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《灵魂与身体的相互作用》 第9节

(一滴水译本 2022)







(瑞安译本 2020)







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Interaction of the Soul and Body (Elliott translation 2012) 9

9. VII. The sun of the natural world is pure fire; and the world of nature first existed and continually subsists by means of this sun

That nature and its world by which we mean the atmospheres and the earths which are called planets, among which is the terraqueous globe on which we dwell, together with all the productions, in general and in particular, which annually adorn its surface subsist solely from the sun, which constitutes their centre, and which, by the rays of its light and the modifications of its heat, is everywhere present, everyone knows for certain, from his own experience, from the testimony of the senses, and from the writings which treat of the way in which the world has been peopled. As, therefore, perpetual subsistence is from this source, reason may also conclude with certainty that existence is likewise from the same; for perpetually to subsist is perpetually to exist as a thing first existed. Hence it follows that the natural world was created by Jehovah God by means of this sun as a secondary cause.

[2] That there are spiritual things and natural things, entirely distinct from each other, and that the origin and support of spiritual things are from a sun which is pure love, in the midst of which is Jehovah God, the Creator and Upholder of the universe, has been demonstrated before; but that the origin and support of natural things are a sun which is pure fire, and that the latter is derived from the former, and both from God, follows of itself, as what is posterior follows from what is prior, and what is prior from The First.

[3] That the sun of nature and its worlds is pure fire, all its effects demonstrate: as the concentration of its rays into a focus by the art of optics, from which proceeds violently burning fire and also flame; the nature of its heat, which is similar to heat from elementary fire; the graduation of that heat according to its angle of incidence, whence proceed the varieties of climate, and also the four seasons of the year; besides many other facts, from which the rational faculty, by means of the senses of the body, may confirm the truth that the sun of the natural world is mere fire, and also that it is fire in its utmost purity.

[4] Those who know nothing concerning the origin of spiritual things from their own sun, but are only acquainted with the origin of natural things from theirs, can scarcely avoid confounding spiritual and natural things together, and concluding, through the fallacies of the senses and of the rational faculty derived from them, that spiritual things are nothing but pure natural things, and that from the activity of these latter, excited by heat and light, arise wisdom and love. These persons, since they see nothing else with their eyes, and smell nothing else with their nostrils, and breathe nothing else through their lungs but nature, ascribe to it all things rational also; and thus they imbibe what is natural as a sponge sucks up water. Such persons may be compared to charioteers who yoke the team of horses behind the carriage, and not before it.

[5] The case is otherwise with those who distinguish between things spiritual and natural, and deduce the latter from the former. These also perceive the influx of the soul into the body; they perceive that it is spiritual, and that natural things, which are those of the body, serve the soul for vehicles and mediums, by which to produce its effects in the natural world. If you conclude otherwise you may be likened to a crayfish, which assists its progress in walking with its tail, and draws its eyes backward at every step; and your rational sight may be compared to the sight of the eyes of Argus in the back of his head, when those in his forehead were asleep. Such persons also believe themselves to be Arguses in reasoning; for they say, 'Who does not see that the origin of the universe is from nature? And what then is God but the inmost extension of nature?' and make similar irrational observations, of which they boast more than wise men do of their rational sentiments.

Interaction of the Soul and Body (Hartley translation 1924) 9


That nature and its world - by which we mean the atmospheres and the earths which are called planets, among which is the terraqueous globe on which we dwell, together with all the productions, in general and in particular, which annually adorn its surface - subsist solely from the sun, which constitutes their centre, and which, by the rays of its light and the modifications of its heat, is everywhere present, every one knows for certain, from his own experience, from the testimony of the senses, and from the writings which treat of the way in which the world has been peopled. As, therefore, perpetual subsistence is from this source, reason may also conclude with certainty that existence is likewise from the same; for perpetually to subsist is perpetually to exist as a thing first existed. Hence it follows that the natural world was created by Jehovah God by means of this sun as a secondary cause.

[2] That there are spiritual things and natural things, entirely distinct from each other, and that the origin and support of spiritual things are from a sun which is pure love, in the midst of which is Jehovah God, the Creator and Upholder of the universe, has been demonstrated before; but that the origin and support of natural things are a sun which is pure fire, and that the latter is derived from the former, and both from God, follows of itself, as what is posterior follows from what is prior, and what is prior from THE FIRST.

