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《真实的基督教》 第732节



真实的基督教 #732 (火能翻译,2015)

732. 讨论后, 来自北方的第一组说: “天堂喜乐与永恒幸福, 和天堂生活一回事; 所以凡进入天堂的人, 都享受构成天堂生活的节庆, 就象人参加婚礼, 享受那里的喜庆一样。 在我们眼里, 天堂就在我们上方, 因而在某个地方, 不是吗? 那里, 并且只有那里才有极乐之上的极乐, 狂喜之上的狂喜。 人一踏进天堂就沉浸于这些东西, 甚至到达其心理感知和身体感觉的最大限度, 因为那地方的喜乐太强烈了。 所以, 天堂的快乐, 也就是永恒的快乐, 只不过是被准许进入天堂, 这种准许全凭神的恩典。 ”

说完这番话, 北方的第二组凭其智慧作了如下预言: “天堂喜乐与永恒幸福无非是与天人最快乐地聚会, 最甜蜜地交谈, 脸面由此笑逐颜开, 全体会众因他们柔和诙谐的话语笑口常开。 天堂喜乐不就是这种主旋律的永恒变奏吗? ”

第三组第一支队伍由西部的智者组成, 他们出于其情感之思, 发表了以下看法: “天堂喜乐与永恒幸福不就是与亚伯拉罕, 以撒和雅各一同坐席吗? 席上有山珍海味, 美酒佳酿, 筵席过后, 少男少女们随着音乐或游戏, 或翩翩起舞, 其中还穿插最甜美的歌声。 然后到了晚上会有文艺演出, 此后又是一个节庆, 天天如此直到永远。 ”

接着是第四组, 即来自西部的第二支队伍, 发表意见说: “关于天堂喜乐与永恒幸福, 我们有不少想法, 我们研究了各种各样的喜乐, 并进行了对比, 得出的结论是, 天堂喜乐就是乐园的喜乐。 天堂不就是乐园吗? 它从东延到西, 从南延到北, 里面有各种果树和怡人的鲜花, 园子当中是壮丽的生命树, 受到祝福者围坐在那里, 吃着美味水果, 装饰最芳香的花环。 在永恒春风的微熏下, 这些花以无限的变化日日生长再生长。 它们的永恒生长和绽放, 加上恒定的春天气候, 必刷新这些人的头脑, 使他们每天吸入和呼出新的喜乐, 他们由此回到花季少年, 从而恢复到太古状态, 即亚当及其妻子被造时所处的状态。 因此, 他们又被准许进入他们的乐园, 从地上被转到天堂。 ”

第五组, 即由南部的聪明人组成的第一支队伍, 作了如下陈述: “天堂喜乐与永恒幸福无非是至高的统治和无尽的财富, 以及超越国王的富丽堂皇和无与伦比的辉煌。 我们理解这些必是天堂的喜乐及其持久的享受, 即永恒的幸福; 只要想想世上达到这种状态的人就知道了。 此外, 从以下事实也能推断出来, 即受祝福者将在天堂与主共同统治, 成为国王与王子, 因为他们是主的儿子, 而主是万主之主, 万王之王, 他们要坐在宝座上, 并有天人伺候。 关于天堂的壮丽辉煌, 我们从被用来描述天堂荣耀的新耶路撒冷明显可知, 它有两扇大门, 每一扇都是一颗珍珠, 街道是纯金的, 墙的地基是宝石的。 因此, 被接入天堂的每个人都有自己金碧辉煌, 珠光宝气的宫殿, 统治权会轮流从这一个人转到另一个人。 由于我们知道喜乐与幸福是这类事物所固有的, 并且神的应许从不落空, 所以我们能推论出, 天堂生活最幸福的状态唯源于此。 ”

之后第六组, 即南部的第二支队伍提高嗓门说: “天堂喜乐及其永恒幸福无非是永远赞美神, 一个持续到永远的节庆, 一个伴随歌声和胜利欢呼声的受到祝福的敬拜行为。 因此, 我们的心将不断被提升到神那里, 坚信神会接受我们的祷告和赞美, 并由于祂的慷慨赐下这样的祝福。 ”一些同伴补充说, 对神的这种赞美会伴有华丽的彩灯, 最好的馨香, 盛大的仪式, 祭司长拿着大号在前面领路, 后面跟着主教和大大小小的牧师, 最后是手拿棕榈叶的男人和手拿金像的女人。

