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《揭秘启示录》 第773节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 773

773. "Fine linen and purple, silk and scarlet." This symbolically means that these Roman Catholics no longer have these because they do not have any of the celestial goods and truths to which such things correspond.

The valuables mentioned previously - gold, silver, precious stones and pearls - in general symbolize spiritual goods and truths, as said in no. 772 above. However, the valuables here - fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet - in general symbolize celestial goods and truths. For in people in heaven and in the church some goods and truths are spiritual, and some goods and truths are celestial. Spiritual goods and truths are ones of wisdom, and celestial goods and truths are ones of love. And because the Roman Catholics meant here have none of these goods and truths, but evils and falsities that are their opposites, therefore these valuables are now mentioned, since they come next in sequence.

Now because the case with these valuables is the same as with the previous ones, no further explication is needed than the one presented in the previous number.

What fine linen symbolizes specifically we will say in the next chapter, in dealing with the words there, "for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints" (Revelation 19:8, nos. 814, 815). That purple symbolizes celestial good, and scarlet celestial truth, may be seen in no. 725 above. Silk symbolizes an intermediate celestial goodness and truth - goodness because of its softness, and truth because of its shine. It is mentioned only in Ezekiel 16:10, 13.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 773

773. 'And of fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet' signifies that they no longer have those things because they do not have the celestial goods and truths to which such things correspond. By the things named above, which were gold, silver, precious stone and pearl, as a class are signified spiritual goods and truths as was said above (772). But by these, which are fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet, as a class are signified celestial goods and truths. For with those who are in heaven and in the Church there are spiritual goods and truths and there are celestial goods and truths. The spiritual goods and truths are of wisdom, while the celestial goods and truths are of love. And because they do not have the latter goods and truths, but evils and untruths opposed to them, therefore these things are said, for they follow in order. Now because the case is similar with these as with the former there is no need of a further exposition than what has been given in the preceding paragraph. What 'fine linen' specifically signifies will be told in the following chapter at these words, 'fine linen is the just deeds of the saints' (verse 8, 814-815). That 'purple' signifies celestial good and 'scarlet' celestial truth may be seen above (725). By 'silk' is signified mediating celestial good and truth, good by virtue of softness and truths by virtue of brightness. It is mentioned only in Ezekiel 16:10, 13.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 773

773. And fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, signifies that they no longer have these things, because they have not the celestial goods and truths to which such things correspond. By the above named, which were "gold," "silver," "precious stone" and "pearls," are signified in general spiritual goods and truths, as was said above, (772); but by these, which are "fine linen, purple, silk and scarlet," are signified in general celestial goods and truths; for with those who are in heaven and in the church, there are spiritual goods and truths, and there are celestial goods and truths. Spiritual goods and truths are of wisdom, and celestial goods and truths are of love; and because they have not these goods and truths, but the evils and falsities opposite to them, these are therefore mentioned, for they follow in order. Now as the case with these is the same as with the former, there is no need of further explanation than that in the preceding article. What "fine linen" in particular signifies, will be told in the following chapter, in explaining these words, "the fine linen is the just deeds of the saints," (Revelation 19:8; no. 814-815). That "purple" signifies celestial good, and "scarlet" celestial truth may be seen above, (725). By "silk" is signified mediating celestial good and truth; good from its softness, and truth from its brightness. It is mentioned only in Ezekiel 16:10, 13.

Apocalypsis Revelata 773 (original Latin 1766)

773. "Et byssi et purpurae et serici et coccini" significat quod haec illis non amplius sint, quia illis non sunt caelestia bona et vera quibus talia correspondent. -Per supra nominata, quae erant "aurum, argentum, lapis pretiosus et margarita," in genere significantur spiritualia bona et vera, ut supra (772) dictum est; per haec autem, quae sunt "byssus, purpura, sericum et coccinum," in genere significantur caelestia bona et vera; sunt enim apud illos, qui in Caelo et in Ecclesia sunt, bona et vera spiritualia, et sunt bona et vera caelestia; bona et vera spiritualia sunt sapientiae, ac bona et vera caelestia sunt amoris; et quia haec bona et vera nec illis sunt, sed mala et falsa illis opposita, ideo haec dicuntur; sequuntur enim in ordine. Nunc quia similis res cum his est, quae cum prioribus, non opus est ulteriore explicatione, quam quae in praecedente articulo facta est. Quid in specie "byssus" significat, dicetur in sequente capite, ad haec ibi:

"Byssinum sunt justitiae sanctorum," (vers. 8; 814, 815);

quod "purpura" significet bonum caeleste, et "coccinum" verum caeleste, videatur supra (725); per "sericum" significatur bonum et verum caeleste medians, bonum ex mollitie et verum ex splendore; nominatur solum Ezechiel 16:10, 13.

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