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《揭秘启示录》 第754节

(一滴水译本 2019)


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Apocalypse Revealed (Rogers translation 2007) 754

754. An angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. This symbolizes a powerful influx of the Lord from heaven through Divine truth, so that His church was brought into the light of heaven.

An angel symbolizes the Lord. An angel coming down from heaven symbolizes an influx of the Lord from heaven. Having great authority symbolizes a powerful influx. The earth illuminated with his glory symbolizes the church in the light of heaven from the Lord through Divine truth.

That angels individually and collectively in the Word mean the Lord may be seen in nos. 258, 344, 465, 649, 657, 718. To come down means, symbolically, to flow in, because it is said of the Lord. That the earth symbolizes the church may be seen in nos. 285, 721; that glory is predicated of Divine truth and symbolizes it, in nos. 249, 629.

We say Divine truth in the light of heaven, because Divine truth emanating from the Lord is the light of heaven, which enlightens angels and produces their wisdom.

The Lord's influx through Divine truth is mentioned now, and the enlightenment of the church by it, because it is by that influx that people caught up in falsities are separated from those governed by truths, and because it is the light of truth that also causes the real character of falsities to be seen.

Apocalypse Revealed (Coulson translation 1970) 754

754. 'I saw an angel coming down out of heaven having great authority, and the land was illuminated by his glory' signifies the Lord's strong influx out of heaven by means of Divine Truth, in consequence of which His Church was in a heavenly light. By 'an angel' is signified the Lord. By 'an angel coming down out of heaven' is signified the Lord's influx out of heaven. By 'having great authority' is signified a strong influx. By 'the land was illuminated by his glory' is signified the Church in a heavenly light from the Lord by means of Divine Truth. That by 'an angel' and by 'angels' in the Word is understood the Lord may be seen (258, 344, 465, 649, 657, 718). By 'to come down' is signified to inflow, because [it is said] of the Lord. That by 'the land' is signified the Church (285, 721). That 'glory' is said of Divine Truth and signifies it (249, 629). Divine Truth is said to be in a heavenly light because the Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord is the light of heaven, which enlightens the angels and makes their wisdom. The reason mention is made of the Lord's influx by means of Divine Truth, and of the enlightenment of the Church thereby, is because by that influx those who are in untruths are separated from those who are in truths, and because also by virtue of the light of truth untruths appear as they really are.

Apocalypse Revealed (Whitehead translation 1928) 754

754. I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was lightened by his glory, signifies a strong influx of the Lord out of heaven by the Divine truth, from which His church was in heavenly light. By "an angel" the Lord is signified; by "an angel coming down out of heaven" is signified the Lord's influx out of heaven; by "having great authority," is signified strong influx; by "the earth was lightened by his glory" is signified the church in heavenly light from the Lord by Divine truth. That by "an angel" and by "angels" in the Word the Lord is meant, may be seen, (258, 344, 465, 649, 657, 718). By "coming down" is signified to flow in, because it is said of the Lord. That the church is signified by "the earth" (285, 721). That glory is said of the Divine truth, and signifies it, (249, 629[1-2]); it is said, Divine truth in heavenly light, because the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord is the light of heaven, which enlightens the angels, and makes their wisdom. The influx of the Lord by Divine truth is now spoken of, and the enlightenment of the church by it, because by that influx those that are in falsities are separated from those who are in truths; and likewise, falsities from the light of truth appear as they really are.

Apocalypsis Revelata 754 (original Latin 1766)

754. "Vidi (alium) Angelum descendentem e Caelo, habentem potestatem magnam, et terra illustrata est a gloria Ejus," significat influxum Domini e Caelo, fortem per Divinum Verum, ex quo Ecclesia Ipsius in luce caelesti fuit. - Per "Angelum" significatur Dominus; per "Angelum descendentem e Caelo" significatur influxus Domini e Caelo; per "habentem potestatem magnam" significatur influxus fortis; per "terram illustratam a gloria Ejus" significatur Ecclesia a Domino per Divinum Verum in luce caelesti: quod per "Angelum" et per "Angelos" in Verbo intelligatur Dominus, videatur 258, 344, 465, 649, 657, 718; per "descendere" significatur influere, quia de Domino; quod per "terram" significetur Ecclesia, 285, 721; quod "gloria" dicatur de Divino Vero, et significet illud, 249, 629. Dicitur Divinum Verum in luce caelesti, quia Divinum Verum procedens a Domino est Lux Caeli, quae illustrat angelos, et sapientiam eorum facit, Quod nunc dicatur de influxu Domini per Divinum Verum, et de illustratione Ecclesiae per id, est quia per illum influxum separantur illi qui in falsis sunt ab illis qui in veris, et quoque falsa ex luce veri apparent qualia sunt.

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