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《婚姻之爱》 第0节




第一章 关于婚姻之爱的智慧快乐(第1节)

第二章 天上的婚姻(第27节)

第三章 死后夫妻的状况(第45节)

第四章 真正的婚姻之爱(第57节)

第五章 婚姻之爱源于良善与真理的婚姻(第83节)

第六章 主与教会的婚姻及其对应关系(第116节)

第七章 贞洁和不贞洁(第138节)

第八章 灵魂和心智通过婚姻结合,(第156节)

第九章 男人和女人的生命状态通过婚姻所产生的变化(第184节)

第十章 婚姻问题概述(第209节)

第十一章 婚姻冷淡、分离和离婚的因素(第234节)

第十二章 婚姻中表面爱情、友谊和善意的因素(第271节)

第十三章 订婚和婚礼(第295节)

第十四章 再婚(第317节)

第十五章 一夫多妻(第332节)

第十六章 嫉妒(第357节)

第十七章 婚姻之爱与对孩子的爱之结合(第385节)

第十八章 淫乱之爱与婚姻之爱的对立(第423节)

第十九章 淫行(第444节)

第二十章 找情妇或纳妾(第462节)

第二十一章 奸淫及其种类和等级(第478节)

第二十二章 奸污处女的淫欲(第501节)

第二十三章 多样化的淫欲(第506节)

第二十四章 强奸的淫欲(第511节)

第二十五章 诱奸纯真者的淫欲(第513节)

第二十六章 行淫与侵犯属灵婚姻的对应关系(第515节)

第二十七章 这两种爱,即婚姻之爱和淫乱之爱的报应(第523节)


Love in Marriage

, a Translation of "The Sensible Joy in Married Love and The Foolish Pleasures of Illicit Love"

by Emanuel Swedenborg, in 1768


Part 1: The Sensible Joy in Married Love

1. Introduction: The Joys of Heaven and a Wedding There (n. 1)

Christian misconceptions about heaven.

- Heaven as socializing.

- Feasting with the Fathers.

- Power and royalty.

- The pleasures of Paradise.

- Perpetual worship.

Heaven as a place.

- A visit to heaven itself.

- A wedding in heaven.

- Worship in heaven.

- The spiritual world does exist.

2. Marriages in Heaven (n. 27)

- A person lives on after death.

- Men are still male and women female.

- Everyone's love remains with him after death.

- Love for the other sex remains.

- Personal experience of this.

- There are marriages in heaven.

- Spiritual marriage takes place on earth.


- The embodiment of married love in a couple from heaven

- Three newcomers from the world learn about marriages in heaven

3. The Condition of Married Partners After Death (n. 45)

After death one's sexual love remains unaltered.

- The same goes for married love.

- Married partners meet after death.

- Their inward recognition.

- They remain married, or they separate.

- Each finds a suitable spouse.

- Intercourse is richer there.

- Hell is different.


- Chaste sexual love

- A learned discussion of feminine beauty

4. The Real Love in Marriage, (n. 57)

Real married love is rare today.

- Married love originates in a marriage of good and truth.

- This corresponds to the marriage of the Lord and the church.

- Married love is holy.

- It is the basic love.

- It contains all delights.

- Who experiences it.

- It has gradually faded since ancient times.


- Marriage in the Golden Age

- Marriage in the Silver Age

- Marriage in the Copper Age

- Marriage in the Iron Age

- Marriage since those times

- Angels sing about the Lord and married love

- An argument about the New Church

5. The Source of Love in a Marriage (n. 83)

Good and truth are throughout creation.

- They are always united.

- They are inherently inclined to join.

- Truth from good is male, good from truth female.

- Sexual love and married love come from good and truth.

- All animals have sexual love.

- People add married love to it.

- Married love is in sexual love like a gem in its matrix.

- Married love can be implanted in sexual love.

- When married love is implanted, sexual love becomes chaste.

- Man and woman image the marriage of good and truth.

- This marriage in their deepest being informs their outward parts.


- The wise discuss marriage and potency

- A written message from heaven to earth: "The Marriage of Good and Truth"

6. The Marriage of the Lord and the Church (n. 116)

The Word calls the Lord a Bridegroom and Husband to the church.

- It calls the Lord a father and the church a mother.

- Offspring of the Lord as father and the church as mother are spiritual.

- They are truths and good.

- Married good and truth from the Lord give humans good and truth, or the church.

- Husband and wife together make a church.

- So a husband is not the counterpart of the Lord nor a wife that of the church.

- The characteristics of marriage correspond to those of good and truth.

- The Word is the Lord and is the connecting link.

- The church is from the Lord and is in those who approach Him.

- Married love is like the church among people.

- The church comes from the Lord, so marriage does too.


