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《天堂与地狱》 第256节





256. 天使或灵人不允许凭自己的记忆, 只可凭人的记忆与人交谈. 因为天使和灵人也有记忆, 和人一样. 如果灵人凭自己的记忆与人交谈, 那么此人就只知道那时他头脑里的思维是自己的, 尽管它们是这个灵人的思维. 这就像是回想起了此人从未听说或见过的某种东西. 我从经历得知事实的确如此. 这就是某些古人所持以下信念的源头, 即: 数千年后, 他们将回到以前的生活, 及其一切行为中, 事实上, 也的确回去了. 他们之所以得出这样的结论, 是因为有时他们会回想起他们从未看见或听见的那类事物. 这种情况的发生, 是因为灵人从自己的记忆流入这些人的思维观念.



256. 天人和靈不允許以其記憶和人說話, 只允許通過人的記憶說話。事實上, 天人和靈也有記憶, 和人一樣。靈若以其記憶和人說話, 人必以為靈的念頭屬於自己, 從而感覺想起了某些從未有過的經歷。通過親身體驗, 我得知這樣的事實。

這是一些古人持以下信念的原因:他們相信數千年後將重回以前的生活, 重回一切的行為, 並且事實上他們已經重回。他們得出這種結論, 是因為有的時候, 某些從未有過的經歷突然出現在記憶中。其實, 這是靈的記憶流入了他們的思想意象當中。

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Heaven and Hell #256 (NCE, 2000)

256. No angel or spirit is allowed to talk with one of us from the angel's or spirit's own memory, only from that of the individual in question. Angels and spirits actually have memory just as we do. If a spirit were to talk with us from his or her own memory, then it would seem to us entirely as though the thoughts were our own, when they would really belong to the spirit. It is like remembering something that we have never seen or heard. I have been granted knowledge of the truth of this by experience.

This is why some of the ancients were of the opinion that after some thousands of years they would return to their former life and all its deeds, and that they had in fact returned. They gathered this from the fact that sometimes a kind of memory would come up of things that they had never seen or heard. This happened because spirits had flowed from their own memory into the images of these people's thoughts.


Heaven and Hell #256 (Harley, 1958)

256. An angel or spirit is not permitted to speak with a man from his own memory, but only from the man's memory, for angels and spirits have a memory as well as man. If a spirit were to speak from his own memory with a man, the man would not know otherwise than that the thoughts then in his mind were his own, although they were the spirit's thoughts. This would be like the recollection of something which the man had never heard or seen. That this is so has been given me to know from experience. This is the source of the belief held by some of the ancients that after some thousands of years they were to return into their former life, and into all its activities, and in fact, had returned. This they concluded because at times there came to them a sort of recollection of things that they had never seen or heard. This came from an influx from the memory of spirits into their ideas of thought.


Heaven and Hell #256 (Ager, 1900)

256. An angel or spirit is not permitted to speak with a man from his own memory, but only from the man's memory; for angels and spirits have a memory as well as man. If a spirit were to speak from his own memory with a man the man would not know otherwise than that the thoughts then in his mind were his own, although they were the spirit's thoughts. This would be like the recollection of something which the man had never heard or seen. That this is so has been given me to know from experience. This is the source of the belief held by some of the ancients that after some thousands of years they were to return into their former life, and into everything they had done, and in fact, had returned. This they concluded because at times there came to them a sort of recollection of things that they had never seen or heard. This came from an influx from the memory of spirits into their ideas of thought.


De Coelo et de Inferno #256 (original Latin)

256. Non licet alicui angelo et spiritui loqui cum homine ex sua memoria, sed ex hominis; angelis enim et spiritibus aeque est memoria ac hominibus. Si spiritus cum homine loqueretur ex sua memoria, tunc homo non aliter sciret, quam quod res quas tunc cogitat suae essent, cum tamen sunt spiritus est velut reminiscentia rei, quam tamen homo nusquam audivit aut vidit: quod ita sit, ab experientia mihi scire datum est. Inde fuit quibusdam antiquis opinio, quod post aliquot millia annorum redituri essent in vitam suam priorem, et in omnia ejus acta, et quoque quod redierint; concluserunt id ex eo, quod quandoque obvenerit eis quasi recordatio rerum, quas tamen nusquam viderunt aut audiverunt; hoc factum est, quia spiritus ex sua memoria in ideas cogitationes eorum influxerunt.

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