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《真实的基督教》 第281节


  (2)几天之后,他们发现自己所在的世界有各种已建立的社群。这个世界被称为灵人界(world of spirits),位于天堂和地狱的中间。灵人界的所有社群尽管不计其数,但都照着其属世情感是良善还是邪恶而以奇妙的秩序被排列。那些照着良善的属世情感被排列的社群与天堂相联,而那些照着邪恶情感被排列的社群则与地狱相联。

真实的基督教 #281 (火能翻译,2015)

281. 第五個經歷:

主已許我能夠同時在心靈世界和物質世界, 為了可以如同和世人交談那樣與天人交往, 因而使我瞭解人死後進入這個未知世界所經歷的狀態。我與所有的親朋交談過, 還與一些君王公爵們交談過, 更不必說那些死去的學者們。至今我已持續二十七年做這樣的事情。憑著個人經歷, 我因此能描述人死後經歷的狀態是怎麼樣的, 既包括那些在世生活良善的人, 還包括那樣在世行惡之人。在這裡, 我想講述那些引用聖言來支援自己錯誤的神學觀念之人死後經歷的狀態, 特別是那些支持唯獨因信稱義者。他們經歷的連續過程如下:

(1)當他們肉身死去並在靈裡活過來時(一般發生在停止心跳後的第三天), 他們見到自己仍有個身體, 恰如死前擁有的身體。他們甚至意識不到他們並非仍然活在之前的世界中, 不過這並非物質的,而是實質的身體, 對他們的感覺而言看起來是物質的, 其實並非如此。

[2](2)幾天之後, 他們看見所處的世界裡有各樣的社區。這裡的世界被稱為靈界, 是天國與地獄的中間世界。在那裡有無法計量的社區, 照著人們在世上的主導欲或善或惡, 以令人驚奇的秩序組合排列。那些按著善欲排列的社區與天國相交流, 接惡欲排列的社區與地獄交流。

[3](3)新來的靈被引到各樣或善或惡的社區, 以各樣方式來測試他對各樣善與理的回應, 又或以各種方式來測試他對各種邪惡與偽謬的回應。

[4](4)倘若他回應各樣的良善與真理, 就會從惡的社區被帶走, 並被帶進善的社區, 又再被帶著造訪各種各樣的善的社區, 直到某個社區迎合他自己的屬世之欲。在那裡, 他享受著相對應的良善, 直到他脫去那屬世之欲,穿上屬靈之欲, 然後被升至天國。

這些會發生在那些在世時活出良善生活,因而活出信仰生活之人; 也就是, 他們信主並避惡如避罪。

[5](5)另一方面, 如果人們以邏輯論證, 特別是以聖言來確證自己的錯誤觀念, 因而活著純粹物質的生活,也就是惡的生活。因為惡與偽為伴, 且緊緊黏附。因為這類人不會對各種各樣的良善和真理作出回應, 只會附和於邪惡與偽謬, 於是他們被帶離善的社區,帶進惡的社區。他們造訪各個此類的社區, 直到進入某個最迎合他們欲望的地方。

[6](6)然而, 因為在世時他們顯出來的是善願的外表, 裡面全是惡欲和貪婪, 他們會交替地顯示出這些屬性。那些在世時曾是某組織的領袖者在靈界會被授予社區管理者之職, 憑著他們在世時擁有的職務性質而管理或大或小的社區。不過, 因為他們對真理與公義並無熱愛之情, 幾天後他們就被解雇了。我還看到這類人從一個到另一個社區, 在每個社區都被授予管理者職務, 不過每次都很快被解雇。

[7](7)數次被解除社區管理者職務後, 他們中的一些人對任職的感覺疲憊不堪, 另外一些人生怕失去自己的好名聲而不敢再擔任何職務。於是他們離開那裡坐下來, 看起來蠻難過。然後, 他們被帶到荒野, 那裡有些棚屋。他們進到裡面, 被安排做工。如果工作, 就可得食物; 如果不工作, 就會餓肚子。最終, 他們為了填肚子而不得不工作。

那裡的食物類似於我們世上的食物, 只是它們有屬靈的源頭。按照人們所做的有用工作, 主提供他們食物。懶惰者無所得, 因為他們無用。

[8](8)一段時日後, 他們厭煩了這些工作, 於是離開棚屋。倘若他們之前曾是教士,神父,牧師之類, 他們很想去建點什麼。立即在他們周圍就顯出成堆已加工成形的石,磚,梁,板, 以及成堆的葦條,席草, 還有粘土,石灰和柏油。看到這些, 他們建房的熱情一下被點燃了。於是他們開始建座房子, 一時搬石頭, 然後抬木板, 一時扛葦條, 抬石灰,柏油等, 將一物毫無秩序地放在另一物的上面。不過在他們眼中, 一切井然有序。白天建好的, 晚間就坍塌了。第二天, 他們從瓦礫中撿出材料, 又重新建過。他們一至重複如此, 直到他們厭倦了建房子。

這是對應的寫照, 因為他們從聖言中堆積經文來證明他們所信的錯誤教條, 以他們的偽謬來建造教會, 其情形正如以上所述。

[9](9)當他們對此厭煩時, 就走開, 獨自坐下, 什麼也不做。正如之前所說, 懶人得不到天上來的食物, 他們開始感覺饑餓。於是, 他們沒有別的可想, 只想著如何得到食物來減輕饑餓感。

