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《天堂与地狱》 第195节






195. 当有人从一个地方去往另一个地方, 无论这个地方是在他自己的城市, 还是在庭院, 花园, 或是去往自己的城市之外的其它地方时, 他若急于到那里, 就会很快到达; 若不太急切, 则不那么快地到达. 道路本身照着他的渴望而拉长或缩短, 尽管道路是一样的. 我经常目睹这一事实, 令我感到十分吃惊. 这一切再次清楚表明, 距离和空间本身完全取决于天使内层状态的变化; 事实的确如此, 所以空间的观点或概念无法进入他们的思维, 尽管他们和世人一样拥有空间.

注: 位置和空间照着天使和灵人的内层状态而呈现在眼前(天国的奥秘 5605, 9440, 10146节).



195. 從一地到另一地, 不論是在城市, 庭院, 花園之內, 還是出到社群之外, 天人的心情若迫切, 到達的速度就快, 反之就慢。同一段路程, 根據天人的願望, 路程可長可短。我常目睹這個事實, 令人稱奇。

這同樣說明距離和空間完全取決於天人的內在狀態。所以, 他們雖然像世人那樣處在空間當中, 卻完全沒有空間的概念。

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Heaven and Hell #195 (NCE, 2000)

195. Whenever people move from one place to another, whether it is within their town, in their courtyards, in their gardens, or to people outside their own community, they get there more quickly if they are eager to and more slowly if they are not. The path itself is lengthened or shortened depending on their desire, even though it is the same path. I have often seen this, much to my surprise.

We can see from all this again that distance and space itself depend wholly on the inner state of angels; 1and since this is the case, no notion or concept of space can enter their minds even though they have space just the way we do in our world.


1. Places and spaces are presented to view in response to the inner states of angels and spirits: 5604 [5605?], 9440, 10146.


Heaven and Hell #195 (Harley, 1958)

195. Again, when anyone goes from one place to another, whether it be in his own city, or in courts or in gardens, or to others outside his own society, he arrives more quickly when he desires it, and later when he does not, the way itself being lengthened or shortened in accordance with the desire, although it is the same way. This I have often seen and have wondered at it. From these things again it is evident that distances and consequently spaces are entirely according to the states of the interiors with the angels, 1and this being so, no notion or idea of space can enter their thought, although there are spaces with them equally as in the world.


1. Places and spaces appear visible according to the states of the interiors of angels and spirits (Arcana Coelestia 5604, 9440, 10146).


Heaven and Hell #195 (Ager, 1900)

195. Again, when any one goes from one place to another, whether it be in his own city, or in courts or in gardens, or to others out of his own society, he arrives more quickly when he eagerly desires it, and less quickly when he does not, the way itself being lengthened and shortened in accordance with the desire, although it remains the same. This I have often seen to my surprise. All this again makes clear how distances, and consequently spaces, are wholly in accord with states of the interiors of the angels; 1and this being so, no notion or idea of space can enter their thought, although there are spaces with them equally as in the world.


1. Places and spaces are presented to the sight in accordance with the states of the interiors of angels and spirits (5605, 9440, 10146).


De Coelo et de Inferno #195 (original Latin)

195. Cum etiam aliquis progreditur ab uno loco in alterum, sive sit in sua civitate, sive in atriis, sive in hortis, sive ad alios extra suam societatem, tunc citius venit cum desiderat, et serius, cum non desiderat ipsa via protrahitur et decurtatur secundum desiderium, tametsi eadem est hoc saepius vidi, et miratus sum. Ex his iterum patet, quod distantia proinde spatia sint prorsus secundum status interiorum apud angelos; 1et quia ita est, quod notio et idea spatii non in cogitationem illorum intrare possit, tametsi apud illos aeque spatia sunt ut in mundo.


1. Quod loca et spatia sistantur videri secundum status interiorum angelorum et spirituum (5604 [5605?] 9440, 10146).

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