[3] That the sun of nature and its worlds is pure fire, all its effects demonstrate: as the concentration of its rays into a focus by the art of optics, from which proceeds violently burning fire and also flame; the nature of its heat, which is similar to heat from elementary fire; the graduation of that heat according to its angle of incidence, whence proceed the varieties of climate, and also the four seasons of the year; besides many other facts, from which the rational faculty, by means of the senses of the body, may confirm the truth that the sun of the natural world is mere fire, and also that it is fire in its utmost purity.

[4] Those who know nothing concerning the origin of spiritual things from their own sun, but are only acquainted with the origin of natural things from theirs, can scarcely avoid confounding spiritual and natural things together, and concluding, through the fallacies of the senses and of the rational faculty derived from them, that spiritual things are nothing but pure natural things, and that from the activity of these latter, excited by heat and light, arise wisdom and love. These persons, since they see nothing else with their eyes, and smell nothing else with their nostrils, and breathe nothing else through their lungs but nature, ascribe to it all things rational also; and thus they imbibe what is natural as a sponge sucks up water. Such persons may be compared to charioteers who yoke the team of horses behind the carriage, and not before it.

[5] The case is otherwise with those who distinguish between things spiritual and natural, and deduce the latter from the former. These also perceive the influx of the soul into the body; they perceive that it is spiritual, and that natural things, which are those of the body, serve the soul for vehicles and mediums, by which to produce its effects in the natural world. If you conclude otherwise you may be likened to a crayfish, which assists its progress in walking with its tail, and draws its eyes backward at every step; and your rational sight may be compared to the sight of the eyes of Argus in the back of his head, when those in his forehead were asleep. Such persons also believe themselves to be Arguses in reasoning; for they say, "Who does not see that the origin of the universe is from nature? And what then is God but the inmost extension of nature?" and make similar irrational observations, of which they boast more than wise men do of their rational sentiments.

Interaction of the Soul and Body (Whitehead translation 1892) 9

9. VII. The sun of the natural world is pure fire, and by means of this sun the world of nature existed and subsisted.

That nature and its world, by which are meant the atmospheres, and the earths which are called planets, among which is the terraqueous globe on which we dwell, and also each and all of the things which yearly adorn its surface, subsist solely from the sun, which constitutes their center, and which by the rays of its light and the temperings of its heat is everywhere present, everyone knows with certainty from experience, from the testimony of the senses, and from the writings which treat of the way in which the world has become inhabited. And as the perpetual subsistence of these things is from the sun, reason may with certainty conclude that their existence also is thence; for perpetually to subsist is perpetually to exist as they first existed. From this it follows that the natural world was created by Jehovah God secondarily through this sun.

[2] That there are spiritual things and that there are natural things, which are entirely distinct from each other, and that the origin and maintenance of spiritual things is from a sun which is pure love, in the midst of which is the Creator and founder of the universe, Jehovah God, has been heretofore shown; but that the origin and maintenance of natural things is from a sun which is pure fire, and that the latter is from the former, and both from God, follows of itself, as the posterior follows from the prior, and the prior from the first.

[3] That the sun of nature and its worlds is pure fire, all its effects clearly show; as the concentration of its rays into a focus by optical instruments, from which proceeds fire burning with vehemence and also flame; the nature of its heat, which is similar to heat from elementary fire; the graduation of that heat according to its angle of incidence, whence are the varieties of climate, and also the four seasons of the year; besides many things, from which reason, by the senses of its body, may confirm the truth that the sun of the natural world is mere fire, and also that it is fire in its purity itself.

[4] Those who know nothing concerning the origin of spiritual things from their own sun, but only concerning the origin of natural things from theirs, can scarcely avoid confounding spiritual things and natural things, and concluding, through the fallacies of the senses and thence of the reason, that spiritual things are nothing but pure natural things, and that from the activity of the latter, excited by light and heat, wisdom and love arise. Those, because they see nothing else with their eyes, and smell nothing else with their nostrils, and breathe nothing else with their breast than nature, therefore ascribe all rational things to it also, and thus absorb naturalism, as a sponge does waters. But these may be compared to charioteers who yoke the horses behind the chariot and not before it.

