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《真实的基督教》 第332节


  有一次,我听到低地(the lower regions)传来一阵喧哗,仿佛通过水流汩汩涌上来。一道在左边,喊着说:“哦,多么公正啊!”另一道在右边,喊着说:“哦,多么有学问啊!”第三道在后面,喊着说:“哦,多么有智慧啊!”我不禁想,难道地狱也有公正、学问和智慧?我忍不住想去看看那里是否有这样的人。这时,有声音从天上传来,对我说:“你必看到、听到。”于是,我在灵里离开家,看到我面前的地上有一个开口。我走过去往里一瞧,见有一个梯子。我顺着梯子下来,到了底部,看到田野里长满灌木,其中夹杂着荆棘和荨麻。我询问这里是不是地狱,他们说:“这是低地,就在地狱上方。”我依次循声而去,先来到喊“公正”的地方。只见这里聚集着一群人,他们在世时是凭偏袒和贿赂判案的法官;然后又来到喊“学问”的地方,此处聚集的人群在世时喜欢逻辑推理;最后来到喊“智慧”的地方,此处聚集的人群在世时热衷于证明一切。

真实的基督教 #332 (火能翻译,2015)

332. 關於這點, 我想講述四個難忘的親身經歷。


我曾聽到一些呼叫聲, 似乎從地下,由水中冒出。一處從左邊來, 喊著:"多公義啊!"另一處從右邊, "多有學問啊!"第三處由後邊來, "多智慧啊!"這令我詫異, 是否連地獄之中有公義,博學和智慧之人?於是產生強烈的願望, 想看看那裡是否真有此等人。從天上有聲音告訴我:"你將會見到聽到。"

然後, 我在靈裡離開家, 看見前面地下有個開口, 走近一看, 居然有個梯子!於是, 我順著梯子而下。到達地面後, 一眼望去, 全是平原, 平原上面覆蓋著灌木叢, 到處都是荊棘和刺麻。我打聽這是否地獄, 有人告知這是地獄之上,地面之下的地方。然後, 我順著叫喊聲依次尋找究竟。先到那叫嚷"多公義啊"之處, 我看見一幫在世時徇私受賄的法官們。然後我到第二處, 就是叫嚷"多有學問啊"之處, 見到一群在世熱衷於辯論之人聚集。接著去第三處(叫嚷著"多智慧啊"), 聚集著一群在世時精於證明一切的人們。我離開他們, 轉回到第一處, 就是徇私受賄,卻捧為公義的法官們所在之處。

在他們邊上, 我見到一幢磚砌的,黑瓦屋頂的露天劇場般的建築; 我被告知, 那是他們的法庭。在北面有三個入口, 西面三個, 但在南面和東面沒有入口, 這表示他們的審判不公正, 且任意妄為。

[2]在法庭中央, 有個火爐, 看爐的將沾滿焦油和硫磺的油松木棒投進爐子裡。發出的光芒投射在抹有灰泥的牆上, 製造出各樣鳥形的圖案, 是那些只在傍晚或夜間出沒的鳥。這火爐發出的光投射出各樣的形像, 都是代表他們判決的象徵。它們反映這些人的能力, 對於任何案件, 都能按照他們樂意的,利於自己的方向來審判, 並以各樣錯謬來塗抹真相。

[3]半小時後, 我看見身穿長袍禮服的老人和年青人進來。他們摘下帽子, 在桌子邊各找椅子坐下來聽審案件。我聽了, 並感受到他們利用何等嫺熟巧妙的手法將判決有利面傾向他們的利益方, 並將判決扭轉, 看起來顯得何等公正。實際上, 他們跑偏太遠, 以致於自己視不公正為公正,公正為不公正, 這可從他們的臉部看出,從他們的音調聽出, 他們已是如此混亂。

那時, 從天上有光照於我, 讓我能領會各個觀點合法與否。於是, 我看到他們多麼熱心於掩飾不公正並給它蓋上公正的外表。從所有律法之中, 他們能從中選取一條來適合於他們的案子, 用機巧的論證將其它置於一旁。

案子審判完畢, 判決內容轉述給他們在外面的委託人,朋友與支持者們, 作為對他們偏袒判決的回應, 他們奔相走告, 大聲呼叫:"多公正啊!多公正啊!"

