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属天的奥秘 第5949节



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Potts(1905-1910) 5949

5949. Because the good of the whole land of Egypt, this is for you. That this signifies that they have what is primary in the natural mind, is evident from the signification of the "land of Egypt," as being the natural mind (see n. 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301): by the "good of the whole of this land" is signified what is primary. By these words is also meant that if essential and not instrumental things are cared for, they shall have instrumental things in abundance. For example: if truths are cared for, they shall have memory-knowledges in abundance, which are the "good of the land of Egypt." In like manner if good is cared for, they shall have truths in abundance. Memory-knowledges, and also truths, must be cared for, but men must regard good as the end. If the eye is upon good as in the end, the man is then in full view of the consequent things, or in the perception of such as are derived from it, which perception is never possible unless good is the end, that is, unless it reigns universally in each and all things. [2] The case herein is like the body and its soul. A man must by all means care for his body, as that it may be nourished, and clothed, and may enjoy the delights of the world; but all these not for the sake of the body, but for the sake of the soul, namely, that the soul may act in a sound body correspondently and rightly, and may have the body as an organ entirely compliant to it. Thus the soul must be the end. Yet neither must the soul be the end, but only a mediate end, for which the man must care, not for its own sake, but for the sake of the uses which it must perform in both worlds; and when a man has uses as the end, he has the Lord as the end, for the Lord makes disposition for uses, and disposes the uses themselves. [3] As few know what it is to have as the end, this also shall be told. To have as the end is to love above all other things, for what a man loves, this he has as the end. That which a man has as the end is plainly discerned, for it reigns universally in him; and thus is continually present even at those times when he seems to himself not to be thinking at all about it, for it is seated within and makes his interior life, and thus secretly rules each and all things. As for example, with him who from the heart honors his parents, this honor is present in each and all things that he does in their presence and that he thinks in their absence, and it is also perceived from his gestures and speech. So with him who from the heart fears and honors God, this fear and honor are present in everything that he thinks, and speaks, and does, because it is in him even when it does not seem to be present, as when he is engaged in business that seems to be far from it; for it reigns universally; thus in every detail. That which reigns in man is plainly perceived in the other life, for the sphere of his whole life which exhales from him is thence derived. [4] From all this it is evident how it is to be understood that God must be always kept before the eyes; not that He must be constantly thought about, but that the fear or the love of Him must reign universally, in which case God is kept before the eyes in every detail. When this is the case the man does not think, speak, or do what is against Him and displeasing to Him; or if he does, that which universally reigns, and lies hidden within, manifests itself and admonishes him.

Elliott(1983-1999) 5949

5949. 'For the good of all the land of Egypt is yours' means that which in the natural mind is of primary importance to them. This is clear from the meaning of 'the land of Egypt' as the natural mind, dealt with in 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301, 'the good' of all that land meaning that which is of primary importance. These words are also used to mean that if they show no concern for instruments, only for essentials, they will have instruments in abundance. For example, if concern is shown for truths they will have in abundance factual knowledge, which is 'the good of the land of Egypt'; and in a similar way, if concern is shown for good, they will have truths in abundance. Concern does indeed need to be shown for factual knowledge, and for truths also; but they must look to good as their end in view. If a person has his eye on good as that end, he catches sight of what comes out of it, that is, he has a perception of the things that originate in it - a perception that by no means exists unless good is kept as the end in view, that is, unless this end reigns without exception in every single thing.

[2] It is like body and soul. A person should be thoroughly concerned about his body, that it should be fed, clothed, and enjoy worldly pleasures. Yet his concern for all these things should be not for his body's sake but for his soul's; that is to say, his concern should be that his soul may act in a harmonious and proper fashion within a healthy body, so that the body as its organ may respond in perfect obedience to it. Thus the soul must be the end. Yet the soul must not be the final end, only an intermediate one. For a person must be concerned about his soul not for its own sake but for the services it must perform in both worlds. When a person has those services as his end in view he has the Lord as his end; for the Lord fits him for those services and oversees them.

