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《天堂与地狱》 第194节





194. 也正因如此, 在灵界, 有人若急切渴望另一人的同在, 就会出现在那人面前. 这是因为他由此在思维里看到那人, 将自己置于他的状态. 相反, 一个人会照着对另一人的厌恶感而远离他. 由于一切厌恶都出自情感的对立和思维的分歧, 所以在灵界, 许多人只要一致, 就会一起出现在同一个地方; 但一有分歧, 就消失不见.



194. 因同樣的緣故, 在心靈世界, 當一個人渴望另一個人的同在, 那人就會出現在他面前。因為這人在思維裡注想那人, 將自己調諧至那人的狀態。反之, 勉強的感覺導致彼此分離, 因為勉強出自情感的抗拒與思維的分歧。協同一致的時候, 很多人可同聚一地, 不同的時候就彼此消散了。

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Heaven and Hell #194 (NCE, 2000)

194. This is also why in the spiritual world one individual is present to another if only that presence is intensely desired. This is because one person sees another in thought in this way and identifies with that individual's state. Conversely, one person moves away from another to the extent that there is any sense of reluctance; and since all reluctance comes from an opposition of affections and disagreement of thoughts, there can be many people appearing together in one place as long as they agree, but as soon as they disagree, they vanish.


Heaven and Hell #194 (Harley, 1958)

194. For the same reason, again, anyone in the spiritual world who intensely desires the presence of another, comes into his presence, for he thus sees him in thought and puts himself in his state, and conversely, one is remote from another so far as he is averse to him. And since all aversion comes from contrariety of affection and from disagreement of thoughts, it happens that when several are in one place there, they are visible to one another so long as they agree, but vanish as soon as they disagree.


Heaven and Hell #194 (Ager, 1900)

194. For the same reason, again, any one in the spiritual world who intensely desires the presence of another comes into his presence, for he thereby sees him in thought, and puts himself in his state; and conversely, one is separated from another so far as he is averse to him. And since all aversion comes from contrariety of affection and from disagreement of thought, whenever in that world several are together in one place they are visible [to one another] so long as they agree, but vanish as soon as they disagree.


De Coelo et de Inferno #194 (original Latin)

194. Ex hac causa etiam est, quod in mundo spirituali unus sistatur alteri praesens, modo intense desiderat praesentiam ejus, nam sic videt illum cogitatione, et sistit se in ejus statu vice versa, quod unus ab altero removeatur, quantum aversatur illum et quia omnis aversatio est ex contrarietate affectionum, et ex dissensu cogitationum, inde fit, quod plures, qui ibi in uno loco sunt, quamdiu consentiunt, appareant, sed ut primum dissentiunt, disparentur.

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