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《圣爱与圣智》 第409节




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Divine Love and Wisdom #409 (Dole (2003))

409, 11. Love or volition does not do anything without wisdom or discernment. Since love has neither sensory nor active life apart from discernment, and since love leads discernment into all the functions of the mind (see 407, 408 above), it follows that love or volition does not do anything apart from discernment. What would it be to act from love apart from discernment? We could only call it something senseless. Discernment is what shows us what needs to be done and how it needs to be done. Love does not know this apart from discernment. As a result, there is so full a union between love and discernment that even though they are two functions, they still act as one. There is a similar union between what is good and what is true, since what is good is a matter of love and what is true is a matter of discernment.

There is the same kind of union in everything the Lord has created in the universe. Their function looks to what is good, and the form of their function looks to what is true.

It is because of this union that there is a right and a left to the whole body and everything in it. The right goes back to the good that prompts what is true, and the left to the truth that is prompted by what is good, so they go back to that union. This is why there are pairs in us--two brains [the cerebrum and the cerebellum], two hemispheres of the cerebrum, two ventricles of the heart, two lobes of the lungs, two eyes, ears, nostrils, arms, hands, legs, feet, kidneys, reproductive glands, and so on; and where there are not separate pairs, there is still a right side and a left side. This is because the good looks to the true for its manifestation and the true looks to the good for its existence. The same holds true in the angelic heavens and in the individual communities there.

There is more on this subject in 401 above, where I explained that unless it is married to wisdom or discernment, love or volition cannot accomplish anything through its human form. I will elsewhere discuss the inverse of the union of what is good and what is true, namely the union of what is evil and what is false.

Divine Love and Wisdom #409 (Rogers (1999))

409. (11) Love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with wisdom or the intellect. Since love has no sensory life and no active life apart from the intellect, and since love introduces the intellect into all the constituents of the mind, as we showed in nos. 407, 408 above, it follows that love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with wisdom or the intellect. For what is it to act from love apart from the intellect? It can only be called irrational, for it is the intellect that teaches what ought to be done and how it ought to be done. Love without the intellect does not know this. Therefore such a marriage exists between love and the intellect that although they are two distinct entities, they nevertheless operate as one.

A like marriage exists between good and truth, for goodness is a property of love, and truth a matter of the intellect.

Such a marriage exists in every single constituent of the universe that has been created by the Lord. Their usefulness has relation to good, and the form of their usefulness to truth.

[2] It is owing to this marriage that every single constituent of the body has a right and left side, the right side having relation to good from which springs truth, and the left side to truth springing from good, thus [the two together] to their conjunction.

It is because of this that we find paired organs in the human being. The brain has two component structures, 1 the cerebrum two hemispheres, the heart two ventricles, the lungs two lobes. There are two eyes, ears, nostrils, arms, hands, loins, feet, kidneys, and testicles, among others. And where the organs are not paired, there is a right and left side.

These pairs exist because good looks to truth for its expression, and truth looks to good for its being.

The same is the case in the angelic heavens and in each of their societies.

For more on this subject, see no. 401 above, where we showed that love or the will cannot do anything through its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the intellect.

As for the conjunction of evil and falsity, which is the opposite of the conjunction of good and truth, this we will speak of elsewhere.


1. I.e., the cerebrum and cerebellum.

Divine Love and Wisdom #409 (Harley and Harley (1969))

409. (xi) Love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with wisdom or the understanding. For as love has no sensate nor any active life apart from the understanding, and as love introduces the understanding into all things of the mind (as was shown above,407, 408), it follows that love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with the understanding. For what is it to act from love without the understanding? This can only be called irrational; for the understanding teaches what ought to be done and how it ought to be done. Love does not know this apart from the understanding; consequently the marriage between love and the understanding is such that although they are two, yet they act as one. There is a similar marriage between goodness and truth, for goodness is of love, and truth is of the understanding. Every single thing in the universe which has been created by the Lord has such a marriage; their use has relation to goodness and the form of the use to truth. It is from this marriage that in each and everything of the body there is a right and a left, and the right relates to goodness from which truth springs, and the left to truth from goodness, thus to their conjunction. The pairs in man are from this source. There are two brains, two hemispheres of the brain, two ventricles of the heart, two lobes of the lungs, two eyes, ears, nostrils, arms, hands, loins, feet, kidneys, testicles, and other things; and where there are not pairs, there is a right and a left. There are pairs because goodness has truth in view in order that it may have existence, and truth has goodness in view in order that it may itself have being. It is the same in the angelic heavens and in each of their societies. More concerning these may seem above (401), where it was shown that love or the will can do nothing through its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the understanding. The conjunction of evil and falsity, which is the opposite of the conjunction of good and truth, will be spoken of elsewhere.

