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《真实的基督教》 第691节



真实的基督教 #691 (火能翻译,2015)

691. 摩西对耶和华说:

“求你显出你的荣耀给我看。 ”耶和华对他说: “你不能看见我的面, 因为人见我的面不能存活。 ”耶和华说: “看哪! 在我这里有地方, 你要站在磐石上。 我的荣耀经过的时候, 我必将你放在磐石穴中, 用我的手遮掩你, 等我过去, 然后我要将我的手收回, 你就得见我的背, 却不得见我的面。 ” (出埃及记33:18-23)

人见神不能存活, 其原因在于, 神是爱本身, 在灵界, 爱本身或圣爱在天人面前显如一轮太阳, 离他们遥远得如同尘世太阳之于我们一样。 所以, 如果那太阳当中的神真的接近天人, 他们将会灭亡, 就象尘世太阳接近人, 人就会灭亡一样; 因为灵界太阳同样在燃烧。

由于这个原因, 存在缓和与调适这爱的燃烧之热的恒定控制, 以便它的辐射未经稀释不得到达天堂, 因为天人会由此被烧毁。 故, 当主使自己更直接地临在于天堂时, 天堂下面的恶人就开始哀号, 受到折磨, 陷入昏厥, 以至于他们逃进山里的洞穴和岩石裂缝中, 大声哭叫:

倒在我们身上吧, 把我们藏起来, 躲避坐宝座者的面目和羔羊的愤怒。 (启示录6:16;以赛亚2:19, 21)

这不是降临的主自己, 只是一个被主的爱之气场环绕的天人。 有几次, 我看见恶人由于那降临而恐惧, 仿佛看到了近在眼前的死亡本身; 有的投入越来越深的地狱, 有的则陷入疯狂。 这就解释了, 为何以色列人在耶和华降临西奈山前要预备三天, 在山的周围定界限, 免得人接近它而死亡 (出埃及记2:19)。 主耶和华在十诫的圣洁同样如此, 那时十诫被公布于众, 它是神用手指写在两块石版上的, 后来被安放在约柜中, 至圣所里的约柜上面还有施恩座, 以及施恩座两头的基路伯, 免得人的手或眼直接碰触那圣洁, 甚至连亚伦也不能靠近它, 除了一年一次, 在他通过献祭和焚香给自己遮罪之后外。 由于这个缘故, 以革伦人和伯示麦人仅仅因为擅观约柜就死了数千人 (撒母耳记上5:11-12; 6:19), 乌撒也一样, 因为他也触碰了它 (撒母耳记下6:6-7)。

这几个例子说明了, 如果犹太人不通过约翰的洗礼预备好接受弥赛亚, 即取了人类样式的耶和华神, 如果祂没有披上人性, 以此揭示祂自己, 那么他们将会受到诅咒与毁灭的猛烈击打。 他们通过被编入天堂并被归到那些发自内心等候并渴望弥赛亚的人中进一步做好预备, 天人因此被派来做他们的保护者。

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True Christianity #691 (Rose, 2010)

691. Moses said to Jehovah, "'Show me your glory. ' Jehovah replied, 'You cannot see my face, because no one can see me and live. ' And he said, 'Here is a place where you are to stand on the rock, and I will put you in a crevice in the rock and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed by. When I remove my hand, you will see my back, but my face will not be seen'" (Exodus 33:18-23).

The reason why we cannot see God and live is that God is love itself. In the spiritual world, love itself or divine love appears before the angels as a sun. It is at a distance from them just as the sun of our world is at a distance from us. If God, who is within that sun, were to come near the angels, they would perish, just as we would if the sun of our world came near us. The sun of that world is every bit as intense.

[2] Because of this there are continuous protective layers that modify and moderate the burning fire of that love and prevent it from flowing into heaven in its full strength, because the angels would be consumed by it. When the Lord makes himself more present in heaven, the godless spirits who are beneath heaven begin to wail, to be tormented, and to lose consciousness, so they run away into caves and crevices in the mountains, crying, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One sitting on the throne!" (Revelation 6:16; Isaiah 2:19, 21).