在如此情形下, 有人經過, 於是向他們乞討。那些人說:"你們為何這樣懶散地坐在這裡呢?跟我們來, 我們給你工作去做, 並供養你們吃喝。"於是他們高興地起身跟隨這些人回家, 在那裡每人得到一份工作, 並按工作來交換食物。問題在於, 但凡堅定維護錯誤信仰之人無法做良善的和有用的工作, 只會去做邪惡的和傷害的工作。並且他們不會真誠地工作, 只會去欺騙, 並被壓迫去工作。因此, 他們會任意對待他們的工作, 總想去找人聊天,閒逛和睡覺。到這種地步時, 他們的老闆也不再勸他們工作, 他們被視為無用, 並被驅逐。

[10]⑩當他們被驅逐出來後, 他們的眼睛被打開, 讓他們看見一條路, 通向某個洞穴。當他們到達洞穴時, 見洞門開著, 就走進去看看有沒有吃的。當被告知此處有食物時, 他們就請求留下來。請求被允許了, 他們被帶進來, 身後的洞門被關閉。

然後, 洞穴的管理者走過來, 對他們說:"你們不可以再出去。看看你們的夥伴, 他們都在工作, 按著他們的工作得到從天上來的相稱的食物。我告訴你這些, 為了讓你們知道這回事。"

他們的同伴還說:"我們的負責人知道我們每個人適合什麼工作, 他分配我們每天當做的工作。每天完成當做的工作, 你就可得食物。如果不能, 就既不得吃也不得穿。倘若任何人傷害他人, 就會被扔進洞穴的角落, 躺在那張可憎之土所做的床上, 忍受極度的痛苦。這樣的遭遇會一直持續, 直到管理者在他身上見到有悔改的跡象。然後, 他會被放出來, 命令他繼續幹自己的工作。"

[11]新來的還被告知, 當他們完成自己的工作後, 可以閒逛聊天, 可以晚睡。他們還被帶進更深的洞穴, 那裡有妓女。各人被允許為自己挑選一個作為自己的女人, 但禁止去碰其它的女人。"

地獄就是由這樣的洞穴構成, 并非別的什麼, 只是永遠的苦力場所。我被許可進到一些洞穴的裡面觀看, 為了將其真相公佈出來。

在那裡的所有人看起來都是身份低微, 任何人都不知道生前曾是什麼人,什麼身份。不過與我同行的天人告訴我, 這人在世時是個奴隸, 那個曾是士兵, 這個曾是將軍, 那個曾是祭司, 這個出身高貴, 那個曾是富翁。而如今所有人都不知道了, 只認為他們曾是奴隸或類似身份之人。這是因為他們內心相似, 儘管外表大不相同。在心靈世界, 是內在的屬性將同類之人聚集在一起。

[12]地獄總體上由類似的洞穴和勞工場所構成, 區別之處在於有些地方由撒旦,有些地方由魔鬼構成。被稱為撒旦的靈集焦於錯誤信仰,因錯誤信仰而導致邪惡的生活; 被稱為魔鬼的靈則集焦於邪惡,因邪惡而導致錯誤的信仰。在天國之光下, 撒旦看起來蒼白如死屍, 其中一些黑如木乃伊。在天國之光下, 魔鬼看起來黑紅色, 有些深黑如煤煙。他們全都有畸形可怕的臉與身子。然而, 在他們自己的光照下(就像燃燒煤火之光), 他們彼此看起來像人,並不像怪物。這樣, 可使他們能彼此結交。

上一节  目录  下一节

True Christianity #281 (Rose, 2010)

281. The fifth memorable occurrence. The Lord has allowed me to be in the spiritual world and the physical world at the same time. As a result, I can talk with angels as I do with people, which has allowed me to know the states people go through as they arrive after death in that previously unknown world. I have spoken to all my friends and relatives and also to monarchs and dukes, as well as to scholars who had met their fate. I have done this continually now for twenty-seven years. Therefore from my own life experiences I am able to describe the states people go through after death. I could tell you what they are like for people who have lived good lives and what they are like for people who have lived evil lives. Here I will limit myself to some facts about the states people go through if they used the Word to convince themselves of theological falsities, especially if they did so to support justification by faith alone. The successive states they go through are the following:

(1) When they have died and are spiritually coming back to their own life, which generally happens on the third day after their heart has stopped beating, they seem to themselves to have the same body they had had in the world - so much so that they have no idea they are not still alive in the former world. In fact, they no longer have a physical body; they now have an essential body, which seems to their senses to be physical, but it is not.

[2] (2) After several days they realize they are in a world where various different communities have been established. That world is called the world of spirits. It is midway between heaven and hell. All the communities there, which are beyond number, are arranged in an amazing way according to good or evil earthly desires. The communities that are arranged according to good earthly desires communicate with heaven; the communities arranged according to evil earthly desires communicate with hell.

[3] (3) The new spirits (or people who are no longer physical) are taken around and transferred to various different communities - both good and evil communities - and examined to see whether things that are good and true elicit a response in them, or things that are evil and false, and exactly what that response is.

[4] (4) If they respond to things that are good and true, they are led away from evil communities and brought into good ones, again into various different communities until they come into one that answers to their own earthly desire. There they enjoy the goodness that corresponds to that desire. This process lasts until they take off their earthly desire and put on a spiritual one. At that point they are raised up into heaven.

This is what happens to people who lived a life of goodwill in the world and a resulting life of faith - people who believed in the Lord and abstained from evil because it is sinful.

[5] (5) On the other hand, if people used reasoning to reinforce their own false convictions and beliefs - especially if they used the Word for such reinforcement - and on that basis lived a merely earthly, purely evil life (for falsities go with evils, and evils stick to falsities), they desire evil and falsity but not goodness or truth. Therefore they are led away from good communities and brought into evil communities, again into various different communities until they come to one that answers to their cravings.

[6] (6) Nevertheless, because they had outwardly pretended in the world to have good desires, even though inside they had only evil desires, or cravings, they are alternately put back into, and held in, their outer states.

