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《新教会教义纲要》 第35节

(道宏、一滴水译本 2022)


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A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Stanley translation 1953) 35

35. That the whole Christian theology at this day is founded on the idea of three Gods, clearly appears from the doctrine of justification, which is the principal doctrine of the Church among Christians, both Roman Catholics and Protestants. This doctrine asserts that God the Father sent His Son to redeem and save mankind, and gives the Holy Spirit to perform this. Everyone who hears, reads, or repeats this cannot but divide God into three in his thought, that is, in his idea, and suppose that one God sent another and operates by a third. That the same notion of a Divine Trinity distinguished into three Persons, each of Whom is God, is continued throughout the rest of the doctrinal tenets of the present Church, as from a head into its body, will be demonstrated in the proper place. In the meantime, consider what has already been set forth concerning justification, consult theology in general and particular, and, at the same time, notice while in church listening to sermons, or while praying at home, whether you have any other perception and thought than of three Gods; especially when you are praying or singing separately to one, and then separately to the other two, as is the common practice. From these considerations the truth of the proposition is established that the universal theology in the Christian world at this day is founded on the idea of three Gods.

A Brief Exposition of New Church Doctrine (Whitehead translation 1892) 35

35. That the whole Christian theology at this day is founded on an idea of three Gods, is evident from the doctrine of justification, which is the head of the doctrines of the church with Christians, both among Roman Catholics and Protestants. That doctrine sets forth that God the Father sent His Son to redeem and save men, and give the Holy Spirit to operate the same; every man who hears, reads, or repeats this, cannot but in his thought, that is, in his idea, divide God into three, and perceive that one God sent another, and operates by a third. That the same thought of a Divine Trinity distinguished into three Persons, each whereof is God, is continued throughout the rest of the doctrinals of the present church, as from a head into its body, will be demonstrated in its proper place. In the meantime consult what has been premised concerning justification, consult theology in general and in particular, and at the same time, consult yourself, while listening to preachings in temples, or while praying at home, whether you have any other perception and thought thence resulting than of three Gods; and especially while you are praying or singing first to one, and then to the other two separately, as is often done. Hence is established the truth of the proposition, that the whole theology in the Christian world at this day, is founded on an idea of three Gods.

Summaria Expositio 35 (original Latin 1769)

35. Quod universa Theologia Christiana hodie fundetur super idea Trium Deorum patet manifeste ex Doctrina Justificationis, quae est Caput doctrinarum Ecclesiae apud Christianos, tam Romano-Catholicos, quam Protestantes: illa Doctrina tradit, Quod Deus Pater miserit Filium ad redimendum et salvandum homines, et det Spiritum Sanctum qui id operetur: omnis homo, qui hoc audit, legit, aut dicit, non potest aliter quam in sua cogitatione, hoc est, in sua idea partiri Deum in Tres, et percipere quod unus Deus miserit Alterum, ac operetur per Tertium. Quod eadem Cogitatio de Trinitate Divina distincta in tres Personas, quarum unaquaevis est Deus, sequatur in reliqua doctrinalia hodiernae Ecclesiae, sicut a Capite in suum Corpus, in suis locis demonstrabitur. Interea consule praemissa de Justificatione, et consule Theologica in genere et in specie, et simul consule te ipsum, dum in Templis auscultas praedicationes, aut domi oras, num aliter percipias et inde cogites, quam tres Deos; et maxime, dum seorsim precaris aut canis ad unum, et seorsim ad duos alteros, ut saepius fit. Ex his confirmata est Veritas propositionis, quod universa Theologia in Christiano Orbe hodie super idea Trium Deorum fundata sit.

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