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属天的奥秘 第8854节



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Potts(1905-1910) 8854

8854. As for example, he who loves wealth above all things, whether money or possessions, is continually revolving in his mind how he may procure it; he inmostly rejoices when he acquires it; he inmostly grieves when he loses it; his heart is in it. He who loves himself above all things is mindful of himself in everything, thinks of himself, speaks of himself, acts for the sake of himself; for his life is a life of self.

Elliott(1983-1999) 8854

8854. For example, a person who above all loves riches, whether money or possessions, is constantly turning over in his mind how to get hold of them. He is profoundly glad when he gains them, profoundly sad when he loses them; his heart is in them. A person who above all loves himself is mindful of himself in all the details of life, thinks about himself, talks about himself, and acts for the sake of himself; for his life is a life of self.

Latin(1748-1756) 8854

8854. Ut pro exemplo: qui super omnia amat opes, sive pecuniae sint sive possessiones, is continue animo versat quomodo illas sibi comparet; gaudet intime cum acquirit, dolet intime cum amittit, cor ejus est in illis. Qui super omnia amat se, is sui recordatur in singulis, de se cogitat, de se loquitur, propter se agit; vita enim ejus est vita sui.

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