In fact, it is not the Lord himself who comes down; it is an angel surrounded by a sphere of love from the Lord. Several times I have seen that godless spirits were terrified by an angel coming down like that, as if they had seen death itself right before their eyes. I have seen some of them hurl themselves headlong farther and farther down into hell; others were driven insane with rage.

[3] This explains why the children of Israel had to prepare themselves for three days before Jehovah the Lord came down on Mount Sinai; this is also why the mountain was fenced all around to prevent anyone from dying as a result of approaching it (Exodus 19).

Similar situations occurred in regard to the holiness of Jehovah the Lord that was captured in the Ten Commandments. They were delivered on that mountain, written by the finger of God on two tablets of stone, and stored away in the ark. The mercy seat was placed on top of the ark in the tabernacle, and the angel guardians were placed on top of the mercy seat, to keep anyone's eye or hand from directly contacting that holiness. Not even Aaron could draw near it except once a year, and only when he had ritually purged himself by offering sacrifices and burning incense.

[4] This also explains why many thousands of people from Ekron and Beth-shemesh died for the sole reason that they saw the ark with their eyes (1 Samuel 5:11-12; 6:19), and Uzzah died because he touched the ark (2 Samuel 6:6-7).

Just these few examples illustrate the kind of curse and slaughter that would have befallen the Jews (a) if the baptism of John had not prepared them to accept the Messiah, who was Jehovah God in human form, and (b) if God had not taken on a human manifestation and revealed himself in this way. These examples also show that what prepared them was their being assigned to heaven and counted among those who were awaiting and desiring the Messiah; therefore angels were sent to protect them.

True Christian Religion #691 (Chadwick, 1988)

691. Moses said to Jehovah:

Show me your glory. Jehovah said to him, You cannot see my face, because no one can see me and live. And he said, Here is a place, where you can stand on the rock, and I will put you in a crevice of the rock and put my hand as a covering upon you, until I have passed by; and when I take my hand away, you will see my back parts, but my face will not be seen, Exodus 33:18-23.

The reason why man cannot see God and live is that God is love itself, and love itself or the Divine love in the spiritual world appears to the sight of angels like the sun, as far distant from them as the sun of our world is from men. If therefore God, who is in the midst of that sun, were to come close to angels, they would perish just as men would if the sun of the world came close to them, for it is equally burning.

[2] For this reason there are constant controls which modify and moderate the burning heat of that love, so that its radiation should not reach heaven undiluted, since this would consume the angels. When therefore the Lord makes His presence more immediately felt in heaven, the irreligious beneath heaven begin to complain, suffering torture and fainting, so that they take refuge in caves and fissures in the mountains, crying:

Fall upon us and hide us from the face of Him that sits upon the throne, Revelation 6:16; Isaiah 2:19, 21.

It is not the Lord Himself who comes down, but an angel with the sphere of love from the Lord around him. I have on several occasions seen irreligious people terrified by this coming down, as if they had seen death itself before their eyes; some of them hurled themselves deeper and deeper into hell, and some were driven frenzied.

[3] This was the reason why the Children of Israel prepared themselves for three days before Jehovah the Lord came down on Mount Sinai; and why the mountain was fenced about to prevent anyone approaching and being killed (Exod. chapter 19). It was much the same with the holiness of Jehovah the Lord in the Ten Commandments which were then made public, and written by the finger of God on two tables, and then laid up in the Ark. On top of this in the Tabernacle was placed the Mercy-seat, and cherubs on top of this, to prevent anyone directly coming into contact with it by hand or eye, Not even Aaron was able to approach except once a year, after making expiation for himself by sacrifices and censing.

[4] It was for this reason that the men of Ekron and Bethshemesh were killed to the number of several thousand, solely because they had seen the Ark with their own eyes (1 Samuel 5:11-12; 6:19); and the same happened to Uzzah, because he touched it (2 Samuel 6:6-7). These few examples illustrate what a curse and slaughter would have struck down the Jews, if they had not been prepared by John's baptism for the reception of the Messiah, who was Jehovah God in human form; and if He had not assumed the Human and revealed Himself in that form. They were prepared by being enrolled in heaven and counted among those who at heart waited and longed for the Messiah, as the result of which angels were sent to become their protectors.