The people who had been leaders of organizations in the world are given leadership roles in communities in the world of spirits. They are put in charge of larger or smaller areas depending on the breadth of the positions they had previously held. Because these people do not love truth or justice, though, and are incapable of being enlightened to the point of even knowing what truth and justice are, they are dismissed after a few days. I have seen some transferred from one community to another and given administrative responsibilities in each community, but in every case after a short while they are dismissed.

[7] (7) After being repeatedly forced out of office, some are too worn out to run for further offices, and others do not dare to do so because they are afraid of ruining their reputation; so they leave and sit around feeling depressed. Then they are taken out into the wilderness where there are shelters. They enter these shelters and are given work to do. If they do the work they get food. If they do not, they go hungry. But eventually their need for food forces them to work.

(Food there is like the food in our world, except that there it has a spiritual origin. The Lord gives food from heaven to all according to the useful things they do. None is given to idle people, because they are useless.)

[8] (8) After some time they get tired of working, so they leave the shelters. Those of them who were priests get the urge to build something. Immediately there appear heaps of hewn stones, bricks, and boards of various sizes, as well as piles of rushes, reeds, clay, plaster, and tar.

When they catch sight of these materials, they feel a burning desire to begin construction. They start constructing a building by taking a stone, then a piece of wood, then a reed, then some mortar, and they put one thing on top of another in no order, although in their sight it seems orderly. The things they build by day fall down overnight, so the next day they pick materials out of the fallen rubble and start building again. They keep doing this until they get completely tired of building.

(This happens because of a correspondence with the fact that they had piled passages from the Word together to support false beliefs. These false beliefs build the church in exactly the way just described.)

[9] (9) Afterward, feeling bored, they leave and sit idle and alone. Because, as I just mentioned, idle people get no food from heaven, they begin to starve and cannot think about anything else except how they are going to get food and satisfy their hunger.

When they are in this state, people come along, so they beg for a little money from the people. The people say, "Why are you sitting idly like this? Come with us to our homes. We'll give you work to do and we'll feed you. " So they happily get up and go off to the people's homes. There they are given their own jobs to do and are given food in exchange for their work. The problem is that all people who have become adamant about false beliefs are unable to do work that is good and useful. They can only do work that is evil and harmful. They cannot work faithfully; they can work only fraudulently and unwillingly. Therefore they leave their work. The only things they love to do are socializing and talking, walking around, and sleeping. At that point their bosses can no longer induce them to work; therefore they are exiled as useless.

[10] (10) Once they have been exiled, their eyes open and they see a road that heads down to a cave. When they arrive at the cave, a door opens and they go in. They ask whether there is food there. When they receive a positive answer, they ask permission to stay and are told that they may. They are taken in and the door closes behind them.

Then the person in charge of the cave comes and says to them, "You can no longer leave. Look at your companions here. They all labor, and as they labor food is given to them from heaven. I'm telling you this so that you'll know what's going on. "

Others add, "The person in charge of us knows what type of work each of us is well suited to do and orders us to do that daily work. On the days when you do your work, you get food. If you don't do your work, you don't get food or clothing. Anyone who does something evil to someone else is thrown into a corner of the cave onto a bed of accursed dust. There the evildoer is horribly tormented until the person in charge sees some sign of repentance. At that point the evildoer is released and ordered back to work. "

[11] The newcomers are also told that after their work they are each allowed to go for a walk or socialize, and later on to sleep. The newcomers are taken deeper into the cave where there are harlots. Each man is allowed to have one of them and call her his partner, but he is forbidden by law to sleep with other partners.

Hell consists of caves like this that are nothing but eternal workhouses. I have been allowed into some of them to look around for the purpose of reporting on them.

All the people there seemed lower class. They did not know who they had been or what work they had done in the world. The angel who was with me, however, told me, "This one was a servant, this one a soldier, this one a general, this one a priest; this one held a high position; this one had wealth. Yet for all they know now, they were slaves and companions back then as well. This is because they were similar inside, although very different on the outside. It is the inner selves that associate people in the spiritual world. "

[12] To speak more generally about the hells, they consist entirely of caves and workhouses like this; but they are different where there are satans as opposed to devils. The spirits called satans focused on false beliefs and were evil as a result. The spirits called devils focused on evil and had false beliefs as a result. In the light of heaven, satans appear gray like corpses; some look as dark as mummies. In the light of heaven, devils, on the other hand, look as if they are darkly glowing; some look pitch black, as black as soot. All the above have the faces and bodies of monsters. Yet in their own light, which is like the light from glowing coals, they do not look like monsters; they look like people. This has been granted to them so that they can interact.

True Christian Religion #281 (Chadwick, 1988)

281. The fifth experience.

The Lord has permitted me to be simultaneously in the spiritual and the natural worlds, so that I have been able to talk with angels just as I do with men, and thus to discover the states of those who after death arrive in that hitherto unknown world. For I have talked with all my relations and friends, as well as with kings and dukes, not to mention scholars, who have met their fates; I have been doing this now constantly for twenty-seven years. I can therefore describe from direct experience the nature of the states people undergo after death, both those who have lived good as well as those who have lived wicked lives. At this point I shall only relate something about the state of those who have convinced themselves from the Word of false doctrines, in particular those who have favoured the doctrine of justification by faith alone. The stages through which they pass are the following:

(i) When they have died and come alive again in the spirit, an event which commonly takes place on the third day after the heart has ceased to beat, they seem to themselves to have a body exactly like the one they had while living in the former world. This is so much the case that they are quite unaware that they are not still living in the former world, but it is not in a material but a substantial body, which appears to their senses to be material, though it is not.

