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属天的奥秘 第2988节



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Potts(1905-1910) 2988

2988. That some idea may be formed of representations and correspondences, it is only necessary to reflect on the things of the mind, that is, of the thought and will. These things so beam forth from the face that they are manifest in its expression; especially is this the case with the affections, the more interior of which are seen from and in the eyes. When the things of the face act as a one with those of the mind, they are said to correspond, and are correspondences; and the very expressions of the face represent, and are representations. The case is similar with all that is expressed by the gestures of the body, and with all the acts produced by the muscles; for it is well known that all these take place according to what the man is thinking and willing. The gestures and actions themselves, which are of the body, represent the things of the mind, and are representations; and in that they are in agreement, they are correspondences.

Elliott(1983-1999) 2988

2988. To gain some idea of representations and correspondences, it will do if one considers simply the things that belong to the mind, namely, thought and will. These usually shine from the face in such a way that they are plainly visible in its expressions. Above all else interior affections shine out of the eyes and in the eyes. When the parts of the face act as one with those of the mind they are said to correspond and exist as correspondences, while the actual looks on the face represent, and exist as representations. It is similar with the things that are expressed by gestures in the body, and also with all the movements which are effected by means of the muscles. The fact that these are expressions of what a person thinks and wills is well known. The actual gestures and movements, which belong to the body, represent the things which belong to the mind, and exist as representations; and when things of the body accord with things of the mind they are correspondences.

Latin(1748-1756) 2988

2988. Ut aliqua idea repraesentationum et correspondentiarum habeatur reflectatur modo super illa quae sunt mentis, nempe cogitationis et voluntatis haec solent e facie ita elucere ut pateant in ejus vultu, affectiones prae ceteris interiores ex oculis et in illis; cum illa quae sunt faciei, unum agunt cum illi quae sunt mentis, {1}dicuntur correspondere, et sunt {2}correspondentiae; et ipsi vultus faciei repraesentant, et sunt repraesentationes. Similiter se habet cum illis quae fiunt per gestus in corpore, ut et cum omnibus actionibus quae per musculos producuntur; quod haec fiant secundum illa quae cogitat et vult homo, notum est; ipsi gestus et actiones quae sunt corporis, repraesentant illa quae sunt mentis, et sunt repraesentationes; et quod concordent, sunt {3}correspondentiae. @1 i tunc$ @2 i illa$ @3 concordantiae$

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