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《天堂与地狱》 第564节







564. 掌权的方式有两种, 一种出于对邻之爱, 一种出于自我之爱. 就其本质而言, 这两种权力截然对立. 出于对邻之爱掌权的人向所有人意愿良善, 所爱的无非是功用, 也就是服务他人; 服务他人意味着向他人意愿良善, 发挥功用, 无论向教会, 还是向国家, 社会和同胞. 这就是他们的爱和内心的快乐. 此外, 这种人越被提到高位, 就越快乐; 但这快乐不是由于荣耀, 而是由于他们此时在更高层次上所能发挥的更丰富的功用; 这种权力存在于天堂.

相反, 出于自我之爱掌权的人除了自己外, 不向任何人意愿良善; 他发挥功用都是为了他自己的声望和荣耀, 在他看来, 只有这些才是功用. 他服务他人的目的是为了自己能被服侍, 尊敬, 并获许掌权. 他追求高位不是为了他为自己的国家和教会当行的良善, 而是为了获得声望和荣耀, 由此获得内心的快乐.

此外, 对权力的这种爱在人死后仍继续与他同在. 然而, 那些出于对邻之爱掌权的人在天堂被赋予权柄. 事实上, 那时掌权的不是他们, 而是他们所发挥的功用; 功用掌权, 就是主掌权. 而那些在世时出于自我之爱掌权的人则下入地狱, 在那里成为卑贱的奴隶. 我曾看见那些在世时大有权势, 却出于自我之爱实施统治的人被丢在最悲惨的人当中, 其中一些人住在屋外的厕所中.



564. 獲得權能的途徑有兩種:一是愛鄰, 一是我欲。從本質上說, 兩者是全然對立的。因愛鄰而獲得權能者, 為所有人的利益打算, 最大的樂趣莫過於為眾人服務。為眾人服務意味著與人為善, 包括教會, 國家, 社會, 鄰人。這是他們的欲望和快樂所在。被提到高位時, 他們感到歡喜快樂, 但快樂不在於被榮耀, 而在於能做更多有意義的事。天國的權能就是這樣分配的。

反之, 因我欲而獲得權能者, 只為自己的利益打算, 對他人的利益漠不關心。即便為人服務, 也是為了自己的地位和榮譽。因為只有這樣, 他們才能從中獲利。對他們來說, 與人為善只是取得尊榮和權位的手段。他們追求高位, 不是為了服務於國家和教會, 而是為了引人注目, 博取稱讚, 從中獲得快樂。

死後, 人將延續他對權能的熱愛或欲望。以愛鄰之心行使權能者將在天國被授予權柄。本質而言, 不是他們來掌權, 而是他們所愛之"用"來掌權。"用"來掌權, 就是主在掌權。反之, 以我欲行使權力的靈將進入地獄, 成為可憐的奴隸。我曾見一些大有權勢但以我欲行使權力的靈被棄置於最可悲的境地, 有的住在骯髒啟穢之地。

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Heaven and Hell #564 (NCE, 2000)

564. There are two ways of being in power. One comes from love for our neighbor and the other from love for ourselves. In essence, these two kinds of power are exact opposites. People who are empowered by love for their neighbor intend the good of everyone and love nothing more than being useful - that is, serving others (serving others means willing well and helping others, whether that is one's church, country, community, or fellow citizen). This is their love and the delight of their hearts. As such people are raised to high positions they are delighted; but the delight is not because of the honor but because of the constructive things they can now do more abundantly and at a higher level. This is what empowerment is like in the heavens.

[2] In contrast, people whose self-love leads them to take power intend good to no one but themselves. Any services they perform for others are actually for their own esteem and renown, since only this is of any use to them. Helping others is for them simply a means to being waited on and respected and deferred to. They strive for high office not for the good they ought to do for their country and their church but to be prominent and praised and therefore in their heart's delight.

[3] A love of power does stay with all of us after death. However, people whose authority rested on their love for their neighbor are entrusted with power in the heavens. Actually, it is not they who have power but the services that they love, and when service rules, the Lord is ruling. However, people whose authority rested on their self-love in the world arrive in hell after their life in this world and are miserable slaves there. I have seen powerful people whose authority had rested on their self-love in the world abandoned among the most miserable, some of them living in outhouses.