[4]在這之後, 我與天人談到這些判決, 將所見所聞告知他們。天人說, 這些判決對其它人來說, 似乎滿有深刻的見解, 但事實上他們看不到一絲正義和公平。"倘若不理會他們的偏袒, "天人說:"坐在法庭上的他們只會如同雕像, 只會說:'我同意, 對判決的這條那條沒有意見'等等。他們只會講這些, 原因在於他們一切的判決都以偏見為基準, 這些偏見導致他們從頭到尾對審判帶有偏袒之心。因此, 除了維護他們朋友一方的利益, 就看不到別的。如果聽到任何作對之言, 他們斜目以對。倘若再有任何反對之語, 就會將對方捲入爭辯之中, 如同蜘蛛網困住獵物並將其吞噬。於是, 除了適於他們偏袒的'蜘蛛網'般的觀點, 他們看不到任何有效的觀點。他們曾被測試是否真是如此, 發現確實這樣。你們世上的居民對這樣的情形會感到驚訝, 不過你可以告訴他們, 經過天國天人們的檢驗, 這是真的。因為他們看不見絲毫的公義, 在天國的我們並不認為他們是人, 只不過是人形的畸形雕像。他們的頭由偏袒構成, 胸部由不公正構成, 手腳由證據, 腳趾由公正構成。倘若不支持他們朋友的案子, 他們就能把對方踐踏在腳下。[5]你將會看到他們到底怎麼樣, 因為他們的結局即將到來。"

接著, 地突然裂開了, 桌子一個接一個落下去, 連同整個建築。裡面的人被吞噬, 扔進地穴的監獄中。接著, 我被問到是否想到那裡看看。他們的臉看起來如同打磨過的鋼, 從脖子到大腿像刻著豹紋, 腳如同蛇。我見到擺在他們桌上的法律文書變成遊戲卡片。現在, 不再是法官一職, 取而代之的任務是將朱紅製成胭脂, 塗抹在妓女臉上, 使他們看起來如同美人。

看完這些之後, 我想去造訪另兩組人, 一組由那些僅熱衷於邏輯的人們組成, 另一組由那些想證明一切的人們組成。"請稍等, "我被告知:"會有天人護衛你前去。在他們的協助下, 來於主的光照會臨到你, 你將見到驚人的情景。"

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True Christianity #332 (Rose, 2010)

332. To these points I will add four memorable occurrences.

The first memorable occurrence. On one occasion I heard sounds of shouting that seemed as if they were bubbling up through water from below. One shout was to the left: "They are so just!" A second shout was to the right: "They are so learned!" A third shout was at the back: "They are so wise!" Because I was struck by the thought that there might be just, learned, and wise people in hell as well, I had a desire to see whether there were in fact people like that down there. From heaven I was told, "You will see and hear. "

I left home in the spirit and saw an opening in front of me. I went over to it and looked down. There was a ladder! I climbed down it. When I was below, I saw plains that were covered in shrubs, with thorn bushes and stinging-nettles here and there. I asked whether it was hell. The people said that it was the lower earth, which is the next level up from hell. I tracked down the uproars one at a time.

I went toward the first shout: "They are so just!" I saw a group of people who in the world had been judges who took bribes and showed favoritism. Then I went toward the second shout: "They are so learned!" I saw a group of people who had been debaters in the world. I went toward the third shout: "They are so wise!" I saw a group of people who in the world had been providers of arguments. I turned away from this last group and headed back toward the first group, where there were judges who took bribes, showed favoritism, and were proclaimed just.