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True Christianity #732 (Rose, 2010)

732. After consulting with each other, the first group, which was from the north, said, "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are the same thing as living in heaven. Therefore all who become part of heaven come into the experience of its festivities, much as people do who attend a wedding. Surely heaven is before our eyes; it is above us, and is therefore a place. In that place and nowhere else there is tremendous bliss and extraordinary pleasure. When we come into heaven, our whole mind and our whole body come into this bliss and pleasure, because of the fullness of joys that is there. Therefore heavenly happiness, which is the same thing as eternal happiness, is simply a matter of being allowed into heaven; and it is divine grace that lets us in. "

[2] After they finished speaking, the second group from the north brought forth their wisdom in the form of the following conjecture: "Surely heavenly joy and eternal happiness consist in extremely enjoyable interactions and delicious conversations with angels. Everyone's faces are smiling broadly and happily all the time; everyone is laughing with pleasure at the wonderful and incredibly clever things that are being said. What else are the joys of heaven but variations on this scene that go on to eternity?"

[3] The third group, which was the first group of wise people from the western region, presented the following as the result of what they had felt and thought: "Surely the height of heavenly joy and eternal happiness consists in dining with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. At their tables there will be the finest and most sumptuous foods and excellent vintage wine. After the meal there will be games, and young men and women dancing together to the sound of musicians on various instruments, with a break now and then for us to hear the singing of incredibly sweet songs. When the evening comes, there will be stage plays. The next day there will be yet another great feast; and it will continue like this every day to eternity. "

[4] After they had said this, the fourth group, which was the second from the western region, announced their opinion: "We have had many ideas about heavenly joy and eternal happiness. Just now, we considered various joys and compared them with each other. The conclusion of our group is that heavenly joys are the joys of a garden paradise. Surely heaven is a garden paradise that extends all the way from the east to the west and from the south to the north. In it there are fruit trees and gorgeous flowers. At the center of them all there stands a magnificent tree of life. The blessed will sit by this tree and eat exquisitely flavorful fruit and wear wonderfully fragrant garlands of flowers. Because of the perpetual springtime there, these fruits and flowers are being born and reborn every day in unending variety; and because such things are constantly sprouting and flowering, and because the warmth of spring is everlasting there, the minds of the blessed, too, are continually being renewed and cannot help coming upon new joys every day and drinking them in. As a result, they return to the age at which their youth first blossomed; they are brought back into the primordial state that Adam and Eve experienced when they were first created; and they are restored to Adam and Eve's paradise, only relocated from earth to heaven. "

[5] The fifth group, which was the first group of clever minds from the southern region, gave the following statement: "Surely heavenly joys and eternal happiness consist in the possession of great power and tremendous wealth, and the more-than-regal magnificence and shining splendor that come with them. These are the source of the joys of heaven and of our ongoing enjoyment of them, which is eternal happiness, as we have noticed from observing people in our former world who had such power and wealth. We have also gathered this from [the statements in the Word] that those who are happy in heaven are going to reign with the Lord, and will be kings and princes, because they are children of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords; and that they are going to sit on thrones and angels will minister to them. We have realized how magnificent heaven will be from the fact that the New Jerusalem - which is a way of describing the glories of heaven - will have glorious doors, each of which is a pearl, and streets of pure gold, and outside walls built on precious stones. Therefore all who are accepted into heaven will have their own royal palace gleaming with gold and precious stones, and power that rotates in sequence from one person to the next. Because we recognize that there is inherent joy and intrinsic happiness in such situations, and that God's promises cannot be broken, we could not attribute the happiest aspect of heavenly life to any other factor. "

[6] After that, the sixth group, which was the second from the southern region, raised their voices and said, "The joy of heaven and the eternal happiness that goes with it come from perpetually glorifying God, in a celebration that goes on forever, and blissful worship with songs and shouting. It is a constant lifting of the heart toward God, with complete trust that he accepts our prayers and praise because we experience his divine showering of abundant blessings upon us. "

Some in the same group added, "We will glorify him with gorgeous lamps full of wonderfully fragrant incense, and with impressive parades led by the pope holding a great horn, followed next by church leaders and priests of every rank, and then men holding palm branches and women carrying golden images in their hands. "

