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《揭秘启示录》 第775节

(一滴水译本 2019)










  这个像代表教会的相继状态,这些状态被古人称为“黄金、白银、青铜和黑铁”时代。由于“铜”表示属世之物,而以色列人是纯属世的,故主的属世层以“铜蛇”来代表,凡被蛇咬的,只要望一望铜蛇便可痊愈(民数记2:1: 6,89;约翰福音3:1415)。“铜”表示属世良善,这一点也可见于其它地方(如以赛亚书60:17;耶利米书15:2021;以西结书27:13;申命记8:7933:2425)。

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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 775

775. "Every vessel of precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble." This symbolically means that these Roman Catholics no longer have these because they do not have any knowledge of the goods and truths in ecclesiastical affairs to which such things correspond.

This statement is similar to the ones explained in nos. 772, 773, and 774 above. The difference is that the valuables here are various forms of knowledge, which are the lowest ones in a person's natural mind. And because they differ in character owing to the essence that lies within them, they are called vessels of precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble. For vessels symbolize forms of knowledge, here forms of knowledge in ecclesiastical affairs. Because various forms of knowledge are the containing vessels of goodness and truth, they are like vessels containing oil or wine.

Forms of knowledge are also found in great variety, and their recipient vessel is the memory. They are of great variety because they contain the interior elements of a person. They are also introduced into the memory either by intellectual deliberation or by hearing or reading them, according to the varying perception then of the rational mind. All of these things are present in forms of knowledge, as is apparent when they are reproduced, which is the case when a person speaks or thinks.

[2] But we will briefly say what vessels of precious wood, bronze, iron and marble symbolize. A vessel of precious wood symbolizes something known as the result of rational goodness and truth. A vessel of bronze symbolizes something known as the result of natural goodness. A vessel of iron symbolizes something known as the result of natural truth. And a vessel of marble symbolizes something known as the result of an appearance of goodness and truth.

That wood symbolizes goodness may be seen just above in no. 774. That precious wood here symbolizes both rational goodness and rational truth is due to the fact that wood symbolizes goodness, and preciousness is predicated of truth. For one variety of goodness is symbolized by the wood of the olive tree, another by the wood of the cedar, of the fig tree, of the fir tree, of the poplar and of the oak.

A vessel of bronze and iron symbolizes something known as the result of natural goodness and truth, because all metals, such as gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin, and lead, in the Word symbolize goods and truths. They symbolize because they correspond, and because they correspond they are also found in heaven. For everything in heaven is a correspondent form.

[3] However, this is not the place to confirm from the Word what each kind of metal symbolizes owing to its correspondence. We will cite only some passages to confirm that bronze symbolizes natural goodness, and iron, therefore, natural truth, as can be seen from the following: That the feet of the Son of Man looked like bronze, as though fired in a furnace (Revelation 1:15). That Daniel saw a man whose feet were like the gleam of burnished bronze (Daniel 10:5-6).

That the feet of cherubim were seen sparking as with the gleam of burnished bronze (Ezekiel 1:7). (Feet symbolize something natural, as may be seen in nos. 49, 468, 470, 510.) That an angel appears whose appearance was like the appearance of bronze (Ezekiel 40:3). And that the statue Nebuchadnezzar saw was as to its head golden, as to its breast and arms silver, as to its belly and sides bronze, and as to its legs iron (Daniel 2:32-33). The statue represented the successive states of the church which the ancients called the golden age, silver age, bronze age, and iron age.

Since bronze symbolizes something natural, and the Israelite people were purely natural, therefore the Lord's natural humanity was represented by the bronze serpent, which people bitten by serpents had only to look at to be cured (Numbers 21:6, 8-9).

That bronze symbolizes natural goodness may also be seen in Isaiah 60:17, Jeremiah 15:20-21, Ezekiel 27:13, Deuteronomy 8:7, 9, 33:24-25

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 775

775. 'And every vessel of precious wood, and of bronze and iron and marble' signifies that they no longer have these things because they do not have the scientific goods and truths in the things of the Church (scientifica bona et vera in rebus Ecclesiae) to which such things correspond. These are similar to the things that have been expounded above (772-774), with the difference that by these are signified the knowledges (scientifica) that are the ultimates of a man's natural mind. Because these differ in quality from the essence that is in them they are called 'vessels of precious wood, of bronze, of iron and marble.' For by the 'vessels' are signified the knowledges, here in the things of the Church, because knowledges are containants of good and truth just as vessels are containants of oil and wine. The knowledges also exist in great variety, and their receptacle is the memory. The reason that they are of great variety is because the man's interior things are in them. Also they are introduced into the memory as a result either of intellectual thought or of hearing or reading and in accordance with the changing perception out of the rational at the time. All these things are inwardly in the knowledges, which is evident when they are reproduced. This is done when the man speaks or thinks.

