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《天堂与地狱》 第601节





601. 有必要再说说与人相联的灵人. 一整个社群能与另一个社群, 或一个人建立交流, 无论这个人在哪里; 是通过该社群所派出的一个灵人建立交流的; 这个灵人被称为许多人的“使臣”. 人通过灵人界中与他相联的灵人而与天堂社群并地狱社群的联结差不多也一样. 关于这个主题, 也可参看下面《属天的奥秘》一书的相关摘录.



601. 關於與人同在的靈, 我再說明一點。一個社群, 可通過該社群內的某個靈, 與另一個社群或某地個別靈建立交流。該靈被稱為其所屬社群的"媒介"。照樣, 人可通過靈界之靈與天國的社群或地獄的社群建立交流。

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Heaven and Hell #601 (NCE, 2000)

601. I need to say something else about the spirits associated with us. A whole community can establish communication with another community or with another individual in any location through a spirit emissary. This spirit is called the "agent" of the group. Much the same holds true for our union with communities in heaven and with communities in hell, through spirits associated with us in the world of spirits. On this matter too, see the references to Secrets of Heaven at the close of the chapter.


Heaven and Hell #601 (Harley, 1958)

601. Something more will be said about the spirits who are adjoined to man. An entire society can have communication with another society, or with a stranger wherever he is, by means of a spirit sent forth from the society; this spirit is called the subject of the many. The same is true of man's conjunction with societies in heaven, and with societies in hell, by means of spirits from the world of spirits adjoined to him. (On these things see also at the end in the ARCANA CAELESTIA in the passages referred to.)


Heaven and Hell #601 (Ager, 1900)

601. Something more must be said about the spirits that are joined with man. An entire society can have communication with another society, or with an individual wherever he is; by means of a spirit sent forth from the society; this spirit is called the subject of the many. The same is true of man's conjunction with societies in heaven, and with societies in hell, by means of spirits from the world of spirits that are joined with man. (On this subject see also the Arcana Coelestia in the passages referred to below.)


De Coelo et de Inferno #601 (original Latin)

601. Aliquid adhuc dicetur de spiritibus homini adjunctis. Integra societas potest communicationem habere cum alia societate, et quoque cum uno alio, ubicunque est, per spiritum a se emissum. Hic spiritus vocatur Subjectum plurium. Similiter se habet cum conjunctione hominis cum societatibus in caelo, et cum societatibus in inferno, per spiritus homini adjunctos e mundo spirituum. (De his quoque videatur in Arcanis Caelestibus in locis citatis ad finem.)

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