True Christian Religion #732 (Chadwick, 1988)

732. After discussion the first group, which was from the north, said that heavenly joy and everlasting happiness are really one with life in heaven. 'Everyone therefore,' they said, 'who comes into heaven, comes to enjoy the festivities which make up life there, just as anyone going to a wedding enjoys the festivities there. Heaven is within our sight above us, isn't it, and so in a place? There and nowhere else is bliss on top of bliss, pleasures on top of pleasures. Anyone on coming into heaven is plunged into these, to the utmost of his mental perception and to the utmost of his bodily sensation, because the joys of that place are so intense. So heavenly happiness, which is also everlasting, is nothing more than being admitted to heaven; admission is by God's grace.'

[2] When they had made this speech, the second group from the north out of their wisdom made the following prophecy: 'Heavenly joy and everlasting happiness are simply the most entertaining meetings with angels, and the most charming conversations with them. This keeps their faces constantly wreathed in smiles, and the mouths of the whole assembly laughing sweetly at their soft words and witty speech. What are the joys of heaven but variations on this theme for ever?'

[3] The third group, the first of the wise from the western quarter, from thinking about their affections made this declaration: 'What are heavenly joy and everlasting happiness but feasting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? Their tables will be supplied with rich and dainty dishes, fine wines and noble vintages; and after the banquet there will be games and dances by girls and youths to the music of bands and pipes, with interludes of the sweetest singing of songs. Then finally towards evening there will be theatrical performances, and after this another banquet, and so on every day for ever.'

[4] Following this statement from the fourth group, the second from the west, pronounced its opinion. 'We have held,' they said, 'numerous ideas about heavenly joy and everlasting happiness, and we have looked into various joys and compared one with another; and we have come to the conclusion that the joys of heaven are the joys of a garden. What is heaven but a garden stretching from east to west and from south to north, containing fruit trees and delightful flowers? In the middle will be the magnificent tree of life, around which the blessed will sit, feeding on fruits of exquisite flavour, and decked with garlands of flowers with the sweetest scent. Under the breezes of a perpetual spring these will grow time and again in infinite variety day by day. Their perpetual growth and flowering, as well as the constant spring climate, will inevitably refresh the mind, so as to take in and imbibe new joys day by day, and bring people back to the flower of youth and so to the primeval state, which Adam and his wife were created to enjoy. Thus they will be returned to their garden of Eden, now transferred from earth to heaven.'

[5] The fifth group, which was the first group of clever people from the south, made the following statement: 'Heavenly joys and everlasting happiness are simply surpassing dominions and the richest treasures, which will confer magnificence beyond the reach of kings, and splendour beyond compare. We have grasped that these must be the joys of heaven and their continued enjoyment, which is everlasting happiness, by considering those in the previous world who attained this state. Moreover, we infer this from the fact that the happy are to reign in heaven with the Lord, and be kings and princes, because they are the sons of Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords; and they will sit upon thrones being waited on by angels. We have grasped the magnificence of heaven from the fact that the New Jerusalem, which is used to describe the glories of heaven, will have each of its gates made out of a single pearl, streets of pure gold, and precious stones for the foundations of its wall. So everyone who is received into heaven will have his mansion gleaming with gold and precious substances, and the rule will pass in turn from one to another. Knowing as we do that in such things joys are inherent and happiness is immanent, and that God's promises can never be broken, we have been able to conclude that the happiest state of life in heaven is from this source and no other.'

[6] After this the sixth group, which was the second from the south, spoke up and said: 'The joy of heaven and its everlasting happiness are simply a perpetual glorifying of God, one long festival lasting for ever, and a most blessed act of worship with songs and shouts of triumph. Thus our hearts will be constantly lifted up to God in full confidence that our prayers and praises will be acceptable on account of God's munificence in blessing us.' Some of the group added that this glorifying of God will be accompanied by magnificent lamps, the most fragrant incense, and processions of great pomp, with the chief priest leading the way with a great horn, followed by the bishops and dignitaries of higher and lower rank, and finally by the men with palms and the women with images made of gold in their hands.