[2] (ii) After a few days they see that they are in a world where there are various communities established. This is called the world of spirits, and it lies midway between heaven and hell. All the communities there, though countless in number, are arranged in wonderful order, according to whether their natural affections are good or evil. Those communities which are arranged in accordance with good natural affections are in touch with heaven; those arranged in accordance with evil affections are in touch with hell.

[3] (iii) The newly arrived spirit, that is, the spiritual man, is taken and introduced to various communities, good as well as evil, and tested to see whether he responds to various kinds of good and truth, and in what way; or whether he responds to evils and falsities, and in what way.

[4] (iv) If he responds to various kinds of good and truth, he is taken away from evil communities, and brought into good ones. He visits various of these communities until he comes to one which answers to his natural affection. There he enjoys the good corresponding to that affection, and this continues until he puts off his natural affection and puts on a spiritual one, then he is raised to heaven. This is what happens to those who have lived in the world a life of charity, and thus also a life of faith; that is to say, they have believed in the Lord and shunned evils as sins.

[5] (v) Not so those who have used logical arguments and especially the Word in order to convince themselves of false ideas, thus living a purely natural, that is, evil life. For evils are the companions of false ideas and cling closely to them. Since these people do not respond to various kinds of good and truth, but only to evils and falsities, they are taken away from good communities and brought into evil ones. They visit various of these communities until they come to one which answers to the longings of their love.

[6] (vi) But because in the world they have made a show on the surface of good affections, although inwardly all their affections were evil or lustful, they are by turns kept in their outward character. Those who in the world had been in charge of groups, are here and there put in charge of communities in the world of spirits, either in general or in sections depending upon the seniority of the offices they had previously held. But since they have no love for truth or justice, and cannot even be sufficiently enlightened to know what truth and justice are, they are dismissed after a few days. I have seen such people moved from one community to another, and in each given administrative duties, but after a short while each time dismissed.

[7] (vii) After repeated dismissals some of them are too upset to want, and some are too afraid of losing their good name to dare, to take on any more posts. So they withdraw and sit looking sad. Then they are taken away to a wilderness where there are huts; they go into these, and are given some work to do. They receive rations proportionate to the work done; if they do none, they go hungry and get no food, so that their need forces them to work. The kinds of food there are like those in our world, but of spiritual origin. The food is provided for all from heaven by the Lord, in keeping with the useful work performed. The idle, being useless, receive none.

[8] (viii) After some time they get tired of the work, so they leave the huts. If they were formerly priests, they have a desire to build. At once there appear piles of shaped stones, bricks, beams and planks, and heaps of reeds and rushes, clay, lime and tar. On seeing these they are seized with a passionate desire to build. So they begin to make a house, taking up now a stone, now a piece of wood, now a reed and now mud, and placing one on top of the other without any orderly arrangement, though to their eyes it appears well arranged. What they build in the course of the day falls down during the night. The next day they collect the fallen pieces from the rubble, and start building again. This continues repeatedly, until they get tired of building. This is the result of correspondence, because they have heaped up passages from the Word with the intention of proving the false ideas of their faith, and their falsities cannot build any other sort of church.

[9] (ix) When they tire of this, they go away and sit by themselves, doing nothing. Since, as I said, the idle receive no food from heaven, they begin to feel hungry. Then they can think of nothing but how they can get some food and allay their hunger. While they are in this condition, people come to them, from whom they beg alms. But they are told: 'Why do you sit idle like this? Come home with us and we will give you work to do, and feed you.' Then they get up cheerfully and go home with them, where each is given work to do and food as a reward for work. But because all who have convinced themselves of false ideas of faith cannot do good and useful work, but only work with wicked purposes, they do not work fairly, but cheat and work only under compulsion. So they abandon their work, and only want to meet others, talk, stroll about and sleep. Since their masters can no longer make them work, they are sent away as useless.

[10] (x) When they are sent away, their eyes are opened so that they see a road leading to a sort of cavern. When they reach it, the door opens, and they go in to see whether there is any food there. On being told that there is, they ask permission to stay there. Permission is given and they are taken in, and the door shuts behind them. Then the overseer of the cavern comes and says to them: 'You cannot go out again. Look at your companions; they are all working, and in proportion to their work they receive food from heaven. I am telling you this so that you may know how it is.' Their companions also say: 'Our overseer knows what work each of us is fitted for, and he gives us a suitable task each day. Every day that you complete your task, you get food. If you do not, you get neither food nor clothing. If anyone hurts another, he is thrown into a corner of the cavern onto a sort of bed of hellish dust, where he undergoes wretched torments. This continues until the overseer sees some sign of repentance from him. Then he is taken out, and told to get on with his work. Each man is also told that, when he has done his work, he may stroll about and chat, and later go to sleep. He is taken still deeper into the cavern, where there are whores; each is allowed to pick one for himself and call her his woman, but promiscuity is forbidden under severe penalties.

[11] Hell is composed of such caverns, which are nothing less than eternal labour-camps. I have been allowed to enter some and look around, so that I could make this known. All the people there seemed to be of low status, nor did any of them know who he had been and what position he had held in the world. But the angel who accompanied me told me that this one had been a servant in the world, this one a soldier, this an officer, this a priest, this of high birth, this a wealthy man. Yet all of them know nothing but that they were servants or people of similar status. This is because they were inwardly alike, despite their outward dissimilarity. It is the inward character which brings people together in the spiritual world.

[12] The hells in general consist of nothing but such caverns and labour-camps, but there is a difference between those containing satans and those containing devils. Satans is the name given to those who are subject to false ideas and to the evils that arise from them; devils is the name given to those who are subject to evils and the false ideas that arise from them. In the light of heaven satans look livid like corpses, some of them dark like mummies. Devils in the light of heaven have a dark, fiery look, some of them pitch black like soot. All of them have monstrous faces and bodies. But in their own light, which resembles that from burning coals, they look not like monsters, but like human beings. This concession is made to them, so that they can associate with one another.

