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真实的基督教 第121节


  121. (3)因此,主不仅救赎了世人,还救赎了天使。这一点从前节内容可推知,即若没有主的救赎,天使不可能继续存在。对于上述原因,再补充以下理由:


真实的基督教 #121 (火能翻译,2015)

121. (3)因此, 主救贖的不僅是世人,還有天人。

可從以上所陳述內容得出:若無主的救贖行為, 天人也無法生存。以下再補充幾點理由:

第一個理由:在主第一次降臨之時, 地獄發展到如此高度, 以致於充斥了整個靈界——天國與地獄之間的中間靈界。他們不僅擾亂最底層的天國, 甚至攻擊中層的天國, 以千百種方式來反復攻擊。如果不是主的保守, 早已被摧毀。

地獄的這種攻擊, 可用示拿地上建起高塔,塔頂直聳到天這個故事來形容。這樣的攻擊通過變亂口音,分散建造者來制止; 那城叫巴別(創世記11:1-9)。這個塔,以及變亂口音的具體含義, 詳見發表於倫敦的『『屬天的奧秘』』。

[2]地獄勢力增長如此嚴重, 原因在於在主降世之前, 整個地球之人都沉浸在偶像崇拜和推崇巫術之中, 因此全然遠離上帝。而建立於以色列民,後期於猶太人之中的教會, 卻因著歪曲和褻瀆聖言而全然崩潰了。這些人死後都進到靈界中, 在那裡逐漸增多, 以至於達到無法驅逐的程度, 除非主自己降臨, 利用祂聖臂之力來完成。這些事情如何發生, 詳見1758年發表於倫敦的小冊子『最後的審判』。這事件已由主完成, 發生在祂在世之時。類似的行動現在又由主完成, 如上所述, 現在是祂的第二次降臨, 在整個『啟示錄』都預言此事, 還有馬太福音24:3, 30, Matthew 24:馬可福音13:26, Mark 13:路加福音21:27, Luke 21:使徒行傳1:11, Acts_of_the_Apostles 1: 及其它地方都有預言。不同之處在於, 第一次降臨時, 地獄的增長歸咎於偶像崇拜,巫術和對聖言的歪曲。而第二次降臨, 地獄的增長歸咎於所謂的"基督徒"們, 其中一些沉浸於自然主義哲學, 其他則是高舉他們自創的錯誤教義(從永遠就有三個神性位格, 以及主的受難是真正的救贖行為)來歪曲聖言。這些人就是啟示錄 12章和13章中"龍"和它的兩個"獸"所指的所謂"基督徒"們。

[3]主救贖了人,還有天人的第二個原因:不僅每個人, 甚至每個天人, 都是由主來抑制他們遠離邪惡,並由主保守他們在良善的狀態。沒有哪個人或天人自己有良善, 一切良善都來自主。因此, 當天人的腳凳——也就是他們落腳的靈界——被奪去時, 他們所承受的遭遇就如同某人座椅下的平臺被突然抽走。

在上帝面前, 沒有哪個天人是純潔的, 正如聖言之先知書,還有『約伯書』所言。從一個事實也可看出:沒有哪個天人之前不是一個人。

本書開篇標題"新天國和新教會的信仰概要"中的"總體形式"和"具體形式", 也表達了這個意思:主降臨人世, 將地獄從人類移開。祂藉著與地獄反復爭戰而征服它, 以此獲得統治權, 並迫使地獄降服於祂(第2節)。

還有這些話:耶和華降世並為自己取了人的樣式, 為了使天國,地獄和教會的一切都歸於秩序。因為那時, 地獄的力量已勝過天國的力量, 人世中惡已勝善, 這樣的後果將帶來極大的懲罰, 人類面臨滅亡。耶和華上帝藉著祂的人身免除了這個即將來臨的懲罰, 因而天人和人類被救贖。由此可清楚看出, 若非主的降臨人間, 無人能得救。今時也一樣, 若非主在聖理或道中再次降臨人間, 無人能得救。(第2-3節)

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True Christianity #121 (Rose, 2010)

121. 3. The Lord therefore redeemed not only people but also angels. This follows from something stated in the previous point: no angels could have continued to exist without being redeemed by the Lord. The following reasons supplement those already given.

The first reason: At the time of the Lord's First Coming the hells had risen so high that they filled the entire world of spirits that is midway between heaven and hell. They not only wrecked the heaven called the lowest heaven, they also attacked the middle heaven and harassed it in a thousand ways. If the Lord had not preserved it, it would have been destroyed.

