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《天堂与地狱》 第337节





337. 我还被指示所有这些事物如何通过适合他们天赋的快乐, 宜人的手段被注入他们. 事实上, 我被允许看见孩子们穿着最得体的衣服, 胸间和稚嫩的手臂上饰有闪耀着最迷人的天堂色彩的花环. 有一次, 我甚至被允许看见一些孩子与他们的保姆在一些少女的陪伴下同在一个天堂花园里; 这个花园极其漂亮, 但没有那么多树, 某种类似月桂的事物建成的拱门构成极其复杂的门廊, 有一条小路通到里面. 孩子们穿戴得十分漂亮, 当他们进入花园时, 入口处的花丛发出至为快乐的光芒. 由此可见孩子们的快乐是何性质, 他们又是如何通过快乐迷人的事物被引入纯真与仁爱的良善; 主不断将这些良善注入这些快乐和愉悦.



337. 我還被指示這一切是如何通過適合孩子秉性的快樂迷人的方式來灌入的。我曾見孩子們穿著美麗的服裝, 胸間和稚嫩的手臂上戴著花環, 發出迷人的光芒。某次我還見孩子們與各自的保姆並一群婦人在一座花園裡, 貌似月桂的圓拱構成複雜的門廊, 有小徑通往園中。孩子們穿戴得十分漂亮, 當他們進入花園的時候, 入口處的花叢發出至為快樂的光芒。我由此看出孩子們擁有怎樣的快樂, 又是如何借著快樂迷人的事物而被引入天真與仁愛的福分中的。通過這些快樂迷人的禮物, 主不斷賜予他們祝福。

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Heaven and Hell #337 (NCE, 2000)

337. I have also been shown how all these things are instilled using delightful and charming means that are suited to their natures. I have in fact been allowed to see children clothed most becomingly, with garlands of flowers around their chests glowing with the most charming and heavenly colors, and similar ones around their slender arms. Once I was even allowed to see some children with their nurses, in the company of some young women in a paradisal garden - not a garden of trees, but one with vaulted arches of something like laurels making the most intricate doorways with paths offering access inward - and the children themselves dressed with like beauty. When they entered, the flowers over the entrance radiated the most joyous light imaginable. This enabled me to gather what their delights were like and how they were led into the blessings of innocence and thoughtfulness by things charming and delightful, with the Lord constantly instilling blessings by means of these charming and delightful gifts.


Heaven and Hell #337 (Harley, 1958)

337. I have also been shown how all things are instilled into them by delightful and pleasant means suited to their genius. I have been permitted to see little children most charmingly attired, having garlands of flowers resplendent with most beautiful and heavenly colours twined about their breasts and around their tender arms. Once also it was granted me to see them accompanied by nurses and by maidens, in a park most beautifully adorned, not so much with trees, as with arbours and covered walks of laurel, as it were, with paths leading inward; and when the little children entered, attired as they were, the flowers over the entrance shone forth most joyously. Hence the nature of their delights can be established, also how they are led by means of pleasant and delightful things into the goods of innocence and charity, which are continually instilled into these delights and pleasures by the Lord.


Heaven and Hell #337 (Ager, 1900)

337. I have also been shown how all things are instilled into them by delightful and pleasant means suited to their genius. I have been permitted to see children most charmingly attired, having garlands of flowers resplendent with most beautiful and heavenly colors twined about their breasts and around their tender arms; and once to see them accompanied by those in charge of them and by maidens, in a park most beautifully adorned, not so much with trees, as with arbors and covered walks of laurel, with paths leading inward; and when the children entered attired as they were the flowers over the entrance shone forth most joyously. This indicates the nature of their delights, also how they are led by means of pleasant and delightful things into the goods of innocence and charity, which goods the Lord continually instilled into these delights and pleasures.


De Coelo et de Inferno #337 (original Latin)

337. Quomodo omnia illis insinuantur per jucunda et amoena, quae genio eorum conveniunt, mihi etiam ostensum est: datum enim est videre infantes decoratissime amictos, circum pectus sertis florum ex amoenissimis et caelestibus coloribus splendescentium, et quoque circum tenera eorum brachia. Quondam etiam videre datum est infantes cum educatricibus una cum virginibus in horto paradisiaco, non ita ex arboribus, sed ex transtris quasi laureis, et sic porticibus, ornatissimo, cum viis adituum versus interiora, et ipsos infantes similiter tunc amictos; et cum intrabant, floretum supra introitum laetissime exsplendescebat. Inde quales illis deliciae, constare potest, tum quod per amoena et jucunda introducantur in bona innocentiae et charitatis, quae bona jucundis et amoenis illis jugiter a Domino insinuantur.

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