True Christian Religion #281 (Ager, 1970)

281. Fifth Memorable Relation:

As it has been granted me by the Lord to be in the spiritual world and in the natural world at the same time, and thus to talk with angels the same as with men, and thereby to become acquainted with the states of those who after death pass into that hitherto unknown world (for I have spoken with all of my relatives and friends, and with kings and nobles and with learned men who have met their fate, and this now continually for twenty-seven years), I am able from living experience to describe the states of men after death, what the states are of those who have lived well and of those who have lived wickedly. But here I will only mention some things respecting the state of those who have confirmed themselves in falsities of doctrine from the Word, and especially those who have done this in support of justification by faith alone. The successive states of such are as follows:

(i.) After death and when they are reviving in spirit, which usually takes place on the third day after the heart has ceased to beat, they seem to themselves to be in a body so like that which they had in the world that they do not know but that they are still living in the former world, yet not in a material body, but in a body that is substantial and that appears to their senses to be material; but it is not.

[2] (ii.) After some days, they see that they are in a world where various societies are formed, which world is called the world of spirits, and is intermediate between heaven and hell. All the societies there, and they are innumerable, are wonderfully arranged in accordance with good and evil natural affections; the societies arranged in accordance with good natural affections communicating with heaven, and those arranged in accordance with evil affections communicating with hell.

[3] (iii.) The novitiate spirit or spiritual man is conducted and transferred into various societies, both good and evil, and is examined as to whether he is affected by what is good and true, and how, or by what is evil and false, and how.

[4] (iv.) If he is affected by what is good and true, he is led away from evil societies, and is led into good societies, and into different ones until he comes into a society that is in correspondence with his natural affection, and there he enjoys the good that corresponds to that affection, and this until he has put off his natural affection and put on a spiritual affection, and then he is raised into heaven. This takes place with those who in the world had lived a life of charity, and thus a life of faith also, which is believing in the Lord and shunning evils as sins.

[5] (v.) But those who have confirmed themselves in falsities by means of reasonings, especially by means of the Word, and so have lived a merely natural and thus an evil life (for evils accompany falsities and adhere to falsities), inasmuch as they are not affected by what is good and true, but by what is evil and false, are led away from good societies and into evil societies and into different ones, until they come into some society corresponding to the lusts of their love.

[6] (vi.) But because these in the world had feigned good affections in externals, although in their internals there were only evil affections or lusts, they are kept by turns in their [good] externals. Those who in the world had presided over communities, are appointed over societies here and there in the world of spirits, either over a whole society or a part according to the extent of the offices they had filled in their former life. But as they have no love for what is true or what is just, and cannot be so far enlightened as to know what is true and just, after a few days they are deposed. I have seen such transferred from one society to another, and official authority everywhere given them, but always taken away after a short time.

[7] (vii.) After frequent dismissals, some from weariness do not wish, and some from fear of losing their reputation do not dare, to seek office any more; and therefore they withdraw and sit in sadness and afterwards are led away into a desert, where there are huts into which they enter, and there some work is given them to do, and as they do it they receive food. If they do not do it, when they become hungry they receive no food and are thus compelled by necessity. The food there is similar to the food in our world, but is from a spiritual origin, and is given from heaven by the Lord to all according to the uses they perform. To the idle none is given because they are useless.

[8] (viii.) After a while they become disgusted with work and leave their huts. If they had been priests they wish to build; and immediately heaps of cut stone, bricks, beams, and boards appear, also piles of reeds and rushes, of clay, lime, and bitumen. When they see these a strong desire to build is kindled in them, and they begin to construct a house, taking now a stone, and then a stick, then a reed and then some mud, and placing one upon the other without order, but to their sight in regular order. But what they build during the day falls down at night; and the next day they gather up the material from the rubbish and build again; and this goes on until they grow tired of building. This takes place from correspondence. The correspondence is that they have heaped up texts from the Word to prove what is false in faith, and their falsities do not otherwise build the church.

[9] (ix.) Afterward from weariness they go away and sit solitary and idle; and as no food is given from heaven to the idle, as before said, they begin to grow hungry, and to think of nothing but how to get food and satisfy their hunger. While they are in this state persons come to them from whom they ask alms; but these say, "Why do you sit here idle? Come home with us, and we will give you work to do and will feed you." Then they rise up gladly and go home with them, and each one is there given his own task, and for doing it he receives food. But since none of those who have confirmed themselves in the falsities of faith are able to do works that have a good use, but are able to do only such works as have an evil use, and are unable to do these faithfully, but only fraudulently and also unwillingly, they abandon their work, caring only to visit, talk, walk about, and sleep. And as they can no longer be induced by their masters to work they are dismissed as useless.

[10] (x.) When they have been dismissed their eyes are opened and they see a road leading to a certain cavern. When they come to it a door is opened and they enter and ask if there is food there; and when told that there is they beg permission to remain there, and they are told that they may, and are introduced and the door is closed behind them. The overseer of the cavern then comes and says to them, "You can go out no more; you see your companions; they all labor, and according to their labor food is given them from heaven; I tell you this, that you may know." Their companions also say to them, "Our overseer knows for what work each one is fitted, and assigns such work to each one daily. The days you do this work, food is given you, and if you do not do it, neither food nor clothing is given. If anyone does harm to another, he is thrown into a corner of the cavern upon a bed made of accursed dust, where he is sorely tortured, and this until the overseer sees in him some sign of repentance, and then he is released and is ordered to do his work."