This kind of attack by the hells is meant by the tower built in the land of Shinar whose top reached all the way to heaven. The confusion of their languages thwarted those people's efforts; they were scattered and the city was called Babel (Genesis 11:19). The meaning of the tower and of the confusion of their languages is explained in Secrets of Heaven, published in London.

[2] The reason why the hells had risen so high was that by the time the Lord came into the world the whole planet had completely alienated itself from God by worshiping idols and practicing sorcery; and the church that had existed among the children of Israel and later among the Jews had been utterly destroyed by their falsifying and contaminating the Word.

After death both of the above groups arrived in the world of spirits. Over time they grew in numbers there to such an extent that they could not have been driven out thereafter if God himself had not come down and used the power of his divine arm to deal with them. The Lord in fact did so, as I have described in Last Judgment, a little work published in London in 1758. While the Lord was in the world, he accomplished their overthrow.

The Lord is again doing something similar today since, as I said, today is his Second Coming, an event foretold throughout the Book of Revelation and in Matthew 24:3, 30; Mark 13:26; Luke 21:27; and Acts of the Apostles 1:11, as well as other places.

A difference is that during his First Coming the hells were swollen with idol-worshipers, sorcerers, and falsifiers of the Word. During this Second Coming the hells are swollen with so-called Christians - some who are steeped in materialist philosophy, and others who have falsified the Word by using it to sanction their made-up faith about three divine persons from eternity and about the Lord's suffering as the true redemption. The dragon and his two beasts in Revelation 12 and 13 mean the so-called Christians just mentioned.

[3] The second reason why the Lord's redemption affected angels as well is that the Lord restrains not only all people but also all angels from evil, and keeps them focused instead on what is good. No angels or people are good on their own. Everything good comes from the Lord. When the angels' footstool (meaning the world of spirits) was stolen, it was as if the platform under someone's chair was suddenly removed.

The angels are not pure before God. This is something the Prophets and also Job make clear. This is also clear from the fact that there is no such thing as an angel who was not previously a human being. These points support what was said at the beginning of this work under the headings "the faith of the new heaven and the new church in a universal form" and "in a specific form:"

The Lord came into the world to separate hell from the human race. He accomplished this by repeatedly doing battle with hell and conquering it. In this way he gained control over it and forced it to obey him. (2)

Also these words there:

Jehovah God came down and took on a human manifestation for the purpose of forcing everything in heaven and everything in the church back into the divine design. For at that time the power of the Devil, that is, hell, was stronger than the power of heaven, and on earth the power of evil was stronger than the power of goodness; therefore a total damnation stood at the door and threatened. By means of his human manifestation Jehovah God lifted this pending damnation and redeemed both people and angels. From all this it is clear that if the Lord had not come, no one could have been saved. The situation today is similar. If the Lord does not come into the world again, no one can be saved. (3)


True Christian Religion #121 (Chadwick, 1988)


This follows from the statement in the previous section that without the Lord's redemption neither could the angels have continued to exist. To the reasons given above the following may be added.

(1) At the time of the Lord's first coming the hells had grown to such a height that they filled the whole world of spirits, which lies midway between heaven and hell. Thus the hells had not only thrown into confusion what is called the lowest heaven, but they had even attacked the middle heaven, which was being plagued in a thousand different ways, and but for the Lord's protection would have been destroyed. Such an assault by the hells is what is meant by the tower built in the land of Shinar, the top of which reached to heaven. This attempt was stopped by the confusion of tongues, and its builders were scattered; the city was called Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) The meaning of the tower there and the confusion of tongues has been explained in ARCANA CAELESTIA, published in London. 1

[2] The reason why the hells had grown to such a height was that at the time when the Lord came into the world, the whole globe had utterly alienated itself from God by the worship of idols and the practice of magic; and the church established among the Children of Israel, and at a later period among the Jews, had been totally destroyed by falsifying and adulterating the Word. All of both these parties came after death into the world of spirits, where they ended by so growing and multiplying that they could not be dislodged from there except by God Himself coming down, and then using the strength of His Divine arm. A description of how this took place was given in the short book THE LAST JUDGMENT published in London in 1758. This event was accomplished by the Lord during His time on earth. A similar act has been performed by the Lord at the present time, since, as stated above, now is His second coming, foretold throughout Revelation, in Matthew (24:3, 30), in Mark (13:26), in Luke (21:27), in the Acts of the Apostles (1:11) and elsewhere. The difference is that at His first coming the growth of the hells was due to worshippers of idols, sorcerers and falsifiers of the Word, but at His second coming it was due to the so-called Christians, both those who had been tainted with nature-worship and those who had falsified the Word by convincing themselves of their fictitious faith in three Divine Persons from eternity, and the Lord's passion as being the real act of redemption. These are the people meant by 'the dragon and his two beasts' in Revelation (chapters 12-13).

