tell us from the spirits who live there because we walk along deep in thought, silent, without looking at others, as though we did not see them; and the moment any spirit addresses us, we disappear.


Heaven and Hell #438 (Harley, 1958)

438. To this may be added that every man in respect of his spirit, even while he is living in the body, is in some society with spirits, although he does not know it, if a good man he is by means of spirits in some angelic society, if an evil man in some infernal society; and after death he comes into that same society. This has been often told and shown to those who after death have come among spirits. Man, to be sure, does not appear in that society as a spirit while he is living in the world, for the reason that he then thinks naturally; but those who are thinking abstractly from the body, because they are then in the spirit, sometimes appear in their own society; and when seen they are easily distinguished from the spirits there, for they go about meditating and in silence, not looking at others, and apparently not seeing them; and as soon as any spirit speaks to them they vanish.


Heaven and Hell #438 (Ager, 1900)

438. To this may be added that every man in respect to his spirit, even while he is living in the body, is in some society with spirits, although he does not know it; if a good man he is by means of spirits in some angelic society; if an evil man in some infernal society; and after death he comes into that same society. This has been often told and shown to those who after death have come among spirits. Man, to be sure, does not appear in that society as a spirit while he is living in the world, for the reason that he then thinks naturally; but when one is thinking abstractly from the body, because he is then in the spirit, he sometimes appears in his society; and when seen he is easily distinguished from the spirits there, for he goes about meditating and in silence, not looking at others, and apparently not seeing them; and as soon as any spirit speaks to him he vanishes.


De Coelo et de Inferno #438 (original Latin)

438. His adjicere licet, quod unusquisque homo, etiam dum in corpore vivit, quoad spiritum suum sit in societate cum spiritibus, tametsi id nescit, bonus per illos in societate angelica, et malus in societate infernali et quod in eandem societatem etiam post mortem veniat. Hoc saepius dictum et ostensum est illis, qui post mortem inter spiritus venerunt. Non quidem apparet homo in illa societate ut spiritus, cum vivit in mundo, ex causa quia tunc naturaliter cogitat; qui autem abstracte a corpore cogitant, quia tunc in spiritu, illi quandoque in sua societate apparent, et cum apparent, dignoscuntur probe a spiritibus qui ibi sunt, vadunt enim meditabundi, obmutescunt, nec spectant ad alios, sunt sicut non videant illos; ac ut primum aliquis spiritus illos alloquitur, evanescunt.

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