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《婚姻之爱》 第343节





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Conjugial Love #343 (Chadwick (1996))

343. The Mohammedans too have a heaven, because all throughout the world are saved who acknowledge God and for religious reasons shun evils as sins against Him. I have been told by Mohammedans themselves that their heaven is divided into two, a higher and a lower one. In the lower heaven they live with as many wives or mistresses as in the world. But those who forswear their mistresses and live with one wife are raised into the higher heaven. I was also told that they find it impossible to think of our Lord as one with God the Father, but they can think of Him as equal, and as being given power over heaven and earth, because He is His Son. This therefore is what those of them believe who are allowed by the Lord to rise into the higher heaven.

Conjugial Love #343 (Rogers (1995))

343. That there is a heaven for Muslims, too, is because all in the entire world are saved who acknowledge God and from religion refrain from evils as being sins against Him. As for its being divided into two, a lower and a higher, this they themselves have told me; also that they live in the lower heaven with several women, both wives and concubines, as in the world, but that those who renounce concubines and live with one wife are raised up into the higher heaven. They have told me as well that it is impossible for them to think of our Lord as being one with God the Father, but that it is possible for them to think of Him as being equal, to whom God has given dominion over heaven and earth because He is His Son. Consequently that is the belief found in those who are granted by the Lord to ascend into their higher heaven.

Love in Marriage #343 (Gladish (1992))

343. Mohammedans have a heaven, too, because everyone in the whole world who recognizes God and avoids evils as sins against Him is saved. From Mohammedans themselves I heard that the Mohammedan heaven is divided in two, a lower one and a higher one, and that in the lower heaven, as in the world, they live with more than one woman - wives as well as mistresses - but that those who give up mistresses and live with one wife are raised into the higher heaven. I also heard that it is impossible for them to think that our Lord is God the Father, but that it is possible for them to consider Him an equal and that the rule of heaven and earth is given to Him because He is His Son. So this is the faith among those whom the Lord permits to go up into the higher heaven.

Conjugial Love #343 (Acton (1953))

343. That the Mohammedans also have a heaven, is because all, throughout the whole world, are saved who acknowledge God and from religion shun evils as sins against Him. That the Mohammedan heaven is distinguished into two, a lower and a higher, this I have heard from themselves; also that in the lower heaven they live with several wives and concubines, as in the world, but that those who renounce concubines and live with one wife are elevated into their higher heaven. I have also heard that it is impossible for them to think that our Lord is one with God the Father, but that it is possible for them to think Him equal, and also to think that dominion is given Him over heaven and earth because He is His Son. This, therefore, is the belief of those to whom ascent is given by the Lord into their higher heaven.

Conjugial Love #343 (Wunsch (1937))

343. Mohammedans also have a heaven, because all in the whole world are saved who acknowledge God and for religion's sake shun evils as sins against Him. They have told me that their heaven is divided into two, a lower and a higher, and that in the lower they live with several wives and concubines as in the world, but that those who give up concubines and live with one wife are raised into the higher heaven. I have also heard that it is impossible for them to think that our Lord is one with God the Father, but that it is possible for them to think of Him as equal with Him, likewise that dominion is given Him over heaven and earth because He is His Son. This faith therefore obtains with those who are enabled by the Lord to mount into the higher heaven.

Conjugial Love #343 (Warren and Tafel (1910))

343. The reason why the Mahometans also have a heaven is, that all throughout the whole world are saved who acknowledge God, and from religion shun evils as sins against Him. That the Mahometan heaven is distinguished into two, a lower and a higher, I have heard from themselves; and that in the lower heaven they live with several wives and concubines, as in the world; but that those who renounce concubines and live with one wife are elevated into their higher heaven. I have also heard that it is impossible for them to think that our Lord is one with the Father; but that it is possible for them to think Him equal, as also that dominion is given to Him over heaven and earth, because He is His Son. This therefore, is the faith of those to whom ascent is given by the Lord into their higher heaven.

De Amore Conjugiali #343 (original Latin (1768))

343. Quod Mahumedanis etiam Coelum sit, est quia omnes in Universo terrarum Orbe, qui agnoscunt Deum, et ex Religione fugiunt mala ut peccata contra Ipsum, salvantur. Quod Mahumedanum Coelum in duos, inferius et superius, distinctum sit, ab ipsis audivi; et quod in inferiori Coelo vivant cum pluribus tam uxoribus quam pellicibus sicut in Mundo, at quod illi qui abdicant pellices, et cum una uxore vivunt, in coelum superius eleventur: audivi etiam quod illis impossibile sit cogitare Dominum nostrum unum cum Deo Patre, sed quod illis possibile sit cogitare Ipsum aequalem, tum quod Ipsi datum sit dominium super Coelum et Terram, quia Filius Ipsius est; quare haec fides apud illos est, quibus ascensus in superius Coelum a Domino datur.

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