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《真实的基督教》 第104节



真实的基督教 #104 (火能翻译,2015)

104. (8)當祂在倒空時, 祂處在趨向聯合的狀態; 當祂被榮耀時, 祂處在聯合本身的狀態。

基督徒教會認同, 主在世時, 曾處於兩種狀態:一個被稱為"倒空", 另一個被稱為"榮耀"。

先前的狀態——倒空的狀態, 在聖言的許多章節有描述, 特別是在大衛的『詩篇』以及先知書裡。在以賽亞書有一節說:"祂將命傾倒, 以致於死(以賽亞書53:12)"。這樣的狀態就是祂在父面前的虛己, 因為在那樣的狀態下, 祂向父禱告, 並說祂在行父的旨意, 將自己一切所行所言歸功於父。

祂向父的禱告在這些章節顯而易見:馬太福音26:36-44;馬可福音1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39;路加福音5:16; 6:12; 22:41-44;約翰福音17:9, 15, 20。以下可看出, 祂行父的旨意:約翰福音4:34; 5:30。以下說明祂將自己一切所行所言都歸於父:約翰福音8:26-28; 12:49-50; 14:10

實際上, 祂在十字架上的呼叫:"我的上帝, 我的上帝, 禰為什麼離棄我?"(馬太福音27:46;馬可福音15:34)。而且, 倘若祂未曾處於這樣的狀態, 祂就不可能被釘死在十字架上。

被榮耀的狀態就是被聯合的狀態。當祂在三個門徒面前變像時, 祂就處於這樣的狀態。當祂行神跡時, 處於這樣的狀態。祂常說父與祂為一,父在祂內祂在父內,凡父所有的都是祂的, 也處在這樣的狀態。當完全聯合後, 祂說祂有權柄管理凡有血氣的(約翰福音17:2); 以及天上地上一切的權柄都是祂的(馬太福音28:18), 以及其它章節。

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True Christianity #104 (Rose, 2010)

104. 8. When the Lord was being emptied out he was in a state of progress toward union; when he was being glorified he was in a state of union itself. The church recognizes that the Lord had two states while he was in the world: one called being emptied out; the other called glorification.

The prior state, being emptied out, is described in many passages in the Word, especially in the Psalms of David, but also in the Prophets. There is even one passage in Isaiah 53 where it says, "He emptied out his soul even to death" (Isaiah 53:12). This same state also entailed the Lord's being humbled before the Father. In this state he prayed to the Father. In this state he says that he is doing the Father's will and attributes everything he has done and said to the Father.

The following passages show that he prayed to the Father: Matthew 26:36-44; Mark 1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39; Luke 5:16; 6:12; 22:41-44; John 17:9, 15, 20. The following show that he did the Father's will: John 4:34; 5:30. The following show that he attributed everything he had done and said to the Father: John 8:26-28; 12:49-50; 14:10.

In fact, he cried out on the cross, "My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?" (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34). Furthermore, without this state it would have been impossible to crucify him.

The state of being glorified is also a state of union. The Lord was in this state when he was transfigured before three of his disciples. He was in it when he performed miracles. He was in it as often as he said that the Father and he were one, that the Father was in him and he was in the Father, and that all things belonging to the Father were his. After complete union he said he had power over all flesh (John 17:2) and all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). There are also other such passages.

True Christian Religion #104 (Chadwick, 1988)


It is well known in the church that when the Lord was in the world He underwent two states, which are known as exinanition and glorification. The earlier state, that of exinanition, is described in many passages of the Word, especially in the Psalms of David, and also in the Prophets, in detail in Isaiah chapter 53, where we read that He emptied His soul to the point of death (Isaiah 53:12). This same state is that of His humility before the Father, for in that state He prayed to the Father, and says that He is doing the Father's will, and He ascribes all that He did and said to the Father. His praying to the Father is evident from these passages: Matthew 26:39, 42 1 ; Mark 1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39; Luke 5:16; 6:12; 22:41-44; John 17:9, 15, 20. His doing the Father's will: John 4:34; 5:30. His ascribing to the Father all that He did and said: John 8:26-28; 12:49-50; 14:10. Indeed, He cried out on the cross: 'My God, my God, why are you abandoning me?' (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34). Moreover, if He had not been in this state, He could not have been crucified.

The state of glorification is the state of being united. He was in this state when He was transfigured before His three disciples, and when He performed the miracles, and each time He said that the Father and He were one, that the Father was in Him and He in the Father, and that all things of the Father's were His. After their complete union He said that He had power over all flesh (John 17:2); and all power in heaven and upon earth (Matthew 28:18), and much besides.