To one side I saw a kind of amphitheater made of bricks with a black-tiled roof. I was told that this was their courtroom. There were three doorways into it on the north side and three on the west side. There were no doorways on the south side or the east side. This was an indication that their judgments were arbitrary and had nothing to do with justice.

[2] In the middle of the amphitheater there was a fireplace. The keepers of the fire were throwing pitch-pine logs full of tar and sulfur into it. The light that these logs cast onto the plaster walls created colorful images of birds that come out only in the evening or the night. The fireplace and the light cast from it that took the shape of these images were in fact symbolic of these people's judgments - they reflected the ability these people had to color the issues in any case and make the issues look a certain way, depending on the favor the judges would receive.

[3] After half an hour, I saw elders and youths coming in wearing robes and gowns. They took their hats off and sat down on chairs behind tables to hear cases.

I heard and sensed how, by way of looking out for their friends, the judges skillfully and ingeniously bent and inverted their decisions into something that seemed just. They were so effective that they themselves were not able to see their injustice as anything but just, and justice as unjust. Their conviction of this was apparent in their faces and audible in the sound of their voices.

At that point enlightenment from heaven was granted to me, which enabled me to perceive whether individual points were lawful or not. I saw how energetically these judges covered up injustice and overlaid it with an appearance of justice. Out of all laws they would pick one that was supportive and bend the central issue of the case in its direction, using skillful argumentation to set other laws aside.

After they arrived at their judgments, they handed down sentences in favor of their clients, friends, and supporters. To pay back the favor the judges had done them, the clients, friends, and supporters went all the way down a long road shouting, "They are so just! They are so just!"

[4] After that I talked to angels of heaven about these judges, recounting some of the things I had seen and heard. The angels said, "Judges like that seem to others as if they have the sharpest intellects, when in fact they do not see what is just and fair at all. If favoritism is not involved, they sit like statues during the trials and say only, 'I accede,' and 'I am willing to go along with this person or that person. ' The reason is that all their judgments are prejudiced; prejudice and favoritism dog their cases from beginning to end. They see nothing but what would benefit their friends. They avoid looking directly at anything that would argue against their friends; they only glance at it out of the corner of their eyes. If they have to address it, they wrap it up in argumentation and devour it the way a spider wraps its prey in silken threads.

"Therefore if they are not following the web of their prejudice they see no law. In fact, they have been assessed to find out whether they could see the law; the finding was that they could not. The people who live in your world will find this incredible; but tell them that this is a truth discovered by angels of heaven. Because these judges do not see justice at all, we in heaven view them not as human beings but as monstrous human images: their heads are made of friendship, their chests are made of injustice, their arms and legs are made of supporting arguments, and the soles of their feet are made of justice. If a particular form of justice doesn't favor their friend, they remove it and trample it.

[5] You are about to find out what they are truly like inside. Their end has come. "

Then suddenly the ground split open. Tables crashed into tables. Along with the whole amphitheater, the people were swallowed up. They were thrown into caves and imprisoned.

Then I was asked, "Do you want to see them there?"

To my amazement I saw that their faces were like polished steel; from their necks to their groins their bodies were like statues clothed in leopard skins, and their legs were like snakes. I saw that the law books that they had set on their tables had turned into playing cards. Now instead of being judges, they were given the task of turning vermilion into makeup and applying it to the faces of promiscuous women to make them beautiful.

After seeing this I wanted to go to the other two groups, the one that consisted entirely of debaters and the other that consisted entirely of providers of arguments, but I was told, "Rest for a little while. You will be given angels from the community directly above those groups to accompany you. The Lord is going to give you light through these angels, and you are going to see amazing things. "

True Christian Religion #332 (Chadwick, 1988)

332. At this point I shall add four accounts of experiences, of which this is the first.

I once heard some shouting, which welled up from the lower regions as if through water. One shout on the left was 'How just!'; another on the right 'How learned!'; and a third behind me 'How wise!' This made me wonder whether even in hell there were righteous, learned and wise people; and I had a strong desire to see whether there were such people there. A voice from heaven told me: 'You will see and hear.'