True Christian Religion #732 (Ager, 1970)

732. After consultation the first company, which was from the north, said, "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are one with the very life of heaven; therefore one who enters heaven enters as to his life into its festivities, precisely as anyone going to a wedding enters into its festivities. Do we not see that heaven is above us, thus in place? Are there not enjoyments upon enjoyments and pleasures upon pleasures there, and there only? When man is admitted into heaven he is admitted into these pleasures as to every perception of his mind and every sensation of his body, out of the plenitude of the joys of that place. Therefore heavenly happiness, which is also eternal happiness, is simply admission into heaven, which admission is of Divine grace."

[2] When this had been said, the company from the north from its wisdom expressed the following opinion: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are no other than most cheerful companionship with angels and the sweetest conversations with them, whereby the countenance is continually expanded with gladness and the faces of all the company are kept sweetly smiling with compliments and pleasantries. What are heavenly joys but variations of such things to eternity?"

[3] The third company, which was the first company of the wise men from the western quarter, from the thoughts of their affections delivered the following opinion: "What are heavenly joy and eternal happiness but feastings with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, on whose tables there will be delicate and costly food, with generous and noble wines; and after the feasts sports and dances of virgins and young men to the music of symphonies and flutes, interspersed with singing of the sweetest songs? And in the evenings there will be dramatic exhibitions, and after these feasting again, and so on daily forever."

[4] After that the fourth company, which was the second from the western quarter, declared their opinion, saying, "We have entertained several ideas about heavenly joy and eternal happiness; and we have examined various kinds of joy, comparing them with one another, and we have reached the conclusion that heavenly joys are paradisal joys. What is heaven but a paradise, extending from the east to the west and from the south to the north, and containing fruit trees and delightful flowers, in the midst of which is the magnificent tree of life, and around these the blessed will sit eating delicious fruit and adorned with wreaths of flowers of the sweetest odors, which, breathed upon by perpetual spring, are created and recreated daily with infinite variety? And the minds of these, being continually renewed by this perpetual growth and bloom, and also by the ever-vernal temperature, cannot but inhale and exhale new joys each day, and be restored thereby to the flower of their youth, and through this to the primitive state into which Adam and his wife were created, and so be readmitted into their paradise, transferred from earth to heaven."

[5] The fifth company, which was the first of the gifted ones from the southern quarter, spoke as follows: "Heavenly joys and eternal happiness are nothing but supreme dominion, boundless wealth, and thereby more than royal magnificence and transcendent splendor. That such are the joys of heaven and their unceasing fruition, which is eternal happiness; we saw clearly from the state of those in the former world who possessed them, and also from the teaching that the blessed in heaven are to reign with the Lord, and are to be kings and princes, because they are the sons of Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords, and that they are to sit on thrones, and angels are to minister unto them. The magnificence of heaven we clearly saw from this, that the New Jerusalem, whereby the glory of heaven is depicted, is to have gates, each of which will be one pearl, and streets of pure gold, and a wall with foundations of precious stones; consequently that everyone who is received into heaven has a palace of his own glittering with gold and precious stones, and a dominion that will be transmitted in order from one to another. And as we knew that joys and happiness are inherent in such things, and that God's promises cannot fail, we have been unable to attribute the most happy state of heavenly life to any other source."

[6] Then the sixth company, which was the second from the southern quarter, raised their voice and said, "The joy of heaven and its eternal happiness is no other than the perpetual glorification of God, a never-ceasing festival and most blissful worship with songs and jubilees, thus a constant uplifting of the heart to God, with full trust that He accepts those prayers and praises because of His Divine munificence in bestowing such blessedness." Some of the company added that this glorification would take place with splendid illuminations, most fragrant incense, and processions of great pomp, the chief priest going before with a great trumpet, the primates and other orders greater and less following him, and after these, men with palms and women with golden images in their hands.

True Christian Religion #732 (Dick, 1950)

732. After some consultation, the first company, which was from the north, said: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are one with the life itself of heaven. Whoever, therefore, enters heaven enters, as into his life, into its festivities, just as a guest at a wedding enters into its festivities. Is not heaven there, before our eyes, above us, and so in a place? There, and there only, are happy conditions and pleasures without end; and when a man enters heaven he is admitted into these with every mental perception and every bodily sensation, because of the abundance of the joys that are there. Therefore, heavenly happiness, which is also eternal happiness, is nothing else than admission into heaven: and admission is by Divine grace."