- The image and likeness of God, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of

- Knowledge

- Two angels describe marriage in the third heaven

7. About "Chaste" and "Unchaste" (n. 138)

"Chaste" and "unchaste" apply only to marriages.

- "Chaste" applies only to monogamous marriages.

- Marriage can be chaste only if Christian.

- True married love is chastity itself.

- All the pleasures of real married love are chaste.

- For those whom the Lord makes spiritual, married love becomes chaste.

- The chastity of marriage comes through renouncing fornication.

- "Chastity" does not apply to children before they feel sexual love.

- "Chastity" does not apply to eunuchs.

- "Chastity" does not apply to people who condone adultery.

- Nor to those who abstain from adulteries for superficial reasons.

- Nor to those who think marriage is unchaste.

- Nor to celibates who renounce marriage. Marriage is better than celibacy.


- News from Earth: Children reared by animals

- A golden rain, and wives discussing marriage

8. The Union of Souls and Minds by Marriage (n. 156)

Each sex inherently wants to join with the other.

- Married love joins two souls and minds.

- A wife's will joins a man's intellect, and vice versa.

- Inclination to unite is constant for a wife but inconstant for a man.

- The wife excites conjunction according to her love, and the man receives it according to his wisdom.

- Conjunction becomes deeper forever.

- A wife joins her husband's rational wisdom from within, his moral wisdom from outside.

- A wife perceives and molds her husband's feelings.

- Wives hide this perception from their husbands.- This perception is a wife's wisdom.

- A wife thinks constantly about her husband.

- A wife involves herself in what a husband wants.

- She joins with him through the aura of her life.

- The vigor of his manhood joins them, according to their spiritual love.

- She accepts an image of her husband in herself, so she perceives his feelings.

- Man and wife have different functions.

- These join them together.

- They can become more and more one person.

- They can tell that they are one.

- Real married love is a union of souls, minds, and bodies.

- This love has innocence, peace, and friendship, and it brings down heavenly bliss.

- Which is only in a marriage of one man with one wife.


- Some misconceptions about life after death are dispelled

- In married love, love and wisdom play like happy children

9. Marriage Changes the Conditions of Men's and Women's Lives (n. 184)

- Life changes, from infancy to eternity.

- One's spirit changes.

- Men and women change differently.

- Men's minds increase in light, women's in warmth.

- Marriage changes the lives of men and women.

- Their lives keep changing after marriage.

- Their souls and minds are differently configured.

- A woman is formed into a wife.

- This is being created while the man is "sleeping."

- The wife joins her disposition to the man's inner disposition.

- Both dispositions become one.

- The wife makes her husband's affections her own.

- She accepts the output of his soul

- Thus a virgin becomes a wife and a man a husband.

- More and more so.

- They are continually perfected inwardly.

- Children of truly married people inherit a marriage of good and truth in themselves.

- Because a child's soul is from its father and is clothed by its mother.


- The professions and occupations of people in heaven

- Another golden rain, and wives discussing marriage

10. General Observations About Marriage (n. 209)

Married love's particular sense is touch.

- People with real married love grow wiser, not those without.

- The happiness of living together increases.

- Unity of minds and friendship increases.

- They want to be one person.

- They focus on the permanence of marriage.

- Married love resides in chaste wives and depends on husbands.

- Wives love marriage if their husbands do.

- Women's intelligence is tender, men's bold.

- Wives do not feel arousal but readiness to accept.

- Men's potency is proportionate to their love for wisdom and their usefulness.

- Making love is at the husband's discretion.

- Marriage radiates from the Lord into all creatures.

- The female sex receives this aura and passes it on to the male sex.

- A wife receives this, and a husband receives it through her.

- Without real marriage, only the wife receives it.

- One spouse may have real married love even if the other does not.

- Similarities and differences between married partners.

- Similarities unite, but not differences.

- The Lord provides married love in heaven, if not on earth.

- The more a person rejects married love, the more that person is like an animal.


- "Oh, how just!"

- "Oh, how learned!"

- "Oh, how wise!"

11. The Causes of Coldness, Separations, and Divorces in Marriages (n. 234)

Spiritual heat is love, spiritual cold is love removed.

- Spiritual cold in marriage is separation of minds and souls.

- There are inner, outer, and "contingent" causes.

- The inner causes depend on religion.

- One inner cause is rejection of religion by both partners.

- Another is rejection of religion by one partner.

- A third is having two different religions.

- A fourth is religious falsity.

- Causes of inner cold may not cause outer cold.

- A difference in dispositions and manners causes outer cold.

- So does thinking that the love in marriage is the same as the love in fornication.

- A third cause is contention for dominance.

- A fourth is lack of goals.

- A fifth is a difference in class.

- There are causes of separation.

- One is an unhealthy mind.

- Another is an unhealthy body.

- A third is impotence before marriage. Adultery is a cause for divorce.