Then I left home in the spirit and saw in front of me an opening in the ground; on approaching and looking into it I saw steps, so I went down. When I reached the lower level I saw plains covered with bushes mixed with thorns and nettles. I asked whether this was hell. 'It is the lower earth,' they said, 'just above hell.' Then I went towards each of the shouts in turn, first to that of 'How just!' I saw a gathering of those who in the world had been judges influenced by partiality and bribery. Then I went towards the second shout 'How learned!' and saw a gathering of those who in the world had been fond of logic; and then to the third shout 'How wise!' and saw a gathering of those who in the world had been keen to prove everything.

But I left the others and went back to the first group, the judges influenced by partiality and bribery, those who were being hailed as just. On one side I saw a sort of amphitheatre built of bricks and roofed with black tiles; I was told that it was their court-house. It had three entrances on the north side, and three on the west, but none on the south or east sides; this was an indication that their judgments were not equitable but arbitrary.

[2] In the middle of the amphitheatre was to be seen a hearth, on which stokers threw torches dipped in sulphur and full of pitch. Their light projected on to the plastered walls produced pictures of birds of the evening and night. But the hearth and the flickering light projected from it to form these pictures were representations of their judgments, indicating their ability to depict the truth of any question in false colours and make it look favourable to the side they preferred.

[3] Half an hour later I saw some old and young men in robes and gowns filing in; they took off their hats and sat down on chairs at the tables to hold a session. As I listened I realised with what skill and ingenuity they leaned towards the side they favoured, and twisted their judgments to make them appear equitable. Indeed they went so far that they themselves could see injustice as just and justice instead as unjust, It could be seen from their faces and heard in the sound of their voices that they had such delusions. Then I was granted enlightenment from heaven, so that I was able to grasp whether each point was valid or not. I then saw how zealously they wrapped up injustice and gave it the appearance of justice, selecting from the laws the one which suited their case, and using clever arguments to set the rest aside. When judgment had been passed, their sentences were relayed to their clients, friends and supporters outside, and they, to repay the partiality shown to them, went off far down the street crying 'How just, how just!'

[4] After this I talked about these judges to some angels from heaven, and told them some of what I had seen and heard. The angels said that such judges appear to others to be endowed with the sharpest powers of understanding, when in fact they are unable to see a grain of justice and equity. 'If you take away their partiality,' they said, 'they sit in court like statues, and only say, "I agree, I concur with the judgment of so-and-so or so-and-so." The reason is that all their judgments are based on prejudice, and prejudice treats the case from beginning to end with partiality. Consequently they can see no other side than their friend's; if anything comes to oppose it, they avert their eyes and look at it askance. If they do take the opposing point up again, they entangle it in arguments, like a spider's web wrapped round its prey, and swallow it. So it is that they cannot see any point as valid, unless it fits into the web of their prejudice. They were tested to see whether they could, and were found to be unable. The inhabitants of your world will be astonished that this is so, but you can tell them that this is a true statement which has been checked by angels from heaven. Since they cannot see any justice, we in heaven do not regard them as human beings, but as monstrous effigies of people, their heads made of partiality, their chests of injustice, their hands and feet of proofs and the soles of their feet of justice, so that, if this does not support their friend's case, they can tread it underfoot and trample on it.

[5] What they are really like you are going to see, since their end is at hand.'

Then suddenly the earth split open, tables fell one on another, and together with the whole amphitheatre the people were swallowed up, and thrown into prison in caves. Then I was asked whether I wanted to see them there. They appeared to have faces of polished steel, their bodies from neck to legs like carvings dressed in leopard skins, and feet like snakes. I saw that the law books, which they had had placed on the tables, had turned into playing cards; and now instead of delivering judgments the task assigned to them was to make vermilion into rouge, to daub on the faces of prostitutes and make them look like beauties.