Divine Love and Wisdom #409 (Ager (1890))

409. (11) Love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with wisdom or the understanding. For as love has no sensitive nor any active life apart from the understanding; and as love introduces the understanding into all things of the mind (as was shown above, n. 407, 408), it follows that love or the will does nothing except in conjunction with the understanding. For what is it to act from love without the understanding? Such action can only be called irrational; for the understanding teaches what ought to be done and how it ought to be done. Apart from the understanding love does not know this; consequently such is the marriage between love and the understanding, that although they are two, they act as one. There is a like marriage between good and truth, for good is of love and truth is of the understanding. In every particular thing of the universe as created by the Lord there is such a marriage, their use having relation to good, and the form of their use to truth. From this marriage it is that in each and every thing of the body there is a right and a left, the right having relation to the good from which truth proceeds, and the left to truth from good, thus to their conjunction. From this it is that there are pairs in man; there are two brains, two hemispheres of the brain, two ventricles of the heart, two lobes of the lungs, two eyes, ears, nostrils, arms, hands, loins, feet, kidneys, testicles, etc.; and where there are not pairs, there is a right and a left side, all this for the reason that good looks to truth that it may take form, and truth looks to good that it may have being. It is the same in the angelic heavens and in their several societies. On this subject more may be seen above (n. 401), where it is shown that love or the will is unable to effect anything by its human form without a marriage with wisdom or the understanding. Conjunction of evil and falsity, which is opposite to the conjunction of good and truth, will be spoken of elsewhere.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #409 (original Latin,1763)

409. XI. Quod Amor seu Voluntas nihil agat nisi in conjunctione cum sapientia seu intellectu. Cum enim amori non aliqua vita sensitiva, nec aliqua vita activa, est absque intellectu, 1 et cum amor introducit intellectum in omnia mentis, ut supra 407-408, ostensum est, sequitur quod amor seu voluntas nihil agat nisi in conjunctione cum intellectu; quid enim est ex amore agere absque intellectu[;] hoc non aliter vocari potest quam irrationale, intellectus enim instruit quid agendum, et quomodo agendum est[;] hoc nescit amor absque intellectu; quapropter tale conjugium est inter amorem et intellectum, ut tametsi duo sunt, usque ut unum agant. Simile conjugium est inter bonum et verum, nam bonum est amoris, et verum est intellectus. Tale conjugium est in singulis universi, quae 2 a Domino creata sunt[;] usus illorum se refert ad bonum, ac forma usus ad verum. 3

[2] Ex hoc conjugio est quod in omnibus et singulis corporis sit dextrum et sinistrum, et dextrum se refert ad bonum ex quo verum, ac sinistrum ad verum ex bono, ita ad conjunctionem: ex eo est quod paria sint in homine; sunt duo Cerebra, sunt duo Haemisphaeria cerebri, sunt duo Ventriculi cordis, sunt duo Lobi pulmonis, sunt duo Oculi, Aures, Nares, Brachia, Manus, Lumbi, Pedes, Renes, Testes, et alia, et ubi non sunt paria, ibi est dextrum et sinistrum: haec sunt, quia bonum spectat verum ut existat, ac verum spectat bonum ut sit. Simile est in coelis angelicis, et in singulis illorum societatibus. Plura de his videantur supra 401, ubi ostensum est, Quod Amor seu Voluntas absque conjugio cum sapientia seu intellectu non possit per humanam suam formam aliquid facere. De Conjunctione mali et falsi, quae opposita est conjunctioni boni et veri, alibi dicetur.


1. Prima editio: intellectu;

2. Prima editio: qu[upsidedown "e"]e

3. Prima editio: verum,

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