[2] But what is signified by 'vessels of precious wood, of bronze, of iron and of marble' will be stated in a few words. By 'a vessel of precious wood' is signified knowledge derived from rational good and truth; by' a vessel of bronze' is signified knowledge derived from natural good; by 'a vessel of iron' is signified knowledge derived from natural truth; and by 'a vessel of marble' is signified knowledge derived from appearances of good and truth. That 'wood' signifies good may be seen just above (774). That here by 'precious wood' is signified good and at the same time rational truth is because 'wood' signifies good and 'precious' is predicated of truth; for one kind of good is signified by the wood of an olive tree, another by that of a cedar tree, a fig tree, a fir, a poplar and an oak. That 'a vessel of bronze and iron' signifies knowledge derived from natural good and truth is because all the metals, as gold, silver, bronze, iron, tin and lead in the Word signify goods and truths. They signify because they correspond, and because they correspond they exist also in heaven, for all the things there are correspondences.

[3] This, however, is not the place to confirm out of the Word what each of the metals signifies as the result of correspondence, but only to confirm by some passages that' bronze signifies natural good, and consequently 'iron' natural truth, as may be seen from these that:

The feet of the Son of Man were seen like bronze, as if burned in a furnace. Revelation 1:15.

By Daniel was seen a Man whose feet were as the brightness of polished bronze. Daniel 10:5-6.

Also the feet of the cherubs were seen sparkling like the brightness of polished bronze. Ezekiel 1:7.

That 'feet' signify what is natural may be seen (49, 468, 470, 510).

An angel was seen like the appearance of bronze. Ezekiel 40:3.

The statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar was as to its head gold, as to its breast and arms silver, as to its belly and side bronze, as to the legs iron. Daniel 2:32-33.

By this statue the successive states of the Church were represented, which by the ancients were termed the golden, silver, bronze and iron ages. Since 'bronze' signifies what is natural and the Israelitish people was purely natural, therefore the Lord's Natural was represented by:

The bronze serpent which those bitten by serpents should look upon and be healed. Numbers 21:6, 8-9; John 3:14-15.

That 'bronze' signifies natural good can also be seen in Isaiah 60:17; Jeremiah 15:20-21; Ezekiel 27:13; Deuteronomy 8:7, 9; 33:24-25.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 775

775. And every vessel of precious wood, and of brass and iron and marble, signifies that they no longer have these, because they have not the scientific goods and truths in matters of the church, to which such things correspond. These are similar to the things explained above, (772-774); with the difference, that by these the scientifics which are the ultimates of man's natural mind are meant, which, as they differ in quality from the essence that is in them, are called vessels of precious wood, of brass, of iron and of marble. For by "vessels" are signified scientifics here in matters of the church; because scientifics are the containants of good and truth, as vessels are the containants of oil and wine. Scientifics are also in great variety, and their receptacle is the memory. That they are of great variety is because man's interiors are in them; they are also introduced into the memory either from intellectual thought, or from hearing, or from reading, and then according to the various perception from the rational. All these are within scientifics; which appears when they are reproduced, which happens when the man speaks or thinks.

[2] But what is signified by "vessels of precious wood, of brass, of iron, and of marble," shall be briefly told. By "a vessel of precious wood" is signified a scientific from rational good and truth; by "a vessel of brass" a scientific from natural good is signified; by "a vessel of iron," a scientific from natural truth is signified; and by "a vessel of marble" is signified a scientific from the appearance of good and truth. That "wood" signifies good may be seen just above, (774). That good and at the same time rational truth are here signified by "precious wood," is because "wood" signifies good, and "precious" is predicated of truth; for one kind of good is signified by the wood of the olive tree, another by that of the cedar, the fig, the fir, the poplar, and the oak. That "a vessel of brass and of iron" signifies what is scientific from natural good and truth, is because all the metals, as gold, silver, brass, iron, tin, lead, in the Word, signify goods and truths. They signify because they correspond; and because they correspond, they are also in heaven; for all things there are correspondences.

[3] But what each of the metals signifies from correspondence, this is not the place to confirm from the Word; only to show by a few passages that "brass" signifies natural good, and hence "iron" natural truth; as may be seen from these:

That the feet of the Son of man appeared like unto brass, as if glowing in a furnace, (Revelation 1:15).

That there appeared to Daniel a man whose feet were as the brightness of polished brass, (Daniel 10:5-6).

That the feet of the cherubim also appeared glittering as the brightness of polished brass, (Ezekiel 1:7).

That the feet signify the natural, may be seen, (49[1-8], 468, 470, 510[1-2]).

