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《真实的基督教》 第478节



真实的基督教 #478 (火能翻译,2015)

478. 1 这种精神平衡或自由选择可以通过地球上的平衡的例子来说明。 这就像一个平衡的两个男人之间腰围或手臂绑在一起的平衡。 中间的人被一个人拉到右边,另一个在左边。 在这种情况下,中间的人能够自由地拉到一边或另一侧,好像不受任何武力的束缚。 如果那个人向右走,左边的那个人实际上是如此猛烈地拖到那个方向,他落在地上。 如果一个人,即使是一个虚弱的人,也要被绑在右边的三个男人和三个同样强壮的男人在左边,也会发生类似的情况。 事实上,如果有人被绑在骆驼或马匹之间,那将是一样的。

[2]这种精神平衡或自由选择可以与双方具有相等权重的一对尺度进行比较;如果一个小的东西然后被添加到一边,上面的指针将来回摆动。 承载杆或其支点平衡的大梁的响应性相同。

我们的每一件事情,如我们的心脏,肺,胃,肝脏,胰腺,肾脏,肠和其他部分,都处于这样的平衡状态。 因此,每个部件都可以在完全轻松的状态下执行其功能。 我们所有肌肉也是如此;没有他们之间存在的平衡,所有的行动和反应都会停止,我们将不再像人一样发挥作用。 鉴于我们身体的所有部分处于这样的平衡状态,我们大脑的所有部分都有类似的平衡状态。 因此,我们心中所有与我们的意志和智慧有关的元素也是如此。

[3]动物,鸟类,鱼类和昆虫也有自由,虽然它们是物理意义上的驱动,以及他们的胃口和快乐指向的方式。 对我们来说,如果我们有同样的行动自由,就像我们所想的一样;在这种情况下,身体的感官也会驱使我们,我们的渴望和乐趣将指向道路。

如果我们吸收教会的精神教义,并相应地限制我们的自由选择,对我们而言是不同的。 然后,我们由主从远离渴望,邪恶的乐趣和我们对他们的本性的渴望领导,我们努力寻求什么是好的,并摆脱邪恶。 因此,我们在精神世界中使我们更接近东,南,我们被带入了天上的自由,这就是真正的自由。


1. [NCBSP编辑注释:这段经文从中文翻译中失踪。 它已经使用Google翻译翻译,从这项工作的英文翻译,由Jonathan Rose博士完成。 ]

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True Christianity #478 (Rose, 2010)

478. This spiritual equilibrium or free choice can be illustrated by earthly examples of equilibrium. It is like the equilibrium experienced by a person tied around the waist or arms between two men of equal strength. The person in the middle is pulled by one man to the right and by the other to the left. In that situation the person in the middle is able freely to pull to one side or the other as if not constrained by any force at all. If that person lunges to the right, the man on the left is actually dragged in that direction so violently that he falls to the ground. A similar situation would occur if someone, even a weak person, were to be tied to three men on the right and three equally strong men on the left. In fact, it would be the same if someone were tied between camels or horses.

[2] This spiritual equilibrium or free choice can be compared to a pair of scales with equal weights on both sides; if even something small is then added to one side, the pointer above will wobble to and fro. The same responsiveness is true of a carrying pole, or a large beam balanced on its fulcrum.

Each and every thing inside us, such as our heart, lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, kidney, intestines, and the rest, is in an equilibrium like this. As a result, every part can perform its functions in a state of complete ease. The same is true of all our muscles; without the equilibrium that exists between them, all action and reaction would stop and we would no longer function as a human being. Given that all parts of our bodies are in an equilibrium like this, all parts of our brains have a similar state of equilibrium. As a result, so also do all the elements that are in our minds, which relate to our will and our intellect.

[3] Animals, birds, fish, and insects also have freedom, although it is their physical senses that drive them, and their appetites and pleasures that point the way. It would be much the same for us, if we had the same freedom of action as we do of thought; in this condition the senses of the body would drive us as well, and our cravings and pleasures would point the way.

It is different for us if we absorb the spiritual teachings of the church and restrain our free choice accordingly. We are then led by the Lord away from cravings and evil pleasures and our native eagerness for them, and we strive for what is good and turn away from what is evil. The Lord then moves us closer to both the east and the south in the spiritual world, and we are brought into heavenly freedom, which is true freedom.

