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属天的奥秘 第3983节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3983

3983. And he said unto him, Thou knowest how I have served thee. That this signifies that it had known its mind [animus], and its power, may be seen from the series of things in the internal sense. That to know anyone's quality is to know his mind, is manifest. And that knowing anyone's quality in his service, or "how I have served," is to know his power, may be seen from the signification here of "serving," as being one's own power (see n. 3975, 3977); for by Jacob is represented the Lord's Divine natural as to the good of truth, which has power. From this it follows that "how thy substance* has been with me" signifies that this also was from the Divine. * Acquisitio. The Hebrew mikneh means "what is acquired," but is limited to cattle. [Rotch ed.]

Elliott(1983-1999) 3983

3983. 'And [Jacob] said to him, You know how I have served you' means that it knew its mind and power. This becomes clear from the train of thought in the internal sense. 'Knowing what someone is like' clearly means knowing his mind, and so 'what one is like in his service' or 'how I have served you' means knowing his power, as may be seen from the meaning here of 'serving' as one's own power, dealt with in 3975, 3977. For 'Jacob' represents the Lord's Divine Natural as regards the good of truth, which possesses power. Consequently 'how your cattle have fared with me' also means originating in the Divine.

Latin(1748-1756) 3983

3983. `Et dixit ad eum, Tu nosti qualiter servivi tibi': quod significet quod noverit ejus animum et potentiam, `constare potest ex serie rerum in sensu interno; quod `nosse qualis sit' sit nosse animum, patet; et `qualis sit in servitio, seu qualiter servivi' quod sit nosse potentiam, constare potest a significatione `servire' hic quod sit propria potentia, de qua n. 3975, 3977; nam per `Jacobum' repraesentatur Divinum {1}Naturale Domini quoad bonum veri, cui potentia {2}: inde sequitur quod `qualis fuit acquisitio mecum' significet etiam ex Divino. @1 i et qualis fuit acquisitio tua mecum, quod significet etiam quod ex Divino$ @2 Naturalis I$ @3 i ut supra ostensum$

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