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属天的奥秘 第10294节



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Potts(1905-1910) 10294

10294. And galbanum. That this signifies the affection of a truth still more interior, is evident from what was said just above (n. 10293). That "onycha" and "galbanum" denote truths successively more interior, can be confirmed in no other way than from their order, because they do not occur in the Word elsewhere.

Elliott(1983-1999) 10294

10294. 'And galbanum' means an affection for truth on a still more internal level. This is clear from what has been stated immediately above in 10293. The fact that 'onycha' and 'galbanum' mean truth on more and more internal levels cannot be substantiated except from the order in which they come; for they do not occur anywhere else in the Word.

Latin(1748-1756) 10294

10294. `Et galbanum': quod significet affectionem veri adhuc interioris, constat ex illis quae nunc supra n. 10,293 dicta sunt. Quod `onyche et galbanum' sint vera {1} interiora successive, non aliter confirmari potest quam ex ordine, quoniam in Verbo (t)non alibi occurrunt. @1 i spirituali$

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