After seeing this I wanted to visit the other two groups, the one which consisted of people fond of nothing but logic, and the other of those who want to prove everything. 'Wait a bit,' I was told, 'and you will be given an escort of angels from the community closest above them. By their help enlightenment will come to you from the Lord, and you will see astonishing sights.'

True Christian Religion #332 (Ager, 1970)

332. To this shall be added four Memorable Relations. First:

I once heard loud shouts, which seemed to gurgle up from the lower regions through waters, one toward the left, crying, "O how just!" another toward the right, "O how learned!" and a third from behind, "O how wise!" And as the thought came to me, whether even in hell there are just, learned and wise persons, I had a desire to see whether there were or not; and it was said to me from heaven, "You shall see and hear."

And having in spirit left the house I saw before me an opening; and approaching it, and looking down, I saw a ladder by which I descended. And when I was below I saw plains covered with shrubbery intermixed with thorns and nettles; and I asked whether this was hell. They said, "This is the lower earth, which is just above hell." Then following the order of the shouts, I went first toward the cry, "O how just!" and I saw an assembly of those who in the world had been judges, and who had been influenced by friendship and bribes; then toward the second cry, "O how learned!" and I saw an assembly of those who in the world had been reasoners; then toward the third cry, "O how wise!" and I saw an assembly of those who in the world had been conformers.

From these latter I turned to the first, where the judges were who had been influenced by friendship and bribes and who were proclaimed just; and I saw at the side as it were an amphitheater built of brick and roofed with black tiles; and I was told that in that was their Tribunal. On the north side there were three entrances to it and on the west three, but none on the south and east, an indication that their decisions were not decisions of justice, but arbitrary.

[2] In the center of the amphitheater was a fireplace, into which the servants attending the fire were throwing pitch-pine dipped in sulfur and bitumen, the light from which, flickering upon the plastered walls, presented images of birds of evening and night. But this fire-place, and the flickering of the light from it forming such images were representations of their decisions, that they were able to color the facts in any case, and give them an appearance according to their own prepossessions.

[3] Half an hour afterwards I saw old men and young men clad in gowns and cloaks enter, and removing their caps, take seats beside the tables to sit in judgment. And I heard and perceived how skillfully and ingeniously, out of regard for friendship, they turned and twisted their decisions into seeming justice; and this they did to such an extent that they did not see their injustice to be anything but justice, or what is just to be anything but unjust. Such persuasions concerning these matters shone from their faces and were heard in the tones of their voices. There was then granted me enlightenment from heaven, whereby I had a perception of each particular, whether it was in accordance with justice or not; and I saw how industriously they veiled over injustice, and made it look like justice, and selected from the laws that which favored them, to which they bent the matter in question, and by skilful reasonings put all else aside. After their decisions had been given, they were announced without to their clients, friends, and partisans, and these, to return the favor, cried out for a long distance, "O how just! O how just!"

[4] After this I talked about these with the angels of heaven, and told them some of the things that I had seen and heard. And the angels said, "Such judges seem to others to be gifted with the keenest intellectual vision, when in fact they do not see the least particle of justice or equity. If you take away their friendship for anyone, they sit in judgment like statues, and merely say, 'I grant it; I agree to this, or to that.' This is because all their decisions are prejudiced, and their prejudice with partiality follows the case from beginning to end; consequently they see nothing in it but their friend's interest; at everything opposed to this, they look askance, viewing it with piratical glances, and if they take it up again they involve it in reasonings as spiders entangle their captives in their webs and devour them. Therefore it is that when they do not follow the thread of their prejudice, they see nothing of what is right. They have been examined as to whether they were able to see, and they were found unable. The inhabitants of your world will be astonished at this fact, but tell them that this is a truth that has been investigated by the angels of heaven. Because they see nothing of justice, we in heaven do not think of them as men, but as monstrous images of men, the heads of which are formed of what pertains to friendship, the breasts of what pertains to injustice, the hands and feet of what pertains to confirmation, and the soles of the feet of what pertains to justice; and if this is unfavorable to their friends, they cast it under foot and trample upon it.