[11] He is also told that everyone, after his task is done, is permitted to walk about, to talk, and afterward to sleep. And he is conducted further into the cavern where there are harlots, and each one is allowed to select one of these, and to call her his woman; but promiscuous harlotry is forbidden with penalties. Of such caverns, which are nothing but eternal workhouses, hell consists. I was permitted to enter into and see some of them, in order that I might make the facts known. All who were there seemed degraded; not one of them knew who he had been or what his employment had been in the world. But the angel who was with me said to me, "This man was in the world a servant, this a soldier, this a general; this was a priest; this a man of rank, and this a man of wealth, and yet not one of them knows but that they had been, then as now, slaves and boon companions. This is because they had been inwardly alike, although outwardly unlike, and all in the spiritual world are affiliated according to their interiors."

[12] In regard to the hells in general, they consist solely of such caverns and work-houses; but those where satans are differ from those where devils are. Those are called satans who had been in falsities and consequently in evils; and they are called devils who had been in evils and consequently in falsities. Satans in the light of heaven appear livid like corpses, and some black like mummies; but devils in the light of heaven appear dusky and fiery, and some black like soot; while in features and bodily form they are all monstrous. But in their own light, which is like the light of burning charcoal, they do not look like monsters but like men. This is granted to render them capable of association.

True Christian Religion #281 (Dick, 1950)

281. The fifth experience. It has been granted me by the Lord to be in the spiritual and natural worlds at the same time, and so to converse with angels as with men, and thus to become acquainted with the states of those who after death pass into that hitherto unknown world. I have conversed with all my relatives and friends, also with kings, dukes, and men of learning after their departure out of this life, and this continually for twenty-seven years. I am able, therefore, from actual experience, to describe the states of men after death, both of those who have lived good lives, and of those who have lived evil lives. However, I will only mention here some particulars concerning the state of those who from the Word have confirmed themselves in falsities of doctrine, especially if they have done so in favor of justification by faith alone. Their successive states are as follows: (1) After death they revive as to the spirit, which generally takes place on the third day after the heart has ceased to beat. They seem to themselves to be in a body similar to that which they had in the world, so that they imagine they are still living there. Yet they are not in a material but in a substantial body, which to their senses appears to be material, although it is not.

[2] After some days they perceive that they are in a world where there are established various societies, called the world of spirits, which is intermediate between heaven and hell. All the innumerable societies there are wonderfully arranged according to natural affections, both good and evil; those arranged according to good natural affections have communication with heaven, and those according to evil affections with hell.

[3] The newly arrived spirit, or spiritual man, is conducted from place to place, and is introduced to various societies, both good and bad, and observations are made of his reaction to good and truth, and to evil and falsity.

[4] If he is responsive to good and truth, he is led away from evil and introduced into good societies, visiting one after another till he comes to one which corresponds with his own natural affection. There he enjoys the good which corresponds with that affection, till he puts off the natural affection and puts on the spiritual; and then he is raised up into heaven. This, however, takes place with those who in the world have lived a life of charity and thus also of faith, which means that they have believed on the Lord, and shunned evils as sins.

[5] Some have confirmed themselves in falsities by rational conviction, especially by means of the Word. They, therefore, have lived a life merely natural, and thus evil, for falsities attend evils, and evils adhere to falsities. These, because they are not responsive to good and truth, but to evil and falsity, are led away from good and introduced in turn into evil societies, till they arrive at one which corresponds with the lusts of their love.

[6] As these, however, while in the world had assumed the appearance of good affections in their outward life, although in their internals these were nothing but evil affections or lusts, they are kept at times in their externals. Those who had exercised authority over communities of men in the world, are set over one or other of the societies in the world of spirits, over the whole or over a part, according to the extent of the authority they formerly exercised. But because they have no love for truth and justice, and cannot even be taught to know what truth and justice are, after a few days they are deposed. I have seen such men transferred from one society to another, and the administration in each entrusted to them; but I have seen them just as often deposed, after a brief spell of office.

[7] After frequent deposition some, becoming tired, do not wish, and others, becoming afraid at the loss of their reputation, have not the heart to seek further office. They therefore retire and settle down, sadder men. They are then led away to a sequestered district where there are cottages which they occupy. Work of some kind is there given them to do; and if they do it they receive food. If they do not work, they go hungry, so that necessity compels them to work. Food there is similar to the food in our world, but it has a spiritual origin, and is given from heaven by the Lord to all according to the uses they perform: to the idle none is given, for they perform no use.

[8] After a time they become tired of their work, and then they go outside their cottages. If they have been priests they have a longing to build; and immediately there appear piles of hewn stones, bricks, beams, and boards; also heaps of reeds and rushes, of clay, lime and pitch. At the sight of these materials their desire to build is roused, and they begin to construct a house, taking up now a stone, now a piece of timber, now a reed, and now some mortar. These they place one upon another at random, but to their own eyes, in due order. However, what they build by day, collapses at night. Next day they make a collection from the fallen rubbish and build again; and this they do till they are tired of building. All this is done from correspondence, for they had been in the habit of collecting passages from the Word to confirm the falsities of their faith; and this is the manner in which falsities build up a Church.

[9] After a time they go away weary, and sit down in solitary idleness: and since, as was just stated, no food is given from heaven to the idle, they begin to grow hungry, and their only thoughts are how to obtain food to satisfy their craving. When in this state there come to them certain people of whom they ask alms, but these say: "Why do you sit thus idle? Come home with us, and we will give you work to do, and feed you." Then they gladly get up and go home with them; and each has his work assigned to him, and receives food for doing it. All, however, who have confirmed themselves in falsities of faith, cannot do works of any good use, but only works of evil use; and, moreover, they do not perform their tasks faithfully but fraudulently and unwillingly. So they neglect their work, and care only to move about, talk, go for a walk and sleep; and as they cannot be induced by their masters to do any more work, they are dismissed as useless.