[3] (2) The second reason why the Lord redeemed the angels too is that not only every man, but also every angel, is held back from evil by the Lord and kept in a state of good. For no one, whether angel or man, is of himself in a state of good, but all good is from the Lord. Thus when the angels' footstool, which they have in the world of spirits, was snatched away, they suffered the same as someone sitting on a chair when the platform it stands on is removed. The angels are not pure in the sight of God, as is shown by the prophetical parts of the Word, and also from job, as well as from the fact that there is no angel who was not previously a man. These statements confirm what was said in the statement of faith of the new heaven and the new church set out both in universal and particular terms placed at the beginning of this book:

The Lord came into the world to take hell away from men, and He did this by fighting against hell and winning victories over it. In this way He subdued it and made it subject to His command.

Also the following passage:

Jehovah God came down and took upon Himself human form so as to reduce to order everything in heaven, [in hell] and in the church. For at that time the power of the devil, that is, of hell, was stronger than the power of heaven, and on earth the power of evil was stronger than the power of good, so that utter damnation stood threateningly at the gates. This impending damnation was removed by Jehovah God by means of His Human, and thus He redeemed angels and men.

These passages show that without the Lord's coming no one could have been saved. The situation to-day is similar. So unless the Lord comes into the world again, no more can anyone be saved (see above 2-3).


1. Volume 1 (1749), 1283-1328.


True Christian Religion #121 (Ager, 1970)

121. (3) In this wise not only men, but the angels also, were redeemed by the Lord. This follows from what has been said in the preceding section, that without redemption by the Lord the angels could not have continued to exist. To the reasons above mentioned these may be added: (1) At the time of the Lord's first coming the hells had increased to such a height as to fill the whole world of spirits, which is intermediate between heaven and hell, and thus had not only thrown into disorder the heaven that is called the lowest, but also had attacked the middle heaven, which they infested in a thousand ways, and which would have gone to destruction if it had not been upheld by the Lord. Such an uprising of the hells is meant by the tower built in the land of Shinar, the head of which was to reach to heaven. But the attempt of its builders was frustrated by the confusion of tongues; and they were dispersed, and the city was called Babel (Genesis 11:1-9). What is there meant by the tower and by the confusion of tongues is explained in the Arcana Coelestia published at London.

[2] The hells had increased to such a height because at the time when the Lord came into the world the whole earth had completely alienated itself from God by idolatries and magic; and the church which had existed among the children of Israel and afterwards with the Jews, had been utterly destroyed by the falsification and adulteration of the Word. All these, both Jews and Gentiles, had after death streamed into the world of spirits, where at length their number was so increased and multiplied that they could be driven out only by a descent of God Himself and then only by the strength of His Divine arm. How this was done has been described in the little work on the Last Judgment (London, 1758). This task was accomplished by the Lord when He was in the world. A like work has been done by the Lord at the present time, because, as has been said before, this is the time of His second coming which is foretold through the Apocalypse, and in Matthew (24:3, 30), Mark 13:26, Luke 21:27, Acts 1:11, and elsewhere. The difference is, that at the Lord's first coming this increase of the hells was the work of idolaters, magicians, and falsifiers of the Word; while at His second coming it was the work of so called Christians, both those who had imbibed naturalism, and those who had falsified the Word by confirmations of their fabulous faith in three Divine persons from eternity, and in the passion of the Lord as itself constituting redemption; for it is these who are meant by "the dragon and his two beasts" (Revelation 12, 13).

