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《天堂与地狱》 第529节






529. 当以理性的眼光审视并探究人的生活时, 就会发现人的生活分为三种, 即: 属灵的, 道德的, 文明的, 这三种生活彼此截然不同. 因为有人过着文明的生活, 却未过道德和属灵的生活; 有人过着道德的生活, 却未过属灵的生活; 有人则过着文明的生活, 道德的生活, 同时又过着属灵的生活. 后者便过着天堂的生活; 而前者则过着脱离天堂生活的尘世生活. 由此可见, 首先, 属灵的生活并不是一种脱离属世生活或尘世生活的生活, 而是与这种生活结合, 如灵魂与其身体结合那样; 若脱离尘世生活, 就像住在一个没有地基的房子里, 如前所述. 事实上, 道德, 文明的生活是属灵生活的活动层面, 因为良好的意愿是属灵生活的本质, 良好的行为是道德, 文明生活的本质; 若后者脱离前者, 属灵生活就只由思维和言语构成, 意愿则因没有支撑而消退. 然而, 意愿才是人真正的属灵部分, 或人的实际属灵实质.



529. 以理性的眼光審視人的生活, 不難發現人的生活可分三重:灵性生活, 道德生活, 社會生活。三者是可分的:有的過著社會的但非道德的, 靈性的生活, 有的過著道德的但非靈性的生活, 有的過著社會的, 道德的和靈性的生活。後者是通往天國的生活, 而前兩者只是人間的生活, 與天國的生活無關。

由此可見, 靈性的生活不是避世, 而是入世, 如靈魂與身體合一。要是分離, 就像房子沒了地基, 正如前面所說的。事實上, 道德的和社會的生活正是靈性生活的體現, 因為立志為善是靈性生活的本質, 而實際行善是道德和社會生活的本質。兩者若是分離, 心靈的生活就只是空想和空談。沒了行動的支持, 意志必要消退。而事實上, 意志乃是人心性的本質。

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Heaven and Hell #529 (NCE, 2000)

529. If we look critically at human life with rational insight, it turns out to be threefold - spiritual life, moral life, and civic life. These lives are distinguishable: some people live a civic life but not a moral or spiritual one, some live a moral life but not a spiritual one, and some live a civic and a moral life and a spiritual life as well. These last are the ones who are leading heaven's life, while the former are leading the world's life, divorced from heaven's life.

To begin with, then, we may gather that a spiritual life is not separate from a natural life or the world's life but is united to it like a soul to its body; and if they were separated, it would be like a house without a foundation, as just stated.

In fact, moral and civic living is what spiritual life does, for intending well is the essence of spiritual life and behaving well is the essence of moral and civic life. If these are separated from each other, spiritual life consists solely of thinking and talking, and the intent ebbs away because it has no support. Yet intent is our actual spiritual substance.


Heaven and Hell #529 (Harley, 1958)

529. If the life of man is scanned and explored by rational insight it is found to be threefold, namely, spiritual, moral, and civil, with these three lives distinct from each other. For there are men who live a civil life and not as yet a moral and spiritual life; and there are men who live a moral life and not as yet a spiritual life; and there are those who live a civil life, a moral life, and a spiritual life at the same time. These live the life of heaven; but the former live the life of the world separated from the life of heaven. From these things, in the first place, it can be established that the spiritual life is not a life separated from natural life or the life of the world, but is joined with it as the soul is joined with its body, and if it were separated it would be, as just said, like living in a house that has no foundation. For moral and civil life is the activity of the spiritual life, since willing well belongs to spiritual life, and acting well to moral and civil life, and if the latter is separated from the former, the spiritual life consists solely of thought and speech, and the will, left with no support, recedes; and yet the will is the man's spiritual itself.


Heaven and Hell #529 (Ager, 1900)

529. When the life of man is scanned and explored by rational insight it is found to be threefold, namely, spiritual, moral, and civil, with these three lives distinct from each other. For there are men who live a civil life and not as yet a moral and spiritual life; and there are men who live a moral life and not as yet a spiritual life; and there are those who live a civil life, a moral life, and a spiritual life at the same time. These live the life of heaven; but the former live the life of the world separated from the life of heaven. This shows, in the first place, that the spiritual life is not a life separated from natural life or the life of the world, but is joined with it as the soul is joined with its body, and if it were separated it would be, as was said, like living in a house that has no foundation. For moral and civil life is the active plane of the spiritual life, since to will well is the province of the spiritual life, and to act well of the moral and civil life, and if the latter is separated from the former the spiritual life consists solely of thought and speech, and the will, left with no support, recedes; and yet the will is the very spiritual part of man.


De Coelo et de Inferno #529 (original Latin)

529. Si vita hominis per intuitionem rationalem spectatur, et exploratur, comperitur quod sit triplex, nempe vita spiritualis, vita moralis, ac vita civilis, et quod illae vitae sint distinctae: nam sunt homines qui vivunt vitam civilem, et non tamen moralem et spiritualem; et sunt qui vivunt moralem et usque non spiritualem; et sunt qui vivunt tam vitam civilem, quam moralem, et simul spiritualem; hi sunt qui vitam caeli agunt, illi autem qui vitam mundi separatam a vita caeli. Ex his primum constare potest, quod vita spiritualis non sit separata a vita naturali seu a vita mundi, sed quod illa sit conjuncta cum hac sicut anima cum suo corpore, et si separaretur quod foret sicut habitatio in domo cui non fundamentum, ut supra dictum est. Vita enim moralis et civilis est activum vitae spiritualis; nam vitae spiritualis est velle bene, et vitae moralis et civilis est agere bene si hoc separatur ab illo, consistit vita spiritualis solum in cogitatione et loquela, ac recedit voluntas, quia ei non fulcrum; et tamen voluntas est ipsum spirituale hominis.

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