True Christian Religion #478 (Chadwick, 1988)

478. This spiritual equilibrium, which is free will, can be illustrated by instances of natural equilibrium. It is like the equilibrium of someone who is tied around the body or by the arms between two men of equal strength, one of whom pulls the person in the middle to the right, and the other to the left. Then the person in the middle can freely turn in one direction or the other, as if there were no force acting on him; and if he moves to the right, he pulls the man on the left violently towards himself, even to the point of making the man on the left fall to the ground. It would be the same if even a weak 1 man were tied between three men on the right and the same number of and just as strong men on the left; and likewise if he were tied between camels or horses.

[2] Spiritual equilibrium, which is free will, can be compared with a balance, in either scale of which are placed equal weights; if then a little is added to the scale on one side, the balancing beam above rocks. It is the same too with a lever, or with a large beam balanced on its fulcrum. Every single part inside the human body, such as the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the intestines, and so on, is in such a state of equilibrium; and this is what allows each of them to perform its functions in the greatest tranquillity. It is the same with all muscles; if there were no such equilibrium in them, all action and reaction would cease, and the person would no longer be able to act as a person. Since then everything in the body is in such a state of equilibrium, and also everything in the brain is in like equilibrium, it follows that everything in the mind is too; and these things relate to the will and the understanding.

[3] Animals, birds, fish and insects also have freedom; but these are impelled by their bodily senses at the promptings of appetite and pleasure. A person would not be very different from them, if he were as free to act as he is free to think; he too would be impelled only by his bodily senses at the promptings of lust and pleasure. The case is different if he drinks in the spiritual teachings of the church and uses them to control his free will. The Lord leads him away from lusts and wicked pleasures and the innate longings he has for these; he strives after good, and turns his back on evil. He is then moved by the Lord nearer to the east and at the same time to the south in the spiritual world, and brought into heavenly freedom, which is true freedom.


1. Reading imbecillis 'weak' for imbellis 'unwarlike'.

True Christian Religion #478 (Ager, 1970)

478. This spiritual equilibrium, which is freedom of choice, may be illustrated by various forms of natural equilibrium. It is like the equilibrium of a man bound about his body or at his arms between two men of equal strength, one of whom draws the man between them to the right, and the other to the left, so that the man in the middle can freely turn this way or that as if unrestrained by any force; and if he turns toward the right he draws the man on his left forcibly toward him, even bringing him to the ground. It would be the same with any unresisting person, even if bound between three men on his right, and the same number on his left, of equal power; also if bound between camels or horses.

[2] Spiritual equilibrium, which is freedom of choice, may be compared to a balance, in each scale of which equal weights are placed; but if a slight weight is then added to either scale, the tongue of the scale begins to vibrate. It is similar with a pole or large beam balanced on its support. Each and all things within man, as the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the intestines, and the rest, are in such a state of equilibrium; and for this reason each is able to discharge its functions in perfect quiet. It is the same with all the muscles; if they were without such equilibrium all action and reaction would cease, and man would no longer act as a man. Since, then, all things of the body are in such equilibrium, so are all things of the brain, and consequently all things of the mind therein, which relate to the will and understanding.

[3] There is a freedom also belonging to beasts, birds, fishes and insects; but these are impelled by their bodily senses, prompted by appetite and pleasure. Man would not be unlike these if his freedom to do were equal to his freedom to think. He, too, would then be impelled by his bodily senses, prompted by lust and pleasure. It is otherwise with one who heartily accepts the spiritual things of the church, and by means of them restrains his freedom of choice. Such a man is led by the Lord away from lusts and evil pleasures and his connate avidity for them, and acquires an affection for what is good, and turns away from evil. He is then transferred by the Lord nearer to the east, and at the same time to the south of the spiritual world, and is introduced into heavenly freedom, which is freedom indeed.

True Christian Religion #478 (Dick, 1950)

478. This spiritual equilibrium, which constitutes free will, may be illustrated by examples of natural equilibrium. It is like the equilibrium of a man bound about the body or the arms between two men of equal strength, one of whom draws him to the right, and the other to the left. The man, being midway between them, can then turn the one way or the other as if not acted upon by any force. If he moves to the right he forcibly pulls the man on the left towards him till he brings him to the ground. The effect would be the same if any one, however feeble, were bound between three men on the right, and as many of equal strength on the left, or between the same number of camels or horses.

