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属天的奥秘 第3855节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3855

3855. That Leah was hated. That this signifies that the affection of external truth was not so dear because it was further from the Divine, is evident from the signification of "hated," as being what is not dear; and from the representation of Leah, as being the affection of external truth (concerning which see above). That external truths are more remote from the Divine than internal truths, may be seen from the fact that external things come forth from internal ones; for external things are images and forms composed of myriads of internal things which appear as a one; and this being the nature of external things, they are further from the Divine; for the Divine is above the inmost, or in the highest. The Lord flows from the highest into the inmosts of man, and through these into his interiors, and through these again into his externals; thus He flows in mediately, and also immediately; and as the externals are further from the Divine, they are also on this account relatively without order, nor do they suffer themselves to be reduced to such order as do the internals. The case herein is the same as it is with seeds, which are more perfect within than without, being so perfect within as to enable them to produce a whole plant, or a whole tree, in its order, together with its leaves and fruits, the external forms of which may easily suffer injury from various causes, but not so much so the internal or inmost forms of the seeds, which are in a more interior and perfect nature. The case is the same with the internals and externals of man, and therefore when man is being regenerated, he is regenerated as to the rational before he is regenerated as to the natural (n. 3493); and the regeneration of the natural is both later and more difficult, because in it are many things which are not in order and are exposed to injuries from the body and the world; and this being the case, it is said that these things are "not so dear;" but insofar as they agree with internal things, and insofar as they conduce to the life and to the sight of the internal things that are within them, and also to man's regeneration, so far they too are dear.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3855

3855. 'That Leah was hated' means that the affection for external truth was not so dear because it was further away from the Divine. This is clear from the meaning of 'hated' as not dear, and from the representation of 'Leah' as the affection for external truth, dealt with already. The fact that external truths are more remote from the Divine than internal truths are may be seen from the consideration that external truths are manifestations of internal ones, for external truths are images and forms made of many thousands of internal truths which are seen as a simple whole. And because this is what external truths are like they are further away from the Divine; for the Divine is above what is inmost, that is, the Divine is in the highest. The Lord flows in from the highest into the inmost parts of man, and through these into his interior parts, and through these in turn into his external parts, and so is flowing mediately as well as immediately. And because external things are further away from the Divine they are also for that reason lacking order when compared with internal and do not allow themselves to be brought into order in the way that internal ones do.

[2] It is like seeds, which are more perfect inwardly than they are outwardly, so perfect inwardly that from within they are able to bring forth a whole young plant or a whole tree in its own ordered way, together with leaves and fruit, whose outward forms can easily suffer all kinds of damage, more so than the internal and inmost forms of the seeds which are by their very nature more interior and perfect. It is similar with the internal and external parts of man. Consequently when a person is being regenerated, the rational is regenerated before the natural, 3493. The regeneration of the natural comes later and is more difficult because many things remain unordered there and are subject to damage from the body and the world. That being so, it is said that these are not so dear. But to the extent that they agree with internal things and contribute to the life and to a sight of the internal things within them, as well as to the regeneration of man, they too are dear.

Latin(1748-1756) 3855

3855. `Quod exosa Leah': quod significet quod affectio veri externi non ita cara, quia longius a Divino, constat a significatione `exosae' quod sit non cara; et ex repraesentatione `Leae' quod sit affectio veri externi, de qua prius; quod vera externa a Divino remotiora sint quam interna, constare potest ex eo quod externa existant ab internis, sunt enim externa imagines et formae ex myriadibus internorum compositae, quae ut unum apparent;

et quia externa talia sunt, longius a Divino sunt, {1}nam Divinum est supra intimum seu in supremo; influit {2}Dominus e supremo in intima hominis, et per haec in ejus interiora, et per haec iterum in externa, ita mediate, et praeterea etiam immediate: et quia externa sunt longius a Divino, ideo etiam inordinata sunt respective, nec ita in ordinem se redigi patiuntur sicut interna;

[2]se habet hoc sicut semina, quae intus perfectiora sunt quam extus, (c)ac intus tam perfecta ut inde producere possint totam plantam aut totam arborem suo ordine cum foliis et fructibus, quorum formae externae facile possunt laedi a quibuscumque injuriis, non autem ita internae seu intimae seminum, quae in natura {3}interiore et perfectiore sunt; similiter se habet cum {4}hominis internis et externis, quare etiam cum regeneratur homo, prius regeneratur quoad rationale quam quoad naturale, n. 3493, ac naturale et serius et aegrius, quia ibi plura inordinata sunt, ac injuriis a corpore et a mundo exposita; et quia ita, dicitur quod haec non ita cara sint; quantum autem concordant cum internis, et quantum conducunt ad vitam et ad visum internorum in se, ut et quantum ad regenerationem hominis, tantum etiam cara sunt. @1 quod$ @2 i enim$ @3 puriore$ @4 after externis$

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