[5] But what they are, viewed in themselves, you shall see, for their end is near."

And lo, the ground suddenly gaped, the tables fell one upon another, and the men, together with the whole amphitheater, were swallowed up, cast into caverns, and imprisoned.

I was then asked if I wished to see them there; and behold, they appeared with faces like polished steel; their bodies from the neck to the loins looked like sculptured work clothed with leopard skins, and their feet like serpents. And I saw the law books which had lain upon their tables turned into playing-cards; and now instead of acting as judges they were hired to make cinnabar into paint for besmearing the faces of harlots, and turning them into beauties.

Having seen all this, I wished to visit the other two assemblies, one composed of mere reasoners and the other of mere confirmers. But I was told to wait a while, and angel companions would be given me from a society most nearly above those spirits, and that through them light would be given me from the Lord, and I would see marvelous things.

True Christian Religion #332 (Dick, 1950)


To the above will now be added four Memorabilia.

The first is as follows: I once heard loud shouts coming from the lower regions, and sounding as if bubbling through water. On the left I heard the shout, "Oh, how just they are!" on the right, "Oh, how learned!" and from behind, "Oh, how wise!" As I wondered whether there are also in hell just, learned and wise persons, I felt a strong desire to see if there are. A voice from heaven then said to me, "You shall see and hear." I left the house in spirit, and saw before me an opening, which I approached; and as I looked down, behold there was a ladder, and by this I descended. When I got down, I saw a plain covered with shrubs, amongst which were growing thorns and nettles. I enquired whether this was hell, and I was told that it was the lower earth, which is immediately above hell. I then made my way in the direction of the various cries; and first I proceeded to the quarter from which came the shout, "Oh, how just!" and I saw a company of those who in the world had been judges, influenced by friendship and bribes. I then went towards the second cry, "Oh, how learned!" and I saw a company of those who in the world had been reasoners; and then I went in the direction of the third cry, "Oh, how wise!" and I saw a company of those who in the world had been confirmers. I went back, however, from these latter assemblies to the first, consisting of those judges who had been influenced by friendship and bribes, and who had been proclaimed just. I saw on one side as it were an amphitheater, built of brick, and roofed with black tiles; and I was told that this was their tribunal. It had three entrances on the north side, and three on the west, but none on the south and east, an indication that their decisions were not based on justice, but were arbitrary.

[2] In the centre of the amphitheater a fireplace was seen, into which servants who attended to the fire were casting pieces of pine wood, dipped in sulphur and pitch, the flames of which, flickering on the plastered walls, formed pictures of birds of evening and birds of night. Now the fireplace and its flickering light forming such images, were representations of their decisions, because they were able to color the points at issue in any trial, and give them any appearance their favor directed.

[3] Half-an-hour after, I saw some old men and youths, clad in gowns and robes, enter the amphitheater. Laying aside their caps, they took their seats at tables, to proceed to judgment. As I listened, I noticed how skillfully and ingeniously, keeping their friendships in view, they twisted and perverted their judgments to give them the appearance of justice. This they did to such a degree that they themselves saw no difference between justice and injustice; and their persuasion to this effect was evident from the expression of their faces and the tone of their voices. I then received enlightenment from heaven, and this enabled me to perceive the particulars of the case in regard to right and wrong. I saw how industriously they veiled over injustice and gave it the appearance of justice, selecting some statute which favored their own side, and upon which they rested the matter in question, and by skillful argument putting everything else aside. After the trials, their decisions were reported to their clients, friends and patrons; and they, in return for the favor shown them, kept shouting for a long distance, "Oh, how just! Oh, how just!"

