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《天堂与地狱》 第349节







349. 凡在尘世获得聪明与智慧的人, 各照其聪明与智慧的质与量被接入天堂, 成为天使. 因为凡人在尘世所获得的, 都与他同住, 他死后也会带着它; 它在那里增长并填充, 但都在他对真理及其良善的情感和渴望的层面之内, 不会超出这个层面. 那些拥有极少情感和渴望的人所得也极少, 但仍能得到他们在自己的层面所尽可能得到的; 而那些拥有极大情感和渴望的人所得也多. 情感和渴望的程度本身就像满至边缘的量器, 拥有大量器的人所得也多, 拥有小量器的人所得也少. 这是因为情感和渴望所属之人的爱接受适合它自己的一切; 因此, 爱的量决定了接受的量. 这就是主说下面这些话的意思:

凡有的, 还要加给他, 叫他有余. (马太福音 13:12; 25:29)

用十足的升斗, 连摇带按, 上尖下流地倒在你们怀里. (路加福音 6:38)



349. 凡在人間獲得聰明智慧的人, 皆照其聰明和智慧的質與量, 被接入天國, 成為天人。凡人在人間所獲得的, 皆將與之偕行, 被帶入死後的世界, 在那增長充實, 但在人熱愛良善和真理的層次之內, 非超越該層次之外。熱愛之情若小, 所得便少, 但也能照其層次得到足啟多;熱愛之情若強, 所得便多。熱愛之情的實際層次, 好比滿至邊緣的度量。誰的度量大, 所得就大;誰的度量小, 所得就少。因為情感屬於愛的範疇, 愛接受一切與之相合者, 愛的度量決定了得的度量。主說:"凡有的, 還要加給他, 叫他有餘"(馬太福音13:12, 25:29),"連搖帶按, 上尖下流地倒在你們懷裡"

(路加福音6:38), 即是此義。

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Heaven and Hell #349 (NCE, 2000)

349. All the people who have acquired intelligence and wisdom in the world are received in heaven and become angels, according to the quality and amount of their individual intelligence and wisdom. Whatever we have acquired in this world stays with us. We take it with us after death, where it is increased and filled out, all within the level of our own affection and desire for what is true and good, and not beyond that level. People who have had little affection and desire accept little, but still as much as they can accept on their own level. People who have had great affection and desire accept much. The actual level of affection and desire is like a measure that is filled to the brim. This means more for people whose measure is great and less for people whose measure is small. This is because the love to which affection and desire belong accepts everything that suits it, so the amount of love determines the amount of receptivity. This is the meaning of the Lord's words, "To all who have, it will be given, and they will have more abundantly" (Matthew 13:12; 25:29); "Into your lap will be given a good measure, pressed down, shaken, and overflowing" (Luke 6:38).


Heaven and Hell #349 (Harley, 1958)

349. All who have furnished themselves with intelligence and wisdom in the world are received in heaven and become angels, each in accordance with the quality and degree of his intelligence and wisdom. For whatever a man acquires in the world abides, and he takes it with him after death; and it is further increased and filled out, but within and not beyond the degree of his affection and desire for truth and its good, those with but little affection and desire receiving but little, and yet as much as they are capable of receiving within that degree; while those with much affection and desire receive much. The degree itself of affection and desire is like a measure that is filled to the full, he who has a large measure receiving more, and he who has a small measure receiving less. This is so because man's love, to which affection and desire belong, receives all that accords with itself; consequently as much as he loves, so much does he receive. This is what is meant by the Lord's words,

To everyone that hath, shall be given, that he may have more abundantly. Matthew 13:12; 25:29.

Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall be given into your bosom. Luke 6:38.


Heaven and Hell #349 (Ager, 1900)

349. All who have acquired intelligence and wisdom in the world are received in heaven and become angels, each in accordance with the quality and degree of his intelligence and wisdom. For whatever a man acquires in the world abides, and he takes it with him after death; and it is further increased and filled out, but within and not beyond the degree of his affection and desire for truth and its good, those with but little affection and desire receiving but little, and yet as much as they are capable of receiving within that degree; while those with much affection and desire receive much. The degree itself of affection and desire is like a measure that is filled to the full, he that has a large measure receiving more, and he that has a small measure receiving less. This is so because man's love, to which affection and desire belong, receives all that accords with itself; consequently reception is measured by the love. This is what is meant by the Lord's words,

To him that hath it shall be given, that he may have more abundantly (Matthew 13:12; 25:29).

Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over, shall be given into your bosom (Luke 6:38).


De Coelo et de Inferno #349 (original Latin)

349. Omnes qui intelligentiam et sapientiam sibi comparaverunt in mundo, accepti sunt in caelo, et fiunt angeli, quisque secundum quale et quantum intelligentiae et sapientiae quicquid enim homo sibi acquirit in mundo, hoc remanet, et secum fert post mortem, et quoque augetur et impletur, sed intra gradum affectionis et desiderii veri et boni ejus, non autem ultra illum; illi, quibus parum affectionis et desiderii fuit, parum recipiunt, sed usque tantum quantum intra illum gradum recipere possunt; illi autem quibus multum affectionis, et desiderii fuit, multum recipiunt ipse gradus affectionis et desiderii est sicut mensura, quae augetur ad plenum, plus itaque cui magna mensura, et minus cui parva: quod ita sit, est causa, quia amor, cujus est affectio et desiderium, recipit omne quod sibi convenit; inde quantus est amor tantum recipit. Hoc intelligitur per Domini verba,

Omni, qui habet, dabitur ut abundantius habeat (Matthaeus 13:12; 25:29);

"In sinum dabitur mensura bona pressa, agitata et super fluens," (Luca 6:38).

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