True Christian Religion #691 (Ager, 1970)

691. Moses said to Jehovah:

Show me Thy glory. Jehovah said to him, Thou canst not see My faces, for man shall not see Me and live. And Jehovah said, Behold, there is a place where thou shalt stand upon a rock, and I will put thee in a hole of the rock, and will cover thee with My hand until I shall have passed by and when I shall take away My hand thou shalt see My hinder parts; but My faces shall not be seen (Exodus 33:18-23).

Man cannot see God and live for the reason that God is love itself, and love itself or Divine love in the spiritual world appears before the angels as a sun, distant from them as the sun of our world is from men. Therefore, if God, who is in the midst of that sun, were to draw near to the angels, they would perish, as men would if the sun of the world were to draw near to them; for the spiritual sun is equally hot.

[2] For this reason there are perpetual temperings, which modify and moderate the heat of this love, so that it may not inflow into heaven as it is in itself; for the angels would be thereby consumed. Therefore when the Lord renders Himself more immediately present in heaven, the wicked who are beneath heaven begin to lament, to be tortured, and to lose life, so that they flee into caves and clefts of mountains, crying out:

Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne (Revelation 6:16; Isaiah 2:19, 21).

It is not the Lord Himself who descends, but an angel with a sphere of love from the Lord encompassing him. I have several times seen the wicked terrified by that descent, as if they saw death itself before their eyes, some casting themselves deeper and deeper into hell, and some driven to fury.

[3] This explains why the children of Israel prepared themselves for three days before the descent of Jehovah the Lord upon Mount Sinai, and the Mount was fenced about, lest anyone should come near it and die (Exodus 19). The same is true of the holiness of Jehovah the Lord in the Decalogue then promulgated, and written by the finger of God on two tables, and afterward deposited in the ark, over which in the tabernacle the mercy-seat was placed, and over this again the cherubs, lest anyone should touch that holiness immediately with hand or eye. Not even Aaron could go near to it, except once a year, and after he had made expiation for himself by sacrifices and incense offerings.

[4] For the same reason the people of Ekron and Bethshemesh died to the number of several thousands merely because they looked into the ark (1 Samuel 5:11, 12; 6:19), as did Uzzah also, because he touched it (2 Samuel 6:6, 7). These few instances illustrate with what a curse and destruction the Jews would have been smitten if they had not been prepared by the baptism of John for receiving the Messiah, who was Jehovah God in the human form, and if He had not assumed the Human and thus revealed Himself; also that there was this further preparation that in heaven they were enrolled and numbered with those who in heart were waiting for and longing for the Messiah, for which reason angels were then sent and made guardians over them.

True Christian Religion #691 (Dick, 1950)

691. Moses said to Jehovah,

"Shew me thy glory... and JEHOVAH said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me (A.V., my face) and live. And He said, Behold, there is a place where thou shalt stand upon a rock... and I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts; but my face shall not be seen" Exodus 33:18-23.

The reason why men cannot see God and live is that God is Love itself, and Love itself or the Divine Love in the spiritual world appears before the angels as a Sun distant from them as the sun of our world is distant from men. Therefore, if God, who is in the midst of that Sun, were to come near the angels, they would perish, just as men would if the sun of this world were to come near them, for it burns with equal ardency.

[2] For this reason there are perpetual tempering agencies which modify and moderate the heat of that Love, lest it should flow into heaven as it is in itself, for then the angels would be consumed. Therefore also, when the Lord manifests His more immediate presence in heaven, the wicked who are under heaven, begin to bewail, to suffer torture and mortal agony; so that they flee away into caves and clefts of the mountains, crying out,

"Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne" Revelation 6:16; Isaiah 2:19-21.

The Lord Himself does not descend, but an angel with a sphere of love from the Lord around him. Several times have I seen the wicked terrified by this descent, as if they saw death itself before their eyes some I have seen who plunged deeper and deeper into hell, and some who were driven to madness.