Heaven and Hell #564 (Harley, 1958)

564. There are two kinds of dominion, one of love towards the neighbour and the other of love of self. These two dominions in their essence are direct opposites. One who rules from love towards the neighbour wills good to all, and loves nothing so much as uses, that is, serving others; which is willing good to others and performing uses, either to the Church, or to the country, or to society, or to a fellow citizen. This is his love and the delight of his heart. Moreover, so far as he is exalted to dignities above others he rejoices, not for the sake of the dignities but for the sake of the uses he is then able to perform in greater abundance and of a higher order. Such is dominion in the heavens.

[2] But one who rules from the love of self wills good to no one except himself; the uses he performs are for the sake of his own honor and glory, which to him are the only uses; his end in serving others is that he may himself be served, honoured, and permitted to rule; he seeks dignities not for the sake of the good offices he may render to his country and the Church, but that he may be in eminence and glory and thereby in the delight of his heart.

[3] Moreover, this love of dominion continues with everyone after his life in the world. Those who have ruled from love towards the neighbour are entrusted with authority in the heavens; but then it is not they who rule, but the uses which they love; and when uses rule the Lord rules. But those who have ruled from love of self while in the world are, after their life in the world, in hell, and are there vile slaves. I have seen those who had power in the world, but who exercised dominion from love of self, cast out among the most vile, and some among those who are in excrementitious places.


Heaven and Hell #564 (Ager, 1900)

564. There are two kinds of dominion, one of love towards the neighbor and the other of love of self. These two dominions in their essence are direct opposites. One who rules from love towards the neighbor wills good to all, and loves nothing so much as uses, that is, serving others; which is willing good to others and performing uses, either to the church, or to the country, or to society, or to a fellow citizen. This is his love and the delight of his heart. Moreover, so far as he is exalted to dignities above others he rejoices, not for the sake of the dignities but for the sake of the uses he is then able to perform in greater abundance and of a higher order. Such dominion exists in the heavens.

[2] But one who rules from the love of self wills good to no one except himself; the uses he performs are for the sake of his own honor and glory, which to him are the only uses; his end in serving others is that he may himself be served, honored, and permitted to rule; he seeks dignities not for the sake of the good offices he may render to his country and the church, but that he may gain eminence and glory and thereby the delight of his heart.

[3] Moreover this love of dominion continues with everyone after his life in the world. Those that have ruled from love towards the neighbor are entrusted with authority in the heavens; but then it is not they who rule, but the uses which they love; and when uses rule the Lord rules. But those who have ruled from self love while in the world, after life in the world are in hell, 1and are there vile slaves. I have seen those who had power in the world, but who exercised dominion from love of self, cast out among the most vile, and some among those who are in excrementitious places.


1. "from self love" and "after life in the world" are in the Latin but omitted from the printed text.


De Coelo et de Inferno #564 (original Latin)

564. Sunt duo dominii genera; unum est amoris erga proximum, et alterum est amoris sui. Haec duo dominia sunt sibi in sua essentia prorsus opposita. Qui dominatur ex amore erga proximum, is vult omnibus bonum, et nihil plus amat quam usus, ita servire aliis (per servire aliis intelligitur aliis bonum velle et usus praestare, sive sit ecclesiae, sive patriae, sive societati, sive concivi:) hoc ejus amor est, et hoc jucundum cordis ejus. Is quoque quantum evehitur ad dignitates supra alios, tantum laetatur; verum non propter dignitates, sed propter usus, quos tunc in pluri copia et majori gradu praestare potest. Tale dominium est in caelis. At, qui dominatur ex amore sui, is vult nulli bonum, sed sibi soli: usus, quos praestat, sunt propter sui honorem et gloriam, qui ei sunt soli usus servire aliis est ei propter finem ut serviatur, honoretur, ac dominetur: ambit dignitates non propter bona quae praestanda patriae et ecclesiae, sed ut in eminentia et gloria sit, et inde in sui cordis jucundo. Amor dominii manet etiam unumquemvis post vitam in mundo; sed qui dominati sunt ex amore erga proximum, illis concreditur etiam dominatio in caelis, verum tunc illi non dominantur, sed usus quos amant; et cum usus, dominatur Dominus. At qui in mundo dominati sunt ex amore sui, illi post vitam in mundo sunt in inferno, et ibi vilia mancipia. Vidi potentes, qui in mundo ex amore sui dominati sunt, rejectos inter vilissimos, et quosdam inter illos qui in latrinis ibi.

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