That an angel was seen like the appearance of brass, (Ezekiel 40:3).

That the statue seen by Nebuchadnezzar was as to its head gold, as to the breast and arms silver, as to the belly and side brass, as to the legs iron, (Daniel 2:32-33).

By which statue the successive states of the church were represented, which were called by the ancients the ages of gold, silver, brass, and iron. Since "brass" signified the natural, and the Israelitish people were merely natural, therefore the Lord's natural was represented by:

The Brazen Serpent, which they that were bitten by the serpents should look upon, and be healed, (Numbers 21:6, 8-9; John 3:14-15).

That "brass" signifies natural good may also be seen in Isaiah 60:17; Jeremiah 15:20-21; Ezekiel 27:13; Deuteronomy 8:7, 9; 33:24-25).

Apocalypsis Revelata 775 (original Latin 1766)

775. "Et omne vas ex ligno pretioso et aere et ferro et marmore," significat quod haec illis non amplius sint, quia non sunt illis scientifica bona et vera in rebus Ecclesiae, quibus talia correspondent. - Haec similia sunt cum illis, quae supra (772, 773, 774) explicata sunt; cum differentia, quod per haec significentur scientifica, quae ultima naturalis mentis hominis sunt; quae, quia differunt qualitate ex essentia quae in illis, dicuntur "vasa ex ligno pretioso, ex aere, ex ferro et ex marmore," per "vasa" enim significantur scientifica, hic in rebus Ecclesiae; quia scientifica sunt continentia boni et veri, sicut sunt vasa continentia olei et vini. Scientifica etiam sunt in multa varietate, et receptaculum eorum est memoria. Quod sint ex multa varietate, est quia interiora hominis sunt in illis; immittuntur etiam in memoriam vel ex intellectuali cogitatione, vel ex auditione, vel ex lectione, et tunc secundum variam perceptionem ex rationali; haec omnia intus in scientificis sunt, quod apparet quando reproducuntur, quod fit cum homo loquitur aut cogitat. Quid autem per "vasa ex ligno pretioso, ex aere, ex ferro et ex marmore" significatur, paucis dicetur: per "vas ex ligno pretioso" significatur scientificum ex bono et vero rationali; per "vas ex aere" significatur scientificum ex bono naturali; per "vas ex ferro" significatur scientificum ex vero naturali; et per "vas ex marmore" significatur scientificum ex apparentia boni et veri. Quod "lignum" significet bonum, videatur mox supra (774); 1quod hic per "lignum pretiosum" significetur bonum et simul verum rationale, est quia "lignum" significat bonum, et "pretiosum" praedicatur de vero; nam aliud bonum significatur per lignum ex arbore oleae, aliud ex arbore cedri, ficus, abietis, populi et quercus. Quod "vas ex aere et ferro" significet scientificum ex bono et vero naturali, est quia omnia metalla, ut aurum, argentum, aes, ferrum, stannum, plumbum, in Verbo significant bona et vera; significant quia correspondent, et quia correspondent etiam in Caelo sunt; sunt enim omnia ibi correspondentiae. Quid autem singula metalla ex correspondentia significant, non est hujus loci ex Verbo confirmare, solum aliquibus quod "aes" significet bonum naturale, et inde "ferrum" verum naturale, ut videri potest ex his:

Quod Pedes Filii Hominis visi sint similes Aeri, tanquam in camino igniti, (Apocalypsis 1:15);

Quod Danieli visus sit Vir cujus pedes erant sicut splendor Aeris laevigati, (Daniel 10:5-6);

Quod etiam Cheruborum pedes visi sint micantes sicut splendor Aeris laevigati, (Ezechiel 1:7);

quod "pedes" significent naturale, videatur 49, 468, 470, 510;

Quod Angelus visus sit sicut aspectus Aeris, (Ezechiel 40:3);

Quod Statua Nebuchadnezari visa quoad caput esset aurum, quoad pectus et brachia argentum, quoad ventrem et latus Aes, quoad crura Ferrum, (Daniel 2:32-33);

per quam statuam repraesentati sunt successivi status Ecclesiae, qui ab antiquis dicti fuerunt saecula, aureum, argenteum, aeneum, et ferreum. Quoniam "aes" significabat naturale, et populus Israeliticus fuit mere naturalis, ideo Naturale Domini repraesentatum est per Serpentem Aeneum, quem morsi a serpentibus aspicerent, et sanarentur, (Numeri 21:6, 8-9; Johannes 3:14-15).

Quod "aes" significet bonum naturale, etiam videri potest Apud Esaias 60:17; Jeremias 15:20-21; Ezechiel 27:13; Deuteronomius 8:7, 9; 33:24-25.


1. 774 pro "764"

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