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《圣爱与圣智》 第357节



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Divine Love and Wisdom #357 (Dole (2003))

357. I need to add that I have seen people in the spiritual world who, on the basis of their observations of the world, had decided in favor of nature to the point of becoming atheists. In spiritual light, their intelligence seemed to be open downward and closed upward because in thought they were looking down to the earth and not up to heaven. The upper surface of their sensory functioning, which is the lowest level of intelligence, seemed to have a kind of covering on it. For some people, it flashed with hellfire, for some it was black as soot, and for some it was leaden and corpselike. Beware of decisions in favor of nature, then. Decide for Divinity: there is no lack of material.

Divine Love and Wisdom #357 (Rogers (1999))

357. To this I should add the following, that in the spiritual world I have seen people who, from the visible phenomena of the world, confirmed themselves on the side of nature to the point that they became atheists, and in a spiritual light their intellect appeared open below but closed above, for the reason that in thought they had looked downward to the earth, and not upward to heaven. Above the sensory level, which is the lowest level of the intellect, a kind of veil appeared, in some cases flashing with a hellish fire, in some cases as black as soot, and in some cases as pale as a corpse.

Let everyone guard himself, therefore, from confirmations on the side of nature. Let him confirm himself on the side of the Divine. There is no lack of material for it.

Divine Love and Wisdom #357 (Harley and Harley (1969))

357. To the above must be added, that I have seen in the spiritual world such as have been confirmed in favour of nature from things visible in the world, and at last had become atheists. In spiritual light their understanding appeared open below, but closed above. The reason was that they looked downwards to the earth and not upwards toward heaven. Above their sensual, which is the lowest part of the understanding, appeared the likeness of a veil; in some lit up from hellish fire, in some black as soot, and in some livid as a corpse. Therefore, beware every one of confirmations in favour of nature. Let him confirm himself in favour of the Divine. There is no lack of evidence.

Divine Love and Wisdom #357 (Ager (1890))

357. To this must be added that those who have confirmed themselves in favor of nature, from the visible things of the world, until they have become atheists, have been seen by me in the spiritual world; and in the spiritual light their understanding appeared open below, but closed above, because in thought they had looked downward toward the earth, and not upward toward heaven. Above their sensual, which is the bottom of the understanding, appeared something like a veil; which in some flashed with hellish fire, in some was black like soot, and in some livid like a corpse. Therefore let every one beware of confirmations in favor of nature; let him confirm himself in favor of the Divine; there is no lack of material.

De Divino Amore et de Divina Sapientia #357 (original Latin,1763)

357. His adjiciendum est, quod in Mundo spirituali mihi visi sint illi, qui pro natura ex visibilibus Mundi se confirmaverunt, usque ut Athei facti sint; et quod Intellectus eorum in luce spirituali apparuerit apertus infra, sed clausus supra, ex causa quia cogitatione spectarunt deorsum ad terram, et non sursum ad Coelum; supra sensuale, quod est infimum intellectus, apparuit sicut velamen, apud quosdam fulgurans ex igne infernali, apud quosdam atrum sicut fuliginis, et apud quosdam lividum sicut cadaveris. Caveat itaque quisque sibi a confirmationibus pro natura; confirmet se pro Divino[;] non deest supellex.

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