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属天的奥秘 第3340节



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Potts(1905-1910) 3340

3340. To this light there is an opposite darkness, and to this heat there is an opposite cold; in these live the infernals. Their darkness is from the falsities in which they are, and their cold is from the evils; and the more remote they are from truths, the greater is their darkness; and the more remote they are from good, the greater is their cold. When it is permitted to look into the hells where such infernals are, there appears a dark cloud in which they have their abode; and when any exhalation flows out thence, there are perceived insanities that exhale from falsities, and hatreds that exhale from evils. A light is indeed sometimes granted them, but it is a deceptive one; and this is extinguished with them, and becomes darkness, the moment they look at the light of truth. Heat also is sometimes granted them, but it is like that of an unclean bath; and this is changed into cold with them as soon as they observe anything of good. A certain person was let into that dark cloud where the infernals are, in order that he might know how the case is with those who are there; he being protected by the Lord by means of angels. Speaking from thence with me he said that there was there so great a rage of insanity against good and truth, and especially against the Lord, that he was amazed that it could possibly be resisted; for the infernals breathed nothing but hatred, revenge, and slaughter, with such violence that they desired to destroy all in the universe; so that unless this rage was continually repelled by the Lord, the whole human race would perish.

Elliott(1983-1999) 3340

3340. Existing as the opposite of that light is thick darkness, and as the opposite of that warmth is coldness. Within that thick darkness and that coldness dwell those in hell. Their thick darkness is the product of the falsities in which they are immersed, and their coldness the product of evils. And the further away they are from truths the thicker is their darkness; and the further away they are from good the more intense is their coldness. When one is allowed to see into the hells where such beings exist the very dark mist in which they live is visible. And when there is any exhalation from that mist the insane ideas flowing from falsities, and the forms of hatred from evils, are detected. They are also provided sometimes with a light, but this is the feeble light from an ignis fatuus, which however goes out on them and becomes thick darkness as soon as they look at the light of truth. In addition they are sometimes provided with warmth, but this warmth is like that of a filthy bathhouse, which however turns into coldness with them as soon as they detect any hint of good. A certain spirit was sent into that dark mist which envelops those in hell so that he might discover for himself what it is like with those who are there. But the Lord protected him by means of angels. From there he spoke to me and said that the maniacal rage against what is good and true, and above all against the Lord, was so great that he was astounded that it could ever be withstood. For those in hell were breathing out nothing else but all kinds of hatred, revenge, and murder, and doing so with such vehemence that they wanted to destroy everybody throughout the universe. Consequently if the Lord was not constantly driving back that rage the entire human race would perish.

Latin(1748-1756) 3340

3340. Luci illi opposita est caligo, et calori illi oppositum est frigus; in illis vivunt infernales; caligo illis est ex falsis in quibus sunt, et frigus illis est ex malis; et quo remotiores sunt a veris, eo major illis caligo, et quo remotiores a bono, eo majus illis frigus: cum videre datur in inferna ubi tales sunt, apparet caliginosus nimbus, in quo degunt; et cum aliquis halitus inde effluit, percipiuntur vesaniae exhalatae (c)a falsis, ac odia (c)a malis. Datur {1}quoque illis quandoque lumen, sed est sicut lumen fatuum, at hoc exstinguitur illis, et fit caligo, ut primum in lucem veri spectant; et datur {2}illis quandoque calor, sed sicut balnei immundi, at hic vertitur illis in frigus, ut primum aliquid boni appercipiunt. Quidam in caliginosum illum nimbum ubi infernales, missus est, ut sciret quomodo cum illis qui ibi, se haberet; sed tutatus a Domino per angelos; inde mecum locutus dixit quod ibi tantus furor insaniae esset contra bonum et verum, et maxime contra Dominum, ut obstupesceret quod usquam resisti posset, nam nihil aliud spirabant quam odia, vindictas, caedes, cum tanta vehementia ut destruere vellent omnes in universo; quare nisi furor ille (t)continue a Domino repelleretur, periret omne genus humanum. @1 usque$ @2 i etiam$

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