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《天堂与地狱》 第216节

















216. 基于良善的管理, 就是诸如存在于主的属天国度的那类管理, 被称为“公义”; 基于真理的管理, 就是诸如存在于主的属灵国度的那类管理, 被称为“公平”, 故在圣言中, 当论述天堂和教会时, 经上就说“公义和公平”, 其中“公义”表示属天的良善, “公平”表示属灵的良善; 如前所述, 属灵的良善本质上是真理. 如以下经文:

平安在大卫的宝座和祂的国必无穷无尽, 以公平公义使国坚定稳固, 从今直到永远. (以赛亚书 9:7)

“大卫”在此表示主, “祂的国”表示天堂, 这从以下经文明显看出来:

我要给大卫兴起一个公义的苗裔, 祂必执政为王, 行事有智慧, 在地上施行公平和公义. (耶利米书 23:5)

耶和华被尊崇, 因祂居在高处; 祂以公平公义充满锡安. (以赛亚书 33:5)


我, 耶和华, 在地上施行公平和公义, 因我喜悦这些事. (耶利米书 9:24)

我必聘你永远归我, 以公义, 公平聘你归我. (何西阿书 2:9)

耶和华啊, 在天上你的公义好像神的高山, 你的判断如同深渊. (诗篇 36:5-6)

他们向我求问公义的判语, 喜悦亲近神. (以赛亚书 58:2)


注: 在圣言的预言部分, “大卫”表示主(天国的奥秘 1888, 9954节). 在圣言中, “锡安”表示教会, 尤表属天教会(天国的奥秘 2362, 9055节).



216. 基於良善的治理(仁智天國中的治理方式)稱為"公義,"基於真理(義信天國中的治理方式)的治理稱為"公平"。正因如此, 在聖言中, 當論及天國與教會時,"公義"與"公平"常連帶而提。其中"公義"表示仁之善,"公平"表示義之善(如前面所說, 義之善在本質上乃是真理)。

如以下經文:祂的政權與平安必加增無窮, 祂必在大衛的寶座上治理祂的國, 以公平公義使國堅定穩固, 從今直到永遠(以賽亞書9:7)。此處"大衛"指主,"祂的國"指天國。

我們還能從以下經文看出:我要給大衛興起一個公義的苗裔, 祂必掌王權, 行事有智慧, 在地上施行公平和公義(耶利米書23:5)。耶和華被尊崇, 因祂居在高處, 祂以公平公義充滿錫安(以賽亞書33:5)。"錫安"也指天國和教會。

再如下列經文:誇口的卻因他有聰明, 認識我是耶和華, 又知道我喜悅在世上施行慈愛公平和公義(耶利米書9:24)。我必聘你永遠歸我為妻, 以仁義, 公平, 慈愛, 憐憫聘你歸我(何西阿書2:9)。耶和華啊, 禰的公義好像高山, 禰的判斷(判斷與公平為同一英文judgement)如同深淵(詩篇36:5-6)。向我求問公義的判語, 喜悅親近上帝(以賽亞書58:2)。

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Heaven and Hell #216 (NCE, 2000)

216. Since government on the basis of what is good (the kind in the Lord's heavenly kingdom) is called justice, and government on the basis of what is true (the kind in the Lord's spiritual kingdom) is called judgment, in the Word it says "justice and judgment" when it is talking about heaven and the church; "justice" meaning heavenly good, and "judgment" spiritual good - which latter good, as explained above, is in essence true. The following examples may serve:

There will be no end to peace on the throne of David and on his kingdom, to establish it and to sustain it in judgment and justice from now on and even to eternity. (Isaiah 9:7)

"David" here means the Lord, 1and his kingdom means his heaven, as we can see from the next passage:

I will raise up for David a just shoot and he will reign as king and act discerningly and make judgment and justice on earth. (Jeremiah 23:5)

Let Jehovah be extolled because he lives on high and fills Zion with judgment and justice. (Isaiah 33:5)

Zion too means heaven and the church. 2

I, Jehovah, am he who makes judgment and justice on earth, because in them I take pleasure. (Jeremiah 9:24)

I will betroth you to myself for eternity, and I will betroth you to myself in justice and judgment. (Hosea 2:19)

Jehovah, in the heavens your justice is like the mountains of God, and your judgment like the great deep. (Psalms 36:5-6)

They ask me for judgments of justice, they long for the approach of God. (Isaiah 58:2)

And elsewhere.


1. In the prophetic books of the Word, David means the Lord: 1888, 9954.

2. Zion means the church, and specifically the heavenly church: 2362, 9055.


Heaven and Hell #216 (Harley, 1958)

216. As government from good which is the kind of government in the Lord's celestial kingdom is called justice, and government from truth which is the kind of government in the Lord's spiritual kingdom is called judgment, so in the Word, justice and judgment are used when heaven and the Church are treated of, justice signifying celestial good, and judgment spiritual good, which good, as has been said above, is, in its essence, truth, as in the following passages:

Of peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it in judgment and in justice, even for ever. Isaiah 20.