[2] Spiritual equilibrium, or free will, may also be compared to a balance containing in each of its scales an equal weight. If a small addition is then made to the scale on one side, the pointer of the balance moves to that side above it; and it is the same with a lever, or with a great beam balanced on a fulcrum. A similar equilibrium prevails in every part of the human body, as in the heart, the lungs, the stomach, the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, the intestines, and the rest of the organs; and consequently each is enabled to perform its functions in undisturbed peace. So with all the muscles of the body, without whose equilibrium all action and reaction would cease, and a man would no longer act as a man. As all the parts of the body are thus in such equilibrium, so also are all the parts of the brain, and consequently all parts of the mind within it, which relate to the will and the understanding.

[3] Beasts, birds, fishes and insects are also in a state of freedom; but these are carried along by the senses of the body, at the prompting of appetite and pleasure. Nor would man be at all unlike them if his freedom of action were as uncontrolled as his freedom of thought; for he also would be carried along by the bodily senses only, at the prompting of appetite and pleasure. It is otherwise, however, if he receives the spiritual things of the Church and orders his free will by them. He is led away by the Lord from lusts and evil pleasures, and the innate desire for them; and he acquires an affection for good and a hatred of evil. He is then transferred by the Lord nearer to the east and at the same time towards the south in the spiritual world, and is introduced into a state of heavenly freedom, which is freedom indeed.

Vera Christiana Religio #478 (original Latin,1770)

478. Sed Aequilibrium hoc spirituale, quod est Liberum Arbitrium, illustrari potest per aequilibria naturalia. Est sicut aequilibrium hominis circum corpus aut ad brachia ligati inter binos viros ejusdem roboris, quorum unus trahit hominem medium ad dextrum, et alter ad sinistrum, quod tunc homo medius possit libere se huc illuc sicut non aliqua vi actus vertere, et si confert se ad dextrum, trahit virum ad sinistrum cum violentia ad se, usque ut vir a sinistro cadat in terram. Similiter si aliquis etiam imbecillis 1 ligatus foret inter tres viros a dextro, et totidem a sinistro ejusdem potentiae; similiter si inter camelos aut equos.

[2] Aequilibrium Spirituale, quod est Liberum arbitrium, comparari potest cum bilance, in cujus unaquavis scala posita sunt pondera aequilibrantia; si tunc parum addatur scalae unius lateris, axis trutinae 2 supra vibrat se; simile etiam est cum vecte, aut cum magna trabe posita super hypomochlio suo; omnia et singula quae intra hominem sunt, sicut cor, pulmo, ventriculus, hepar, pancreas, lien, intestina, et reliqua, in tali aequilibrio sunt, inde est quod unumquodvis in summa quiete possit suas functiones obire: similiter omnes musculi, absque tali horum aequilibrio cessaret omnis actio et reactio, et homo non amplius ageret hominem. Cum 3 itaque omnia quae in Corpore sunt in tali aequilibrio sunt, etiam omnia quae in Cerebro, in simili sunt, consequenter omnia quae in mente ibi; quae se referunt ad voluntatem et intellectum.

[3] Est quoque liberum bestiis, avibus, piscibus et insectis, sed hae feruntur a sensibus sui corporis, suggerente appetitu ac voluptate; his non absimilis esset homo, si ei liberum faciendi foret sicut est liberum cogitandi; hic quoque ferretur modo a sensibus sui corporis suggerente concupiscentia et voluptate; aliter qui spiritualia Ecclesiae haurit, et liberum suum arbitrium per illa coercet; is a Domino a concupiscentiis et malis voluptatibus, et harum aviditatibus connatis abducitur, ac bonum affectat, et malum aversatur; hic tunc propius ad orientem et simul ad meridiem in spirituali Mundo a Domino transfertur, et in Liberum coeleste, quod vere est liberum, immittitur.


1. Prima editio: imbellis.
2. Prima editio: trubina.
3. Prima editio: Cuni.

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