[3] (2) The second reason why the Lord also redeemed angels is, that not only every man but also every angel is withheld from evil and held in good by the Lord; for no one, angel or man, is in good from himself, but all good is from the Lord. Therefore when the footstool of the angels, which they have in the world of spirits, is plucked away, they become like one seated upon a throne when its pedestals are removed. That in God's sight the angels are not pure is evident from the prophecies and also from Job; and again from the fact that there can be no angel who has not previously been a man. This confirms what has been stated in the Faith of the New Heaven and the New Church in its universal and in its particular form, at the beginning of this work, namely, "The Lord came into the world to remove Hell from man, and He did remove it by means of combats with it and victories over it, thereby subduing it and reducing it to obedience to Himself." And further, "Jehovah God came down and took upon Him the Human for the purpose of reducing to order all things in heaven and all things in the church; because at that time the power of the devil, that is, of hell, prevailed over the power of heaven, and upon earth the power of evil over that of good and in consequence a total damnation stood threatening at the door. This impending damnation Jehovah God removed by means of His Human, thus redeeming angels and men. From this it is clear that without the Lord's coming no one could have been saved. It is the same today; and therefore without the Lord's coming again into the world no one can be saved" (see above, n. 2, 3).


True Christian Religion #121 (Dick, 1950)


This follows from what was stated in the preceding article, that unless redemption had been wrought by the Lord, the angels could not have continued in their state of integrity. To the reasons already mentioned the two following may be added. (1) At the time of the Lord's First Coming, the hells had increased to such an extent as to fill the whole world of spirits, which lies between heaven and hell; and thus not only did they disturb the lowest heaven, but they also made attacks upon the middle heaven, which they infested in a thousand different ways; and which would have been brought to destruction had not the Lord protected it. This uprising of the hells is meant by the tower that was built in the land of Shinar, whose top was to reach unto heaven; but the enterprise of its builders was frustrated by the confusion of tongues. They were dispersed, and the city was called Babel. Genesis 11:1-9. What is there signified by the tower, and by the confusion of tongues is explained in the ARCANA CAELESTIA, published in London.

[2] The hells had increased to such an extent because at the time the Lord came into the world the whole earth had completely alienated itself from God by idolatry and magic; and the Church which had existed among the Children of Israel, and latterly among the Jews, was entirely destroyed by the falsification and adulteration of the Word. As both Jews and Gentiles passed into the spiritual world after death, they so increased and multiplied that they could not have been driven out had not God Himself come down, with the strength of His Divine arm. How this was effected is described in the little work, THE LAST JUDGMENT, published in London, in the year 1758. It was accomplished by the Lord when He was in the world. A similar judgment has been effected by the Lord at the present day, since, as has been said above, this is the time of His Second Coming, which is foretold throughout the Revelation, and in Matthew 24:3, 30; in Mark 13:26; in Luke 21:27; in the Acts 1:11; and elsewhere. The difference is, that at His First Coming the hells had been greatly increased by idolators, magicians and falsifiers of the Word; while at His Second Coming they were increased by so-called Christians, both those who were imbued with naturalism, and those who falsified the Word by confirming from it their vain belief in three Divine Persons from eternity, and in the passion of the Lord as constituting redemption itself; for these are signified in Revelation 12 and 13, by the dragon and his two beasts.

[3] 1 The second reason why the Lord also redeemed angels is, that not only every man, but also every angel, is withheld from evil and maintained in good by the Lord; for no one, whether angel or man, is in good of himself, but all good is from the Lord. When, therefore, the footstool of the angels, which is in the world of spirits, was removed from under them, they were like a person sitting on a throne when its supports are taken away. That the angels are not pure in the sight of God is evident from the prophetical parts of the Word, and also from the Book of Job; and likewise from this consideration that there is not a single angel who was not once a man. This confirms that section on the Faith of the New Heaven and the New Church in its general and in its particular form, prefixed to this work, where it is said,

That the Lord came into the world in order to remove hell from man; which He accomplished by victory in combats against it. He thus subdued it, and reduced it to a state of obedience to Himself.


That Jehovah God came down and assumed the Human; to the end that He might restore order to all things in heaven,... and in the Church. For at that time the power of the devil, that is, of hell, prevailed over the power of heaven, and on earth the power of evil prevailed over the power of good. Consequently mankind was threatened with imminent destruction. This impending destruction Jehovah God prevented by means of His Human, and so He redeemed both angels and men... From this it is clear that unless the Lord had come into the world no one could have been saved. The case is similar to-day; and therefore unless the Lord comes again into the world... no one can be saved. See above, Nos. 2-3.