By "David" there, is meant the Lord, 1and by "His kingdom", heaven, as is evident from the following passage:

I will raise unto David a just branch, and he shall reign as King, and shall deal intelligently and shall do judgment and justice in the earth. Jeremiah 23:5.

Jehovah is exalted, for He dwelleth on high; He hath filled Zion with judgment and justice. Isaiah 33:5.

By Zion also is meant heaven and the Church: 2

I, Jehovah, doing. . . judgment and justice in the earth, for in these things I delight. Jeremiah 9:24.

I will betroth thee unto Me for ever, and I will betroth thee unto Me in justice and judgment. Hosea 2:19.

O Jehovah, in the heavens . . . Thy justice is like the mountains of God, and Thy judgments are like the great deep. Psalm 36:5-6.

They ask of Me the judgments of justice, they long for an approach unto God. Isaiah 58:2.

And in other passages.


1. By "David", in the prophetic parts of the Word, is meant the Lord (Arcana Coelestia 1888, 9954).

2. By "Zion", in the Word, is meant the Church, especially the celestial Church (Arcana Coelestia 2362, 9055).


Heaven and Hell #216 (Ager, 1900)

216. As government from good, which is the kind of government that exists in the Lord's celestial kingdom, is called righteousness; and government from truth, which is the kind of government that exists in the Lord's spiritual kingdom, is called judgment, so the terms "righteousness and judgment" are used in the Word when heaven and the church are treated of, "righteousness" signifying celestial good, and "judgment" spiritual good, which good, as has been said above, is in its essence truth, as in the following passages:

Of peace there shall be no end upon the throne of David and upon His kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it in judgment and in righteousness from henceforth and even to eternity (Isaiah 9:7).

By "David" here the Lord is meant; 1and by "His kingdom" heaven, as is evident from the following passage:

I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and He shall reign as King, and shall deal intelligently and shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land (Jeremiah 23:5).

Jehovah is exalted, for He dwelleth on high; He hath filled Zion with judgment and righteousness (Isaiah 33:5).

"Zion" also means heaven and the church. 2

I, Jehovah, doing judgment and righteousness on the earth, for in these things I delight (Jeremiah 9:24).

I will betroth thee unto Me forever, and I will betroth thee unto Me in righteousness and judgment (Hosea 2:19).

O Jehovah, in the heavens Thy righteousness is like the mountains of God, and Thy judgments are like the great deep (Psalm 36:5, 6).

They ask of Me the judgments of righteousness, they long for an approach unto God (Isaiah 58:2). So in other places.


1. By "David" in the prophetic parts of the Word, the Lord is meant (Arcana Coelestia 1888, 9954).

2. In the Word "Zion" means the church, and specifically the celestial church (2362, 9055).


De Coelo et de Inferno #216 (original Latin)

216. Quoniam regimen ex bono, quale est in regno caelesti Domini, vocatur Justitia, et regimen ex vero, quale est in regno spirituali Domini, vocatur Judicium, ideo in Verbo dicitur "justitia et judicium," ubi agitur de caelo et de ecclesia, et per "justitiam significatur bonum caeleste, et per "judicium" bonum spirituale, quod bonum, ut supra dictum est, in sua essentia est verum. Ut in sequentibus his locis:-

"Paci non erit finis super throno Davidis, et super regno Ipsius, ad stabiliendum illud, et ad fulciendum illud in judicio et [in] justitia, a nunc et usque in aeternum," (Esaias 9:6 [B.A. 7]):

per "Davidem" ibi intelligitur Dominus, 1et per "regnum Ipsius" caelum, ut patet ex nunc sequenti loco:

"Suscitabo Davidi Germen justum, et regnabit Rex, et intelligenter aget, et faciet judicium et justitiam in terra," (Jeremias 23:5).

"Exaltetur Jehovah, quia inhabitat altum; implevit Zionem judicio et justitia," (Esaias 33:5)

per "Zionem" etiam intelligitur caelum et ecclesia. 2

"Ego Jehovah faciens... judicium et justitiam in terra, quia in illis beneplacet Mihi," (Jeremias 9:23 [B.A. 24]).

"Desponsabo te Mihi in aeternum, et desponsabo te Mihi in justitia et judicio," (Hoschea 2:19)

"Jehovah in caelis est... justitia tua sicut montes Dei, et judicia tua sicut abyssus magna," (Psalm 36:6, 7 [B.A. 5-6]);

"Interrogant 3Me Judicia Justitiae, appropinquationem Dei desiderent," (Esaias 58:2);

et alibi.


1. Quod per "Davidem" in propheticis Verbi intelligatur Dominus (1888, 9954).

2. Quod per "Zionem" in Verbo intelligatur ecclesia, in specie ecclesia caelestis (2362, 9055).

3. "Interrogant:"--sic ed. princeps: sed vide Arcana Coelestia 2235, ubi legitur "interrogent."

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