[3] It was for this reason that the Children of Israel prepared themselves for three days before the descent of Jehovah the Lord on Mount Sinai, and that the mount was fenced about lest any one should approach and die, Exodus 19. It was similar with the holiness of Jehovah the Lord which was present with the Decalogue when it was promulgated at that time, and written with the finger of God on two tables of stone; and afterwards deposited in the ark. Above this was placed the mercy-seat, and over this the cherubs, lest any one should come too near and touch or look upon that holiness. Aaron himself could only approach it once a year, and not then, until he had purified himself by sacrifices and incense.

[4] This was the reason that the inhabitants of Ekron and Bethshemesh, to the number of several thousands, perished merely because they looked upon the ark, 1 Samuel 5:11-12; 6:19; Uzzah also died, because he touched it, 2 Samuel 6:6-7.

These few examples show with what a curse and destruction the Jews would have been smitten had they not been prepared by the Baptism of John to receive the Messiah, who was Jehovah God in human form; and had He not assumed the Human, and so revealed Himself. Their preparation consisted in their being enrolled in heaven, and numbered among those who in their heart awaited and longed for the Messiah; and angels were, therefore, sent and made their guardians.

Vera Christiana Religio #691 (original Latin,1770)

691. Dixit Moses ad Jehovam, Ostende mihi gloriam tuam, cui dixit Jehovah, non potes videre facies meas, quia non videbit Me homo et vivet; et dixit, ecce locum ubi stabis in petra, et ponam te in foramine petrae, et obtegam manum meam super te, usque dum praeterivero, et dum removero manum meam, videbis posteriora mea, at facies meae non videbuntur, Exodus 33:18-23. Causa, quod homo non possit videre Deum et vivere, est, quia Deus est Ipse Amor, et ipse Amor seu Divinus Amor in Mundo spirituali coram Angelis apparet ut Sol, distans ab illis sicut Sol nostri mundi distat ab hominibus, quare si Deus, qui in medio illius Solis est, prope appropinquaret ad Angelos, hi perirent sicut homines si Sol mundi appropinquaret ad illos, est enim aeque ardens;

[2] quapropter perpetuae temperaturae sunt, quae modificant et moderantur ardorem amoris istius, ne influat sicut in se est in Coelum, inde enim consumerentur 1 Angeli; quapropter cum Dominus se sistit praesentiorem in coelo, impii qui sub coelo sunt, incipiunt lamentari, cruciari et exanimari, quare aufugiunt in speluncas et in fissuras montium, clamantes cadite super nos, et abscondite nos a faciebus Sedentis super Throno, Apocalypsis 6:16, Esaias 2:19, 21. Ipse Dominus non descendit, sed Angelus cum sphaera amoris a Domino circum se: aliquoties vidi impios ex descensu illo terrifieri, sicut ipsam mortem viderent ante oculos suos, quosdam qui se praecipitarent in infernum profundius et profundius, et quosdam actos in furias.

[3] Inde erat, quod filii Israelis per Tres dies se praepararent ante descensum Jehovae Domini super montem Sinai, et quod Mons circumsepiretur, ne quis accederet et moreretur, Exodus 19. Simile erat cum Sanctitate Jehovae Domini in Decalogo tunc promulgato, et binis Tabulis digito Dei inscripto, et deinde in Arca reposito; super qua in Tabernaculo Propitiatorium locatum est, et super hoc Cherubi, ne quis immediate Sanctitatem illam manu aut oculo tangeret; ad quam nec Aharon potuit accedere, nisi semel in Anno, postquam expiaverat se per Sacrificia et Suffitus.

[4] Inde erat, quod Ekronitae et Bethschemitae 2 ad plura millia mortui sint, solum quia oculis suis viderunt Arcam, 1 Samuel 5:11-12; 6:19 et quoque Usa, quia tetigit illam, 2 Samuel 6:6-7. Ex his paucis illustratum est, quali anathemate et strage percussi fuissent Judaei, nisi praeparati per Baptisma Johannis ad recipiendum Messiam, qui fuit Jehovah Deus in Humana forma; et nisi Humanum assumserit, et sic se revelaverit; et quod praeparati sint per id, quod in Coelo adscripti et adnumerati sint illis, qui corde exspectaverunt et desideraverunt Messiam, ex quo tunc Angeli missi sunt et facti illorum custodes.


1. Prima editio: consummerentur.
2. Prima editio: Beethscemitae.

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