[3] Since few know what having something as one's end in view entails, this too must be stated. Having something as one's end in view is loving it above all else; for what a person loves he has as his end. What a person has as his end is easily recognizable, since it reigns in every part of him. Thus it is present constantly, even when it seems to him that he is giving no thought at all to it; for it resides within and composes his inner life, and thus secretly governs every single part of him. Take for example someone who at heart honours his parents. That honour is present in every single deed done when in their presence and in what he thinks about them when absent from them. It is also noticeable in his gestures and speech. So also with someone who at heart fears and honours God. That fear and honour of Him is present with each of his thoughts, words, and actions because it is contained within them. It is there even when it does not seem to be present, as when he is occupied with affairs quite remote from such fear and honour of Him; for it reigns everywhere, thus in every individual aspect of him. That which reigns in a person is clearly discernible in the next life, for the sphere of his entire life that emanates from him originates in it.

[4] From this one may now see how one is to understand the idea that a person should always have God before his eyes. It does not mean that he has to be thinking about Him all the time but that a fear or love of Him should reign everywhere in him; then in every individual aspect of himself he has God before his eyes. When this is so, that person does not think, speak, or do what is contrary and unpleasing to Him; or if he does, then what reigns everywhere in him and lies concealed within him comes out and warns him.

Latin(1748-1756) 5949

5949. `Quia bonum totius terrae Aegypti vobis hoc': quod significet quod illis primarium in mente naturali, constat ex significatione `terrae Aegypti' quod sit mens naturalis, de qua n. 5276, 5278, 5280, 5288, 5301; per `bonum totius illius terrae' significatur primarium. Per haec verba etiam intelligitur quod si illis non instrumentalia sed essentialia curae sint, illis instrumentalia erunt in copia; ut pro exemplo: si vera curae{1}, illis scientifica quae sunt `bonum terrae Aegypti', erunt in copia; similiter si bonum curae, vera erunt in copia. Scientifica quidem, tum vera, erunt curae, sed spectabunt bonum ut finem; si oculus in bono ut in fine est, tunc homo in visu (t)consequentium est, {2}seu in talium quae inde, {3}perceptione, quae nusquam datur nisi bonum sit finis, hoc est, nisi is universaliter in omnibus et singulis regnet. [2] Se habet hoc sicut corpus et ejus anima; homini omnino curae erit corpus, ut quod nutriendum, quod vestiendum, quod jucundis mundi fruiturum, sed haec omnia non propter corpus sed propter animam, ut nempe haec in sano corpore correspondenter et rite agat, et corpus ut organum sibi prorsus obsequiosum habeat, ita anima erit finis; nec anima pro fine erit, sed solum pro fine medio, ejus curam habebit homo non propter illam sed propter usus quos in utroque mundo praestabit; et cum homo pro fine habet usus, pro fine habet Dominum, nam Dominus disponit ad usus et ipsos usus. [3] (s)Quia pauci sciunt quid sit pro fine habere, etiam dicendum: pro fine habere est amare prae reliquis, quod enim homo amat, hoc pro fine habet; quid homo pro fine habet, cognoscitur manifeste, nam hoc universaliter in illo regnat, {4}ita continue adest, etiam tunc quando de eo nihil cogitare sibi videtur, insidet enim et facit interiorem ejus vitam, et sic latenter regit omnia et singula'; sit pro exemplo; qui ex corde honorat parentes suos, in omnibus et singulis quae agit in praesentia illorum, et quae cogitat in absentia, honor ille adest, et quoque id ex gestibus et loquela appercipitur; ita qui ex corde Deum timet et honorat, timor ille et honor in singulis quae cogitat, loquitur et agit, adest quia inest, etiam cum non adesse videtur, sicut cum in remotioribus inde negotiis est, nam regnat universaliter, ita in singulis; regnans apud hominem in altera vita manifeste appercipitur, nam totius ejus vitae sphaera quae ab ipso exhalat, inde est. [4] {5}Ex his constare potest quomodo intelligitur quod Deus semper ante oculos habendus sit, non quod de {6}Ipso jugiter cogitandum, sed quod timor Ejus aut amor regnabit universaliter, tunc {7}Deus in singulis ante oculos habetur, et quum hoc, homo non cogitat, loquitur et facit quod Ipsi adversum est et ingratum, sin aliter, id quod universaliter regnat, ac interius latet{8}, se manifestat et admonet. @1 i quae per filios Jacobi repraesentantur$ @2 ita$ @3 before talium$ @4 hoc est$ @5 Inde$ @6 illo$ @7 enim$ @8 i reconditum$

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