[5] It is otherwise with those who distinguish between spiritual things and natural things, and deduce the latter from the former; these also perceive that the influx of the soul into the body is spiritual, and that natural things, which are of the body, serve the soul for vehicles and means, that it may produce its effects in the natural world. If you conclude otherwise, you may be likened to a crab, which in walking assists its progress with its tail, and draws its eyes backward at every step; and your rational sight may be compared to the sight of the eyes of Argus in the back of his head, when those in his forehead were asleep. These persons also believe themselves to be Arguses when they reason; for they say, Who does not see that the origin of the universe is from nature? and what then is God but the inmost extension of nature? and the like irrational things; of which they boast more than the wise do of rational things.

De Commercio Animae et Corporis 9 (original Latin 1769)

9. VII. Quod Sol mundi naturalis sit purus ignis, et quod per hunc Solem exstiterit et subsistat Mundus naturae.

Quod Natura et ejus Mundus, per quae intelliguntur Atmosphaerae, ac Tellures quae vocantur Planetae, inter quas est Orbis Terraqueus super quo nos habitamus, et quoque omnia et singula, quae superficiem ejus quotannis adornant; et quod haec et illa unice subsistant ex Sole, qui facit Centrum illorum, ac per radios lucis suae, et per temperies caloris sui ubivis praesens est, quisque ex autopsia, notione sensuum, et ex scriptis de inhabitatione ejus pro certo scit; et quoniam perpetua subsistentia inde est, pro certo etiam concludere potest ratio, quod existentia etiam inde sit, nam perpetuo subsistere est perpetuo existere sicut exstitit. Ex his sequitur, quod Mundus naturalis per hunc Solem a Jehovah Deo secundario creatus sit. Quod sint Spiritualia, et quod sint Naturalia inter se prorsus distincta, et quod origo et sustentatio Spiritualium sit a Sole, qui est purus Amor, in cujus medio est Creator et Stator universi Jehovah Deus, hactenus demonstratum est; quod autem origo et sustentatio naturalium sit Sol qui est purus Ignis, et quod hic sit ex illo ac uterque a Deo, sequitur ex se, ut sequitur posterius a priori, ac prius a Primo. Quod Sol naturae et ejus mundorum sit purus ignis, omnes effectus ejus commonstrant, ut concentratio radiorum ejus in focum arte optica, ex qua prodit ignis in vehementia urens et quoque flamma; natura caloris ejus similis calori ex igne elementari graduatio istius caloris secundum incidentiam, unde Climata, et quoque quatuor Tempora anni, praeter plura, ex quibus ratio per sui corporis sensus confirmare potest, quod Sol mundi naturalis sit merus ignis, et quoque quod sit ignis in ipsa sua puritate. Illi qui nihil sciunt de Origine Spiritualium ex suo Sole, sed solum de Origine naturalium ex suo, vix possunt aliter quam confundere spiritualia et naturalia, et per fallacias sensuum et inde rationis concludere, quod Spiritualia non sint nisi quam pura naturalia, et quod ex horum activitate excitata per lucem et calorem exsurgat sapientia et amor; illi quia non vident aliud oculis, nec percipiunt aliud naribus, neque respirant aliud pectore, quam naturam, ideo eidem adscribunt omnia etiam rationalia, ac sic insorbent naturalismum sicut spongia aquas; sed hi comparari possunt cum aurigis, qui quadrijuges equos alligant post currum et non ante illum; aliter illi, qui distinguunt inter spiritualia et naturalia, et haec deducunt ex illis; hi etiam percipiunt Influxum animae in corpus, quod sit spiritualis, et quod naturalia, quae sunt corporis, inserviant animae pro vehiculis et mediis, ut in Mundo naturali producat suos effectus: si aliter concludis, assimilari potes cancro, qui vadit promovendo gradus per caudam, et trahit oculos retro secundum gressum; ac tuus visus rationalis comparari potest cum visu oculorum Argi in occipitio, sopitis illis in frontispitio; hi etiam se credunt Argos cum ratiocinantur, dicunt enim, quis non videt ortum universi ex natura, et quid tunc Deus nisi intimum extensum naturae, et similia irrationalia, ex quibus gloriantur plus quam sapientes ex rationalibus.

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