- A "contingent" cause of cold is sex being commonplace.

- Another is a feeling of coercion.

- A third is an over assertive wife.

- A fourth is sexual misunderstanding.

- Mental coldness shuts off the body.


- Egoists who love to dominate

- People who want the whole world; and Lucifer

- Love as a three-storied palace

12. The Reasons for a Pretense of Love, Friendship, and Thoughtfulness in Marriage (n. 271)

- In the world, couples can be outwardly compatible.

- In the spiritual world people join according to inward affections.

- In the world, affections leading to matrimony are ordinarily surface ones.

- But in the absence of deeper feelings, marriage ties loosen.

- Still, worldly marriages should last for life.

- Outward feelings simulate the missing inner ones.

- They create an appearance of love.

- Appearances of love are commendable.

- Pretenses of marriage are wise and just.

- They have the wisdom of expedience.

- They allow for improvement.

- They preserve order.

- They provide for children.

- They keep peace in the home.

- They preserve one's reputation.

- They satisfy the in-laws.

- They help partners excuse faults.

- They help bring people together.

- A friendship resembling the friendship of marriage may spring up.

- There is pretended love and friendship if one partner dominates.

- Some married partners in the world are bitterest enemies inwardly and outwardly like close friends.


- Seven wives in a rose garden discuss love

- The same wives discuss women's prudence

13. Commitments and Weddings (n. 295)

The man, not the woman, chooses.

- It is proper for the man, not the woman, to court.

- A woman should consult her parents or guardians.

- The couple should exchange pledges.

- Consent should be confirmed by a solemn commitment.

- Commitment prepares both for married love.

- It joins their minds before their bodies.

- This is for people who think chastely about marriage.

- Physical union is improper during engagement.

- After engagement, there should be a wedding.

- But first, a marriage agreement should be settled and witnessed.

- The marriage should be declared sacred by a minister.

- The wedding should be celebrated with good fellowship.

- After the wedding, the spiritual marriage is completed by bodily marriage.

- These are the proper stages of development in married love.

- Otherwise love burns out and is squandered.

- Orderly progression of mental states characterizes the marriage.

- Simultaneous order comes from progressive order.


- A discussion of what the soul is

- Divine Providence in marriage, discussed in a garden

14. Remarriage (n. 317)

After one partner's death, remarriage depends on the love the couple had.

- And on the state of their marriage.

- Nothing prohibits remarriage if there was not married love.

- If there was, a partner does not want to remarry.

- Marriage of a young man with a virgin is different from marriage of a young man with a widow.

- Marriage of a widower with a virgin is different from marriage of a widower with a widow.

- Variations and diversities in these marriages.

- A widow's situation is worse than a widower's.


- The difference between spiritual and natural

- Can women who love their own beauty, and men who love their own intelligence, love one another?

15. Polygamy (n. 332)

Only with one wife are two one flesh.

- Similarly, the blessings of married love.

- The Lord gives these to people who approach Him and live by His teachings.

- So real married love is available only for Christians.

- This is why a Christian may take only one wife. If he takes more, he commits worldly and spiritual adultery.

- The Israelites were allowed more wives, because they did not have Christianity.

- Mohammedans are allowed more wives, because they do not recognize the Lord Jesus Christ as one with Jehovah the Father.

- The Mohammedan heaven is outside the Christian heaven.

- Polygamy is lascivious.

- For polygamists, the chastity, purity, and holiness of marriage are not possible.

- Polygamists cannot become spiritual.

- Polygamy is not a sin for those who do it from religion.

- Nor for those who do not know about the Lord.

- Mohammedan polygamists are saved if they acknowledge God and live by the law.

- But in heaven they are not with Christians.


- Self-importance

- Married angels never have impotency

16. Jealousy (n. 357)

Love flares up in zeal.

- Zeal is spiritual.

- Zeal is as good or bad as the love it comes from.

- But the outward appearance is the same.

- The zeal of a good love harbors love, but that of a bad love harbors hate.

- The zeal of married love is called jealousy.

- Jealousy is like a fire flaring out and a fear of loss.

- Spiritual jealousy and worldly jealousy.

- Jealousy is anguish lest married love become divided and perish.

- Partners who do not love each other have jealousy, too.

- Some people have no jealousy.

- Jealousy for mistresses is not the same as jealousy for wives.

- Animals and birds also have jealousy.

- Jealousy is different in husbands than in wives.


- Does nature give life, or life give nature?

- Orations on the source of beauty

17. Married Love's Connection with Love for Children (n. 385)

An aura of having offspring and an aura of protecting them radiate from the Lord.

- They converge with the aura of married love.

- They influence everything in heaven and on earth

- The aura of love for children is an aura of protecting and nourishing.

- It affects good and bad people alike.

- It affects mothers, and through them, fathers.