[2] When they had said this, the second company from the north, according to their degree of wisdom, expressed their opinion as follows: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness are nothing else than the most delightful association with angels and pleasant conversation with them, so that the countenance continually beams with happiness, and all the company smile pleasantly at the exchange of fair words and witty speech. Heavenly joy is the varied succession of such pleasures to eternity."

[3] The third company, which consisted of the first group of the wise men from the western quarter, expressing the ideas their affections prompted, spoke in these terms: "Heavenly joy and eternal happiness consist wholly in feasting with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, at whose tables there will be rare and costly food, and generous and noble wines. The feasts will be followed by sports and dances of maidens and young men, dancing to the tune of pipes and other musical instruments, with interludes of sweetest song. Then in the evening there will be stage plays presented by actors, followed again by feasts; and so on, every day to eternity."

[4] When they had finished speaking, the fourth company, which was the second from the western quarter, declared their opinion, saying: "We have entertained many ideas concerning heavenly joy and eternal happiness; and we have also examined various joys and compared them one with another. We have come to the conclusion that heavenly joys are those of paradise; for heaven is a paradise reaching from the east to the west, and from the south to the north. In it there are fruit trees and beautiful flowers; and in the midst is the magnificent tree of life, round which the blessed will sit, eating fruits of delicate flavor and adorned with garlands of the sweetest smelling flowers. These fruits and flowers, in the breath of a perpetual spring, are renewed from day to day with infinite variety; and thus from their shooting forth and constant blossoming, under the genial influence of perpetual spring, the minds of the blessed must be continually renewed, receiving and giving forth daily new joys till they reach the flower of their life, and then that primitive state in which Adam and his wife were created. So they will regain their paradise, which is now translated from earth to heaven."

[5] The fifth company, the first group of the intellectuals from the southern quarter, then spoke as follows: "Heavenly joys and eternal happiness consist solely in all-embracing dominion and boundless wealth, and consequently more than royal magnificence and dazzling splendor. That the joys of heaven and their continual fruition in eternal happiness consist in these things we see clearly from those in the former world who possessed them. It is clear also from the promise that the happy are to reign in heaven with the Lord, and to be kings and princes, because they are the sons of Him who is King of kings and Lord of lords; and that they are to sit on thrones and be ministered to by angels. Moreover, we plainly see the magnificence of heaven from the revelation that the New Jerusalem, by which is described the glory of heaven, is to have gates each of which will be one pearl, and streets of pure gold, and a wall with foundations of precious stones. Every one, therefore, who is received into heaven has a palace of his own, resplendent with gold and costly articles, and dominion succeeding from one position to another. As we know that there are in such things innate joys and inherent happiness, and that God's promises cannot fail, we can only conclude that these are the source of the supremely happy state of the heavenly life."

[6] Following them, the sixth company, which was the second from the southern quarter, raised their voice and said: "The joy of heaven and its eternal happiness are nothing else than the perpetual glorification of God, a never-ceasing festival, and most blessed worship with songs of rejoicing. There is thus a constant elevation of the heart to God, with full confidence in His acceptance of prayers and praises for His Divine bounty in providing the happiness they bring." Some of the company added that this glorification would be attended with magnificent illuminations, with most fragrant incense and with processions of great pomp. The chief priest would go before with a great trumpet, followed by primates and acolytes of various orders, and these by men hearing palm branches and women bearing golden images in their hands.

Vera Christiana Religio #732 (original Latin,1770)

732. Post Consultationem PRIMA COHORS, quae e Septentrione erat, dixit, quod Gaudium Coeleste, et Felicitas aeterna, sint unum cum ipsa vita Coeli; quare unusquisque, qui intrat Coelum, quoad vitam intrat in festivitates ejus, non aliter quam qui intrat in nuptias, intrat in harum festivitates; estne Coelum coram visu nostro supra nos, ita in loco, ac ibi et non alibi sunt faustitates supra faustitates, ac voluptates supra voluptates; in has infertur homo quoad omnem perceptionem mentis, et quoad omnem sensationem corporis, ex plenitudine gaudiorum loci istius, cum in Coelum: quare felicitas coelestis, quae etiam est aeterna, non aliud est quam intromissio in Coelum, ac intromissio ex Divina Gratia.

[2] His dictis, ALTERA COHORS ex Septentrione ex sua sapientia expromsit hoc augurium; Gaudium Coeleste et Felicitas aeterna non aliud sunt, quam laetissima Consortia cum Angelis, et suavissimae Confabulationes cum illis, ex quibus Facies continue expansae tenentur in laetitiis, et ora totius consortii in risibus amaenitatis ex blandiloquiis et facetiis; et quid gaudia coelestia quam talium variationes in aeternum.