1. The reference given in the Latin text () is wrong, but how it should be corrected is not certain.

True Christian Religion #104 (Ager, 1970)

104. (8) The progress towards union was His state of Exinanition [emptying Himself], and the union itself is His state of Glorification. It is acknowledged in the church that when the Lord was in the world He was in two states, called the state of exinanition and the state of glorification. The prior state, which was the state of exinanition, is described in the Word in many places, especially in the Psalm of David and also in the Prophets, and particularly in Isaiah (chapter 53) where it is said:

That He emptied His soul even unto death (Isaiah 53:12).

This same state was His state of humiliation before the Father; for in it He prayed to the Father; and He says that He does the Father's will, and ascribes to the Father all that He did and said.

That He prayed to the Father is evident from these places:Matthew 26:39, 44; Mark 1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39; Luke 5:16, 6:12; 22:41-44; John 17:9, 15, 20. That He did the Father's will:John 4:34; 5:30. That He ascribed to the Father all that He did and said:John 8:26-28; 12:49, 50; 14:10. He even cried out upon the cross:

My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me? (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34.)

Moreover, except for this state He could not have been crucified. But the state of glorification is also the state of union. He was in that state when He was transfigured before His three disciples, and also when He wrought miracles, and whenever He said that the Father and He are one, that the Father is in Him and He in the Father, and that all things of the Father are His; and, when the union was complete, that He had "power over all flesh" (John 17:2), and "all power in heaven and on earth" (Matthew 28:18); besides other things.

True Christian Religion #104 (Dick, 1950)


It is known in the Church that the Lord, when in the world, passed through two states, called states of exinanition and glorification. The state of exinanition is described in many passages of the Word, especially in the Psalms of David, also in the Prophets, and particularly in Isaiah 53, where it is said,

"He hath poured out His soul unto death." verse 12.

This same state was His state of humiliation before the Father, for in it He prayed to the Father, saying that He does His will, and ascribes all that He did and said to the Father.

That He prayed to the Father, is evident from these passages: Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39; Luke 5:16; 6:12; 22:41-44; John 17:9, 15, 20.

That He did the will of the Father: John 4:34; 5:30.

That He ascribed all that He did and said to the Father: John 8:26-28; 12:49-50; 14:10; indeed, He even cried out on the cross: "My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34; and moreover, unless He had been in this state, He could not have been crucified. The state of glorification is also the state of union. He was in this state when He was transfigured before His three disciples; and also when He wrought miracles; and when He said that He and the Father are one, that the Father is in Him and He in the Father, and that all things the Father had are His; and when the union was fully completed, that He had "power over all flesh," John 17:2; and that He had "all power in heaven and in earth," Matthew 28:18; besides many other passages to the same effect.

Vera Christiana Religio #104 (original Latin,1770)

104. VIII. QUOD PROGRESSIO AD UNIONEM FUERIT STATUS EXINANITIONIS IPSIUS, ET QUOD IPSA UNIO SIT STATUS GLORIFICATIONIS IPSIUS. Quod Domino, cum fuit in Mundo, bini Status, qui vocantur Exinanitionis et Glorificationis, fuerint, notum est in Ecclesia; prior Status, qui fuit Exinanitionis, describitur multis in locis in Verbo, imprimis in Psalmis Davidis, et quoque apud Prophetas, et singulatim apud Esajam 53, ubi dicitur, quod usque ad mortem exinaniverit animam suam, Vers. 12; idem hic Status fuit status humiliationis Ipsius coram Patre, nam in illo oravit ad Patrem, ac dicit quod voluntatem Ipsius faciat, et adscribit omnia quae operatus et loquutus 1 est Patri; quod oraverit ad Patrem, constat ex his locis, Matthaeus 26:36-44, 2 Marcus 1:35; 6:46; 14:32-39; Luca 5:16, 3 6:12; 22:41-44; Johannes 17:9, 15, 20. Quod fecerit voluntatem Patris, Johannes 4:34; 5:30 quod adscripserit omnia quae operatus et loquutus est 4 Patri, Johannes 8:26-28; 12:49-50; 14:10 imo super cruce exclamavit, Deus mi, Deus mi, quare derelinquis Me, Matthaeus 27:46, 5 Marcus 15:34 et praeterea, absque hoc statu non potuit crucifigi. Status Glorificationis est etiam Status Unionis; in hoc statu fuit, cum Transformatus fuit coram tribus suis Discipulis, et quoque cum Miracula fecit, et quoties dixit quod Pater et Ipse unum sint, quod Pater in Ipso et Ipse in Patre sit, quod omnia Patris Ipsius sint; et post plenariam Unionem, quod Ipsi esset potestas omnis carnis, Johannes 17:2, ac omnis potestas in Coelo et in Terra, 6 Matthaeus 28:18 praeter plura.


1. Prima editio: loqutus.
2. Prima editio: Matthaeus 17:43.
3. Prima editio: 15.
4. Prima editio: est.
5. Prima editio: 47.
6. Prima editio: Trra.

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