- It is an aura of innocence and peace from the Lord.

- It influences children, and through them, parents.

- It influences the parents' souls, especially through touch.

- As children grow less innocent, the affection diminishes.

- Parents are conscious of innocence and peace in their children.

- This aura progresses step by step.

- Love for children reaches downward, not upward.

- Wives' love before conception is different than after.

- Married love is connected with love for children for spiritual, and therefore for natural, reasons.

- Love for children is different in spiritual partners than in earthly ones.

- In spiritual partners it is from inner things, in earthly partners it is from outer things.

- So it is in partners who love each other and in those who do not.

- Love for children remains after death, especially in women.

- They bring up children under the Lord's guidance, as in the world.

- The Lord sees to it that the children become angels.


- Everything in the natural world comes through the spiritual world from the Lord

Part 2 : The Foolish Pleasures of Illicit Love (n. 423)

18. Illicit Love and Married Love Are Opposite

- Without knowing what married love is, you cannot know what illicit love is.

- It is opposite to married love.

- It is opposite as a worldly person is opposite to a spiritual person.

- Or as a "marriage" of evil and lies is opposite to a marriage of good and truth.

- Or as hell is opposite to heaven.

- The filthiness of hell comes from illicit love, the cleanness of heaven from married love.

- The same goes for uncleanness and cleanness in the church.

- Illicit love makes a person less a person and less a man, but married love makes a person more a person and more a man.

- There is an aura of illicit love and an aura of married love.

- That of illicit love comes from hell, and that of married love from heaven.

- These two auras meet but do not mingle.

- People are in a balance between these two auras.

- They can turn to whichever they choose.

- Each aura brings delight.

- The delights of illicit love are physical, the delights of married love spiritual, even in the body.

- Illicit love's delights are foolish, married love's sensible.


- An attempt to discuss illicit love with angels

19. Fornication (n. 444)

Fornication relates to sexual love.

- It begins when a boy starts to think and act from his own intellect.

- It belongs to the worldly side of a person.

- It is a desire, but not for adultery.

- In some people, love for the other sex cannot be restrained.

- This is why brothels are tolerated.

- A desire for fornication is a small matter if married love is preferred.

- It is serious if it has adultery in view.

- It is worse if it desires promiscuity and defloration.

- In its beginning it is neutral between illicit love and married love. Watch out that married love is not lost.

- Marriage is the treasure of human life and of Christianity.

- Marriage can be protected.

- A mistress is preferable to roving passions.


- A new arrival in the spiritual world learns what is delightful in heaven and in hell

20. Having a Concubine (n. 462)

- Two types of concubinage.

- Having a concubine and a wife is impermissible for Christians.

- It is polygamy.

- It destroys marriage.

- It is permissible when separated from a wife.

- Legitimate reasons for divorce are reasons for concubinage.

- As are just reasons for separation.

- Some reasons are valid, some specious.

- Valid, serious reasons are the just reasons.

- Specious reasons only seem just.

- Those who have a concubine for legitimate, just, and important reasons may still have love for marriage.

- While concubinage continues, sexual union with a wife is not permissible.


- An adulterer views heaven and sees the opposite of what is really there

21. Adultery: Its Types and Levels (n. 478)

There is a simple, double, and triple adultery.

- Simple adultery is between a single person and another person's spouse.

- Double adultery involves a husband and another's wife, or vice versa.

- Triple adultery is adultery with blood relations.

There are four levels of adultery.

- Adulteries of the first level do not involve intellect.

- These are mild.

- Adulteries of the second level involve passion and intellect.

- These are blameworthy precisely as intellect favors them afterwards.

- Adulteries rationalized as not being sinful are of the third level.

- They are serious in the measure that they are confirmed.

- Adulteries of the fourth level are committed with intention and represented as lawful.

- These are the most serious.

- Adulteries of the third and fourth level are sinful to the extent that they involve intellect and will.

- They make people worldly, sense - oriented and physical - minded.

- So the people reject religion.

- Yet they retain their rational capacity.

- But they abuse that rationality inwardly.


- Three ministers mobbed for denouncing adultery

22. Lust for Defloration (n. 501)

- A virgin's condition before and after marriage.

- Virginity is a token of married love.

- Defloration is the act of a thief. Deflorators suffer a serious fate.

23. Lust for Variety (n. 506)

Lust for variety is unrestricted lust for illicit sex.

- It is a love and a loathing for the other sex.

- It eliminates the love of marriage.

- It leads to a miserable fate after death.

24. Lust for Rape (n. 511)

25. Lust for Seducing Innocent Women (n. 513)

26. How Illicit Sex Corresponds to Profanation of Spiritual Marriage (n. 515)


- A conversation with some confirmed adulterers

27. Bearing the Guilt for Illicit Love and Receiving Credit for Conjugial Love(n. 523)