[10] (10) When dismissed, they eagerly look around, and they see a path leading to a cavern. When they reach it the door is opened; they enter and ask if there is any food within. On being told that there is they ask permission to remain. Permission is granted; they are admitted and the door is closed behind them. Then the overseer of the cavern comes and says: "You cannot go out of this place any more. You see your companions; they all work, and according to what they do food is given them from heaven. I am telling you this that you may know." Their companions also say to them: "Our overseer knows for what work each one is fitted and he apportions it daily. When you finish it food is given to you; but if you do not finish it neither food nor clothing is given. If any one does any injury to another, he is thrown into a corner of the cavern on to a bed of noisome dust where he is miserably tortured. This continues till the overseer perceives in him some sign of penitence. Then he is released and ordered back to his work."

[11] He is also told that every one is at liberty after his work to go for a walk, converse, and afterwards go to sleep. He is also taken to a remoter part of the cavern where there are courtesans. He is permitted to take one of these for himself, and call her his wife; but any breach of marital relations is forbidden under pain of punishment.

It is of such caverns, which are nothing but eternal work-houses, that hell consists. I have been permitted to enter and examine several of them, in order that I might make this known. All who were there appeared to be degraded; and not one of them knew who, or in what employment, he had been in the world. However, the angel who accompanied me, pointed out to me one who had been a servant in the world, one a soldier, one an officer, one a priest, one a person of rank, and one a man of great wealth. Yet they did not know but that they had been slaves and companions of a like nature, because they had been inwardly alike, although outwardly unlike; and in the spiritual world all are associated according to their interiors.

[12] In general, the hells consist exclusively of such caverns or workhouses, but those where satans dwell differ from those where devils dwell. Those are called satans who have been principled in falsities and consequently in evils; and devils, those who have been principled in evils, and consequently in falsities. In the light of heaven satans appear livid like corpses, or dark like mummies; while devils appear with a swarthy glow, or black like soot; but in features and form all are monstrous. Yet in their own light, which is like that from burning charcoal, they do not look like monsters, but like men. This appearance is granted them that they may be capable of mutual association.

Vera Christiana Religio #281 (original Latin,1770)


Quoniam a Domino mihi datum est simul in Mundo spirituali et in Mundo naturali esse, et inde loqui cum Angelis sicut cum hominibus, et per id cognoscere Status illorum qui post mortem alluunt in hactenus ignotum illum Mundum, loquutus enim sum cum omnibus meis affinibus et amicis, et quoque cum Regibus et Ducibus, ut et cum Eruditis, qui fata sua obiverunt, et hoc nunc continue per viginti septem Annos; quapropter ab Experientia viva possum describere Status hominum post mortem, quales sunt illorum qui bene vixerunt, et illorum qui male; sed hic modo aliqua memorabo de Statu illorum, qui in falsis Doctrinae se confirmaverunt ex Verbo, qui sunt in specie illi qui pro Justificatione per solam fidem id fecerunt; status horum successivi sunt sicut nunc sequitur, I. Quando defuncti sunt, et quoad spiritum revivunt, quod fit communiter tertio die postquam Cor cessavit pulsare, apparent sibi in simili Corpore, in quo prius in Mundo, usque adeo, ut non sciant aliter, quam quod adhuc in priori Mundo vivant, verum non in Corpore materiali, sed in Corpore substantiali, quod coram sensibus illorum apparet sicut materiale, tametsi non est.

[2] II. Post aliquot dies vident, quod in Mundo sint, ubi sunt variae Societates institutae, qui Mundus vocatur MUNDUS SPIRITUUM, et est medius inter Coelum et Infernum; omnes Societates ibi, quae innumerae sunt, mirabiliter ordinatae sunt secundum affectiones naturales bonas et malas; Societates ordinatae secundum affectiones naturales bonas, communicant cum Coelo, et Societates ordinatae secundum affectiones malas, communicant cum Inferno.

[3] III. Novitius spiritus, seu Spiritualis homo, deducitur et transfertur in varias Societates, tam bonas quam malas, et exploratur num afficitur bonis et veris, et quomodo, vel num afficitur malis et falsis, et quomodo.

[4] IV. Si afficitur bonis et veris, abducitur a Societatibus malis, et inducitur in Societates bonas, et quoque in varias, usque dum venit in Societatem suae affectioni naturali correspondentem, et ibi fruitur bono isti affectioni correspondente, et hoc usque dum naturalem affectionem exuit, et spiritualem induit, et tunc elevatur in Coelum; sed hoc fit illis, qui in Mundo vixerunt vitam charitatis, et sic quoque vitam fidei, quae est, quod crediderint in Dominum, et fugerint mala ut peccata.

[5] V. At illi qui se in falsis confirmaverunt per rationalia, imprimis per Verbum, et sic non aliam vitam quam mere naturalem ita malam vixerunt, nam mala comitantur falsa, et falsis adhaerent mala, hi quia non afficiuntur bonis et veris, sed malis et falsis, abducuntur a Societatibus bonis, ac inducuntur in Societates malas, et quoque in varias, usque dum veniunt in aliquam sui amoris concupiscentiis correspondentem.

[6] VI. Sed quia in Mundo simulaverunt affectiones bonas in externis, tametsi in internis illorum non essent nisi affectiones malae seu concupiscentiae, tenentur per vices in externis; et illi qui in Mundo praefuerunt Caetibus, praeficiuntur hic et ibi in Mundo Spirituum Societatibus, in communi aut in parte secundum amplitudinem officiorum quibus prius functi fuerant: sed quia non amant verum, nec amant justum, nec illustrari possunt usque ut sciant quid verum et justum, ideo post aliquot dies abrogantur; vidi tales translatos ab una Societate in alteram, et ubivis datam illis administrationem, sed post breve tempus toties abrogatos.