[4] Thereupon I conversed with the angels of heaven about these judges, and told them some of the things which I had seen and heard; and the angels said, "These judges seem to other men to be gifted with the keenest intellectual vision, although they have not the least perception of what is just and equitable. For if you take from them their motives of friendship, they sit in judgment like statues, and merely say, "I grant it; I agree to this or that." This is because all their decisions are prejudiced, and prejudice with partiality attends the case from beginning to end. Consequently they see in it nothing but their friend's interest, and they look askance at whatever is against him, and even frown upon it. If they do take it under consideration, they involve it in the intricacies of argument, as a spider entangles its captives in its web, and devours them. Apart, therefore, from the bias of their prejudice, they see nothing of legal right. They have been examined as to whether they could perceive legal right, but were found to be unable. At this, the inhabitants of your world will doubtless wonder; but tell them that this is a truth which the angels of heaven have verified. Since these judges have no perception of what is just, therefore in heaven we do not look upon them as men, but as monstrous images in human form, whose heads are composed of partiality, their breasts of injustice, their hands and feet of confirmation, and the soles of their feet of justice; and if justice does not favor the interest of a friend, they cast it to the ground and trample upon it.

[5] But you shall now see them in their true character, for their end is near at hand." And behold, the ground suddenly opened, the tables collapsed, together with the whole amphitheater, and the men were swallowed up, thrown into caverns and imprisoned.

I was then asked whether I wished to see them there; and, lo! I saw them with faces as if of polished steel, and bodies from the neck to the loins like graven images clothed with leopard skins, and feet like serpents. I also saw their law books, which had been piled upon the tables, turned into playing cards; and now, instead of sitting in judgment, their business was to make vermilion into paints to bedaub the faces of courtesans, and give them the semblance of beauty. After seeing these things, I desired to go to the other two assemblies of mere reasoners and mere confirmers; but a voice said to me: "Wait a little; angels from a society immediately above them will be given you as companions, and through these you will receive light from the Lord, and see marvelous things."

Vera Christiana Religio #332 (original Latin,1770)

332. His adjicientur QUATUOR MEMORABILIA: Primum hoc. Quondam audivi vociferationes, quae sicut per aquas egurgitabant ex inferis, unam ad sinistrum, O QUAM JUSTI; alteram ad dextrum, O QUAM ERUDITI; et tertiam a tergo, O QUAM SAPIENTES, et quia incidit in cogitationem meam, num etiam in Inferno Justi, Eruditi, et Sapientes sunt, afficiebar desiderio videndi, num tales ibi sunt; et dictum mihi est e Coelo, videbis et audies; et exivi domo in spiritu, et vidi ante me Aperturam; illuc accessi, et despexi, et ecce scala, per hanc descendi; et cum infra eram, vidi campestria obsita arbustis cum intermixtis spinis et urticis; et quaesivi num hic Infernum; dixerunt, est Terra inferior, quae proxime supra Infernum est: et tunc perrexi secundum Clamores in ordine; ad Primum, O QUAM JUSTI, et vidi Caetum ex illis, qui in Mundo fuerant Judices amicitiae et munerum: dein ad Clamorem secundum, O QUAM ERUDITI, et vidi Caetum ex illis, qui in Mundo fuerunt Ratiocinatores: et ad Clamorem tertium, O QUAM SAPIENTES, et vidi Caetum ex illis, qui in Mundo fuerunt Confirmatores: sed ab his deflexi ad Primum, ubi erant Judices amicitiae et munerum, et proclamati Justi: et vidi a latere sicut Amphitheatrum structum ex lateribus, et tectum tegulis nigris; et dicebatur mihi, quod ibi esset illorum TRIBUNAL; in illud patebant tres aditus a latere septentrionali, et tres a latere occidentali, et nulli a latere meridionali et orientali, indicium quod Judicia illorum non essent Judicia justitiae, sed Arbitria.

