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《天堂与地狱》 第68节






68. 九, 天堂的每个社群都类似一个人

我常蒙允许看见天堂的每个社群类似一个人, 具有一个人的样式. 曾有一个社群混入了许多知道如何伪装成光明天使的人. 他们都是假冒为善的人. 正当这些人从天使那里被分离出去时, 我看见整个社群一开始看似一个模糊的身体, 然后逐渐呈现为一个人形, 但仍有些模糊, 最后清晰地呈现为一个人. 在这个人里面并构成这个人的, 都是处于该社群良善的那类人; 而不在这个人里面并构成这个人的, 都是假冒为善的人. 后者被逐出, 前者被留下; 分离就这样完成了. 假冒为善的人是那些说得好, 做得也好, 但在一切事上只关心自己的人. 他们像天使那样谈论主, 天堂, 爱和天上的生活, 也行为正直, 以致他们看上去和他们所宣称的一样. 但他们却不是这么想的, 并且什么也不信, 除了他们自己外, 不向任何人意愿良善. 他们行善是为了自己, 即便为了他人, 也是为了表现, 因而仍是为了自己.



68. 社群呈人形

我曾多次看見天國的各社群呈現一個人的形態。在某個社群, 曾有善於冒充光明天人的偽善之徒混入了其中。當他們被天人分別出來時, 我注意到, 該社群起初看似一團雲霧, 後來依稀仿佛地呈現一個人的形態, 直到最後清楚分明地呈現一個人的形態。構成該人體的是在社群當中踐行仁義之人, 偽善之徒不屬其中。後者被驅逐, 前者保留, 清晰分別開來。

偽善之徒說話動聽, 甚至樂善好施, 但是他們做任何事都是為了自己。他們談論主, 天國, 仁義道德, 口氣好像天人, 行為上也表現不錯, 以致其品性看似和言語相稱。其實, 他們的念頭並非如此, 毫無信仰可言, 純粹為了利己, 所行之善都是為了一己私欲, 即使有益於人, 也是希圖表現, 其最終目的還是利己。

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Heaven and Hell #68 (NCE, 2000)

68. Each Community in the Heavens Reflects a Single Individual

Several times I have been allowed to see that each community of heaven reflects a single individual and is in the likeness of a human being as well. There was one community that was infiltrated by a number of spirits who knew how to assume the guise of angels of light. They were hypocrites. As they were being set apart by some angels, I observed that the whole community first looked like something cloudy, then gradually took on a human form, though still a cloudy one, and finally appeared in the light as a person. The individuals who were in that person and made it up were the ones who participated in the benevolence of that community. The others, who were not in the person and did not make it up, were the hypocrites. These latter were cast out, while the former ones were retained. This is how the separation was accomplished.

Hypocrites are people who speak well and even behave well, but who are focused on themselves in specifics. They talk like angels about the Lord and heaven and love and heavenly life and they also behave well, so that their character seems to be in accord with their speech. However, they are thinking differently. They do not believe anything or will well to anyone but themselves. Any good they do is done in their own interests. If it is in the interest of others, it is for the sake of appearance, and therefore in their own interest.


Heaven and Hell #68 (Harley, 1958)


I have frequently been permitted to see that each society of heaven resembles one man and is in the likeness of a man. There was a society into which many who knew how to feign themselves angels of light had insinuated themselves. They were hypocrites. When these were being separated from the angels, I saw that the entire society appeared at first like a single indistinct body, then by degrees in a human form but still indistinctly, and at last, clearly as a man. Those who were in that man and made up the man were such as were in the good of that society. The others who were not in the man and did not make up the man were hypocrites. The latter were cast out, the former retained. Thus a separation was effected. Hypocrites are those who talk well and do well but regard themselves in everything. They talk as do the angels about the Lord, about heaven, love and heavenly life, and they also act rightly that they may appear to be such as they are in speech, but they think otherwise, believe nothing and wish good to none but themselves. Their doing good is for the sake of self, or if for the sake of others, it is in order to be seen and thus still for the sake of self.


Heaven and Hell #68 (Ager, 1900)


I have frequently been permitted to see that each society of heaven reflects a single man, and is in the likeness of a man. There was a society into which several had insinuated themselves who knew how to counterfeit angels of light. These were hypocrites. When these were being separated from the angels I saw that the entire society appeared at first like a single indistinct body, then by degrees in a human form, but still indistinctly, and at last clearly as a man. Those that were in that man and made up the man were such as were in the good of that society; the others who were not in the man and did not make up the man were hypocrites; these were cast out and the former were retained; and thus a separation was effected. Hypocrites are such as talk well and also do well, but have regard to themselves in everything. They talk as angels do about the Lord, heaven, love, and heavenly life, and also act rightly, so that they may appear to be what they profess to be. But their thinking is different; they believe nothing; and they wish good to none but themselves. Their doing good is for the sake of self, or if for the sake of others it is only for the appearance, and thus still for the sake of self.


De Coelo et de Inferno #68 (original Latin)


Quod unaquaevis societas caeli etiam referat unum hominem, et quoque in similitudine hominis sit, aliquoties mihi videre datum est. Erat societas, in quam se insinuaverunt plures, qui noverunt mentiri lucis angelos; erant hypocritae. Cum hi separarentur ab angelis, vidi quod integra societas primum appareret sicut unum obscurum, dein per gradus in forma humana etiam obscure, et tandem in luce sicut homo. illi qui in homine erant, et componebant illum, fuerunt qui in bono illius societatis erant; ceteri qui non in eo homine erant, et non componebant illum, erant hypocritae hi rejecti sunt, illi detenti ita fiebat separatio. Hypocritae sunt, qui loquuntur bene, et quoque faciunt bene, sed spectant se in singulis loquuntur sicut angeli de Domino, de caelo, de amore, de vita caelesti et quoque faciunt bene, ut appareant quod tales sint sicut loquuntur sed cogitant aliter, nihil credunt, nec volunt alicui bonum quam sibi quod benefaciant, est propter se; si propter alios, est ut videantur, et sic quoque propter se.

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