[7] VII. Post frequentes abdicationes quidam ex taedio non volunt, quidam ex timore jacturae famae non audent amplius ambire functiones, quare recedunt, et sedent tristes, et tunc abducuntur in solitudinem, ubi sunt casae, quas intrant, et ibi datur illis aliquod opus ad faciendum, et sicut faciunt, recipiunt cibum, et si non faciunt, esuriunt, et non recipiunt, quare necessitas cogit. Cibi ibi sunt similes cibis in nostro Mundo, sed sunt ex origine spirituali, et dantur e Coelo a Domino omnibus secundum usus quos faciunt; otiosis, quia inutiles sunt, non dantur.

[8] VIII. Post aliquod tempus fastidiunt opus; et tunc exeunt e casis; et si fuerunt Sacerdotes, volunt aedificare; et illico tunc apparent strues lapidum caesorum, laterum, asserum, tabularum, tum acervi ex cannis et juncis, ex argilla, calce, et bitumine; quae cum vident, incenditur libido aedificandi, et incipiunt struere domum, sumendo nunc lapidem, nunc lignum, nunc cannam, nunc lutum, et ponunt unum supra alterum inordinate, at in illorum visu ordinate; sed quod interdiu aedificant, noctu dilabitur, at sequente die colligunt ex rudere lapsa, ac iterum aedificant, et hoc tamdiu, usque dum illos taedet aedificare: hoc fit ex correspondentia, quae est, quod congesserint loca ex Verbo, ad confirmandum falsa fidei, et falsa illorum non aliter aedificant Ecclesiam.

[9] IX. Postea abeunt ex taedio, ac sedent solitarii et otiosi, et quia otiosis non datur cibus e Coelo, ut dictum est, incipiunt esurire, et non aliud cogitare, quam quomodo accepturi sunt cibum, et sedaturi famem: cum in hoc statu sunt, veniunt ad illos aliqui, a quibus petunt stipem, et dicunt, cur ita otiosi sedetis; venite nobiscum in nostras domus, et dabimus vobis opera ad faciendum, et cibabimus vos; et tunc laeti surgunt, et abeunt cum illis in domus illorum, et ibi cuilibet datur suum opus, et propter opus datur cibus; sed quia omnes, qui se confirmaverunt in falsis fidei, non facere possunt opera boni usus, sed opera mali usus, nec faciunt fideliter, sed fraudulenter, ut et invito, quare relinquunt sua opera, et modo amant conversari, loqui, ambulare, et dormire; et quia tunc ab heris non possunt adduci amplius ad opera, ideo sicut inutiles amandantur.

[10] X. Quando amandati sunt, aperitur illis oculus, et vident viam tendentem ad quandam Cavernam; quo cum veniunt, aperitur ostium, ac intrant, et quaerunt Numeri ibi cibus; et cum respondetur quod ibi cibus, petunt ut ibi liceat manere, et dicitur quod liceat, ac introducuntur, et post illos clauditur ostium; et tunc venit Praesul illius Cavernae, et dicit illis, non potestis amplius exire; videte Sodales vestros, omnes laborant, et sicut laborant victus e Coelo illis datur, hoc dico vobis ut sciatis; et quoque dicunt Sodales, Praesul noster novit ad quod opus quisque idoneus est, et tale cuilibet injungit quotidie; quo die id absolvitis, datur vobis cibus, et si non, non datur cibus nec vestis; et si quis malum facit alteri, conjicitur ad angulum cavernae, in quendam lectum ex pulvere damnato, ubi misere cruciatur, et hoc usque dum Praesul videt signum poenitentiae apud illum, et tunc eximitur, et mandatur ei ut faciat opus suum; et quoque dicitur ei, quod cuique liceat post opus suum ambulare, confabulari, et postea dormire: et deducitur interius in Cavernam, ubi sunt Scorta, ex quibus licet unicuique aliquam sibi sumere, et nominare suam mulierem, at sub poena interdicitur scortari promiscue.

[11] Ex talibus Cavernis, quae non sunt nisi quam aeterna Ergastula, consistit Infernum. Datum mihi est intrare in aliquas, et videre, propter finem ut notum facerem, et visi sunt omnes ut viles; nec unus ex illis scivit, quis et in quo munere fuerat in Mundo; sed Angelus, qui mecum erat, dixit mihi, quod hic fuerit in Mundo famulus, hic miles, hic praefectus, hic sacerdos, hic in dignitate, hic in opulentia, et tamen omnes non sciunt aliter, quam quod Servi et similes Sodales fuerint; hoc ex causa quia interius similes fuerant, tametsi exterius dissimiles, ac interiora consociant 1 omnes in Mundo Spirituali.

[12] Quod Inferna in genere attinet, consistunt illa ex meris talibus Cavernis et Ergastulis, sed ex dissimilibus ubi sunt Satanae, et ubi sunt Diaboli; Satanae dicuntur qui in falsis et inde malis fuerunt, et Diaboli qui in malis et inde falsis. Satanae apparent in luce Coeli lividi sicut cadavera, et quidam nigri sicut mumia; at Diaboli apparent in luce Coeli furve igniti, et quidam atri sicut fuligo; at omnes quoad facies et corpora monstrosi; sed in sua luce, quae est instar lucis ex carbonibus ignitis, non ut monstra, sed ut homines; hoc illis datum est, ut consociari possint.


1. Prima editio: confociant.

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