[2] In medio Amphitheatri visus est Focus, in quem ministri focales injiciebant taedas sulphuratas et bituminosas, e quibus luces in parietes incrustatos evibratae sistebant imagines picturatas avium vesperae et noctis; sed focus ille, et inde evibrationes lucis in formas imaginum istarum, erant repraesentationes Judiciorum illorum, quod possent res cujusvis quaestionis colorare fucis, et eis inducere species secundum favorem.

[3] Post semihoram vidi Senes et Juvenes in praetextis et palliis intrantes, qui depositis pileis se super Soliis ad Mensas reponebant, sessuri judicia; ac audivi et percepi, quam solerter et ingeniose ex aspectu amicitiae declinarent et inverterent judicia in apparentias justitiae, et hoc eousque, ut ipsi non viderent injustum aliter quam justum, ac vicissim justum ut injustum; persuasiones de illis tales apparebant ex faciebus illorum, et audiebantur ex sonis loquelae illorum; data mihi tunc fuit illustratio e Coelo, ex qua singula num juris aut non juris essent, percepi; et vidi, quam industrie obvelarent injustum, ac inducerent ei visionem justi, et ex legibus eligerent faventem, ad quam flecterent rem quaestionis, et reliquas per ratiocinia solertia removerent ad latus. Post judicia, Sententiae exportabantur ad clientes, amicos, et fautores, et hi ad retribuendum illis favorem, per longam viam clamabant, O QUAM JUSTI, O QUAM JUSTI.

[4] Post haec loquutus sum de illis cum Angelis Coeli, et narravi illis aliqua de visis et auditis; et Angeli dicebant, quod tales judices appareant aliis sicut acutissima acie intellectus praediti, cum tamen ne hilum justi et aequi vident; si tollis amicitiam pro aliquo, sedent in judiciis sicut statuae, et modo dicunt, accedo, conformo me cum hoc aut illo; causa est quia omnia judicia illorum sunt praejudicia, et praejudicium cum favore sequitur causam ab initio ad finem ejus; inde nihil aliud vident quam quod amici est; ad omne id quod contra illum est, obliquant oculos, et ex hirquis tuentur, et si reassumunt, involvunt id ratiociniis, sicut aranea capturas filis, et consumunt; inde est, quod si non sequuntur telam sui praejudicii, nihil juris videant; explorati sunt, num possunt videre, ac inventi sunt quod non; quod ita sit, mirabuntur incolae tui Mundi, sed dic illis, quod hoc sit veritas ab Angelis Coeli explorata. Quoniam illi nihil justi vident, ideo in Coelo non contemplamur illos ut homines, sed ut monstrosas imagines 1 hominis, quarum capita faciunt illa quae amicitiae sunt, pectora illa quae injustitiae, manus et pedes illa quae confirmationis, ac plantae illa quae justitiae, quae si non favent amico, supplantant et proculcant.

[5] Quales autem in se spectati sunt, videbis, instat 2 enim finis illorum; et ecce tunc subito hiabat solum, et mensae super mensas ceciderunt, et una cum toto Amphitheatro absorpti 3 sunt, et conjecti in cavernas, et incarcerati; et tunc dictum est mihi, vis videre illos ibi, et ecce visi sunt quoad faciem sicut ex polito chalybe, quoad corpus a cervice ad lumbos sicut sculptilia vestita pellibus pardi, et quoad pedes sicut colubri: et vidi Libros Legis, quos super Mensis repositos habuerant, versos in Chartas lusorias; et nunc loco quod judicarent, datum est illis munus, ut pararent minia in fucos, quibus oblinirent facies meretricum, et illas sic verterent in pulchritudines. Postquam haec visa sunt, volui abire ad duos reliquos Caetus, ad unum, ubi erant mere Ratiocinatores, et ad alterum, ubi erant mere Confirmatores; sed mihi dicebatur, quiesce paulum; dabuntur tibi comites Angeli ex Societate proxima supra illos, per hos tibi dabitur lux a Domino, et videbis mirabilia.


1. Prima editio: imgines.
2. Prima editio: instant.
3. Prima editio: absorbti.

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