[3] TERTIA COHORS, quae erat Prima ex sapientibus e Plaga occidentali, ex suarum affectionum cogitationibus edidit hoc: quid Gaudium Coeleste et Felicitas aeterna aliud, quam Epulationes cum Abrahamo, Isaco, et Jacobo, super quorum Mensis erunt Edulia delicata et opipara, ac Vina generosa et nobilia, et post epulas Ludi ac Choreae virginum et juvenum saltantium ad modos symphoniarum et tibiarum, interjectis cantibus odarum suavissimis: et demum ad vesperam erunt Spectacula ex personatis; et post haec iterum Epulae, et sic quovis die in aeternum.

[4] His edictis, QUARTA COHORS, quae erat Secunda e plaga occidentali, enuntiavit suam sententiam, dicens, nos fovimus plures ideas de Gaudio Coelesti, et de Felicitate aeterna, et exploravimus varia Gaudia et contulimus illa inter se, et conclusimus quod Gaudia Coelestia sint Gaudia Paradisiaca; quid aliud Coelum quam Paradisus, Cujus extensio est ab Oriente in Occidentem, et a Meridie in Septentrionem, et in illo arbores fructuum et flores delitiarum, in quarum medio est magnifica Arbor vitae, circum quam sedebunt beati, vescentes fructibus saporis delicati, ac ornati sertis florum odoris suavissimi; et quod haec aspirante perpetuo vere indies cum infinita varietate enascantur et renascantur; et quod ex horum ortu et flore perpetuo, et simul ex temperie jugiter verna, animi continue renovati non possint aliter quam Gaudia indies nova attrahere et respirare, et inde in florentem aetatem, et per hanc in primitivum statum, in quem Adamus et ejus uxor creati sunt, reduci, et sic in Paradisum illorum, e terra translatum in Coelum, remitti.

[5] QUINTA COHORS, quae erat Prima ex ingeniosis e Plaga meridionali, effata est hoc; Gaudia coelestia et Felicitas aeterna non aliud sunt, quam supereminentia Dominia, et opulentissimae Gazae, et inde superregia Magnificentia ac superillustris splendor: quod Gaudia Coeli, et horum fruitio continua, quae est aeterna felicitas, illa sint, perspeximus ex illis in Mundo priori, qui potiti sunt illis; et insuper ex eo, quod felices in Coelo regnaturi sint cum Domino, ac futuri reges et principes, quia sunt filii Ipsius, Qui est Rex regum et Dominus dominorum, et quod sessuri sint super thronis, et quod Angeli illis ministraturi sint: magnificentiam Coeli perspeximus ex hoc, quod Nova Hierosolyma, per quam describitur gloria Coeli, habitura sit Portas, quarum unaquaevis erit una Margarita, et Plateas ex puro auro, et Murum fundatum super lapidibus pretiosis; consequenter quod cuivis in Coelum recepto sit sua Aula ex auro et pretiositatibus splendens, ac Dominium ordine ab uno in alterum successurum: et quia novimus, quod talibus innata sint gaudia, ac insita felicitas, et quod sint sponsiones Dei irrefragabiles, non potuimus aliunde statum felicissimum vitae coelestis deducere.

[6] Post hanc, SEXTA COHORS, quae erat Secunda e Plaga meridionali, extulit vocem, et dixit, Gaudium Coeli et ejus Aeterna felicitas, non aliud est, quam perpetua Glorificatio Dei, Festum perennans in aeternum, ac beatissimus Cultus cum cantibus et jubilis; et sic constans elevatio cordis ad Deum, cum plena fiducia acceptationis precum et laudum propter Divinam munificentiam beatitudinis illorum. Aliqui ex Cohorte adjecerunt, quod Glorificatio illa futura sit cum magnificis luminaribus, cumque suffitibus fragrantissimis, et cum processionibus pompae, Pontifice maximo praeeunte 1 cum Buccina magna, sequentibus illum Primatibus et Clavigeris, magnis et parvis, et post hos Viris cum palmis, et Mulieribus cum aureis simulachris in manibus.


1. Prima editio: praecunte.

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