1. This passage is in quotation marks in Original Edition.


Vera Christiana Religio #121 (original Latin,1770)

121. III. QUOD DOMINUS SIC NON MODO HOMINES, SED ETIAM ANGELOS REDEMERIT. Hoc sequitur ex dictis in Articulo praecedente, quod absque Redemptione a Domino nec Angeli potuerint subsistere; ad causas supradictas accedunt hae, I. Quod tempore Primi Adventus Domini Inferna succreverint in altum, usque ut implerent Universum Mundum spirituum, qui medius est inter Coelum et Infernum, et sic non modo confuderint Coelum, quod vocatur ultimum, sed etiam aggressi Coelum medium, quod mille modis infestaverunt; quod nisi Dominus sustinuerit, destructum iret. Talis insultus Infernorum intelligitur per Turrim aedificatam 1 in terra Schinaar, cujus caput pertingeret usque ad Coelum, et quorum conatus per confusionem labiorum inhibitus est, et illi dispersi sunt, ac urbs vocata est Babel, Genesis 11:1-9; quid ibi per Turrim, et per confusionem labiorum intelligitur, in ARCANIS COELESTIBUS Londini editis, explicatum est.

[2] Causa, quod Inferna in talem altitudinem succreverint, fuit, quod tempore, quo Dominus in Mundum venit, Universus orbis per idololatrias et magias se prorsus a Deo abalienaverit, et Ecclesia, quae fuerat apud filios Israelis, et demum apud Judaeos, per falsificationem et adulterationem Verbi plane destructa fuerit; et omnes hi et illi post mortem in Mundum Spirituum alluerunt, ubi tandem ita adaucti et multiplicati sunt, ut non inde potuerint expelli, nisi per descensum Ipsius Dei, et tunc per robur Divini brachii Ipsius; quod quomodo factum est, in Opusculo Londini anno 1758 de ULTIMO JUDICIO edito, descriptum est: hoc peractum est a Domino, cum in Mundo fuit: simile etiam hodie a Domino factum est, quoniam, ut supra dictum est, hodie est Secundus Adventus Ipsius, qui in Apocalypsi ubivis, et apud Matthaeum 24:3, 30, apud Marcum 13:26 apud Lucam 21:27, et in Actis Apostolorum 1:11, et alibi, praedictus est; discrimen est, quod in Primo Ipsius Adventu Inferna in tantum accreverint ex idololatris, magis et falsificatoribus Verbi, at in hoc Secundo ex Christianis ita vocatis, tam illis qui naturalismum imbuerunt, quam illis qui falsificaverunt Verbum per confirmationes fabulosae fidei suae de tribus Personis Divinis ab aeterno, et de Passione Domini quod fuerit ipsa Redemptio; hi enim sunt qui per Draconem et binas ejus Bestias in Apocalypsi 12 2 et Apocalypsi 13, intelliguntur.

[3] Secunda causa, quod Dominus etiam redemerit Angelos, est, quod non modo unusquisque homo, sed etiam unusquisque Angelus a Domino detineatur a malo, et teneatur in bono; nullus enim sive Angelus sive homo, est in bono a se, sed omne bonum est a Domino; cum itaque scabellum pedum Angelorum, quod illis est in Mundo spirituum, surreptum est, tunc factum est cum illis, sicut cum sedente super solio, dum ejus stylobatae auferuntur. Quod Angeli coram Deo non sint puri, constat ex propheticis Verbi, et quoque ex Hiobo; tum ex eo, quod non detur aliquis Angelus, qui non prius fuerat homo. Per haec confirmantur illa, quae in FIDE NOVI COELI ET NOVAE ECCLESIAE IN UNIVERSALI ET SINGULARI FORMA, huic Operi praemissa, dicuntur, videlicet, "Quod Dominus in Mundum venerit, ut removeret Infernum ab homine, et quod id removerit per pugnas contra illud, et per victorias super illud, ita subjugaverit illud, et redegerit illud sub suam obedientiam." Tum per haec ibi, "quod Jehovah Deus descenderit et assumserit Humanum, propter finem, ut in ordinem redigeret omnia quae in Coelo, [et omnia quae in Inferno,] 3 et omnia quae in Ecclesia erant; 4 quoniam tunc potentia Diaboli, hoc est, Inferni, valuit super potentiam Coeli, et in terris potentia mali super potentiam boni, et inde totalis damnatio ante fores stetit et imminuit; hanc futuram damnationem Jehovah Deus per Humanum suum sustulit, et sic homines et angelos redemit; ex quibus patet, quod absque adventu Domini nullus salvari potuerit. Simile est hodie, quare nisi Dominus iterum in Mundum veniat, nec quisquam potest salvari," vide supra 2-3.


1. Prima editio: aedifieatam.
2. Prima editio: Cap. 12:3.
3. Sic Vera Christiana Religio 3[1].

4. Prima editio: erunt.

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